Index of class methods

_A [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_ALT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_ASCLASS [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Visibility mode constant for use with Ext.dom.Element.setVisibilityMode. Add or remove the Ext.Layer.visibilityCls class to hide the element.

_B [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_BACKSPACE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant


URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with CSS background images. In older versions of IE, this defaults to "" and you should change this to a URL on your server. For other browsers it uses an inline data URL.

_C [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_CANCEL [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays a single Cancel button

_CAPS_LOCK [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_CLIENT_INVALID [Ext_form_action_Action.statics]

Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails thus aborting a submit action. Client side validation is performed unless Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation is explicitly set to false.

_COMMIT [Ext_data_Model.statics]

The update operation of type 'commit'. Used by Store.update event.

_CONNECT_FAILURE [Ext_form_action_Action.statics]

Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting to send a request to the remote server. The response may be examined to provide further information.

_CONTEXT_MENU [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_CTRL [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_D [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_DAY [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_DELETE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_DISPLAY [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Visibility mode constant for use with Ext.dom.Element.setVisibilityMode. Use the CSS 'display' property to hide the element.

_DOMActivate []

Where supported. Fires when an element is activated, for instance, through a mouse click or a keypress.

_DOMAttrModified []

Where supported. Fires when an attribute has been modified.

_DOMCharacterDataModified []

Where supported. Fires when the character data has been modified.

_DOMFocusIn []

Where supported. Similar to HTML focus event, but can be applied to any focusable element.

_DOMFocusOut []

Where supported. Similar to HTML blur event, but can be applied to any focusable element.

_DOMNodeInserted []

Where supported. Fires when a node has been added as a child of another node.

_DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument []

Where supported. Fires when a node is being inserted into a document.

_DOMNodeRemoved []

Where supported. Fires when a descendant node of the element is removed.

_DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument []

Where supported. Fires when a node is being removed from a document.

_DOMSubtreeModified []

Where supported. Fires when the subtree is modified.

_DOWN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_E [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_EDIT [Ext_data_Model.statics]

The update operation of type 'edit'. Used by Store.update event.

_EIGHT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_END [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_ENTER [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_ERROR [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The CSS class that provides the ERROR icon image

_ESC [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F1 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F10 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F11 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F12 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F2 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F3 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F4 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F5 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F6 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F7 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F8 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_F9 [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_FIVE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_FOUR [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_G [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_H [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_HOME [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_HOUR [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_I [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_INFO [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The CSS class that provides the INFO icon image

_INSERT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_J [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_K [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_L [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_LEFT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_LOAD_FAILURE [Ext_form_action_Action.statics]

Failure type returned when the response's success property is set to false, or no field values are returned in the response's data property.

_M [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_MILLI [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_MINUTE [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_MONTH [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_N [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NINE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NO [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays a single No button

_NUM_CENTER [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_DIVISION [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_EIGHT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_FIVE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_FOUR [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_MINUS [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_MULTIPLY [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_NINE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_ONE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_PERIOD [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_PLUS [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_SEVEN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_SIX [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_THREE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_TWO [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_NUM_ZERO [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_O [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_OFFSETS [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Visibility mode constant for use with Ext.dom.Element.setVisibilityMode. Use CSS absolute positioning and top/left offsets to hide the element.

_OK [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays a single OK button

_OKCANCEL [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays OK and Cancel buttons

_ONE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_P [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_PAGE_DOWN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_PAGE_UP [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_PAUSE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_PRINT_SCREEN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_Q [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_QUESTION [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The CSS class that provides the QUESTION icon image

_R [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_REJECT [Ext_data_Model.statics]

The update operation of type 'reject'. Used by Store.update event.

_RETURN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_RIGHT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_S [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_SECOND [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_SERVER_INVALID [Ext_form_action_Action.statics]

Failure type returned when server side processing fails and the result's success property is set to false.

In the case of a form submission, field-specific error messages may be returned in the result's errors property.

_SEVEN [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_SHIFT [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_SIX [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_SPACE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant


URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src to prevent the IE insecure content warning ('about:blank', except for IE in secure mode, which is 'javascript:""').

_T [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_TAB [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_THREE [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_TWO [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_U [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_UP [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant


Indicates whether to use native browser parsing for JSON methods. This option is ignored if the browser does not support native JSON methods.

Note: Native JSON methods will not work with objects that have functions. Also, property names must be quoted, otherwise the data will not parse.

_V [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_VISIBILITY [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Visibility mode constant for use with Ext.dom.Element.setVisibilityMode. Use the CSS 'visibility' property to hide the element.

Note that in this mode, isVisible may return true for an element even though it actually has a parent element that is hidden. For this reason, and in most cases, using the OFFSETS mode is a better choice.

_W [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_WARNING [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The CSS class that provides the WARNING icon image

_WHEEL_SCALE [Ext_EventObject.t]

The mouse wheel delta scaling factor. This value depends on browser version and OS and attempts to produce a similar scrolling experience across all platforms and browsers.

To change this value:

 Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype.WHEEL_SCALE = 72;
_X [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_Y [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_YEAR [Ext_Date.t]

Date interval constant

_YES [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays a single Yes button

_YESNO [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays Yes and No buttons

_YESNOCANCEL [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Button config that displays Yes, No and Cancel buttons

_Z [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_ZERO [Ext_EventObject.t]

Key constant

_done [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Used only during a layout run, this value indicates that a layout has finished its calculations. This flag is set to true prior to the call to calculate and should be set to false if this layout has more work to do.

_exception []

Fires after an unsuccessful load.

_exception []

Fires when the reader receives improperly encoded data from the server

_exception []

Fires when the server returns an exception. This event may also be listened to in the event that a request has timed out or has been aborted.

_exception []

Fired when a operation encountered an exception

_isLayoutRoot [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Setting this property to true causes the isLayoutRoot method to return true and stop the search for the top-most component for a layout.

_match [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version matches the supplied argument. Example:

var version = new Ext.Version('1.0.2beta');
console.log(version.match(1)); // True
console.log(version.match(1.0)); // True
console.log(version.match('1.0.2')); // True
console.log(version.match('1.0.2RC')); // False
_method [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

The request method to use (GET or POST) for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options.

_method [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the BasicForm's method, or 'POST' if not specified.

_method [Ext_data_Request.configs]

The HTTP method to use on this Request. Should be one of 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' or 'DELETE'.

_raise [Ext_Error.statics]

Raise an error that can include additional data and supports automatic console logging if available. You can pass a string error message or an object with the msg attribute which will be used as the error message. The object can contain any other name-value attributes (or objects) to be logged along with the error.

Note that after displaying the error message a JavaScript error will ultimately be thrown so that execution will halt.

Example usage:

Ext.Error.raise('A simple string error message');

// or...

Ext.define('Ext.Foo', {
    doSomething: function(option){
        if (someCondition === false) {
                msg: 'You cannot do that!',
                option: option,   // whatever was passed into the method
                'error code': 100 // other arbitrary info
_type [Ext_form_action_Action.t]

The type of action this Action instance performs. Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported.

_type [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The type of the sprite. Possible options are 'circle', 'ellipse', 'path', 'rect', 'text', 'image'.

See Ext.draw.Sprite class documentation for examples of all types.

_type [Ext_data_Field.configs]

The data type for automatic conversion from received data to the stored value if convert has not been specified. This may be specified as a string value. Possible values are

  • auto (Default, implies no conversion)
  • string
  • int
  • float
  • boolean
  • date

This may also be specified by referencing a member of the class.

Developers may create their own application-specific data types by defining new members of the class.

_type [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

The type of series. Set in subclasses.

abort [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Aborts the active load request

abort []

Fires when an object/image is stopped from loading before completely loaded.

action [Ext_data_Request.configs]

The name of the action this Request represents. Usually one of 'create', 'read', 'update' or 'destroy'.

action [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

The action being performed by this Operation. Should be one of 'create', 'read', 'update' or 'destroy'.

actionCommitRecordsRe [Ext_data_Operation.t]

The RegExp used to categorize actions that require record commits.

actionMethods [Ext_data_proxy_Ajax.t]

Mapping of action name to HTTP request method. In the basic AjaxProxy these are set to 'GET' for 'read' actions and 'POST' for 'create', 'update' and 'destroy' actions. The maps these to the correct RESTful methods.

actionSkipSyncRe [Ext_data_Operation.t]

The RegExp used to categorize actions that skip local record synchronization. This defaults to match 'destroy'.

actioncolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
actioncomplete []

Fires when an action is completed.

actioncomplete []

Fires when an action is completed.

actionfailed []

Fires when an action fails.

actionfailed []

Fires when an action fails.

activate []

Fires after a Component has been visually activated.

activate_window []

Fires after the window has been visually activated via setActive.

active [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Indicates whether the user is currently dragging this tracker.

activeError [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

If specified, then the component will be displayed with this value as its active error when first rendered. Use setActiveError or unsetActiveError to change it after component creation.

activeErrorsTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The template used to format the Array of error messages passed to setActiveErrors into a single HTML string. if the msgTarget is title, it defaults to a list separated by new lines. Otherwise, it renders each message as an item in an unordered list.

activeItem [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like Ext.layout.container.Card and Ext.layout.container.Fit).

add []

Fires when an item is added to the collection.

add [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Adds an item to the collection. Fires the add event when complete.

add [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Adds a Sprite to the surface. See Ext.draw.Sprite for the configuration object to be passed into this method.

For example:

    type: 'circle',
    fill: '#ffc',
    radius: 100,
    x: 100,
    y: 100
add [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Adds elements to this Composite object.

add [Ext_data_Store.t]

Adds Model instance to the Store. This method accepts either:

  • An array of Model instances or Model configuration objects.
  • Any number of Model instance or Model configuration object arguments.

The new Model instances will be added at the end of the existing collection.

Sample usage:

myStore.add({some: 'data'}, {some: 'other data'});

Note that if this Store is sorted, the new Model instances will be inserted at the correct point in the Store to maintain the sort order.

add [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Adds a new operation to this batch at the end of the operations array

add []

Fired when a Model instance has been added to this Store.

add [Ext_Date.t]

Provides a convenient method for performing basic date arithmetic. This method does not modify the Date instance being called - it creates and returns a new Date instance containing the resulting date value.


// Basic usage:
var dt = Ext.Date.add(new Date('10/29/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, 5);
console.log(dt); // returns 'Fri Nov 03 2006 00:00:00'

// Negative values will be subtracted:
var dt2 = Ext.Date.add(new Date('10/1/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, -5);
console.log(dt2); // returns 'Tue Sep 26 2006 00:00:00'

 // Decimal values can be used:
var dt3 = Ext.Date.add(new Date('10/1/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, 1.25);
console.log(dt3); // returns 'Mon Oct 02 2006 06:00:00'
add []

Fires after any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container.

This event bubbles: 'add' will also be fired when Component is added to any of the child containers or their childern or ...

add [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Adds Component(s) to this Container.



If the Container is already rendered when add is called, it will render the newly added Component into its content area.

If the Container was configured with a size-managing layout manager, the Container will recalculate its internal layout at this time too.

Note that the default layout manager simply renders child Components sequentially into the content area and thereafter performs no sizing.

If adding multiple new child Components, pass them as an array to the add method, so that only one layout recalculation is performed.

tb = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({
    renderTo: document.body
});  // toolbar is rendered
// add multiple items.
// (defaultType for Toolbar is 'button')
tb.add([{text:'Button 1'}, {text:'Button 2'}]);

To inject components between existing ones, use the insert method.


Components directly managed by the BorderLayout layout manager may not be removed or added. See the Notes for BorderLayout for more details.

addAll [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Adds all elements of an Array or an Object to the collection.

addBehaviors [Ext.t]

Applies event listeners to elements by selectors when the document is ready. The event name is specified with an @ suffix.

    // add a listener for click on all anchors in element with id foo
    '#foo a@click' : function(e, t){
        // do something

    // add the same listener to multiple selectors (separated by comma BEFORE the @)
    '#foo a, #bar span.some-class@mouseover' : function(){
        // do something
addBinding [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Add a new binding to this KeyMap.


// Create a KeyMap
var map = new Ext.util.KeyMap(document, {
    key: Ext.EventObject.ENTER,
    fn: handleKey,
    scope: this

//Add a new binding to the existing KeyMap later
    key: 'abc',
    shift: true,
    fn: handleKey,
    scope: this
addBodyCls [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Adds a CSS class to the body element. If not rendered, the class will be added when the panel is rendered.

addChildEls [Ext_util_ElementContainer.t]

Adds each argument passed to this method to the childEls array.

addClassPathMappings [Ext_Loader.t]

Sets a batch of path entries

addCls [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Queue the addition of a class name (or array of class names) to this ContextItem's target when next flushed.

addCls [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.

For example:

drawComponent.surface.addCls(sprite, 'x-visible');
addCls [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out. Note this method is severly limited in VML.

addCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

addCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Adds a CSS class to the top level element representing this component.

addClsOnClick [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is down and then up on this element (a click effect)

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

addClsOnFocus [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when this element has the focus

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

addClsOnOver [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets up event handlers to add and remove a css class when the mouse is over this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

addClsWithUI [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Adds a cls to the uiCls array, which will also call addUIClsToElement and adds to all elements of this component.

addDocked [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Adds docked item(s) to the container.

addEvents [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.

addFilter [Ext_data_Store.t]

Adds a new Filter to this Store's filter set and by default, applys the updated filter set to the Store's unfiltered dataset.

addGradient [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Adds a gradient definition to the Surface. Note that in some surface engines, adding a gradient via this method will not take effect if the surface has already been rendered. Therefore, it is preferred to pass the gradients as an item to the surface config, rather than calling this method, especially if the surface is rendered immediately (e.g. due to 'renderTo' in its config). For more information on how to create gradients in the Chart configuration object please refer to Ext.chart.Chart.

The gradient object to be passed into this method is composed by:

  • id - string - The unique name of the gradient.
  • angle - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.
  • stops - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects as values.

For example:

drawComponent.surface.addGradient({ id: 'gradientId', angle: 45, stops: { 0: { color: '#555' }, 100: { color: '#ddd' } } });

addInvalidHandleClass [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Lets you specify a css class of elements that will not initiate a drag

addInvalidHandleId [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Lets you to specify an element id for a child of a drag handle that should not initiate a drag

addInvalidHandleType [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Allows you to specify a tag name that should not start a drag operation when clicked. This is designed to facilitate embedding links within a drag handle that do something other than start the drag.

addKeyListener [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Convenience method for constructing a KeyMap

addKeyMap [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Creates a KeyMap for this element

addListener [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellClick: this.onCellClick,
    mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
    mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellClick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: panel.onMouseOver, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used. Note that scope MUST be specified to use this option:

    cellClick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: 'onMouseOver', scope: panel}
addListener [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Shorthand for on.

Appends an event handler to this element.

addListener [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellClick: this.onCellClick,
    mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
    mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellClick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: panel.onMouseOver, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used. Note that scope MUST be specified to use this option:

    cellClick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: 'onMouseOver', scope: panel}
addManagedListener [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Ext.Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.

addMembers [Ext_Base.statics]

Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {

     meow: function() {

 var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat;
addNamespaces [Ext.t]

Adds namespace(s) to known list.

addPropertyToState [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Save a property to the given state object if it is not its default or configured value.

addRef [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Registers one or more references.

addRowCls [Ext_view_Table.t]

Adds a CSS Class to a specific row.

addSorted [Ext_data_Store.t]

(Local sort only) Inserts the passed Record into the Store at the index where it should go based on the current sort information.

addStateEvents [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Add events that will trigger the state to be saved. If the first argument is an array, each element of that array is the name of a state event. Otherwise, each argument passed to this method is the name of a state event.

addStatics [Ext_Base.statics]

Add / override static properties of this class.

Ext.define('', {
    someProperty: 'someValue',      // = 'someValue'
    method1: function() { ... },    // = function() { ... };
    method2: function() { ... }     // = function() { ... };
addToGroup [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Adds this instance to a group of related drag/drop objects. All instances belong to at least one group, and can belong to as many groups as needed.

addTool [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Add tools to this panel

addUIClsToElement [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

inherit docs

Method which adds a specified UI + uiCls to the components element. Can be overridden to remove the UI from more than just the components element.

addUIClsToElement [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method which adds a specified UI + uiCls to the components element. Can be overridden to remove the UI from more than just the components element.

added []

Fires after a Component had been added to a Container.

adjust [Ext_util_Region.t]

Modifies the current region to be adjusted by offsets.

adjustEnd [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

Whether to adjust the label at the end of the axis.

afterBodyEl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup at the end of the input containing element. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

afterCollapse [Ext_window_Window.configs]
See method t.afterCollapse
afterCollapse [Ext_window_Window.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Collapsed.

afterCollapse [Ext_panel_Table.configs]
See method t.afterCollapse
afterCollapse [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Collapsed.

afterCollapse [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.afterCollapse
afterCollapse [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Collapsed.

afterComponentLayout [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.afterComponentLayout
afterComponentLayout [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

private Inform the header container about the resize

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

afterComponentLayout [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.afterComponentLayout
afterComponentLayout [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

afterComponentLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.afterComponentLayout
afterComponentLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

afterComponentLayout [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.afterComponentLayout
afterComponentLayout [Ext_Component.t]

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

afterComponentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.afterComponentLayout
afterComponentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

afterDragDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after a valid drag drop has occurred by providing an implementation.

afterDragEnter [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action when the dragged item enters the drop target by providing an implementation.

afterDragOut [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after the dragged item is dragged out of the target without dropping.

afterDragOver [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action while the dragged item is over the drop target by providing an implementation.

afterExpand [Ext_window_Window.configs]
See method t.afterExpand
afterExpand [Ext_window_Window.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Expanded.

afterExpand [Ext_panel_Table.configs]
See method t.afterExpand
afterExpand [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Expanded.

afterExpand [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.afterExpand
afterExpand [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Invoked after the Panel is Expanded.

afterHide [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.afterHide
afterHide [Ext_Component.t]

Invoked after the Component has been hidden.

Gets passed the same callback and scope parameters that onHide received.

afterInvalidDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid drop has occurred by providing an implementation.

afterLabelTextTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the label text. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

afterLabelTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the label element. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

afterLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.afterLayout
afterLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Invoked after the Container has laid out (and rendered if necessary) its child Components.

afterRemove [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Removes layout's itemCls and owning Container's itemCls. Clears the managed dimensions flags

afterRender [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRender [Ext_util_Renderable.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRender [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRender [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRender [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRender [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.afterRender
afterRender [Ext_Component.t]

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

afterRequest [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]
See method t.afterRequest
afterRequest [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Optional callback function which can be used to clean up after a request has been completed.

afterSetPosition [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.afterSetPosition
afterSetPosition [Ext_Component.t]

Template method called after a Component has been positioned.

afterSetPosition [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.afterSetPosition
afterSetPosition [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Template method called after a Component has been positioned.

afterShow [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]
See method t.afterShow
afterShow [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Invoked after the Component is shown (after onShow is called).

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

afterShow [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.afterShow
afterShow [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Invoked after the Component is shown (after onShow is called).

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

afterShow [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.afterShow
afterShow [Ext_Component.t]

Invoked after the Component is shown (after onShow is called).

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

afterSubTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the subTpl markup. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

afterValidDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after a valid drop has occurred by providing an implementation.

afterlayout []

Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.

afterrender []

Fires after the component rendering is finished.

The afterrender event is fired after this Component has been rendered, been postprocessed by any afterRender method defined for the Component.

aggregate [Ext_data_Store.t]

Runs the aggregate function for all the records in the store.

When store is filtered, only items within the filter are aggregated.

ajaxOptions [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

Any additional options to be passed to the request, for example timeout or headers.

alert [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a standard read-only message box with an OK button (comparable to the basic JavaScript alert prompt). If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks the button, and the id of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback (could also be the top-right close button, which will always report as "cancel").

alias [Ext_Class.configs]

List of short aliases for class names. Most useful for defining xtypes for widgets:

Ext.define('MyApp.CoolPanel', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
    alias: ['widget.coolpanel'],
    title: 'Yeah!'

// Using Ext.create

// Using the shorthand for defining widgets by xtype
Ext.widget('panel', {
    items: [
        {xtype: 'coolpanel', html: 'Foo'},
        {xtype: 'coolpanel', html: 'Bar'}

Besides "widget" for xtype there are alias namespaces like "feature" for ftype and "plugin" for ptype.

align [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

Sets the alignment of the header and rendered columns. Possible values are: 'left', 'center', and 'right'.

alignElWithMouse [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event, maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a location other than where the cursor is.

alignElWithMouse [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Sets the element to the location of the mousedown or click event, maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a location other than where the cursor is.

alignTo [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Aligns the element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the document it aligns it to the viewport. The position parameter is optional, and can be specified in any one of the following formats:

  • Blank: Defaults to aligning the element's top-left corner to the target's bottom-left corner ("tl-bl").
  • One anchor (deprecated): The passed anchor position is used as the target element's anchor point. The element being aligned will position its top-left corner (tl) to that point. This method has been deprecated in favor of the newer two anchor syntax below.
  • Two anchors: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, the first value is used as the element's anchor point, and the second value is used as the target's anchor point.

In addition to the anchor points, the position parameter also supports the "?" character. If "?" is passed at the end of the position string, the element will attempt to align as specified, but the position will be adjusted to constrain to the viewport if necessary. Note that the element being aligned might be swapped to align to a different position than that specified in order to enforce the viewport constraints. Following are all of the supported anchor positions:

Value  Description
-----  -----------------------------
tl     The top left corner (default)
t      The center of the top edge
tr     The top right corner
l      The center of the left edge
c      In the center of the element
r      The center of the right edge
bl     The bottom left corner
b      The center of the bottom edge
br     The bottom right corner

Example Usage:

// align el to other-el using the default positioning
// ("tl-bl", non-constrained)

// align the top left corner of el with the top right corner of other-el
// (constrained to viewport)
el.alignTo("other-el", "tr?");

// align the bottom right corner of el with the center left edge of other-el
el.alignTo("other-el", "br-l?");

// align the center of el with the bottom left corner of other-el and
// adjust the x position by -6 pixels (and the y position by 0)
el.alignTo("other-el", "c-bl", [-6, 0]);
allowBlank [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Specify false to validate that the value's length must be > 0. If true, then a blank value is always taken to be valid regardless of any vtype validation that may be applied.

If vtype validation must still be applied to blank values, configure validateBlank as true;

allowDepress [Ext_button_Button.configs]

False to not allow a pressed Button to be depressed. Only valid when enableToggle is true.

allowDeselect [Ext_selection_Model.configs]

Allow users to deselect a record in a DataView, List or Grid. Only applicable when the mode is 'SINGLE'.

allowDeselect [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

True to allow deselecting a record. This config is forwarded to Ext.selection.Model.allowDeselect.

allowFunctions [Ext_util_MixedCollection.configs]

Configure as true if the addAll function should add function references to the collection.

allowFunctions [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.configs]

Specify true if the addAll function should add function references to the collection. Defaults to false.

allowOnlyWhitespace [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Specify false to automatically trim the value before validating the whether the value is blank. Setting this to false automatically sets allowBlank to false.

allowOtherMenus [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to allow multiple menus to be displayed at the same time.

allowWrite [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Checks whether this operation should cause writing to occur.

altKey [Ext_EventObject.t]

True if the alt key was down during the event.

alternateClassName [Ext_Class.configs]

Defines alternate names for this class. For example:

Ext.define('Developer', {
    alternateClassName: ['Coder', 'Hacker'],
    code: function(msg) {
        alert('Typing... ' + msg);

var joe = Ext.create('Developer');

var rms = Ext.create('Hacker');
rms.code('hack hack');
anchor [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

If specified, indicates that the tip should be anchored to a particular side of the target element or mouse pointer ("top", "right", "bottom", or "left"), with an arrow pointing back at the target or mouse pointer. If constrainPosition is enabled, this will be used as a preferred value only and may be flipped as needed.

anchorOffset [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

A numeric pixel value used to offset the default position of the anchor arrow. When the anchor position is on the top or bottom of the tooltip, anchorOffset will be used as a horizontal offset. Likewise, when the anchor position is on the left or right side, anchorOffset will be used as a vertical offset.

anchorSize [Ext_container_Container.configs]

Defines the anchoring size of container. Either a number to define the width of the container or an object with width and height fields.

anchorTo [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized.

anchorToTarget [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

True to anchor the tooltip to the target element, false to anchor it relative to the mouse coordinates. When anchorToTarget is true, use defaultAlign to control tooltip alignment to the target element. When anchorToTarget is false, use anchor instead to control alignment.

animCollapse [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

true to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext.fx.Anim class is available, otherwise false). May also be specified as the animation duration in milliseconds.

animRepair [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]

If true, animates the proxy element back to the position of the handle element used to trigger the drag.

animate [Ext_util_Animate.t]

Performs custom animation on this object.

This method is applicable to both the Component class and the Sprite class. It performs animated transitions of certain properties of this object over a specified timeline.

Animating a Component

When animating a Component, the following properties may be specified in from, to, and keyframe objects:

  • x - The Component's page X position in pixels.

  • y - The Component's page Y position in pixels

  • left - The Component's left value in pixels.

  • top - The Component's top value in pixels.

  • width - The Component's width value in pixels.

  • height - The Component's height value in pixels.

  • dynamic - Specify as true to update the Component's layout (if it is a Container) at every frame of the animation. Use sparingly as laying out on every intermediate size change is an expensive operation.

For example, to animate a Window to a new size, ensuring that its internal layout and any shadow is correct:

myWindow = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
    title: 'Test Component animation',
    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    layout: {
        type: 'hbox',
        align: 'stretch'
    items: [{
        title: 'Left: 33%',
        margins: '5 0 5 5',
        flex: 1
    }, {
        title: 'Left: 66%',
        margins: '5 5 5 5',
        flex: 2
myWindow.header.el.on('click', function() {
        to: {
            width: (myWindow.getWidth() == 500) ? 700 : 500,
            height: (myWindow.getHeight() == 300) ? 400 : 300

For performance reasons, by default, the internal layout is only updated when the Window reaches its final "to" size. If dynamic updating of the Window's child Components is required, then configure the animation with dynamic: true and the two child items will maintain their proportions during the animation.

animate [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Performs custom animation on this Element.

The following properties may be specified in from, to, and keyframe objects:

  • x - The page X position in pixels.

  • y - The page Y position in pixels

  • left - The element's CSS left value. Units must be supplied.

  • top - The element's CSS top value. Units must be supplied.

  • width - The element's CSS width value. Units must be supplied.

  • height - The element's CSS height value. Units must be supplied.

  • scrollLeft - The element's scrollLeft value.

  • scrollTop - The element's scrollTop value.

  • opacity - The element's opacity value. This must be a value between 0 and 1.

Be aware that animating an Element which is being used by an Ext Component without in some way informing the Component about the changed element state will result in incorrect Component behaviour. This is because the Component will be using the old state of the element. To avoid this problem, it is now possible to directly animate certain properties of Components.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

animate [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

True for the default animation (easing: 'ease' and duration: 500) or a standard animation config object to be used for default chart animations. Defaults to false.

animate [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Performs custom animation on this object.

This method is applicable to both the Component class and the Sprite class. It performs animated transitions of certain properties of this object over a specified timeline.

Animating a Component

When animating a Component, the following properties may be specified in from, to, and keyframe objects:

  • x - The Component's page X position in pixels.

  • y - The Component's page Y position in pixels

  • left - The Component's left value in pixels.

  • top - The Component's top value in pixels.

  • width - The Component's width value in pixels.

  • height - The Component's height value in pixels.

  • dynamic - Specify as true to update the Component's layout (if it is a Container) at every frame of the animation. Use sparingly as laying out on every intermediate size change is an expensive operation.

For example, to animate a Window to a new size, ensuring that its internal layout and any shadow is correct:

myWindow = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
    title: 'Test Component animation',
    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    layout: {
        type: 'hbox',
        align: 'stretch'
    items: [{
        title: 'Left: 33%',
        margins: '5 0 5 5',
        flex: 1
    }, {
        title: 'Left: 66%',
        margins: '5 5 5 5',
        flex: 2
myWindow.header.el.on('click', function() {
        to: {
            width: (myWindow.getWidth() == 500) ? 700 : 500,
            height: (myWindow.getHeight() == 300) ? 400 : 300

For performance reasons, by default, the internal layout is only updated when the Window reaches its final "to" size. If dynamic updating of the Window's child Components is required, then configure the animation with dynamic: true and the two child items will maintain their proportions during the animation.

animateTarget [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Id or element from which the window should animate while opening.

anyMatch [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

True to allow any match - no regex start/end line anchors will be added.

api [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

If specified, load and submit actions will be handled with DirectLoad and DirectSubmit. Methods which have been imported by can be specified here to load and submit forms. API methods may also be specified as strings. See Such as the following:

api: {

Load actions can use paramOrder or paramsAsHash to customize how the load method is invoked. Submit actions will always use a standard form submit. The formHandler configuration (see must be set on the associated server-side method which has been imported by

api [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

Specific urls to call on CRUD action methods "create", "read", "update" and "destroy". Defaults to:

api: {
    create  : undefined,
    read    : undefined,
    update  : undefined,
    destroy : undefined

The url is built based upon the action being executed [create|read|update|destroy] using the commensurate api property, or if undefined default to the configured

For example:

api: {
    create  : '/controller/new',
    read    : '/controller/load',
    update  : '/controller/update',
    destroy : '/controller/destroy_action'

If the specific URL for a given CRUD action is undefined, the CRUD action request will be directed to the configured url.

appFolder [Ext_app_Application.configs]

The path to the directory which contains all application's classes. This path will be registered via Ext.Loader.setPath for the namespace specified in the name config.

appProperty [Ext_app_Application.configs]

The name of a property to be assigned to the main namespace to gain a reference to this application. Can be set to an empty value to prevent the reference from being created

    name: 'MyApp',
    appProperty: 'myProp',

    launch: function() {
        console.log(MyApp.myProp === this);
append [Ext_Template.t]

Applies the supplied values to the template and appends the new node(s) to the specified el.

For example usage see Ext.Template class docs.

appendChild [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Appends the passed element(s) to this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

appendTo [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Appends this element to the passed element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

application [Ext_app_Controller.t]

The for this controller.

application [Ext.t]

Loads class and starts it up with given configuration after the page is ready.

See for details.

apply [Ext_Template.t]

Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied.

apply [Ext.t]

Copies all the properties of config to the specified object. Note that if recursive merging and cloning without referencing the original objects / arrays is needed, use Ext.Object.merge instead.

applyConfig [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Applies the configuration parameters that were passed into the constructor. This is supposed to happen at each level through the inheritance chain. So a DDProxy implentation will execute apply config on DDProxy, DD, and DragDrop in order to get all of the parameters that are available in each object.

applyConfig [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

Sets up config options specific to this class. Overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop, but all versions of this method through the inheritance chain are called

applyConfig [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Sets up config options specific to this class. Overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop, but all versions of this method through the inheritance chain are called

applyIf [Ext.t]

Copies all the properties of config to object if they don't already exist.

applyIfToFields [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Calls Ext.applyIf for all field in this form with the passed object.

applyOut [Ext_Template.t]

Appends the result of this template to the provided output array.

applyState [Ext_window_Window.t]

Applies the state to the object. This should be overridden in subclasses to do more complex state operations. By default it applies the state properties onto the current object.

applyState [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Applies the state to the object. This should be overridden in subclasses to do more complex state operations. By default it applies the state properties onto the current object.

applyState [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Applies the state to the object. This should be overridden in subclasses to do more complex state operations. By default it applies the state properties onto the current object.

applyState [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Applies the state to the object. This should be overridden in subclasses to do more complex state operations. By default it applies the state properties onto the current object.

applyStyles [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

More flexible version of setStyle for setting style properties.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

applyTemplate [Ext_Template.t]

Alias for apply.

Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied.

applyToFields [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Calls Ext.apply for all fields in this form with the passed object.

arrowAlign [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The side of the Button box to render the arrow if the button has an associated menu. Two values are allowed:

  • 'right'
  • 'bottom'
arrowCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The className used for the inner arrow element if the button has a menu.

associations [Ext_data_Model.configs]

An array of associations for this model.

attributes [Ext_util_Format.t]

Formats an object of name value properties as HTML element attribute values suitable for using when creating textual markup.

autoBoxAdjust [Ext_dom_Element.t]

True to automatically adjust width and height settings for box-model issues.

autoCreateViewport [Ext_app_Application.configs]

True to automatically load and instantiate AppName.view.Viewport before firing the launch function.

autoDestroy [Ext_data_Store.configs]

When a Store is used by only one DataView, and should only exist for the lifetime of that view, then configure the autoDestroy flag as true. This causes the destruction of the view to trigger the destruction of its Store.

autoDestroy [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually.

autoEl [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will encapsulate this Component.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to 'div'. The more complex Sencha classes use a more complex DOM structure specified by their own renderTpls.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components encapsulated by different DOM elements. Example usage:

    xtype: 'component',
    autoEl: {
        tag: 'img',
        src: ''
}, {
    xtype: 'component',
    autoEl: {
        tag: 'blockquote',
        html: 'autoEl is cool!'
}, {
    xtype: 'container',
    autoEl: 'ul',
    cls: 'ux-unordered-list',
    items: {
        xtype: 'component',
        autoEl: 'li',
        html: 'First list item'
autoFitErrors [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

Whether to adjust the component's body area to make room for 'side' or 'under' error messages.

autoHide [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

True to automatically hide the tooltip after the mouse exits the target element or after the dismissDelay has expired if set. If closable = true a close tool button will be rendered into the tooltip header.

autoLoad [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

True to have the loader make a request as soon as it is created. This argument can also be a set of options that will be passed to load is called.

autoLoad [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

If data is not specified, and if autoLoad is true or an Object, this store's load method is automatically called after creation. If the value of autoLoad is an Object, this Object will be passed to the store's load method.

autoOffset [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Sets the pointer offset to the distance between the linked element's top left corner and the location the element was clicked.

autoRender [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Windows render to the body on first show.

This config is intended mainly for non-floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a Component to render itself upon first show. If floating is true, the value of this config is omitted as if it is true.

Specify as true to have this Component render to the document body upon first show.

Specify as an element, or the ID of an element to have this Component render to a specific element upon first show.

autoRender [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

private panel overrides

This config is intended mainly for non-floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a Component to render itself upon first show. If floating is true, the value of this config is omitted as if it is true.

Specify as true to have this Component render to the document body upon first show.

Specify as an element, or the ID of an element to have this Component render to a specific element upon first show.

autoRender [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

This config is intended mainly for non-floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a Component to render itself upon first show. If floating is true, the value of this config is omitted as if it is true.

Specify as true to have this Component render to the document body upon first show.

Specify as an element, or the ID of an element to have this Component render to a specific element upon first show.

autoScroll [Ext_grid_View.configs]

true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content. This should not be combined with overflowX or overflowY.

autoScroll [Ext_Component.configs]

true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content. This should not be combined with overflowX or overflowY.

autoShow [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

true to automatically show the component upon creation. This config option may only be used for floating components or components that use autoRender.

autoSize [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Sizes this Column to fit the max content width. Note that group columns shrinkwrap around the size of leaf columns. Auto sizing a group column autosizes descendant leaf columns.

autoSize [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed. This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the autosize event if the width changes.

autoSize [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

Turn on autoSize support which will set the bounding div's size to the natural size of the contents.

autoSizeColumn [Ext_view_Table.t]

Sizes the passed header to fit the max content width. Note that group columns shrinkwrap around the size of leaf columns. Auto sizing a group column autosizes descendant leaf columns.

autoStart [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

Specify true to defer trigger start by 1000 ms. Specify a Number for the number of milliseconds to defer trigger start.

autoStart [Ext_data_Batch.configs]

True to immediately start processing the batch as soon as it is constructed (defaults to false)

autoSync [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

True to automatically sync the Store with its Proxy after every edit to one of its Records. Defaults to false.

autosize []

Fires when the autoSize function is triggered and the field is resized according to the grow/growMin/growMax configs as a result. This event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional logic at runtime to resize the field if needed.

available [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

The available property is false until the linked dom element is accessible.

average [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gets the average value in the store.

When store is filtered, only items within the filter are aggregated.

axes [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

Array of Axis instances or config objects. For example:

axes: [{
    type: 'Numeric',
    position: 'left',
    fields: ['data1'],
    title: 'Number of Hits',
    minimum: 0,
    //one minor tick between two major ticks
    minorTickSteps: 1
}, {
    type: 'Category',
    position: 'bottom',
    fields: ['name'],
    title: 'Month of the Year'

b4Drag [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Event that fires prior to the onDrag event. Overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop.

b4MouseDown [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop

Event that fires prior to the onMouseDown event. Overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop.

b4MouseDown [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Event that fires prior to the onMouseDown event. Overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop.

background [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

The chart background. This can be a gradient object, image, or color. Defaults to false for no background. For example, if background were to be a color we could set the object as

background: {
    //color string
    fill: '#ccc'

You can specify an image by using:

background: {
    image: ''

Also you can specify a gradient by using the gradient object syntax:

background: {
    gradient: {
        id: 'gradientId',
        angle: 45,
        stops: {
            0: {
                color: '#555'
            100: {
                color: '#ddd'
baseBodyCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The CSS class to be applied to the body content element.

baseCls [Ext_window_Window.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element.

baseCls [Ext_view_Table.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element.

baseCls [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element.

baseCls [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The base CSS class to add to all buttons.

baseCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

baseParams [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

Parameters to pass with all requests. e.g. baseParams: {id: '123', foo: 'bar'}.

Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using Ext.Object.toQueryString.

baseParams [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

Params that will be attached to every request. These parameters will not be overridden by any params in the load options.

baseParams [Ext_button_Button.configs]

An object literal of parameters to pass to the url when the href property is specified.

batch [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Performs a batch of Operations, in the order specified by batchOrder. Used internally by's sync method. Example usage:

    create : [myModel1, myModel2],
    update : [myModel3],
    destroy: [myModel4, myModel5]

Where the myModel* above are Model instances - in this case 1 and 2 are new instances and have not been saved before, 3 has been saved previously but needs to be updated, and 4 and 5 have already been saved but should now be destroyed.

Note that the previous version of this method took 2 arguments (operations and listeners). While this is still supported for now, the current signature is now a single options argument that can contain both operations and listeners, in addition to other options. The multi-argument signature will likely be deprecated in a future release.

batch [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

The batch that this Operation is a part of.

batchActions [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.configs]

True to batch actions of a particular type when synchronizing the store. Defaults to true.

batchChanges [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

A utility for grouping a set of modifications which may trigger value changes into a single transaction, to prevent excessive firing of change events. This is useful for instance if the field has sub-fields which are being updated as a group; you don't want the container field to check its own changed state for each subfield change.

batchLayouts [Ext.t]

Utility wrapper that suspends layouts of all components for the duration of a given function.

batchOrder [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.configs]

Comma-separated ordering 'create', 'update' and 'destroy' actions when batching. Override this to set a different order for the batched CRUD actions to be executed in. Defaults to 'create,update,destroy'.

batchUpdateMode [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

Sets the updating behavior based on batch synchronization. 'operation' (the default) will update the Store's internal representation of the data after each operation of the batch has completed, 'complete' will wait until the entire batch has been completed before updating the Store's data. 'complete' is a good choice for local storage proxies, 'operation' is better for remote proxies, where there is a comparatively high latency.

bbar [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config. Short for 'Bottom Bar'.

bbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }
beforeBlur [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Template method to do any pre-blur processing.

beforeBodyEl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup at the beginning of the input containing element. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

beforeComponentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.beforeComponentLayout
beforeComponentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Occurs before componentLayout is run. Returning false from this method will prevent the componentLayout from being executed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_view_Table.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_view_Table.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_Table.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_container_Viewport.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_container_Viewport.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDestroy [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.beforeDestroy
beforeDestroy [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Invoked before the Component is destroyed.

beforeDragDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.beforeDragDrop
beforeDragDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged item is dropped onto the target and optionally cancel the onDragDrop.

beforeDragEnter [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.beforeDragEnter
beforeDragEnter [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged item enters the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragEnter.

beforeDragOut [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.beforeDragOut
beforeDragOut [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the dragged item is dragged out of the target without dropping, and optionally cancel the onDragOut.

beforeDragOver [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.beforeDragOver
beforeDragOver [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action while the dragged item is over the drop target and optionally cancel the onDragOver.

beforeFocus [Ext_form_field_Text.t]


Template method to do any pre-focus processing.

beforeFocus [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Template method to do any pre-focus processing.

beforeInvalidDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.beforeInvalidDrop
beforeInvalidDrop [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action after an invalid drop has occurred.

beforeLabelTextTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the label text. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

beforeLabelTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the label element. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

beforeLayout [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.beforeLayout
beforeLayout [Ext_Component.t]

Occurs before componentLayout is run. In previous releases, this method could return false to prevent its layout but that is not supported in Ext JS 4.1 or higher. This method is simply a notification of the impending layout to give the component a chance to adjust the DOM. Ideally, DOM reads should be avoided at this time to reduce expensive document reflows.

beforeLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.beforeLayout
beforeLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Occurs before componentLayout is run. In previous releases, this method could return false to prevent its layout but that is not supported in Ext JS 4.1 or higher. This method is simply a notification of the impending layout to give the component a chance to adjust the DOM. Ideally, DOM reads should be avoided at this time to reduce expensive document reflows.

beforeReset [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Template method before a field is reset.

beforeShow [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]
See method t.beforeShow
beforeShow [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Invoked before the Component is shown.

beforeShow [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.beforeShow
beforeShow [Ext_Component.t]

Invoked before the Component is shown.

beforeSubTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the subTpl markup. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

beforeaction []

Fires before any action is performed. Return false to cancel the action.

beforeaction []

Fires before any action is performed. Return false to cancel the action.

beforeactivate []

Fires before a Component has been visually activated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the activate from occurring.

beforeadd []

Fires before any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container. A handler can return false to cancel the add.

beforecellclick []

Fired before the cell click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellclick []

Fired before the cell click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellcontextmenu []

Fired before the cell right click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellcontextmenu []

Fired before the cell right click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecelldblclick []

Fired before the cell double click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecelldblclick []

Fired before the cell double click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellkeydown []

Fired before the cell key down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellkeydown []

Fired before the cell key down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellmousedown []

Fired before the cell mouse down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellmousedown []

Fired before the cell mouse down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellmouseup []

Fired before the cell mouse up is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforecellmouseup []

Fired before the cell mouse up is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

beforeclose []

Fires before the user closes the panel. Return false from any listener to stop the close event being fired

beforecollapse []

Fires before this panel is collapsed. Return false to prevent the collapse.

beforecontainerclick []

Fires before the click event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainerclick []

Fires before the click event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainercontextmenu []

Fires before the contextmenu event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainercontextmenu []

Fires before the contextmenu event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainerdblclick []

Fires before the dblclick event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainerdblclick []

Fires before the dblclick event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainerkeydown []

Fires before the keydown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermousedown []

Fires before the mousedown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermousedown []

Fires before the mousedown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseout []

Fires before the mouseout event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseout []

Fires before the mouseout event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseover []

Fires before the mouseover event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseover []

Fires before the mouseover event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseup []

Fires before the mouseup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforecontainermouseup []

Fires before the mouseup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforedeactivate []

Fires before a Component has been visually deactivated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the deactivate from occurring.

beforedeselect []

Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled.

beforedeselect []

Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled.

beforedeselect []

Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled.

beforedeselect []

Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled.

beforedestroy []

Fires before the sprite is destroyed. Return false from an event handler to stop the destroy.

beforedestroy []

Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false from an event handler to stop the destroy.

beforeedit []

Fires before editing is triggered. Return false from event handler to stop the editing.

beforeexpand []

Fires before this panel is expanded. Return false to prevent the expand.

beforehide []

Fires before the component is hidden when calling the hide method. Return false from an event handler to stop the hide.

beforeitemclick []

Fires before the click event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemclick []

Fires before the click event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemcontextmenu []

Fires before the contextmenu event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemcontextmenu []

Fires before the contextmenu event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemdblclick []

Fires before the dblclick event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemdblclick []

Fires before the dblclick event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemkeydown []

Fires before the keydown event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmousedown []

Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmousedown []

Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseenter []

Fires before the mouseenter event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseenter []

Fires before the mouseenter event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseleave []

Fires before the mouseleave event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseleave []

Fires before the mouseleave event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseup []

Fires before the mouseup event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeitemmouseup []

Fires before the mouseup event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.

beforeload []

Fires before a load request is made to the server. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the load from occurring.

beforeload []

Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false the load action will be canceled.

beforeprefetch []

Fires before a prefetch occurs. Return false to cancel.

beforereconfigure []

Fires before a reconfigure to enable modification of incoming Store and columns.

beforerefresh []

Fires before the view is refreshed

beforerefresh []

Fires before a refresh to the chart data is called. If the beforerefresh handler returns false the refresh action will be cancelled.

beforeremove []

Fires before any Ext.Component is removed from the container. A handler can return false to cancel the remove.

beforerender []

Fires before the component is rendered. Return false from an event handler to stop the render.

beforeselect []

Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled.

beforeselect []

Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled.

beforeselect []

Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled.

beforeselect []

Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled.

beforeshow []

Fires before the component is shown when calling the show method. Return false from an event handler to stop the show.

beforestart []
beforestaterestore []

Fires before the state of the object is restored. Return false from an event handler to stop the restore.

beforestatesave []

Fires before the state of the object is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.

beforesync []

Fired before a call to sync is executed. Return false from any listener to cancel the sync

beginEdit [Ext_data_Model.t]

Begins an edit. While in edit mode, no events (e.g.. the update event) are relayed to the containing store. When an edit has begun, it must be followed by either endEdit or cancelEdit.

beginLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Called before any calculation cycles to prepare for layout.

This is a write phase and DOM reads should be strictly avoided when overridding this method.

beginLayoutCycle [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Called before any calculation cycles to reset DOM values and prepare for calculation.

This is a write phase and DOM reads should be strictly avoided when overridding this method.

beginLayoutCycle [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Called before any calculation cycles to reset DOM values and prepare for calculation.

This is a write phase and DOM reads should be strictly avoided when overridding this method.

beginLayout_obj [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

In addition to work done by our base classes, containers benefit from some extra cached data. The following properties are added to the ownerContext:

  • visibleItems: the result of getVisibleItems
  • childItems: the ContextItem[] for each visible item
  • targetContext: the ContextItem for the getTarget element
belongsTo [Ext_data_Model.configs]

One or more BelongsTo associations for this model.

between [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if a date falls on or between the given start and end dates.

binary [Ext_data_proxy_Ajax.configs]

True to request binary data from the server. This feature requires the use of a binary reader such as AMF Reader

bind [Ext.t]

Create a new function from the provided fn, change this to the provided scope, optionally overrides arguments for the call. (Defaults to the arguments passed by the caller)

Ext.bind is alias for Ext.Function.bind

bindStore [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Binds a store to this instance.

bindStore [Ext_selection_Model.t]

binds the store to the selModel.

Binds a store to this instance.

bindStore [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

Binds a store to this instance.

bindStoreListeners [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Binds listeners for this component to the store. By default it will add anything bound by the getStoreListeners method, however it can be overridden in a subclass to provide any more complicated handling.

bindStore_store [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Changes the data store bound to this LoadMask.

bindStore_view [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Changes the data store bound to this view and refreshes it.

binding [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

Either a single object describing a handling function for s specified key (or set of keys), or an array of such objects.

blankText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The error text to display if the allowBlank validation fails

block [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Registers a layout in the block list for the given property. Once the property is set in the Ext.layout.Context, the layout is unblocked.

blockRefresh [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

Set this to true to ignore refresh events on the bound store. This is useful if you wish to provide custom transition animations via a plugin

blur []

Fires when an element loses focus either via the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.

blur [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Tries to blur the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.

blur []

Fires when this Component loses focus.

body [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content. The content may be specified in the html config, or it may be loaded using the loader config. Read-only.

If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.

If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See layout then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control of the Panel's Layout.

bodyBorder [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

A shortcut to add or remove the border on the body of a panel. In the classic theme this only applies to a panel which has the frame configuration set to true.

bodyCls [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

A CSS class, space-delimited string of classes, or array of classes to be applied to the panel's body element. The following examples are all valid:

bodyCls: 'foo'
bodyCls: 'foo bar'
bodyCls: ['foo', 'bar']
bodyEl [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

The div Element wrapping the component's contents. Only available after the component has been rendered.

bodyPadding [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string describing padding. Defaults to undefined.

bodyStyle [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

Custom CSS styles to be applied to the panel's body element, which can be supplied as a valid CSS style string, an object containing style property name/value pairs or a function that returns such a string or object. For example, these two formats are interpreted to be equivalent:

bodyStyle: 'background:#ffc; padding:10px;'

bodyStyle: {
    background: '#ffc',
    padding: '10px'
booleancolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
border [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

Specifies the border size for this component. The border can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

For components that have no border by default, setting this won't make the border appear by itself. You also need to specify border color and style:

border: 5,
style: {
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderStyle: 'solid'

To turn off the border, use border: false.

border [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

Specifies the border size for this component. The border can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

For components that have no border by default, setting this won't make the border appear by itself. You also need to specify border color and style:

border: 5,
style: {
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderStyle: 'solid'

To turn off the border, use border: false.

border [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specifies the border size for this component. The border can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

For components that have no border by default, setting this won't make the border appear by itself. You also need to specify border color and style:

border: 5,
style: {
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderStyle: 'solid'

To turn off the border, use border: false.

boundlist [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.view.BoundList.

box [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.Component.

boxWrap [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Wraps the specified element with a special 9 element markup/CSS block that renders by default as a gray container with a gradient background, rounded corners and a 4-way shadow.

This special markup is used throughout Ext when box wrapping elements (Ext.button.Button, Ext.panel.Panel when frame=true, Ext.window.Window). The markup is of this form:

Ext.dom.Element.boxMarkup =
'<div class="{0}-tl"><div class="{0}-tr"><div class="{0}-tc"></div></div></div>
<div class="{0}-ml"><div class="{0}-mr"><div class="{0}-mc"></div></div></div>
<div class="{0}-bl"><div class="{0}-br"><div class="{0}-bc"></div></div></div>';

Example usage:

// Basic box wrap

// You can also add a custom class and use CSS inheritance rules to customize the box look.
// 'x-box-blue' is a built-in alternative -- look at the related CSS definitions as an example
// for how to create a custom box wrap style.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

boxready []

Fires one time - after the component has been laid out for the first time at its initial size.

bringToFront [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Brings the specified Component to the front of any other active Components in this ZIndexManager.

bubble [Ext_Component.t]

Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point, the bubble is stopped.

bubbleEvents [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container. See Ext.util.Observable.enableBubble.

buffered [Ext_data_Store.configs]

Allows the Store to prefetch and cache in a page cache, pages of Records, and to then satisfy loading requirements from this page cache.

To use buffered Stores, initiate the process by loading the first page. The number of rows rendered are determined automatically, and the range of pages needed to keep the cache primed for scrolling is requested and cached. Example:

myStore.loadPage(1); // Load page 1

A BufferedRenderer is instantiated which will monitor the scrolling in the grid, and refresh the view's rows from the page cache as needed. It will also pull new data into the page cache when scrolling of the view draws upon data near either end of the prefetched data.

The margins which trigger view refreshing from the prefetched data are Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer.numFromEdge, Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer.leadingBufferZone and Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer.trailingBufferZone.

The margins which trigger loading more data into the page cache are, leadingBufferZone and trailingBufferZone.

By default, only 5 pages of data are cached in the page cache, with pages "scrolling" out of the buffer as the view moves down through the dataset. Setting this value to zero means that no pages are ever scrolled out of the page cache, and that eventually the whole dataset may become present in the page cache. This is sometimes desirable as long as datasets do not reach astronomical proportions.

Selection state may be maintained across page boundaries by configuring the SelectionModel not to discard records from its collection when those Records cycle out of the Store's primary collection. This is done by configuring the SelectionModel like this:

selModel: {
    pruneRemoved: false
buildRequest [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Creates an Request object from Operation.

This gets called from doRequest methods in subclasses of Server proxy.

buildUrl [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Generates a url based on a given object. By default, ServerProxy's buildUrl will add the cache-buster param to the end of the url. Subclasses may need to perform additional modifications to the url.

bulkremove []

Fired at the end of the remove method when all records in the passed array have been removed.

If many records may be removed in one go, then it is more efficient to listen for this event and perform any processing for a bulk remove than to listen for many remove events.

button [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.button.Button.

buttonAlign [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right', 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right' for buttons/fbar, 'left' for other toolbar types).

NOTE: The prefered way to specify toolbars is to use the dockedItems config. Instead of buttonAlign you would add the layout: { pack: 'start' | 'center' | 'end' } option to the dockedItem config.

buttonText [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

An object containing the default button text strings that can be overriden for localized language support. Supported properties are: ok, cancel, yes and no. Generally you should include a locale-specific resource file for handling language support across the framework. Customize the default text like so:

Ext.window.MessageBox.buttonText.yes = "oui"; //french
buttongroup [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
buttons [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config used for adding buttons docked to the bottom of the panel. This is a synonym for the fbar config.

buttons: [
  { text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    ui: 'footer',
    defaults: {minWidth: minButtonWidth},
    items: [
        { xtype: 'component', flex: 1 },
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

The minButtonWidth is used as the default minWidth for each of the buttons in the buttons toolbar.

cachePosition [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Saves the most recent position so that we can reset the constraints and tick marks on-demand. We need to know this so that we can calculate the number of pixels the element is offset from its original position.

cacheScrollValues [Ext_dom_Element.t]

When an element is moved around in the DOM, or is hidden using display:none, it loses layout, and therefore all scroll positions of all descendant elements are lost.

This function caches them, and returns a function, which when run will restore the cached positions. In the following example, the Panel is moved from one Container to another which will cause it to lose all scroll positions:

var restoreScroll = myPanel.el.cacheScrollValues();
cacheString [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the cache param added to the url when using noCache. Defaults to "_dc".

calculate [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Called to perform the calculations for this layout. This method will be called at least once and may be called repeatedly if the done property is cleared before return to indicate that this layout is not yet done. The done property is always set to true before entering this method.

This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes. Instead, DOM writes need to be written to Ext.layout.ContextItem objects to be flushed at the next opportunity.

calculateConstrainedPosition [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Calculates the new [x,y] position to move this Positionable into a constrain region.

By default, this Positionable is constrained to be within the container it was added to, or the element it was rendered to.

Priority is given to constraining the top and left within the constraint.

An alternative constraint may be passed.

callParent [Ext_Base.t]

Call the "parent" method of the current method. That is the method previously overridden by derivation or by an override (see Ext.define).

 Ext.define('My.Base', {
     constructor: function (x) {
         this.x = x;

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return x;

 Ext.define('My.Derived', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     constructor: function () {

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // alerts 21

This can be used with an override as follows:

 Ext.define('My.DerivedOverride', {
     override: 'My.Derived',

     constructor: function (x) {
         this.callParent([x*2]); // calls original My.Derived constructor

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // now alerts 42

This also works with static methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Base.method

 alert(My.Base.method(10);     // alerts 10
 alert(My.Derived2.method(10); // alerts 20

Lastly, it also works with overridden static methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2Override', {
     override: 'My.Derived2',

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Derived2.method

 alert(My.Derived2.method(10); // now alerts 40

To override a method and replace it and also call the superclass method, use callSuper. This is often done to patch a method to fix a bug.

callSuper [Ext_Base.t]

This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method. This is often done to "patch" a method that contains a bug but for whatever reason cannot be fixed directly.


 Ext.define('Ext.some.Class', {
     method: function () {

 Ext.define('Ext.some.DerivedClass', {
     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with a bug ...


To patch the bug in DerivedClass.method, the typical solution is to create an override:

 Ext.define('App.paches.DerivedClass', {
     override: 'Ext.some.DerivedClass',

     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with bug fixed ...


The patch method cannot use callParent to call the superclass method since that would call the overridden method containing the bug. In other words, the above patch would only produce "Fixed" then "Good" in the console log, whereas, using callParent would produce "Fixed" then "Bad" then "Good".

callback [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

A function to be called when a load request finishes. Will be called with the following config parameters:

  • this - The ElementLoader instance.
  • success - True if successful request.
  • response - The response object.
  • options - Ajax options.
callback [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Function to execute when operation completed.

callback [Ext.t]

Execute a callback function in a particular scope. If callback argument is a function reference, that is called. If it is a string, the string is assumed to be the name of a method on the given scope. If no function is passed the call is ignored.

For example, these calls are equivalent:

 var myFunc = this.myFunc;

 Ext.callback('myFunc', this, [arg1, arg2]);
 Ext.callback(myFunc, this, [arg1, arg2]);

 Ext.isFunction(myFunc) && this.myFunc(arg1, arg2);
canActivateItem [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Returns whether a menu item can be activated or not.

cancelEdit [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.t]

Cancels any active edit that is in progress.

cancelEdit [Ext_data_Model.t]

Cancels all changes made in the current edit operation.

cancelFocus [Ext_Component.t]

Cancel any deferred focus on this component

cancelLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.statics]

Cancels layout of a component.

cancelShow [Ext_tip_QuickTip.t]

Hides a visible tip or cancels an impending show for a particular element.

canceledit []

Fires when the user started editing but then cancelled the edit.

capitalize [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.capitalize.

Capitalize the given string

capture [Ext_util_Observable.statics]

Starts capture on the specified Observable. All events will be passed to the supplied function with the event name + standard signature of the event before the event is fired. If the supplied function returns false, the event will not fire.

cascade [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (passed in the first call), calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this reference) of the function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point, the cascade is stopped on that branch.

caseSensitive [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

True to make the regex case sensitive (adds 'i' switch to regex).

cellclick []

Fired when table cell is clicked.

cellclick []

Fired when table cell is clicked.

cellcontextmenu []

Fired when table cell is right clicked.

cellcontextmenu []

Fired when table cell is right clicked.

celldblclick []

Fired when table cell is double clicked.

celldblclick []

Fired when table cell is double clicked.

cellkeydown []

Fired when the keydown event is captured on the cell.

cellkeydown []

Fired when the keydown event is captured on the cell.

cellmousedown []

Fired when the mousedown event is captured on the cell.

cellmousedown []

Fired when the mousedown event is captured on the cell.

cellmouseup []

Fired when the mouseup event is captured on the cell.

cellmouseup []

Fired when the mouseup event is captured on the cell.

center [Ext_util_Floating.t]

Center this Component in its container.

center [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Centers the Element in either the viewport, or another Element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

centerFrame [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

By default the frame is positioned exactly where the drag element is, so we use the cursor offset provided by Ext.dd.DD. Another option that works only if you do not have constraints on the obj is to have the drag frame centered around the cursor. Set centerFrame to true for this effect.

change []

Fires when the value of a field is changed via the setValue method.

change []

Fires when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.

chart [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.chart.Chart.

checkChange [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Forces each field within the form panel to check if its value has changed.

checkChange [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Checks whether the value of the field has changed since the last time it was checked. If the value has changed, it:

  1. Fires the change event,
  2. Performs validation if the validateOnChange config is enabled, firing the validitychange event if the validity has changed, and
  3. Checks the dirty state of the field and fires the dirtychange event if it has changed.
checkChangeBuffer [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

Defines a timeout in milliseconds for buffering checkChangeEvents that fire in rapid succession. Defaults to 50 milliseconds.

checkChangeEvents [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

A list of event names that will be listened for on the field's input element, which will cause the field's value to be checked for changes. If a change is detected, the change event will be fired, followed by validation if the validateOnChange option is enabled.

Defaults to ['change', 'propertychange', 'keyup'] in Internet Explorer, and ['change', 'input', 'textInput', 'keyup', 'dragdrop'] in other browsers. This catches all the ways that field values can be changed in most supported browsers; the only known exceptions at the time of writing are:

  • Safari 3.2 and older: cut/paste in textareas via the context menu, and dragging text into textareas
  • Opera 10 and 11: dragging text into text fields and textareas, and cut via the context menu in text fields and textareas
  • Opera 9: Same as Opera 10 and 11, plus paste from context menu in text fields and textareas

If you need to guarantee on-the-fly change notifications including these edge cases, you can call the checkChange method on a repeating interval, e.g. using Ext.TaskManager, or if the field is within a Ext.form.Panel, you can use the FormPanel's Ext.form.Panel.pollForChanges configuration to set up such a task automatically.

checkDirty [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Checks the isDirty state of the field and if it has changed since the last time it was checked, fires the dirtychange event.

checkDirty [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Check whether the dirty state of the entire form has changed since it was last checked, and if so fire the dirtychange event. This is automatically invoked when an individual field's dirty state changes.

checkValidity [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Check whether the validity of the entire form has changed since it was last checked, and if so fire the validitychange event. This is automatically invoked when an individual field's validity changes.

checkbox [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
checkboxfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
checkboxgroup [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
checkcolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
child [Ext_Queryable.t]

Retrieves the first direct child of this container which matches the passed selector or component. The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector, or it can be an actual Ext.Component.

child [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Selects a single direct child based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

childEls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An array describing the child elements of the Component. Each member of the array is an object with these properties:

  • name - The property name on the Component for the child element.
  • itemId - The id to combine with the Component's id that is the id of the child element.
  • id - The id of the child element.

If the array member is a string, it is equivalent to { name: m, itemId: m }.

For example, a Component which renders a title and body text:

Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    renderTpl: [
        '<h1 id="{id}-title">{title}</h1>',
    renderData: {
        title: "Error",
        msg: "Something went wrong"
    childEls: ["title"],
    listeners: {
        afterrender: function(cmp){
            // After rendering the component will have a title property
            cmp.title.setStyle({color: "red"});

A more flexible, but somewhat slower, approach is renderSelectors.

chromeVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of Chrome (0 if the browser is not Chrome).

clean [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Removes Empty, or whitespace filled text nodes. Combines adjacent text nodes.

clear []

Fires when the collection is cleared.

clear [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Removes all items from the collection. Fires the clear event when complete.

clear [Ext_state_Provider.t]

Clears a value from the state

clear [Ext_state_Manager.t]

Clears a value from the state

clear [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Removes all elements from this Composite.

clear []

Fired after the removeAll method is called.

clearCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The CSS class to be applied to the special clearing div rendered directly after the field contents wrapper to provide field clearing.

clearConstraints [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Clears any constraints applied to this instance. Also clears ticks since they can't exist independent of a constraint at this time.

clearFilter [Ext_data_Store.t]

Reverts to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.

clearGrouping [Ext_data_Store.t]

Clear any groupers in the store

clearHighlight [Ext_view_View.t]

Un-highlights the currently highlighted item, if any.

clearInvalid [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field. Components using this mixin should implement this method to update the components rendering to clear any existing messages.

Note: this method does not cause the Field's validate or isValid methods to return true if the value does not pass validation. So simply clearing a field's errors will not necessarily allow submission of forms submitted with the Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation option set.

clearInvalid [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field.

Note: this method does not cause the Field's validate or isValid methods to return true if the value does not pass validation. So simply clearing a field's errors will not necessarily allow submission of forms submitted with the Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation option set.

clearInvalid [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Clears all invalid field messages in this form.

clearListeners [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners

clearListeners [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Alias for removeAllListeners.

Removes all previous added listeners from this element

clearManagedListeners [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Removes all managed listeners for this object.

clearMarginCache [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

clears the margin cache so that marginInfo get re-read from the dom on the next call to getMarginInfo() This is needed in some special cases where the margins have changed since the last layout, making the cached values invalid. For example collapsed window headers have different margin than expanded ones.

clearOnPageLoad [Ext_data_Store.configs]

True to empty the store when loading another page via loadPage, nextPage or previousPage. Setting to false keeps existing records, allowing large data sets to be loaded one page at a time but rendered all together.

clearOpacity [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Clears any opacity settings from this element. Required in some cases for IE.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

clearPositioning [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Clears positioning back to the default when the document was loaded.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

clearRemovedOnLoad [Ext_data_Store.configs]

true to clear anything in the removed record collection when the store loads.

clearTicks [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Clears any tick interval defined for this instance

clearTime [Ext_Date.t]

Attempts to clear all time information from this Date by setting the time to midnight of the same day, automatically adjusting for Daylight Saving Time (DST) where applicable.

Note: DST timezone information for the browser's host operating system is assumed to be up-to-date.

click []

Fires when this menu is clicked

click []

Fires when a click is detected within the surface.

click []

Fires when a mouse click is detected within the element.

click []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a click is detected within the surface.

click []

Fires when a mouse click is detected within the element.

click []

Fires when this button is clicked, before the configured handler is invoked. Execution of the handler may be vetoed by returning false to this event.

clickEvent [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The DOM event that will fire the handler of the button. This can be any valid event name (dblclick, contextmenu).

clicksToEdit [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.configs]

The number of clicks on a grid required to display the editor. The only accepted values are 1 and 2.

clientIdProperty [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The name of a property that is used for submitting this Model's unique client-side identifier to the server when multiple phantom records are saved as part of the same Operation. In such a case, the server response should include the client id for each record so that the server response data can be used to update the client-side records if necessary. This property cannot have the same name as any of this Model's fields.

clip [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Store the current overflow setting and clip overflow on the element - use unclip to remove

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

clone [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Creates a shallow copy of this collection

clone [Ext_Date.t]

Creates and returns a new Date instance with the exact same date value as the called instance. Dates are copied and passed by reference, so if a copied date variable is modified later, the original variable will also be changed. When the intention is to create a new variable that will not modify the original instance, you should create a clone.

Example of correctly cloning a date:

//wrong way:
var orig = new Date('10/1/2006');
var copy = orig;
console.log(orig);  // returns 'Thu Oct 05 2006'!

//correct way:
var orig = new Date('10/1/2006'),
    copy = Ext.Date.clone(orig);
console.log(orig);  // returns 'Thu Oct 01 2006'
clone [Ext.t]

Clone simple variables including array, {}-like objects, DOM nodes and Date without keeping the old reference. A reference for the object itself is returned if it's not a direct decendant of Object. For model cloning, see Model.copy.

cloneConfig [Ext_Component.t]

Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.

clonePlugin [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

Creates clone of the plugin.

closable [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window.

By default, when close is requested by either clicking the close button in the header or pressing ESC when the Window has focus, the close method will be called. This will destroy the Window and its content meaning that it may not be reused.

To make closing a Window hide the Window so that it may be reused, set closeAction to 'hide'.

closable [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header.

closable [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window.

By default, when close is requested by clicking the close button in the header, the close method will be called. This will destroy the Panel and its content meaning that it may not be reused.

To make closing a Panel hide the Panel so that it may be reused, set closeAction to 'hide'.

close []

Fires when the user closes the panel.

close [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Closes the Panel. By default, this method, removes it from the DOM, destroys the Panel object and all its descendant Components. The beforeclose event is fired before the close happens and will cancel the close action if it returns false.

Note: This method is also affected by the closeAction setting. For more explicit control use destroy and hide methods.

closeAction [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

The action to take when the close header tool is clicked:

  • 'destroy' :

    remove the window from the DOM and destroy it and all descendant Components. The window will not be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

  • 'hide' :

    hide the window by setting visibility to hidden and applying negative offsets. The window will be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

Note: This behavior has changed! setting does affect the close method which will invoke the approriate closeAction.

closeAction [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

The action to take when the close header tool is clicked:

  • destroy : remove the window from the DOM and destroy it and all descendant Components. The window will not be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

  • hide : Default. hide the window by setting visibility to hidden and applying negative offsets. The window will be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

Note: This behavior has changed! setting does affect the close method which will invoke the approriate closeAction.

closeAction [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The action to take when the close header tool is clicked:

  • 'destroy' :

    remove the window from the DOM and destroy it and all descendant Components. The window will not be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

  • 'hide' :

    hide the window by setting visibility to hidden and applying negative offsets. The window will be available to be redisplayed via the show method.

Note: This behavior has changed! setting does affect the close method which will invoke the approriate closeAction.

cls [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

cls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

A CSS class string to apply to the button's main element.

cls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

coerce [Ext.t]

Coerces the first value if possible so that it is comparable to the second value.

Coercion only works between the basic atomic data types String, Boolean, Number, Date, null and undefined.

Numbers and numeric strings are coerced to Dates using the value as the millisecond era value.

Strings are coerced to Dates by parsing using the defaultFormat.

For example

Ext.coerce('false', true);

returns the boolean value false because the second parameter is of type Boolean.

collapse []

Fires after this Panel has collapsed.

collapse [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Collapses the panel body so that the body becomes hidden. Docked Components parallel to the border towards which the collapse takes place will remain visible. Fires the beforecollapse event which will cancel the collapse action if it returns false.

collapseDirection [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The direction to collapse the Panel when the toggle button is clicked.

Defaults to the headerPosition

Important: This config is ignored for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a border layout.

Specify as 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'.

collapseFirst [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

true to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last.

collapseMode [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Important: this config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a border layout.

When not a direct child item of a border layout, then the Panel's header remains visible, and the body is collapsed to zero dimensions. If the Panel has no header, then a new header (orientated correctly depending on the collapseDirection) will be inserted to show a the title and a re- expand tool.

When a child item of a border layout, this config has three possible values:

  • undefined - When collapsed, a placeholder Header is injected into the layout to represent the Panel and to provide a UI with a Tool to allow the user to re-expand the Panel.

  • "header" - The Panel collapses to leave its header visible as when not inside a border layout.

  • "mini" - The Panel collapses without a visible header.

collapsed [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to render the window collapsed, false to render it expanded. Note that if expandOnShow is true (the default) it will override the collapsed config and the window will always be expanded when shown.

collapsed [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded.

collapsedCls [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed.

collapsible [Ext_window_Window.configs]

inherited docs, same default

True to make the panel collapsible and have an expand/collapse toggle Tool added into the header tool button area. False to keep the panel sized either statically, or by an owning layout manager, with no toggle Tool. When a panel is used in a border layout, the floatable option can influence the behavior of collapsing. See collapseMode and collapseDirection

collapsible [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to make the panel collapsible and have an expand/collapse toggle Tool added into the header tool button area. False to keep the panel sized either statically, or by an owning layout manager, with no toggle Tool. When a panel is used in a border layout, the floatable option can influence the behavior of collapsing. See collapseMode and collapseDirection

collect [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Collects unique values of a particular property in this MixedCollection

collect [Ext_data_Store.t]

Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.

collectData [Ext_view_Table.t]

Function which can be overridden which returns the data object passed to this DataView's template to render the whole DataView.

This is usually an Array of data objects, each element of which is processed by an XTemplate which uses '&lt;tpl for="."&gt;' to iterate over its supplied data object as an Array. However, named properties may be placed into the data object to provide non-repeating data such as headings, totals etc.

collectData [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Function which can be overridden which returns the data object passed to this DataView's template to render the whole DataView.

This is usually an Array of data objects, each element of which is processed by an XTemplate which uses '&lt;tpl for="."&gt;' to iterate over its supplied data object as an Array. However, named properties may be placed into the data object to provide non-repeating data such as headings, totals etc.

colormenu [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
colorpicker [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.picker.Color.

columnLines [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Adds column line styling

columnWidth [Ext_Component.configs]

Defines the column width inside column layout.

Can be specified as a number or as a percentage.

columnhide []
columnhide []
columnmove []
columnmove []
columnresize []
columnresize []
columns [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

An array of column definition objects which define all columns that appear in this grid. Each column definition provides the header text for the column, and a definition of where the data for that column comes from.

This can also be a configuration object for a {Ext.grid.header.Container HeaderContainer} which may override certain default configurations if necessary. For example, the special layout may be overridden to use a simpler layout, or one can set default values shared by all columns:

columns: {
    items: [
            text: "Column A"
            dataIndex: "field_A"
            text: "Column B",
            dataIndex: "field_B"
    defaults: {
        flex: 1
columns [Ext_grid_Panel.configs]

An array of column definition objects which define all columns that appear in this grid. Each column definition provides the header text for the column, and a definition of where the data for that column comes from.

This can also be a configuration object for a {Ext.grid.header.Container HeaderContainer} which may override certain default configurations if necessary. For example, the special layout may be overridden to use a simpler layout, or one can set default values shared by all columns:

columns: {
    items: [
            text: "Column A"
            dataIndex: "field_A"
            text: "Column B",
            dataIndex: "field_B"
    defaults: {
        flex: 1
columns [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

An optional array of sub-column definitions. This column becomes a group, and houses the columns defined in the columns config.

Group columns may not be sortable. But they may be hideable and moveable. And you may move headers into and out of a group. Note that if all sub columns are dragged out of a group, the group is destroyed.

columnschanged []

Fired after the columns change in any way, when a column has been hidden or shown, or when a column is added to or removed from this header container.

columnschanged []

Fired after the columns change in any way, when a column has been hidden or shown, or when a column is added to or removed from this header container.

columnshow []
columnshow []
combo [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
combobox [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
commit [Ext_data_Model.t]

Usually called by the which owns the model instance. Commits all changes made to the instance since either creation or the last commit operation.

Developers should subscribe to the event to have their code notified of commit operations.

commitChanges [Ext_data_Store.t]

Commits all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the Store's update event, and perform updating when the third parameter is

commitRecords [Ext_data_Operation.t]

This method is called to commit data to this instance's records given the records in the server response. This is followed by calling on all those records (for 'create' and 'update' actions).

If this action is 'destroy', any server records are ignored and the method is not called.

compare [Ext_Version.statics]

Compare 2 specified versions, starting from left to right. If a part contains special version strings, they are handled in the following order: 'dev' < 'alpha' = 'a' < 'beta' = 'b' < 'RC' = 'rc' < '#' < 'pl' = 'p' < 'anything else'

compile [Ext_Template.t]

Compiles the template into an internal function, eliminating the RegEx overhead.

compiled [Ext_Template.configs]

True to immediately compile the template. Defaults to false.

complete []

Fired when all operations of this batch have been completed

completeEdit [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.t]

Completes the edit if there is an active edit in progress.

completeLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

This method (if implemented) is called at the end of the cycle in which this layout completes (by not setting done to false in calculate). It is possible for the layout to complete and yet become invalid before the end of the cycle, in which case, this method will not be called. It is also possible for this method to be called and then later the layout becomes invalidated. This will result in calculate being called again, followed by another call to this method.

This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes. Instead, DOM writes need to be written to Ext.layout.ContextItem objects to be flushed at the next opportunity.

This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be implemented when needed.

component [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.Component.

componentCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

CSS Class to be added to a components root level element to give distinction to it via styling.

componentLayout [Ext_view_Table.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

componentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as input fields) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The default layout manager will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

config [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Configuration attributes passed into the constructor

config [Ext_Class.configs]

List of configuration options with their default values, for which automatically accessor methods are generated. For example:

Ext.define('SmartPhone', {
     config: {
         hasTouchScreen: false,
         operatingSystem: 'Other',
         price: 500
     constructor: function(cfg) {

var iPhone = new SmartPhone({
     hasTouchScreen: true,
     operatingSystem: 'iOS'

iPhone.getPrice(); // 500;
iPhone.getOperatingSystem(); // 'iOS'
iPhone.getHasTouchScreen(); // true;

NOTE for when configs are reference types, the getter and setter methods do not make copies.

For example, when a config value is set, the reference is stored on the instance. All instances that set the same reference type will share it.

In the case of the getter, the value with either come from the prototype if the setter was never called or from the instance as the last value passed to the setter.

For some config properties, the value passed to the setter is transformed prior to being stored on the instance.

configureItem [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Called before an item is rendered to allow the layout to configure the item.

configureItem_obj [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Adds layout's itemCls and owning Container's itemCls

confirm [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a confirmation message box with Yes and No buttons (comparable to JavaScript's confirm). If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks either button, and the id of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback (could also be the top-right close button, which will always report as "cancel").

constrain [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to constrain the window within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default the window will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain the window within another element specify renderTo. Optionally the header only can be constrained using constrainHeader.

constrain [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

True to constrain the window within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default the window will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain the window within another element specify renderTo. Optionally the header only can be constrained using constrainHeader.

constrain [Ext_util_Floating.configs]

True to constrain this Components within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default this Component will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain this Component within another element specify renderTo.

constrain [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]

Specify as true to constrain the Component to within the bounds of the constrainTo region.

constrain [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to constrain the panel within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default floating components such as Windows will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain the window within another element specify renderTo. Optionally the header only can be constrained using constrainHeader.

constrainDelegate [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]

Specify as true to constrain the drag handles within the constrainTo region.

constrainHeader [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to constrain the window header within its containing element (allowing the window body to fall outside of its containing element) or false to allow the header to fall outside its containing element. Optionally the entire window can be constrained using constrain.

constrainHeader [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to constrain the panel header within its containing element (allowing the panel body to fall outside of its containing element) or false to allow the header to fall outside its containing element. Optionally the entire panel can be constrained using constrain.

constrainPosition [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

If true, then the tooltip will be automatically constrained to stay within the browser viewport.

constrainTo [Ext_util_Region.t]

Modifies the current region to be constrained to the targetRegion.

constrainTo [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

A Region (Or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the result of the getOffset call.

This may be set any time during the DragTracker's lifecycle to set a dynamic constraining region.

constrainTo [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Initializes the drag drop object's constraints to restrict movement to a certain element.


var dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy("dragDiv1", "proxytest",
               { dragElId: "existingProxyDiv" });
dd.startDrag = function(){

Or you can initalize it using the Ext.Element object:

Ext.get("dragDiv1").initDDProxy("proxytest", {dragElId: "existingProxyDiv"}, {
    startDrag : function(){
constrainTo [Ext_Component.configs]

A Region (or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the component. Only applies when the component is floating.

constraintInsets [Ext_Component.configs]

An object or a string (in TRBL order) specifying insets from the configured constrain region within which this component must be constrained when positioning or sizing. example:

constraintInsets: '10 10 10 10' // Constrain with 10px insets from parent

container [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
containerclick []

Fires when the container is clicked.

containerclick []

Fires when the container is clicked.

containercontextmenu []

Fires when the container is right clicked.

containercontextmenu []

Fires when the container is right clicked.

containerdblclick []

Fires when the container is double clicked.

containerdblclick []

Fires when the container is double clicked.

containerkeydown []

Fires when a key is pressed while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected.

containermouseout []

Fires when you move the mouse out of the container.

containermouseout []

Fires when you move the mouse out of the container.

containermouseover []

Fires when you move the mouse over the container.

containermouseover []

Fires when you move the mouse over the container.

containermouseup []

Fires when there is a mouse up on the container

containermouseup []

Fires when there is a mouse up on the container

contains [Ext_util_Region.t]

Checks if this region completely contains the region that is passed in.

contains [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as an item.

contains [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Returns true if this composite contains the passed element.

contains [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns true if this element is an ancestor of the passed element

contains [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Determines whether the passed Component is either an immediate child of this Container, or whether it is a descendant.

containsKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns true if the collection contains the passed Object as a key.

contentEl [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specify an existing HTML element, or the id of an existing HTML element to use as the content for this component.

This config option is used to take an existing HTML element and place it in the layout element of a new component (it simply moves the specified DOM element after the Component is rendered to use as the content.


The specified HTML element is appended to the layout element of the component after any configured HTML has been inserted, and so the document will not contain this element at the time the render event is fired.

The specified HTML element used will not participate in any layout scheme that the Component may use. It is just HTML. Layouts operate on child items.

Add either the x-hidden or the x-hide-display CSS class to prevent a brief flicker of the content before it is rendered to the panel.

contentPaddingProperty [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

The name of the padding property that is used by the layout to manage padding. See managePadding

contentPaddingProperty [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

The name of the padding property that is used by the layout to manage padding. See managePadding

contextmenu []

Fires when a right click is detected within the element.

control [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Adds listeners to components selected via Ext.ComponentQuery. Accepts an object containing component paths mapped to a hash of listener functions.

In the following example the updateUser function is mapped to to the click event on a button component, which is a child of the useredit component.

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             'useredit button[action=save]': {
                 click: this.updateUser

     updateUser: function(button) {
         console.log('clicked the Save button');

Or alternatively one call control with two arguments:

 this.control('useredit button[action=save]', {
     click: this.updateUser

See Ext.ComponentQuery for more information on component selectors.

controllers [Ext_app_Application.configs]

Names of controllers that the app uses.

convert [Ext_data_Field.configs]

A function which converts the value provided by the Reader into an object that will be stored in the Model.

If configured as null, then no conversion will be applied to the raw data property when this Field is read. This will increase performance. but you must ensure that the data is of the correct type and does not need converting.

It is passed the following parameters:

  • v : Mixed

    The data value as read by the Reader, if undefined will use the configured defaultValue.

  • rec :

    The data object containing the Model as read so far by the Reader. Note that the Model may not be fully populated at this point as the fields are read in the order that they are defined in your fields array.

Example of convert functions:

function fullName(v, record){
    return + ', ' +;

function location(v, record){
    return ! ? '' : ( + ', ' +;

Ext.define('Dude', {
    extend: '',
    fields: [
        {name: 'fullname',  convert: fullName},
        {name: 'firstname', mapping: 'name.first'},
        {name: 'lastname',  mapping: 'name.last'},
        {name: 'city', defaultValue: 'homeless'},
        {name: 'location',  convert: location}

// create the data store
var store = Ext.create('', {
    reader: {
        type: 'json',
        model: 'Dude',
        idProperty: 'key',
        root: 'daRoot',
        totalProperty: 'total'

var myData = [
    { key: 1,
      name: { first: 'Fat',    last:  'Albert' }
      // notice no city, state provided in data object
    { key: 2,
      name: { first: 'Barney', last:  'Rubble' },
      city: 'Bedrock', state: 'Stoneridge'
    { key: 3,
      name: { first: 'Cliff',  last:  'Claven' },
      city: 'Boston',  state: 'MA'
convertCollapseDir [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

converts a collapsdDir into an anchor argument for Element.slideIn overridden in rtl mode to switch "l" and "r"

copy [Ext_util_Region.t]

Create a copy of this Region.

copy [Ext_data_Model.t]

Creates a copy (clone) of this Model instance.

copyFrom [Ext_util_Region.t]

Copy the values of another Region to this Region

copyTo [Ext.t]

Copies a set of named properties fom the source object to the destination object.


ImageComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, {
    initComponent: function() {
        this.autoEl = { tag: 'img' };
        MyComponent.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
        this.initialBox = Ext.copyTo({}, this.initialConfig, 'x,y,width,height');

Important note: To borrow class prototype methods, use Ext.Base.borrow instead.

correctWheelDelta [Ext_EventObject.t]

Correctly scales a given wheel delta.

count [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gets the count of items in the store.

When store is filtered, only items within the filter are counted.

count [Ext_data_ResultSet.configs]

The number of records in this ResultSet. Note that total may differ from this number.

create [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

in a ServerProxy all four CRUD operations are executed in the same manner, so we delegate to doRequest in each case

Performs the given create operation.

create [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Performs the given create operation.

create [Ext_Base.statics]

Create a new instance of this Class.

Ext.define('', {
    someConfig: true

All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.

create [Ext.t]

Instantiate a class by either full name, alias or alternate name.

If Ext.Loader is enabled and the class has not been defined yet, it will attempt to load the class via synchronous loading.

For example, all these three lines return the same result:

 // alias
 var window = Ext.create('widget.window', {
     width: 600,
     height: 800,

 // alternate name
 var window = Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
     width: 600,
     height: 800,

 // full class name
 var window = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
     width: 600,
     height: 800,

 // single object with xclass property:
 var window = Ext.create({
     xclass: 'Ext.window.Window', // any valid value for 'name' (above)
     width: 600,
     height: 800,
createAlias [Ext_Base.statics]

Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:

Ext.define('', {
    method1: function() { ... },
    method2: function() { ... }

var test = new;{
    method3: 'method1',
    method4: 'method2'

test.method3(); // test.method1()'method5', 'method3');

test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()
createByAlias [Ext.t]

Instantiate a class by its alias.

Ext.ClassManager.instantiateByAlias is usually invoked by the shorthand createByAlias.

If Ext.Loader is enabled and the class has not been defined yet, it will attempt to load the class via synchronous loading.

var window = Ext.createByAlias('widget.window', { width: 600, height: 800, ... });
createChild [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

createComparator [Ext_util_Sortable.statics]

Creates a single comparator function which encapsulates the passed Sorter array.

createFrame [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

Creates the proxy element if it does not yet exist

createProxy [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Creates a proxy element of this element

createShim [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Creates an iframe shim for this element to keep selects and other windowed objects from showing through.

create_store [Ext_data_AbstractStore.statics]

Creates a store from config object.

create_surface [Ext_draw_Surface.statics]

Creates and returns a new concrete Surface instance appropriate for the current environment.

ctrlKey [Ext_EventObject.t]

True if the control key was down during the event. In Mac this will also be true when meta key was down.

currency [Ext_util_Format.t]

Format a number as a currency.

currencyAtEnd [Ext_util_Format.t]

This may be set to true to make the currency function append the currency sign to the formatted value.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

currencyPrecision [Ext_util_Format.t]

The number of decimal places that the currency function displays.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

currencySign [Ext_util_Format.t]

The currency sign that the currency function displays.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

current [Ext_data_Batch.t]

The index of the current operation being executed. Read only

currentPage [Ext_data_Store.t]

The page that the Store has most recently loaded (see loadPage)

cycle [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.button.Cycle.

dashSize [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

The size of the dash marker. Default's 3.

data [Ext_data_Store.configs]

Array of Model instances or data objects to load locally. See "Inline data" above for details.

data [Ext_data_Store.t]

When this Store is not buffered, the data property is a MixedCollection which holds this store's local cache of records.

When this store is buffered, the data property is a cache of pages of records used to satisfy load requests from the Store when the associated view scrolls. Depending on how the buffer zone and purgePageCount are configured, pages which are scrolled out of view may be evicted from the cache, and need to be re-requested from the server when scrolled back into view. For this reason, if using buffered, it is recommended that you configure your Model definitions with a unique so that records which return to the page cache may be matched against previously selected records.

Pages in the direction of scroll are prefetched from the remote server and loaded into this cache before they are needed based upon the buffer zone so that scrolling can proceed without visible pauses for data loading.

data [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of the Component.

dataIndex [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The name of the field in the grid's's definition from which to draw the column's value. Required.

datachanged []

Fires whenever the records in the Store have changed in some way - this could include adding or removing records, or updating the data in existing records

dataview [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.view.View.

date [Ext_util_Format.t]

Formats the passed date using the specified format pattern.

dateFormat [Ext_data_writer_Writer.configs]

This is used for each field of type date in the model to format the value before it is sent to the server.

dateFormat [Ext_data_Field.configs]

Serves as a default for the dateReadFormat and dateWriteFormat config options. This will be used in place of those other configurations if not specified.

A format string for the Ext.Date.parse function, or "timestamp" if the value provided by the Reader is a UNIX timestamp, or "time" if the value provided by the Reader is a javascript millisecond timestamp. See Ext.Date.

It is quite important to note that while this config is optional, it will default to using the base JavaScript Date object's parse function if not specified, rather than Ext.Date.parse. This can cause unexpected issues, especially when converting between timezones, or when converting dates that do not have a timezone specified. The behavior of the native Date.parse is implementation-specific, and depending on the value of the date string, it might return the UTC date or the local date. For this reason it is strongly recommended that you always specify an explicit date format when parsing dates.

dateReadFormat [Ext_data_Field.configs]

Used when converting received data into a Date when the type is specified as "date". This configuration takes precedence over dateFormat. See dateFormat for more information.

dateRenderer [Ext_util_Format.t]

Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently.

dateWriteFormat [Ext_data_Field.configs]

Used to provide a custom format when serializing dates with a If this is not specified, the dateFormat will be used. See the docs for more information on writing dates.

Note that to use a JsonWriter to send Microsoft format "JSON" dates, which are in fact invalid JSON, it is not possible to use the standard date serialization pathway or native browser JSON production.

To use a JsonWriter to write dates in a JSON packet in the form "\/Date(1357372800000)\/" configure the field like this:

{ type: 'date', dateFormat: 'MS', // To parse incoming dates from server correctly serialize: Ext.identityFn // An ExtJS-supplied function which returns the arg unchanged }

Then override ExtJS's JSON date serialize function:

Ext.JSON.encodeDate = function (d) { return '"' + Ext.Date.format(d, 'MS') + '"'; };

datecolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
datefield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.Date.

datemenu [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

datepicker [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.picker.Date.

dayNames [Ext_Date.t]

An array of textual day names. Override these values for international dates.


Ext.Date.dayNames = [
    // ...
dblclick []

Fires when a dblclick is detected within the surface.

dblclick []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a dblclick is detected within the surface.

dblclick []

Fires when a mouse double click is detected within the element.

dd [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Only present if this Panel has been configured with draggable true.

Simple dragging

If this Panel is configured simpleDrag true (the default is false), this property will reference an instance of Ext.util.ComponentDragger (A subclass of DragTracker) which handles moving the Panel's DOM Element, and constraining according to the constrain and constrainHeader .

This object fires various events during its lifecycle and during a drag operation.

Complex dragging interacting with other DragDrop instances

By default, this property in a draggable Panel will contain an instance of Ext.dd.DragSource which handles dragging the Panel.

The developer must provide implementations of the abstract methods of Ext.dd.DragSource in order to supply behaviour for each stage of the drag/drop process. See draggable.

dd [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

If this Sprite is configured draggable, this property will contain an instance of Ext.dd.DragSource which handles dragging the Sprite.

The developer must provide implementations of the abstract methods of Ext.dd.DragSource in order to supply behaviour for each stage of the drag/drop process. See draggable.

ddGroup [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]

A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group.

dd_dragger [Ext_window_Window.t]

If this Window is configured draggable, this property will contain an instance of Ext.util.ComponentDragger (A subclass of DragTracker) which handles dragging the Window's DOM Element, and constraining according to the constrain and constrainHeader .

This has implementations of onBeforeStart, onDrag and onEnd which perform the dragging action. If extra logic is needed at these points, use createInterceptor or createSequence to augment the existing implementations.

deactivate []

Fires after a Component has been visually deactivated.

deactivateActiveItem [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Deactivates the current active item on the menu, if one exists.

deactivate_window []

Fires after the window has been visually deactivated via setActive.

decimalSeparator [Ext_util_Format.t]

The character that the number function uses as a decimal point.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

decode [Ext.t]

Shorthand for Ext.JSON.decode

Decodes (parses) a JSON string to an object. If the JSON is invalid, this function throws a SyntaxError unless the safe option is set.

decodeValue [Ext_state_Provider.t]

Decodes a string previously encoded with encodeValue.

defaultAlign [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

Experimental. The default Ext.util.Positionable.alignTo anchor position value for this tip relative to its element of origin.

defaultAlign [Ext_Component.configs]

The default Ext.Element#getAlignToXY anchor position value for this menu relative to its element of origin. Used in conjunction with showBy.

defaultDockWeights [Ext_container_DockingContainer.configs]

This object holds the default weights applied to dockedItems that have no weight. These start with a weight of 1, to allow negative weights to insert before top items and are odd numbers so that even weights can be used to get between different dock orders.

To make default docking order match border layout, do this:

 Ext.panel.AbstractPanel.prototype.defaultDockWeights = { top: 1, bottom: 3, left: 5, right: 7 };

Changing these defaults as above or individually on this object will effect all Panels. To change the defaults on a single panel, you should replace the entire object:

 initComponent: function () {
     // NOTE: Don't change members of defaultDockWeights since the object is shared.
     this.defaultDockWeights = { top: 1, bottom: 3, left: 5, right: 7 };


To change only one of the default values, you do this:

 initComponent: function () {
     // NOTE: Don't change members of defaultDockWeights since the object is shared.
     this.defaultDockWeights = Ext.applyIf({ top: 10 }, this.defaultDockWeights);

defaultFocus [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Specifies a Component to receive focus when this Window is focused.

This may be one of:

defaultFormat [Ext_Date.t]

The date format string that the Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer and functions use. See Ext.Date for details.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

defaultPadding [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Provides default constraint padding to "constrainTo" elements.

defaultProxyType [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The string type of the default Model Proxy. Defaults to 'ajax'.

defaultProxyType [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

The string type of the Proxy to create if none is specified. This defaults to creating a memory proxy.

defaultRenderer [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.defaultRenderer
defaultRenderer [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

When defined this will take precedence over the renderer config. This is meant to be defined in subclasses that wish to supply their own renderer.

defaultSortDirection [Ext_util_Sortable.configs]

The default sort direction to use if one is not specified.

defaultTextHeight [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The default height in pixels of the message box's multiline textarea if displayed.

defaultType [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when a child item is specified as a raw configuration object, rather than as an instantiated Component.

defaultType [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when a child item is specified as a raw configuration object, rather than as an instantiated Component.

defaultUnit [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

The default unit to append to CSS values where a unit isn't provided.

Overridden in Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

defaultValue [Ext_util_Format.t]

Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty.

defaultValue [Ext_data_Field.configs]

The default value used when the creating an instance from a raw data object, and the property referenced by the mapping does not exist in that data object.

May be specified as undefined to prevent defaulting in a value.

defaultWidth [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

Width of the header if no width or flex is specified.

defaults [Ext_Date.t]

An object hash containing default date values used during date parsing.

The following properties are available:

  • y : Number
    The default year value. (defaults to undefined)
  • m : Number
    The default 1-based month value. (defaults to undefined)
  • d : Number
    The default day value. (defaults to undefined)
  • h : Number
    The default hour value. (defaults to undefined)
  • i : Number
    The default minute value. (defaults to undefined)
  • s : Number
    The default second value. (defaults to undefined)
  • ms : Number
    The default millisecond value. (defaults to undefined)

Override these properties to customize the default date values used by the parse method.

Note: In countries which experience Daylight Saving Time (i.e. DST), the h, i, s and ms properties may coincide with the exact time in which DST takes effect. It is the responsibility of the developer to account for this.

Example Usage:

// set default day value to the first day of the month
Ext.Date.defaults.d = 1;

// parse a February date string containing only year and month values.
// setting the default day value to 1 prevents weird date rollover issues
// when attempting to parse the following date string on, for example, March 31st 2009.
Ext.Date.parse('2009-02', 'Y-m'); // returns a Date object representing February 1st 2009
defaults [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.

Defaults are applied to both config objects and instantiated components conditionally so as not to override existing properties in the item (see Ext.applyIf).

If the defaults option is specified as a function, then the function will be called using this Container as the scope (this reference) and passing the added item as the first parameter. Any resulting object from that call is then applied to the item as default properties.

For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained Ext.panel.Panel items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}.


defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container
    autoScroll: true
items: [
    // default will not be applied here, panel1 will be autoScroll: false
        xtype: 'panel',
        id: 'panel1',
        autoScroll: false
    // this component will have autoScroll: true
    new Ext.panel.Panel({
        id: 'panel2'
defer [Ext.t]

Calls this function after the number of millseconds specified, optionally in a specific scope. Example usage:

var sayHi = function(name){
    alert('Hi, ' + name);

// executes immediately:

// executes after 2 seconds:
Ext.Function.defer(sayHi, 2000, this, ['Fred']);

// this syntax is sometimes useful for deferring
// execution of an anonymous function:
}, 100);

Ext.defer is alias for Ext.Function.defer

deferEmptyText [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

True to defer emptyText being applied until the store's first load.

deferInitialRefresh [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

Defaults to true to defer the initial refresh of the view.

This allows the View to execute its render and initial layout more quickly because the process will not be encumbered by the expensive update of the view structure.

Important: Be aware that this will mean that the View's item elements will not be available immediately upon render, so selection may not take place at render time. To access a View's item elements as soon as possible, use the viewready event. Or set deferInitialrefresh to false, but this will be at the cost of slower rendering.

deferRowRender [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Defaults to true to enable deferred row rendering.

This allows the View to execute a refresh quickly, with the expensive update of the row structure deferred so that layouts with GridPanels appear, and lay out more quickly.

define [Ext.t]

Defines a class or override. A basic class is defined like this:

 Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
     someProperty: 'something',

     someMethod: function(s) {
         alert(s + this.someProperty);


 var obj = new My.awesome.Class();

 obj.someMethod('Say '); // alerts 'Say something'

To create an anonymous class, pass null for the className:

 Ext.define(null, {
     constructor: function () {
         // ...

In some cases, it is helpful to create a nested scope to contain some private properties. The best way to do this is to pass a function instead of an object as the second parameter. This function will be called to produce the class body:

 Ext.define('', function () {
     var id = 0;

     return {
         nextId: function () {
             return ++id;

Note that when using override, the above syntax will not override successfully, because the passed function would need to be executed first to determine whether or not the result is an override or defining a new object. As such, an alternative syntax that immediately invokes the function can be used:

 Ext.define('MyApp.override.BaseOverride', function () {
     var counter = 0;

     return {
         override: 'Ext.Component',
         logId: function () {

When using this form of Ext.define, the function is passed a reference to its class. This can be used as an efficient way to access any static properties you may have:

 Ext.define('', function (Bar) {
     return {
         statics: {
             staticMethod: function () {
                 // ...

         method: function () {
             return Bar.staticMethod();

To define an override, include the override property. The content of an override is aggregated with the specified class in order to extend or modify that class. This can be as simple as setting default property values or it can extend and/or replace methods. This can also extend the statics of the class.

One use for an override is to break a large class into manageable pieces.

 // File: /src/app/Panel.js

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
     requires: [

     constructor: function (config) {
         this.callParent(arguments); // calls Ext.panel.Panel's constructor

     statics: {
         method: function () {
             return 'abc';

 // File: /src/app/PanelPart2.js
 Ext.define('', {
     override: '',

     constructor: function (config) {
         this.callParent(arguments); // calls's constructor

Another use of overrides is to provide optional parts of classes that can be independently required. In this case, the class may even be unaware of the override altogether.

 Ext.define('My.ux.CoolTip', {
     override: 'Ext.tip.ToolTip',

     constructor: function (config) {
         this.callParent(arguments); // calls Ext.tip.ToolTip's constructor

The above override can now be required as normal.

 Ext.define('', {
     requires: [

Overrides can also contain statics:

 Ext.define('', {
     override: '',

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x * 2]); // call

IMPORTANT: An override is only included in a build if the class it overrides is required. Otherwise, the override, like the target class, is not included.

delegate [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

A DomQuery selector which allows selection of individual elements within the target element to trigger showing and hiding the ToolTip as the mouse moves within the target.

When specified, the child element of the target which caused a show event is placed into the triggerElement property before the ToolTip is shown.

This may be useful when a Component has regular, repeating elements in it, each of which need a ToolTip which contains information specific to that element.

See the delegate example in class documentation of Ext.tip.ToolTip.

delegate [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

A DomQuery selector which identifies child elements within the DragTracker's encapsulating Element which are the tracked elements. This limits tracking to only begin when the matching elements are mousedowned.

This may also be a specific child element within the DragTracker's encapsulating element to use as the tracked element.

delegate_element [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]

A DomQuery selector which identifies child elements within the Component's encapsulating Element which are the drag handles. This limits dragging to only begin when the matching elements are mousedowned.

This may also be a specific child element within the Component's encapsulating element to use as the drag handle.

deprecate [Ext.t]

Create a closure for deprecated code.

// This means Ext.oldMethod is only supported in 4.0.0beta and older.
// If Ext.getVersion('extjs') returns a version that is later than '4.0.0beta', for example '4.0.0RC',
// the closure will not be invoked
Ext.deprecate('extjs', '4.0.0beta', function() {
    Ext.oldMethod = Ext.newMethod;

deselect []

Fired after a record is deselected

deselect [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Deselects a record instance by record instance or index.

deselect []

Fired after a record is deselected

deselect [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Deselects a record instance by record instance or index.

deselect []

Fired after a record is deselected

deselect []

Fired after a record is deselected

deselectAll [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Deselects all records in the view.

deselectRange [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Deselects a range of rows if the selection model is not locked.

destroy [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Destroys the KeyMap instance and removes all handlers.

destroy [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Destroys the QuickTips instance.

destroy [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Destroys this stateful object.

destroy [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Destroys this layout. This method removes a targetCls from the target element and calls onDestroy.

A derived class can override either this method or onDestroy but in all cases must call the base class versions of these methods to allow the base class to perform its cleanup.

This method (or onDestroy) are overridden by subclasses most often to purge event handlers or remove unmanged DOM nodes.

destroy [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Destroys this object.

destroy [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Destroys the loader. Any active requests will be aborted.

destroy [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Destroys the surface. This is done by removing all components from it and also removing its reference to a DOM element.

For example:

destroy []

Fires after the sprite is destroyed.

destroy [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Removes the sprite and clears all listeners.

destroy [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Alias to remove.

Removes this element's dom reference. Note that event and cache removal is handled at Ext.removeNode

destroy [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

Destroy this DragDrop instance

destroy [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Destroy this DragDrop instance

destroy [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Performs the given destroy operation.

destroy [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Performs the given destroy operation.

destroy [Ext_data_Model.t]

Destroys the model using the configured proxy.

destroy [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

The destroy method is invoked by the owning Component at the time the Component is being destroyed.

The supplied implementation is empty. Subclasses should perform plugin cleanup in their own implementation of this method.

destroy []

Fires after the component is destroyed.

destroy [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Destroys the Component.

destroy [Ext.t]

Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if available). This method is primarily intended for arguments of type Ext.Element and Ext.Component, but any subclass of Ext.util.Observable can be passed in. Any number of elements and/or components can be passed into this function in a single call as separate arguments.

destroyMembers [Ext.t]

Attempts to destroy and then remove a set of named properties of the passed object.

destroyMenu [Ext_button_Button.configs]

Whether or not to destroy any associated menu when this button is destroyed. The menu will be destroyed unless this is explicitly set to false.

detachOnRemove [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

True to move any component to the detachedBody when the component is removed from this container. This option is only applicable when the component is not destroyed while being removed, see autoDestroy and remove. If this option is set to false, the DOM of the component will remain in the current place until it is explicitly moved.

detachOnRemove [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

So that when removing from group headers which are then empty and then get destroyed, there's no child DOM left

True to move any component to the detachedBody when the component is removed from this container. This option is only applicable when the component is not destroyed while being removed, see autoDestroy and remove. If this option is set to false, the DOM of the component will remain in the current place until it is explicitly moved.

detachOnRemove [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

True to move any component to the detachedBody when the component is removed from this container. This option is only applicable when the component is not destroyed while being removed, see autoDestroy and remove. If this option is set to false, the DOM of the component will remain in the current place until it is explicitly moved.

direction [Ext_util_Sorter.configs]

The direction to sort by.

directionParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the direction parameter to send in a request. This is only used when simpleSortMode is set to true.

dirty [Ext_data_Model.t]

True if this Record has been modified.

dirtyCls [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The CSS class to use when the field value is dirty.

dirtychange []

Fires when the dirty state of the entire form changes.

dirtychange []

Fires when a change in the field's isDirty state is detected.

dirtychange []

Fires when the dirty state of the entire form changes.

disable [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Disable this KeyMap

disable [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Disables quick tips globally.

disable [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Disables the feature.

disable [Ext_button_Button.t]

inherit docs

Disable the component.

disable [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

The base implementation just sets the plugin's disabled flag to true

Plugin subclasses which need more complex processing may implement an overriding implementation.

disable []

Fires after the component is disabled.

disable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Disable the component.

disableCaching [Ext_Loader.configs]

Appends current timestamp to script files to prevent caching.

disableCachingParam [Ext_Loader.configs]

The get parameter name for the cache buster's timestamp.

disableFormats [Ext_Template.configs]

True to disable format functions in the template. If the template doesn't contain format functions, setting disableFormats to true will reduce apply time. Defaults to false.

disableKeyFilter [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Specify true to disable input keystroke filtering

disableSelection [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

True to disable selection within the DataView. This configuration will lock the selection model that the DataView uses.

disableSelection [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

True to disable selection model.

disable_chainable [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Inherit docs Disable all immediate children that was previously disabled Override disable because onDisable only gets called when rendered

Disable the component.

disabled [Ext_util_Filter.t]

Setting this property to true disables this individual Filter so that it no longer contributes to a Store's filter set

When disabled, the next time the store is filtered, the Filter plays no part in filtering and records eliminated by it may rejoin the dataset.

disabled [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

True when feature is disabled.

disabled [Ext_form_field_Field.configs]

True to disable the field. Disabled Fields will not be submitted.

disabled [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to start disabled.

disabled [Ext_button_Button.t]

True if this button is disabled.

disabled [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

true to disable the component.

disabledCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

CSS class to add when the Component is disabled.

dismissDelay [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip automatically hides. To disable automatic hiding, set dismissDelay = 0.

displayfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
doAction [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Performs a predefined action (an implementation of Ext.form.action.Action) to perform application- specific processing.

doAutoRender [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Handles autoRender. Floating Components may have an ownerCt. If they are asking to be constrained, constrain them within that ownerCt, and have their z-index managed locally. Floating Components are always rendered to document.body

doComponentLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

This method needs to be called whenever you change something on this component that requires the Component's layout to be recalculated.

doComponentLayout_container [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

This method needs to be called whenever you change something on this component that requires the Component's layout to be recalculated.

doConstrain [Ext_util_Floating.t]

Moves this floating Component into a constrain region.

By default, this Component is constrained to be within the container it was added to, or the element it was rendered to.

An alternative constraint may be passed.

doLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Manually force this container's layout to be recalculated. The framework uses this internally to refresh layouts form most cases.

doRequest [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

In ServerProxy subclasses, the create, read, update and destroy methods all pass through to doRequest. Each ServerProxy subclass must implement the doRequest method - see and for examples. This method carries the same signature as each of the methods that delegate to it.

dockedItems [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

A component or series of components to be added as docked items to this panel. The docked items can be docked to either the top, right, left or bottom of a panel. This is typically used for things like toolbars or tab bars:

var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        dock: 'top',
        items: [{
            text: 'Docked to the top'
dockedItems [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

A component or series of components to be added as docked items to this panel. The docked items can be docked to either the top, right, left or bottom of a panel. This is typically used for things like toolbars or tab bars:

var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
    fullscreen: true,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        dock: 'top',
        items: [{
            text: 'Docked to the top'
dockedadd []

Fires when any Ext.Component is added or inserted as a docked item.

dockedremove []

Fires when any Ext.Component is removed from the docked items.

dom [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

The DOM element

domBlock [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Registers a layout in the DOM block list for the given property. Once the property flushed to the DOM by the Ext.layout.Context, the layout is unblocked.

down [Ext_Queryable.t]

Retrieves the first descendant of this container which matches the passed selector. The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector, or it can be an actual Ext.Component.

down [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Selects a single child at any depth below this element based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

drag []
dragData [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

This property contains the data representing the dragged object. This data is set up by the implementation of the getDragData method. It must contain a ddel property, but can contain any other data according to the application's needs.

dragElId [Ext_dd_DDProxy.statics]

The default drag frame div id

dragTarget [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

The element being dragged.

Only valid during drag operations.

If the delegate option is used, this will be the delegate element which was mousedowned.

dragend []
draggable [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to allow the window to be dragged by the header bar, false to disable dragging. Note that by default the window will be centered in the viewport, so if dragging is disabled the window may need to be positioned programmatically after render (e.g., myWindow.setPosition(100, 100);).

draggable [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

False to disable drag-drop reordering of this column.

draggable [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

True to make the sprite draggable.

draggable [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Allows the component to be dragged.

draggable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Indicates whether or not the component can be dragged.

draggable_obj [Ext_Component.configs]

Specify as true to make a floating Component draggable using the Component's encapsulating element as the drag handle.

This may also be specified as a config object for the ComponentDragger which is instantiated to perform dragging.

For example to create a Component which may only be dragged around using a certain internal element as the drag handle, use the delegate option:

new Ext.Component({
    constrain: true,
    floating: true,
    style: {
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        border: '1px solid black'
    html: '<h1 style="cursor:move">The title</h1><p>The content</p>',
    draggable: {
        delegate: 'h1'
dragstart []
draw [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.draw.Component.

drawAxis [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.t]

Renders the axis into the screen and updates its position.

drawGrid [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.t]

Renders an horizontal and/or vertical grid into the Surface.

drawLabel [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.t]

Renders the labels in the axes.

dropAllowed [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.configs]

The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is allowed.

dropAllowed [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]

The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed.

dropNotAllowed [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.configs]

The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is not allowed.

dropNotAllowed [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]

The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed.

each [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Executes the specified function once for every Component in this ZIndexManager, passing each Component as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration.

each [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Executes the specified function once for every item in the collection. The function should return a boolean value. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration.

each [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Calls the passed function for each element in this composite.

each [Ext_data_Store.t]

Calls the specified function for each record in the store.

When store is filtered, only loops over the filtered records.

each [Ext.t]

Iterates an array or an iterable value and invoke the given callback function for each item.

var countries = ['Vietnam', 'Singapore', 'United States', 'Russia'];

Ext.Array.each(countries, function(name, index, countriesItSelf) {

var sum = function() {
    var sum = 0;

    Ext.Array.each(arguments, function(value) {
        sum += value;

    return sum;

sum(1, 2, 3); // returns 6

The iteration can be stopped by returning false in the function callback.

Ext.Array.each(countries, function(name, index, countriesItSelf) {
    if (name === 'Singapore') {
        return false; // break here

Ext.each is alias for Ext.Array.each

eachBottomUp [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Executes the specified function once for every Component in this ZIndexManager, passing each Component as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. The components are passed to the function starting at the bottom and proceeding to the top.

eachKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Executes the specified function once for every key in the collection, passing each key, and its associated item as the first two parameters.

eachRecord [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Iterate over each of the records for this series. The default implementation simply iterates through the entire data store, but individual series implementations can override this to provide custom handling, e.g. adding/removing records.

eachTopDown [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Executes the specified function once for every Component in this ZIndexManager, passing each Component as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. The components are passed to the function starting at the top and proceeding to the bottom.

edit []

Fires after a editing. Usage example:

grid.on('edit', function(editor, e) {
    // commit the changes right after editing finished
editRenderer [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

A renderer to be used in conjunction with RowEditing. This renderer is used to display a custom value for non-editable fields.

editing [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.t]

Set to true while the editing plugin is active and an Editor is visible.

editing [Ext_data_Model.t]

Internal flag used to track whether or not the model instance is currently being edited.

editor [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

An optional xtype or config object for a Field to use for editing. Only applicable if the grid is using an Editing plugin.

editor [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.Editor.

elements [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

The Array of DOM elements which this CompositeElement encapsulates.

This will not usually be accessed in developers' code, but developers wishing to augment the capabilities of the CompositeElementLite class may use it when adding methods to the class.

For example to add the nextAll method to the class to add all following siblings of selected elements, the code would be

Ext.override(Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite, {
    nextAll: function() {
        var elements = this.elements, i, l = elements.length, n, r = [], ri = -1;

        // Loop through all elements in this Composite, accumulating
        // an Array of all siblings.
        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            for (n = elements[i].nextSibling; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
                r[++ri] = n;

        // Add all found siblings to this Composite
        return this.add(r);
ellipsis [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.ellipsis.

Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length.

emptyCellText [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The text to diplay in empty cells (cells with a value of undefined, null, or '').

Defaults to &#160; aka &nbsp;.

emptyCls [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText. This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value.

emptyFn [Ext.t]

A reusable empty function

emptyString [Ext.t]

A zero length string which will pass a truth test. Useful for passing to methods which use a truth test to reject falsy values where a string value must be cleared.

emptyText [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

The text to display in the view when there is no data to display. Note that when using local data the emptyText will not be displayed unless you set the deferEmptyText option to false.

emptyText [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Default text (html tags are accepted) to display in the Panel body when the Store is empty. When specified, and the Store is empty, the text will be rendered inside a DIV with the CSS class "x-grid-empty".

emptyText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The default text to place into an empty field.

Note that normally this value will be submitted to the server if this field is enabled; to prevent this you can set the submitEmptyText option of Ext.form.Basic.submit to false.

Also note that if you use inputType:'file', emptyText is not supported and should be avoided.

Note that for browsers that support it, setting this property will use the HTML 5 placeholder attribute, and for older browsers that don't support the HTML 5 placeholder attribute the value will be placed directly into the input element itself as the raw value. This means that older browsers will obfuscate the emptyText value for password input fields.

enable [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Enables this KeyMap

enable [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Enables quick tips globally.

enable [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Enables the feature.

enable [Ext_button_Button.t]

inherit docs

Enable the component

enable [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

The base implementation just sets the plugin's disabled flag to false

Plugin subclasses which need more complex processing may implement an overriding implementation.

enable []

Fires after the component is enabled.

enable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Enable the component

enableBubble [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling this.getBubbleTarget() if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.

This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget. The default implementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to access the required target more quickly.


Ext.define('Ext.overrides.form.field.Base', {
    override: 'Ext.form.field.Base',

    //  Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable the change event to bubble
    initComponent: function () {

var myForm = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
    title: 'User Details',
    items: [{
    listeners: {
        change: function() {
            // Title goes red if form has been modified.
            myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red');
enableColumnHide [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

False to disable column hiding within this grid.

enableColumnHide [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

False to disable column hiding within this grid.

enableColumnMove [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

False to disable column dragging within this grid.

enableColumnResize [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

False to disable column resizing within this grid.

enableDisplayMode [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Convenience method for setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY)

enableFx [Ext.t]

True if the Ext.fx.Anim Class is available.

enableGarbageCollector [Ext.t]

True to automatically uncache orphaned Ext.Elements periodically

enableKeyEvents [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

true to enable the proxying of key events for the HTML input field

enableKeyNav [Ext_selection_RowModel.configs]

Turns on/off keyboard navigation within the grid.

enableKeyNav [Ext_selection_DataViewModel.configs]

Turns on/off keyboard navigation within the DataView.

enableKeyNav [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to enable keyboard navigation for controlling the menu. This option should generally be disabled when form fields are being used inside the menu.

enableListenerCollection [Ext.t]

True to automatically purge event listeners during garbageCollection.

enableLocking [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Configure as true to enable locking support for this grid. Alternatively, locking will also be automatically enabled if any of the columns in the columns configuration contain a locked config option.

A locking grid is processed in a special way. The configuration options are cloned and two grids are created to be the locked (left) side and the normal (right) side. This Panel becomes merely a container which arranges both in an HBox layout.

Plugins may be targeted at either locked, or unlocked grid, or, both, in which case the plugin is cloned and used on both sides.

Plugins may also be targeted at the containing locking Panel.

This is configured by specifying a lockableScope property in your plugin which may have the following values:

  • "both" (the default) - The plugin is added to both grids
  • "top" - The plugin is added to the containing Panel
  • "locked" - The plugin is added to the locked (left) grid
  • "normal" - The plugin is added to the normal (right) grid

If both is specified, then each copy of the plugin gains a property lockingPartner which references its sibling on the other side so that they can synchronize operations is necessary.

Features may also be configured with lockableScope and may target the locked grid, the normal grid or both grids. Features also get a lockingPartner reference injected.

enableNestedListenerRemoval [Ext.t]

Experimental. True to cascade listener removal to child elements when an element is removed. Currently not optimized for performance.

enableQuickTips [Ext_app_Application.configs]

True to automatically set up Ext.tip.QuickTip support.

enableTextSelection [Ext_view_Table.configs]

True to enable text selections.

enableToggle [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to enable pressed/not pressed toggling. If a toggleGroup is specified, this option will be set to true.

enabled [Ext_Loader.configs]

Whether or not to enable the dynamic dependency loading feature.

encode [Ext.t]

Shorthand for Ext.JSON.encode

Encodes an Object, Array or other value.

If the environment's native JSON encoding is not being used (USE_NATIVE_JSON is not set, or the environment does not support it), then ExtJS's encoding will be used. This allows the developer to add a toJSON method to their classes which need serializing to return a valid JSON representation of the object.

encodeFilters [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Encodes the array of Ext.util.Filter objects into a string to be sent in the request url. By default, this simply JSON-encodes the filter data

encodeSorters [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Encodes the array of Ext.util.Sorter objects into a string to be sent in the request url. By default, this simply JSON-encodes the sorter data

encodeValue [Ext_state_Provider.t]

Encodes a value including type information. Decode with decodeValue.

endDrag [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Called when we are done dragging the object

endDrag [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

overrides Ext.dd.DragDrop By default we try to move the element to the last location of the frame. This is so that the default behavior mirrors that of Ext.dd.DD.

Called when we are done dragging the object

endEdit [Ext_data_Model.t]

Ends an edit. If any data was modified, the containing store is notified (ie, the store's update event will fire).

enforceMaxLength [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

True to set the maxLength property on the underlying input field. Defaults to false

enginePriority [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

Defines the priority order for which Surface implementation to use. The first one supported by the current environment will be used.

ensureAttachedToBody [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Ensures that this component is attached to document.body. If the component was rendered to Ext.getDetachedBody, then it will be appended to document.body. Any configured position is also restored.

enumerables [Ext.t]

An array containing extra enumerables for old browsers

equals [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version equals to the supplied argument

equals [Ext_util_Region.t]

Check whether this region is equivalent to the given region

equals_point [Ext_util_Point.t]

Compare this point and another point

error []

Fires when an object/image/frame cannot be loaded properly.

errorEl [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

The div Element that will contain the component's error message(s). Note that depending on the configured msgTarget, this element may be hidden in favor of some other form of presentation, but will always be present in the DOM for use by assistive technologies.

errorMsgCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The CSS class to be applied to the error message element.

errorReader [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

An (e.g. instance or configuration to be used to read field error messages returned from 'submit' actions. This is optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON responses.

The Records which provide messages for the invalid Fields must use the Field name (or id) as the Record ID, and must contain a field called 'msg' which contains the error message.

The errorReader does not have to be a full-blown implementation of a Reader. It simply needs to implement a read(xhr) function which returns an Array of Records in an object with the following structure:

    records: recordArray
errorchange []

Fires when the active error message is changed via setActiveError.

escapeRegex [Ext_util_Format.t]

Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression.

eventName [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

The event to listen for to pick up key events.

eventPrefix [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Prefix to use when firing events on the view. For example a prefix of group would expose "groupclick", "groupcontextmenu", "groupdblclick".

eventSelector [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Selector used to determine when to fire the event with the eventPrefix.

exactMatch [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

True to force exact match (^ and $ characters added to the regex). Ignored if anyMatch is true.

exceptions [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Ordered array of operations that raised an exception during the most recent batch execution and did not successfully complete

exclude [Ext_Loader.t]

Explicitly exclude files from being loaded. Useful when used in conjunction with a broad include expression. Can be chained with more require and exclude methods, eg:



Ext.exclude is alias for exclude.

exclude [Ext.t]

Convenient shortcut to Ext.Loader.exclude

Explicitly exclude files from being loaded. Useful when used in conjunction with a broad include expression. Can be chained with more require and exclude methods, eg:



exclude is alias for Ext.Loader.exclude.

expand []

Fires after this Panel has expanded.

expand [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will cancel the expand action if it returns false.

expandOnShow [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to always expand the window when it is displayed, false to keep it in its current state (which may be collapsed) when displayed.

extend [Ext_Class.configs]

The parent class that this class extends. For example:

Ext.define('Person', {
    say: function(text) { alert(text); }

Ext.define('Developer', {
    extend: 'Person',
    say: function(text) { this.callParent(["print "+text]); }
extraParams [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

Extra parameters that will be included on every request. Individual requests with params of the same name will override these params when they are in conflict.

extractFileInput [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Only relevant if the instance's isFileUpload method returns true. Returns a reference to the file input DOM element holding the user's selected file. The input will be appended into the submission form and will not be returned, so this method should also create a replacement.

fadeIn [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Fade an element in (from transparent to opaque). The ending opacity can be specified using the opacity config option. Usage:

// default: fade in from opacity 0 to 100%

// custom: fade in from opacity 0 to 75% over 2 seconds
el.fadeIn({ opacity: .75, duration: 2000});

// common config options shown with default values
    opacity: 1, //can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

fadeOut [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Fade an element out (from opaque to transparent). The ending opacity can be specified using the opacity config option. Note that IE may require useDisplay:true in order to redisplay correctly. Usage:

// default: fade out from the element's current opacity to 0

// custom: fade out from the element's current opacity to 25% over 2 seconds
el.fadeOut({ opacity: .25, duration: 2000});

// common config options shown with default values
    opacity: 0, //can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500,
    remove: false,
    useDisplay: false

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

failure [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The function to call when a failure packet was received, or when an error ocurred in the Ajax communication.

failure [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

A function to be called when a load request fails. Will be called with the following config parameters:

  • this - The ElementLoader instance.
  • response - The response object.
  • options - Ajax options.
failureType [Ext_form_action_Action.t]

The type of failure detected will be one of these: CLIENT_INVALID, SERVER_INVALID, CONNECT_FAILURE, or LOAD_FAILURE.


var fp = new Ext.form.Panel({
buttons: [{
    text: 'Save',
    formBind: true,
    handler: function(){
                url: 'form-submit.php',
                waitMsg: 'Submitting your data...',
                success: function(form, action){
                    // server responded with success = true
                    var result = action.result;
                failure: function(form, action){
                    if (action.failureType === Ext.form.action.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE) {
                            'Status:'+action.response.status+': '+
                    if (action.failureType === Ext.form.action.Action.SERVER_INVALID){
                        // server responded with success = false
                        Ext.Msg.alert('Invalid', action.result.errormsg);
    text: 'Reset',
    handler: function(){
fbar [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config used for adding items to the bottom of the panel. Short for Footer Bar.

fbar: [
  { type: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    ui: 'footer',
    defaults: {minWidth: minButtonWidth},
    items: [
        { xtype: 'component', flex: 1 },
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

The minButtonWidth is used as the default minWidth for each of the buttons in the fbar.

features [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

An array of grid Features to be added to this grid. Can also be just a single feature instead of array.

Features config behaves much like plugins. A feature can be added by either directly referencing the instance:

features: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary', {groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'})],

By using config object with ftype:

features: [{ftype: 'groupingsummary', groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'}],

Or with just a ftype:

features: ['grouping', 'groupingsummary'],

See Ext.enums.Feature for list of all ftypes.

field [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.Base.

fieldBodyCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An extra CSS class to be applied to the body content element in addition to baseBodyCls.

fieldCls [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The default CSS class for the field input

fieldDefaults [Ext_form_FieldAncestor.configs]

If specified, the properties in this object are used as default config values for each Ext.form.Labelable instance (e.g. Ext.form.field.Base or Ext.form.FieldContainer) that is added as a descendant of this container. Corresponding values specified in an individual field's own configuration, or from the defaults config of its parent container, will take precedence. See the documentation for Ext.form.Labelable to see what config options may be specified in the fieldDefaults.


new Ext.form.Panel({
    fieldDefaults: {
        labelAlign: 'left',
        labelWidth: 100
    items: [{
        xtype: 'fieldset',
        defaults: {
            labelAlign: 'top'
        items: [{
            name: 'field1'
        }, {
            name: 'field2'
    }, {
        xtype: 'fieldset',
        items: [{
            name: 'field3',
            labelWidth: 150
        }, {
            name: 'field4'

In this example, field1 and field2 will get labelAlign:'top' (from the fieldset's defaults) and labelWidth:100 (from fieldDefaults), field3 and field4 will both get labelAlign:'left' (from fieldDefaults and field3 will use the labelWidth:150 from its own config.

fieldLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The label for the field. It gets appended with the labelSeparator, and its position and sizing is determined by the labelAlign, labelWidth, and labelPad configs.

fieldStyle [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

Optional CSS style(s) to be applied to the field input element. Should be a valid argument to Ext.Element.applyStyles. Defaults to undefined. See also the setFieldStyle method for changing the style after initialization.

fieldcontainer [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
fielderrorchange []

Fires when the active error message is changed for any one of the Ext.form.Labelable instances within this container.

fields [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The fields for this model. This is an Array of Field definition objects. A Field definition may simply be the name of the Field, but a Field encapsulates data type, custom conversion of raw data, and a mapping property to specify by name of index, how to extract a field's value from a raw data object, so it is best practice to specify a full set of Field config objects.

fields [Ext_data_Model.t]

A Collection of the fields defined for this Model (including fields defined in superclasses)

This is a collection of instances, each of which encapsulates information that the field was configured with. By default, you can specify a field as simply a String, representing the name of the field, but a Field encapsulates data type, custom conversion of raw data, and a mapping property to specify by name of index, how to extract a field's value from a raw data object.

fields [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

This may be used in place of specifying a model configuration. The fields should be a set of configuration objects. The store will automatically create a with these fields. In general this configuration option should only be used for simple stores like a two-field store of ComboBox. For anything more complicated, such as specifying a particular id property or associations, a should be defined and specified for the model config.

fields [Ext_chart_axis_Abstract.configs]

The fields of model to bind to this axis.

For example if you have a data set of lap times per car, each having the fields: 'carName', 'avgSpeed', 'maxSpeed'. Then you might want to show the data on chart with ['carName'] on Name axis and ['avgSpeed', 'maxSpeed'] on Speed axis.

fieldset [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.FieldSet.

fieldvaliditychange []

Fires when the validity state of any one of the Ext.form.field.Field instances within this container changes.

fileSize [Ext_util_Format.t]

Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB).

filebutton [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
filefield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.File.

fileuploadfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.File.

fill [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The fill color.

fill [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Clears this Composite and adds the elements passed.

filter [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Filters the objects in this collection by a set of Filters, or by a single property/value pair with optional parameters for substring matching and case sensitivity. See Filter for an example of using Filter objects (preferred). Alternatively, MixedCollection can be easily filtered by property like this:

//create a simple store with a few people defined var people = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); people.addAll([ {id: 1, age: 25, name: 'Ed'}, {id: 2, age: 24, name: 'Tommy'}, {id: 3, age: 24, name: 'Arne'}, {id: 4, age: 26, name: 'Aaron'} ]);

//a new MixedCollection containing only the items where age == 24 var middleAged = people.filter('age', 24);

filter [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector.

filter [Ext_data_Store.t]

Filters the loaded set of records by a given set of filters.

By default, the passed filter(s) are added to the collection of filters being used to filter this Store.

To remove existing filters before applying a new set of filters use

// Clear the filter collection without updating the UI

see clearFilter.

Alternatively, if filters are configured with an id, then existing filters store may be replaced by new filters having the same id.

Filtering by single field:

store.filter("email", /\.com$/);

Using multiple filters:

    {property: "email", value: /\.com$/},
    {filterFn: function(item) { return item.get("age") > 10; }}

Using Ext.util.Filter instances instead of config objects (note that we need to specify the root config option in this case):

    Ext.create('Ext.util.Filter', {property: "email", value: /\.com$/, root: 'data'}),
    Ext.create('Ext.util.Filter', {filterFn: function(item) { return item.get("age") > 10; }, root: 'data'})

When store is filtered, most of the methods for accessing store data will be working only within the set of filtered records. Two notable exceptions are queryBy and getById.

filterBy [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Filter by a function. Returns a new collection that has been filtered. The passed function will be called with each object in the collection. If the function returns true, the value is included otherwise it is filtered.

filterBy [Ext_data_Store.t]

Filters by a function. The specified function will be called for each Record in this Store. If the function returns true the Record is included, otherwise it is filtered out.

When store is filtered, most of the methods for accessing store data will be working only within the set of filtered records. Two notable exceptions are queryBy and getById.

filterFn [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

A custom filter function which is passed each item in the Ext.util.MixedCollection in turn. Should return true to accept each item or false to reject it.

filterOnLoad [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

If true, any filters attached to this Store will be run after loading data, before the datachanged event is fired. Defaults to true, ignored if remoteFilter is true

filterParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'filter' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'filter'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a filter parameter.

filterchange []

Fired whenever the filter set changes.

filterchange []

Fired whenever the filter set changes.

filterchange []

Fired whenever the filter set changes.

filters [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Optional array of filter objects. Only applies to 'read' actions.

filters [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

Array of Filters for this store. Can also be passed array of functions which will be used as the filterFn config for filters:

filters: [
    function(item) {
        return item.weight > 0;

To filter after the grid is loaded use the filterBy function.

filters [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

The collection of Filters currently applied to this Store

finalizeLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

This method (if implemented) is called after all layouts have completed. In most ways this is similar to completeLayout. This call can cause this (or any layout) to be become invalid (see Ext.layout.Context.invalidate), but this is best avoided. This method is intended to be where final reads are made and so it is best to avoid invalidating layouts at this point whenever possible. Even so, this method can be used to perform final checks that may require all other layouts to be complete and then invalidate some results.

This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes. Instead, DOM writes need to be written to Ext.layout.ContextItem objects to be flushed at the next opportunity.

This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be implemented when needed.

find [Ext_data_Store.t]

Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value.

When store is filtered, finds records only within filter.


If this store is buffered, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**

findBy [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the first item in the collection which elicits a true return value from the passed selection function.

findBy [Ext_data_Store.t]

Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function. If the function returns true it is considered a match.

When store is filtered, finds records only within filter.


If this store is buffered, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**

findExact [Ext_data_Store.t]

Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value.

When store is filtered, finds records only within filter.


If this store is buffered, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**

findField [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Find a specific Ext.form.field.Field in this form by id or name.

findIndex [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Finds the index of the first matching object in this collection by a specific property/value.

findIndexBy [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Find the index of the first matching object in this collection by a function. If the function returns true it is considered a match.

findInsertionIndex [Ext_util_MixedCollection.t]

Calculates the insertion index of the new item based upon the comparison function passed, or the current sort order.

findItemByChild [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Returns the template node the passed child belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to one.

findParent [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Looks at this node and then at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

findParentBy [Ext_Component.t]

Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns true, the container will be returned.

See also the up method.

findParentByType [Ext_Component.t]

Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class

See also the up method.

findParentNode [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Looks at parent nodes for a match of the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

findPlugin [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Retrieves plugin from this component's collection by its ptype.

findRecord [Ext_data_Store.t]

Finds the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value.

When store is filtered, finds records only within filter.


If this store is buffered, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**

findTargetByEvent [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Returns the template node by the Ext.EventObject or null if it is not found.

finishedLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

This method is called after all layouts are complete and their calculations flushed to the DOM. No further layouts will be run and this method is only called once per layout run. The base component layout caches lastComponentSize.

This is a write phase and DOM reads should be avoided if possible when overridding this method.

This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be implemented when needed.

fireEvent [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name, plus the options object passed to addListener).

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.

fireEventArgs [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Fires the specified event with the passed parameter list.

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.

firefoxVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of Firefox (0 if the browser is not Firefox).

first [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the first item in the collection.

first [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Returns the first Element

first [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the first child, skipping text nodes

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

first [Ext_data_Store.t]

Convenience function for getting the first model instance in the store.

When store is filtered, will return first item within the filter.

firstCls [Ext_view_Table.configs]

A CSS class to add to the first cell in every row to enable special styling for the first column. If no styling is needed on the first column, this may be configured as null.

fixed [Ext_util_Floating.configs]

Configure as true to have this Component fixed at its X, Y coordinates in the browser viewport, immune to scrolling the document.

Only in browsers that support position:fixed

IE6 and IE7, 8 and 9 quirks do not support position: fixed

flash [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.flash.Component.

float []

Fires after a collapsed Panel has been "floated" by clicking on it's header. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Border Layout.

floatParent [Ext_Component.t]

Only present for floating Components which were inserted as child items of Containers.

There are other similar relationships such as the button which activates a menu, or the menu item which activated a submenu, or the column header which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by the up method.

Floating Components that are programatically rendered will not have a floatParent property.

See floating and zIndexManager

floatable [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Important: This config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a border layout.

true to allow clicking a collapsed Panel's placeholder to display the Panel floated above the layout, false to force the user to fully expand a collapsed region by clicking the expand button to see it again.

floating [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

Specify as true to float the Component outside of the document flow using CSS absolute positioning.

Components such as Windows and Menus are floating by default.

Floating Components that are programatically rendered will register themselves with the global ZIndexManager

Floating Components as child items of a Container

A floating Component may be used as a child item of a Container. This just allows the floating Component to seek a ZIndexManager by examining the ownerCt chain.

When configured as floating, Components acquire, at render time, a ZIndexManager which manages a stack of related floating Components. The ZIndexManager brings a single floating Component to the top of its stack when the Component's toFront method is called.

The ZIndexManager is found by traversing up the ownerCt chain to find an ancestor which itself is floating. This is so that descendant floating Components of floating Containers (Such as a ComboBox dropdown within a Window) can have its zIndex managed relative to any siblings, but always above that floating ancestor Container.

If no floating ancestor is found, a floating Component registers itself with the default ZIndexManager.

Floating components do not participate in the Container's layout. Because of this, they are not rendered until you explicitly show them.

After rendering, the ownerCt reference is deleted, and the floatParent property is set to the found floating ancestor Container. If no floating ancestor Container was found the floatParent property will not be set.

floating [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

A Menu configured as floating: true (the default) will be rendered as an absolutely positioned, floating Component. If configured as floating: false, the Menu may be used as a child item of another Container.

floating [Ext_Component.configs]

Specify as true to float the Component outside of the document flow using CSS absolute positioning.

Components such as Windows and Menus are floating by default.

Floating Components that are programatically rendered will register themselves with the global ZIndexManager

Floating Components as child items of a Container

A floating Component may be used as a child item of a Container. This just allows the floating Component to seek a ZIndexManager by examining the ownerCt chain.

When configured as floating, Components acquire, at render time, a ZIndexManager which manages a stack of related floating Components. The ZIndexManager brings a single floating Component to the top of its stack when the Component's toFront method is called.

The ZIndexManager is found by traversing up the ownerCt chain to find an ancestor which itself is floating. This is so that descendant floating Components of floating Containers (Such as a ComboBox dropdown within a Window) can have its zIndex managed relative to any siblings, but always above that floating ancestor Container.

If no floating ancestor is found, a floating Component registers itself with the default ZIndexManager.

Floating components do not participate in the Container's layout. Because of this, they are not rendered until you explicitly show them.

After rendering, the ownerCt reference is deleted, and the floatParent property is set to the found floating ancestor Container. If no floating ancestor Container was found the floatParent property will not be set.

floating [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Create the Component as a floating and use absolute positioning.

The z-index of floating Components is handled by a ZIndexManager. If you simply render a floating Component into the DOM, it will be managed by the global WindowManager.

If you include a floating Component as a child item of a Container, then upon render, Ext JS will seek an ancestor floating Component to house a new ZIndexManager instance to manage its descendant floaters. If no floating ancestor can be found, the global WindowManager will be used.

When a floating Component which has a ZindexManager managing descendant floaters is destroyed, those descendant floaters will also be destroyed.

flush [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Flushes any updates in the dirty collection to the DOM. This is only called if there are dirty entries because this object is only added to the flushQueue of the Ext.layout.Context when entries become dirty.

flushLayouts [Ext_AbstractComponent.statics]

Performs all pending layouts that were scheduled while suspendLayouts was in effect.

fly [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Gets the singleton flyweight element, with the passed node as the active element.

Because it is a singleton, this Flyweight does not have an ID, and must be used and discarded in a single line. You may not keep and use the reference to this singleton over multiple lines because methods that you call may themselves make use of and may change the DOM element to which the instance refers. is alias for fly.

Use this to make one-time references to DOM elements which are not going to be accessed again either by application code, or by Ext's classes. If accessing an element which will be processed regularly, then Ext.get will be more appropriate to take advantage of the caching provided by the Ext.dom.Element class.

fly [Ext.t]

Gets the singleton flyweight element, with the passed node as the active element.

Because it is a singleton, this Flyweight does not have an ID, and must be used and discarded in a single line. You may not keep and use the reference to this singleton over multiple lines because methods that you call may themselves make use of fly and may change the DOM element to which the instance refers.

fly is alias for

Use this to make one-time references to DOM elements which are not going to be accessed again either by application code, or by Ext's classes. If accessing an element which will be processed regularly, then Ext.get will be more appropriate to take advantage of the caching provided by the Ext.dom.Element class.

focus []

Fires when an element receives focus either via the pointing device or by tab navigation.

focus [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Tries to focus the element. Any exceptions are caught and ignored.

focus [Ext_Component.t]

Try to focus this component.

focus []

Fires when this Component receives focus.

focusCls [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The CSS class to use when the field receives focus

focusCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The CSS class to add to a button when it is in the focussed state.

focusNode [Ext_view_View.t]

Focuses a node in the view.

focusOnToFront [Ext_util_Floating.configs]

Specifies whether the floated component should be automatically focused when it is brought to the front.

focusOnToFront [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

Specifies whether the floated component should be automatically focused when it is brought to the front.

focusRow [Ext_view_Table.t]

Focuses a particular row and brings it into view. Will fire the rowfocus event.

focus_table [Ext_view_Table.t]

Try to focus this component.

focusable [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Alias for isFocusable.

Checks whether this element can be focused.

focuschange []

Fired when a row is focused

focuschange []

Fired when a row is focused

font [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

Used with text type sprites. The full font description. Uses the same syntax as the CSS font parameter

forceFit [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

True to force the columns to fit into the available width. Headers are first sized according to configuration, whether that be a specific width, or flex. Then they are all proportionally changed in width so that the entire content width is used. For more accurate control, it is more optimal to specify a flex setting on the columns that are to be stretched & explicit widths on columns that are not.

form [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The BasicForm instance that is invoking this Action. Required.

form [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.Panel.

formBind [Ext_Component.configs]

When inside FormPanel, any component configured with formBind: true will be enabled/disabled depending on the validity state of the form. See Ext.form.Panel for more information and example.

formItemCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

A CSS class to be applied to the outermost element to denote that it is participating in the form field layout.

format [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.format.

Allows you to define a tokenized string and pass an arbitrary number of arguments to replace the tokens. Each token must be unique, and must increment in the format {0}, {1}, etc. Example usage:

var cls = 'my-class',
    text = 'Some text';
var s = Ext.String.format('<div class="{0}">{1}</div>', cls, text);
// s now contains the string: '<div class="my-class">Some text</div>'
format [Ext_Date.t]

Formats a date given the supplied format string.

formatCodes [Ext_Date.t]

The base format-code to formatting-function hashmap used by the format method. Formatting functions are strings (or functions which return strings) which will return the appropriate value when evaluated in the context of the Date object from which the format method is called. Add to / override these mappings for custom date formatting.

Note: Ext.Date.format() treats characters as literals if an appropriate mapping cannot be found.


Ext.Date.formatCodes.x = "Ext.util.Format.leftPad(this.getDate(), 2, '0')";
console.log(Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'X'); // returns the current day of the month
formatContainsDateInfo [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if the specified format contains information about anything other than the time.

formatContainsHourInfo [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if the specified format contains hour information

formatFunctions [Ext_Date.t]

An object hash in which each property is a date formatting function. The property name is the format string which corresponds to the produced formatted date string.

This object is automatically populated with date formatting functions as date formats are requested for Ext standard formatting strings.

Custom formatting functions may be inserted into this object, keyed by a name which from then on may be used as a format string to format.


Ext.Date.formatFunctions['x-date-format'] = myDateFormatter;

A formatting function should return a string representation of the passed Date object, and is passed the following parameters:

  • date : Date
    The Date to format.

To enable date strings to also be parsed according to that format, a corresponding parsing function must be placed into the parseFunctions property.

frame [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to apply a frame to the panel.

frame [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Shows a ripple of exploding, attenuating borders to draw attention to an Element. Usage:

// default: a single light blue ripple

// custom: 3 red ripples lasting 3 seconds total
el.frame("#ff0000", 3, { duration: 3000 });

// common config options shown with default values
el.frame("#C3DAF9", 1, {
    duration: 1000 // duration of each individual ripple.
    // Note: Easing is not configurable and will be ignored if included

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

frame [Ext_button_Button.configs]

Specify as true to have the Component inject framing elements within the Component at render time to provide a graphical rounded frame around the Component content.

This is only necessary when running on outdated, or non standard-compliant browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer prior to version 9 which do not support rounded corners natively.

The extra space taken up by this framing is available from the read only property frameSize.

frame [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specify as true to have the Component inject framing elements within the Component at render time to provide a graphical rounded frame around the Component content.

This is only necessary when running on outdated, or non standard-compliant browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer prior to version 9 which do not support rounded corners natively.

The extra space taken up by this framing is available from the read only property frameSize.

frameHeader [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

True to apply a frame to the panel panels header (if 'frame' is true).

frameHeader [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to apply a frame to the panel panels header (if 'frame' is true).

frameSize [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Indicates the width of any framing elements which were added within the encapsulating element to provide graphical, rounded borders. See the frame config. This property is null if the component is not framed.

This is an object containing the frame width in pixels for all four sides of the Component containing the following properties:

from [Ext_util_Region.statics]

Creates a Region from a "box" Object which contains four numeric properties top, right, bottom and left.

from [Ext_Template.statics]

Creates a template from the passed element's value (display:none textarea, preferred) or innerHTML.

fromEvent [Ext_util_Point.statics]

Returns a new instance of Ext.util.Point base on the pageX / pageY values of the given event

fromPoint [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Returns the top Element that is located at the passed coordinates

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

garbageCollect [Ext_Loader.configs]

True to prepare an asynchronous script tag for garbage collection (effective only if preserveScripts is false)

generateComparator [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

Returns a comparator function which compares two items and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on the currently defined set of sorters.

If there are no sorters defined, it returns a function which returns 0 meaning that no sorting will occur.

get [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Gets a registered Component by id.

get [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the item associated with the passed key OR index. Key has priority over index. This is the equivalent of calling getByKey first, then if nothing matched calling getAt.

get [Ext_state_Provider.t]

Returns the current value for a key

get [Ext_state_Manager.t]

Returns the current value for a key

get [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves Ext.dom.Element objects. Ext.get is alias for Ext.dom.Element.get.

This method does not retrieve Components. This method retrieves Ext.dom.Element objects which encapsulate DOM elements. To retrieve a Component by its ID, use Ext.ComponentManager.get.

When passing an id, it should not include the # character that is used for a css selector.

// For an element with id 'foo'
Ext.get('foo'); // Correct
Ext.get('#foo'); // Incorrect

Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object. Automatically fixes if an object was recreated with the same id via AJAX or DOM.

get [Ext_data_Model.t]

Returns the value of the given field

get [Ext.t]

Retrieves Ext.dom.Element objects. get is alias for Ext.dom.Element.get.

This method does not retrieve Components. This method retrieves Ext.dom.Element objects which encapsulate DOM elements. To retrieve a Component by its ID, use Ext.ComponentManager.get.

When passing an id, it should not include the # character that is used for a css selector.

// For an element with id 'foo'
Ext.get('foo'); // Correct
Ext.get('#foo'); // Incorrect

Uses simple caching to consistently return the same object. Automatically fixes if an object was recreated with the same id via AJAX or DOM.

getActive [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Gets the currently-active Component in this ZIndexManager.

getActiveAnimation [Ext_util_Animate.t]

Returns the current animation if this object has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false.

getActiveElement [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the active element in the DOM. If the browser supports activeElement on the document, this is returned. If not, the focus is tracked and the active element is maintained internally.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getActiveError [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Gets the active error message for this component, if any. This does not trigger validation on its own, it merely returns any message that the component may already hold.

getActiveErrors [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Gets an Array of any active error messages currently applied to the field. This does not trigger validation on its own, it merely returns any messages that the component may already hold.

getAlignToXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See alignTo for more info on the supported position values.

getAnchorXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element.

getApplication [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns the base for this controller.

getApplication_app [Ext_app_Application.t]

Returns the base for this controller.

getAssociatedData [Ext_data_Model.t]

Gets all of the data from this Models loaded associations. It does this recursively - for example if we have a User which hasMany Orders, and each Order hasMany OrderItems, it will return an object like this:

    orders: [
            id: 123,
            status: 'shipped',
            orderItems: [
getAt [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the item at the specified index.

getAt [Ext_data_Store.t]

Get the Record at the specified index.

The index is effected by filtering.

getAttribute [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the value of an attribute from the element's underlying DOM node.

getAttributeNS [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns the value of a namespaced attribute from the element's underlying DOM node.

getBBox [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Retrieves the bounding box of the sprite. This will be returned as an object with x, y, width, and height properties.

getBody [Ext.t]

Returns the current document body as an Ext.Element.

getBodySelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects the outermost element(s) in this view.

getBorderInfo [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets the border information for the element as an object with left, top, right and bottom properties holding border size in pixels. This object is only read from the DOM on first request and is cached.

getBorderWidth [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getBox [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Return an object defining the area of this Element which can be passed to setBox to set another Element's size/location to match this element.

getBubbleTarget [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Provides the link for Observable's fireEvent method to bubble up the ownership hierarchy.

getBuild [Ext_Version.t]

Returns the build component value

getBy [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Returns zero or more Components in this ZIndexManager using the custom search function passed to this method. The function should accept a single Ext.Component reference as its only argument and should return true if the Component matches the search criteria, otherwise it should return false.

getByField [Ext_data_Errors.t]

Returns all of the errors for the given field

getById [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns a child element of this element given its id.

getById [Ext_data_Store.t]

Get the Record with the specified id.

This method is not effected by filtering, lookup will be performed from all records inside the store, filtered or not.

getByKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the item associated with the passed key.

getCellSelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects a particular column if the desired header is passed, or a general cell selector is no parameter is passed.

getChanges [Ext_data_Model.t]

Gets a hash of only the fields that have been modified since this Model was created or commited.

getCharCode [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the character code for the event.

getChildByElement [Ext_container_Container.t]

Return the immediate child Component in which the passed element is located.

getClass [Ext.t]

Get the class of the provided object; returns null if it's not an instance of any class created with Ext.define.

Ext.ClassManager.getClass is usually invoked by the shorthand getClass.

var component = new Ext.Component();

Ext.getClass(component); // returns Ext.Component
getClassList [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns a ClassList-like object to buffer access to this item's element's classes.

getClassName [Ext.t]

Get the name of the class by its reference or its instance;

Ext.ClassManager.getName is usually invoked by the shorthand getClassName.

Ext.getName(Ext.Action); // returns "Ext.Action"
getCmp [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

Returns the component to which this plugin is attached.

getCmp [Ext.t]

This is shorthand reference to Ext.ComponentManager.get. Looks up an existing Component by id

getCollapsed [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Returns the current collapsed state of the panel.

getColor [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Return the CSS color for the specified CSS attribute. rgb, 3 digit (like #fff) and valid values are convert to standard 6 digit hex color.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

getColumnCount [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns the number of grid columns descended from this HeaderContainer. Group Columns are HeaderContainers. All grid columns are returned, including hidden ones.

getColumnMenu [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns an array of menu CheckItems corresponding to all immediate children of the passed Container which have been configured as hideable.

getColumnSizerSelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects the element(s) which define the width of a column.

This is used by the Ext.view.TableLayout when resizing columns.

getComponent [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Attempts a default component lookup (see Ext.container.Container.getComponent). If the component is not found in the normal items, the dockedItems are searched and the matched component (if any) returned (see getDockedComponent). Note that docked items will only be matched by component id or itemId -- if you pass a numeric index only non-docked child components will be searched.

getComponent [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Examines this container's items property and gets a direct child component of this container.

getComponentValue [Ext_Version.statics]

Converts a version component to a comparable value

getComputedHeight [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns either the offsetHeight or the height of this element based on CSS height adjusted by padding or borders when needed to simulate offsetHeight when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements if a height has not been set using CSS.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

getComputedWidth [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns either the offsetWidth or the width of this element based on CSS width adjusted by padding or borders when needed to simulate offsetWidth when offsets aren't available. This may not work on display:none elements if a width has not been set using CSS.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

getConfig [Ext_Loader.t]

Get the config value corresponding to the specified name. If no name is given, will return the config object

getConstrainVector [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the [X, Y] vector by which this Positionable's element must be translated to make a best attempt to constrain within the passed constraint. Returns false if the element does not need to be moved.

Priority is given to constraining the top and left within the constraint.

The constraint may either be an existing element into which the element is to be constrained, or a Region into which this element is to be constrained.

By default, any extra shadow around the element is not included in the constrain calculations - the edges of the element are used as the element bounds. To constrain the shadow within the constrain region, set the constrainShadow property on this element to true.

getContainerSize [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns the container size (that of the target). Only the fixed-sized dimensions can be returned because the shrinkWrap dimensions are based on the contentWidth/Height as determined by the container layout.

getController [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns instance of a Controller with the given id. When controller doesn't exist yet, it's created. Note that this method depends on Application instance and will return undefined when Application is not accessible. The only exception is when this Controller instance's id is requested; in that case we always return the instance even if Application is no available.

getController_app [Ext_app_Application.t]

Returns instance of a Controller with the given id. When controller doesn't exist yet, it's created. Note that this method depends on Application instance and will return undefined when Application is not accessible. The only exception is when this Controller instance's id is requested; in that case we always return the instance even if Application is no available.

getCount [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the number of items in the collection.

getCount [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns the count of selected records.

getCount [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Returns the number of elements in this Composite.

getCount [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gets the number of records in store.

If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the getTotalCount function returns the dataset size. Note: see the Important note in load.

When store is filtered, it's the number of records matching the filter.

getCurrentPosition [Ext_selection_RowModel.t]

Returns position of the first selected cell in the selection in the format {row: row, column: column}

getData [Ext_data_Model.t]

Gets all values for each field in this model and returns an object containing the current data.

getDataRowSelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects a row which contains cells.

These may not correspond to actual records in the store. This selector may be used to identify things like total rows or header rows as injected by features which modify the rowTpl.

getDayOfYear [Ext_Date.t]

Get the numeric day number of the year, adjusted for leap year.

getDaysInMonth [Ext_Date.t]

Get the number of days in the current month, adjusted for leap year.

getDefaultFocus [Ext_window_Window.t]

Gets the configured default focus item. If a defaultFocus is set, it will receive focus when the Window's focus method is called, otherwise the Window itself will receive focus.

getDoc [Ext.t]

Returns the current HTML document object as an Ext.Element.

getDockedComponent [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Finds a docked component by id, itemId or position. Also see getDockedItems

getDockedItems [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Retrieves an array of all currently docked Components.

For example to find a toolbar that has been docked at top:

getDocumentHeight [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the document height

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getDocumentWidth [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the document width

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getDom [Ext.t]

Returns the dom node for the passed String (id), dom node, or Ext.Element. Optional 'strict' flag is needed for IE since it can return 'name' and 'id' elements by using getElementById.

Here are some examples:

// gets dom node based on id
var elDom = Ext.getDom('elId');
// gets dom node based on the dom node
var elDom1 = Ext.getDom(elDom);

// If we don&#39;t know if we are working with an
// Ext.Element or a dom node use Ext.getDom
    var dom = Ext.getDom(el);
    // do something with the dom node

Note: the dom node to be found actually needs to exist (be rendered, etc) when this method is called to be successful.

getDomProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets a property of this object if it is correct in the DOM. Also tracks the current layout as dependent on this property so that DOM writes of it will trigger the layout to be recalculated.

getDragData [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

Returns the data object associated with this drag source

getDragEl [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy

getDragTarget [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Returns the drag target. This is usually the DragTracker's encapsulating element.

If the delegate option is being used, this may be a child element which matches the delegate selector.

getEditor [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Retrieves the editing field for editing associated with this header. Returns false if there is no field associated with the Header the method will return false. If the field has not been instantiated it will be created. Note: These methods only have an implementation if an Editing plugin has been enabled on the grid.

getEl [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns the context item for an owned element. This should only be called on a component's item. The list of child items is used to manage invalidating calculated results.

Overridden in Ext.diag.layout.ContextItem.

getEl [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Returns a reference to the linked element

getEl [Ext_Component.t]

Retrieves the top level element representing this component.

getEl [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Retrieves the top level element representing this component.

getElapsed [Ext_Date.t]

Returns the number of milliseconds between two dates.

getElementTarget [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns the element into which extra functional DOM elements can be inserted. Defaults to the owner Component's encapsulating element.

May be overridden in Component layout managers which implement a component render target which must only contain child components.

getError [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns the error string or object that was set using setException

getErrors [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and returns an array of errors for any failing validations. Validation rules are processed in the following order:

  1. Field specific validator

    A validator offers a way to customize and reuse a validation specification. If a field is configured with a validator function, it will be passed the current field value. The validator function is expected to return either:

    • Boolean true if the value is valid (validation continues).
    • a String to represent the invalid message if invalid (validation halts).
  2. Basic Validation

    If the validator has not halted validation, basic validation proceeds as follows:

  3. Preconfigured Validation Types (VTypes)

    If none of the prior validation steps halts validation, a field configured with a vtype will utilize the corresponding VTypes validation function. If invalid, either the field's vtypeText or the VTypes vtype Text property will be used for the invalid message. Keystrokes on the field will be filtered according to the VTypes vtype Mask property.

  4. Field specific regex test

    If none of the prior validation steps halts validation, a field's configured regex test will be processed. The invalid message for this test is configured with regexText

getErrors [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Runs this field's validators and returns an array of error messages for any validation failures. This is called internally during validation and would not usually need to be used manually.

Each subclass should override or augment the return value to provide their own errors.

getFeature [Ext_view_Table.t]

Get a reference to a feature

getFieldLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]
See method t.getFieldLabel
getFieldLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Returns the label for the field. Defaults to simply returning the fieldLabel config. Can be overridden to provide a custom generated label.

getFieldValues [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Retrieves the fields in the form as a set of key/value pairs, using their getModelData() method to collect the values. If multiple fields return values under the same name those values will be combined into an Array. This is similar to getValues except that this method collects type-specific data values (e.g. Date objects for date fields) while getValues returns only String values for submission.

getFields [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Return all the Ext.form.field.Field components in the owner container.

getFields [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Returns an Array of Field definitions which define this Model's structure

Fields are sorted upon Model class definition. Fields with custom convert functions are moved to after fields with no convert functions. This is so that convert functions which rely on existing field values will be able to read those field values.

getFireEventArgs [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.configs]
See method t.getFireEventArgs
getFireEventArgs [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Abstract method to be overriden when a feature should add additional arguments to its event signature. By default the event will fire:

The method must also return the eventName as the first index of the array to be passed to fireEvent.

getFirstDateOfMonth [Ext_Date.t]

Get the date of the first day of the month in which this date resides.

getFirstDayOfMonth [Ext_Date.t]

Get the first day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value is the numeric day index within the week (0-6) which can be used in conjunction with the monthNames array to retrieve the textual day name.


var dt = new Date('1/10/2007'),
    firstDay = Ext.Date.getFirstDayOfMonth(dt);
console.log(Ext.Date.dayNames[firstDay]); // output: 'Monday'
getFirstSorter [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

Gets the first sorter from the sorters collection, excluding any groupers that may be in place

getForm [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Provides access to the Form which this Panel contains.

getFrameInfo [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets the "frame" information for the element as an object with left, top, right and bottom properties holding border+framing size in pixels. This object is calculated on first request and is cached.

getFrameWidth [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns the sum width of the padding and borders for the passed "sides". See getBorderWidth() for more information about the sides.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

getFullWidth [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Gets the full width of all columns that are visible.

getGMTOffset [Ext_Date.t]

Get the offset from GMT of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'O').

getGhost [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Returns the ghost element

getGridColumns [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns an array of all columns which appear in the grid's View. This goes down to the leaf column header level, and does not return grouped headers which contain sub headers.

It includes hidden headers even though they are not rendered. This is for collection of menu items for the column hide/show menu.

Headers which have a hidden ancestor have a hiddenAncestor: true property injected so that they can also be rendered at zero width without interrogating that header's ownerCt axis for a hidden ancestor.

getGroup [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Returns a new group or an existent group associated with the current surface. The group returned is a Ext.draw.CompositeSprite group.

For example:

var spriteGroup = drawComponent.surface.getGroup('someGroupId');
getGroupString [Ext_util_Grouper.t]

Returns the value for grouping to be used.

getGroupString [Ext_data_Store.t]

Returns the string to group on for a given model instance. The default implementation of this method returns the model's groupField, but this can be overridden to group by an arbitrary string. For example, to group by the first letter of a model's 'name' field, use the following code:

Ext.create('', {
    groupDir: 'ASC',
    getGroupString: function(instance) {
        return instance.get('name')[0];
getGroups [Ext_data_Store.t]

Returns an array containing the result of applying grouping to the records in this store. See groupField, groupDir and getGroupString. Example for a store containing records with a color field:

var myStore = Ext.create('', {
    groupField: 'color',
    groupDir  : 'DESC'

myStore.getGroups(); // returns:
        name: 'yellow',
        children: [
            // all records where the color field is 'yellow'
        name: 'red',
        children: [
            // all records where the color field is 'red'

Group contents are effected by filtering.

getHTML [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the innerHTML of an Element or an empty string if the element's dom no longer exists.

getHead [Ext.t]

Returns the current document head as an Ext.Element.

getHeader [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Gets the Header for this panel.

getHeaderAtIndex [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Get a leaf level header by index regardless of what the nesting structure is.

getHeaderIndex [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns the index of a leaf level header regardless of what the nesting structure is.

If a group header is passed, the index of the first leaf level header within it is returned.

getHeight [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the offset height of the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getHeight [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current height of the component's underlying element.

getId [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Retrieves the id of this component. Will autogenerate an id if one has not already been set.

getId [Ext_data_Model.t]

Returns the unique ID allocated to this model instance as defined by idProperty.

getId [Ext_Component.t]

Retrieves the id of this component. Will auto-generate an id if one has not already been set.

getId [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Retrieves the id of this component. Will auto-generate an id if one has not already been set.

getIndex [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Returns the index of this column only if this column is a base level Column. If it is a group column, it returns false.

getInitialConfig [Ext_Base.t]

Returns the initial configuration passed to constructor when instantiating this class.

getInputId [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Get the input id, if any, for this component. This is used as the "for" attribute on the label element. Implementing subclasses may also use this as e.g. the id for their own input element.

getInsertPosition [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

This function takes the position argument passed to onRender and returns a DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore.

getItemForPoint [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

For a given x/y point relative to the Surface, find a corresponding item from this series, if any.

getItemId [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the value of itemId assigned to this component, or when that is not set, returns the value of id.

getItemSelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects items of the view rendered by the rowTpl

getItemSizePolicy [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Returns an object describing how this layout manages the size of the given component. This method must be implemented by any layout that manages components.

getKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.configs]
See method t.getKey
getKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

A function which will be called, passing a newly added object when the object is added without a separate id. The function should yield the key by which that object will be indexed.

If no key is yielded, then the object will be added, but it cannot be accessed or removed quickly. Finding it in this collection for interrogation or removal will require a linear scan of this collection's items.

The default implementation simply returns but you can provide your own implementation to return a different value as in the following examples:

// normal way
var mc = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
mc.add(, someEl);
mc.add(, otherEl);
//and so on

// using getKey
var mc = new Ext.util.MixedCollection({
    getKey: function(el){
getKey [Ext_EventObject.t]

Returns a normalized keyCode for the event.

getLabelWidth [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Gets the width of the label (if visible)

getLabelableRenderData [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Generates the arguments for the field decorations rendering template.

getLastDateOfMonth [Ext_Date.t]

Get the date of the last day of the month in which this date resides.

getLastDayOfMonth [Ext_Date.t]

Get the last day of the current month, adjusted for leap year. The returned value is the numeric day index within the week (0-6) which can be used in conjunction with the monthNames array to retrieve the textual day name.


var dt = new Date('1/10/2007'),
    lastDay = Ext.Date.getLastDayOfMonth(dt);
console.log(Ext.Date.dayNames[lastDay]); // output: 'Wednesday'
getLastSelected [Ext_selection_Model.t]
getLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Returns the layout instance currently associated with this Container. If a layout has not been instantiated yet, that is done first

getLayoutItems [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns an array of child components either for a render phase (Performed in the beforeLayout method of the layout's base class), or the layout phase (onLayout).

getLayoutItems_empty [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Returns the set of items to layout (empty by default).

getLegendColor [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Returns a string with the color to be used for the series legend item.

getLoader [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets this element's ElementLoader

getLoader [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the Ext.ComponentLoader for this Component.

getLocalX [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the x coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.

getLocalX [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets the local CSS X position for the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

getLocalX [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Overridden in Ext.rtl.AbstractComponent.

Returns the x coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.

getLocalXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the x and y coordinates of this element relative to its offsetParent.

getLocalXY [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets the local CSS X and Y position for the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

getLocalXY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Overridden in Ext.rtl.AbstractComponent.

Returns the x and y coordinates of this element relative to its offsetParent.

getLocalY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the y coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.

getLocalY [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets the local CSS Y position for the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

getLocalY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the y coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.

getMajor [Ext_Version.t]

Returns the major component value

getMargin [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns an object with properties top, left, right and bottom representing the margins of this element unless sides is passed, then it returns the calculated width of the sides (see getPadding)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getMarginInfo [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets the margin information for the element as an object with left, top, right and bottom properties holding margin size in pixels. This object is only read from the DOM on first request and is cached.

getMenuItems [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns an array of menu items to be placed into the shared menu across all headers in this header container.

getMethod [Ext_data_proxy_Ajax.t]

Returns the HTTP method name for a given request. By default this returns based on a lookup on actionMethods.

getMinor [Ext_Version.t]

Returns the minor component value

getModel [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Returns the model attached to this Proxy

getModel [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns a Model class with the given name. A shorthand for using Ext.ModelManager.getModel.

getModelData [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns the value(s) that should be saved to the instance for this field, when Ext.form.Basic.updateRecord is called. Typically this will be an object with a single name-value pair, the name being this field's name and the value being its current data value. More advanced field implementations may return more than one name-value pair. The returned values will be saved to the corresponding field names in the Model.

Note that the values returned from this method are not guaranteed to have been successfully validated.

getModifiedRecords [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Gets all records added or updated since the last commit. Note that the order of records returned is not deterministic and does not indicate the order in which records were modified. Note also that removed records are not included (use getRemovedRecords for that).

getMonthNumber [Ext_Date.t]

Get the zero-based JavaScript month number for the given short/full month name. Override this function for international dates.

getName [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns the name attribute of the field. This is used as the parameter name when including the field value in a form submit().

getName [Ext_Base.statics]

Get the current class' name in string format.

Ext.define('', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts ''
});; // ''
getNamespace [Ext.t]

Get namespace prefix for a class name.

getNewRecords [Ext_data_Store.t]

inherit docs

Returns all Model instances that are either currently a phantom (e.g. have no id), or have an ID but have not yet been saved on this Store (this happens when adding a non-phantom record from another Store into this one)

getNewRecords [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Returns all Model instances that are either currently a phantom (e.g. have no id), or have an ID but have not yet been saved on this Store (this happens when adding a non-phantom record from another Store into this one)

getNode [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets a template node.

getNodeContainerSelector [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns a CSS selector which selects the element which contains record nodes.

getNode_table [Ext_view_Table.t]

Returns the node given the passed Record, or index or node.

getNodes [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets a range nodes.

getOffset [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Returns the X, Y offset of the current mouse position from the mousedown point.

This method may optionally constrain the real offset values, and returns a point coerced in one of two modes:

  • point The current mouse position is coerced into the constrainRegion and the resulting position is returned.
  • dragTarget The new Region of the dragTarget is calculated based upon the current mouse position, and then coerced into the constrainRegion. The returned mouse position is then adjusted by the same delta as was used to coerce the region.\
getOffsetsTo [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. The element must both be part of the DOM tree and not have display:none to have page coordinates.

getOrientation [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the current orientation of the window. This is calculated by determing if the height is greater than the width.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getOrientation [Ext.t]

Returns the current orientation of the mobile device

getOutOfBoundOffset [Ext_util_Region.t]

Get the offset amount of a point outside the region

getOutOfBoundOffsetX [Ext_util_Region.t]

Get the offset amount on the x-axis

getOutOfBoundOffsetY [Ext_util_Region.t]

Get the offset amount on the y-axis

getPadding [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the width of the padding(s) for the specified side(s)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getPaddingInfo [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets the padding information for the element as an object with left, top, right and bottom properties holding padding size in pixels. This object is only read from the DOM on first request and is cached.

getPageFromRecordIndex [Ext_data_Store.t]

Determines the page from a record index

getPatch [Ext_Version.t]

Returns the patch component value

getPath [Ext_Loader.t]

Translates a className to a file path by adding the the proper prefix and converting the .'s to /'s. For example:

Ext.Loader.setPath('My', '/path/to/My');

alert(Ext.Loader.getPath('My.awesome.Class')); // alerts '/path/to/My/awesome/Class.js'

Note that the deeper namespace levels, if explicitly set, are always resolved first. For example:

    'My': '/path/to/lib',
    'My.awesome': '/other/path/for/awesome/stuff',
    'My.awesome.more': '/more/awesome/path'

alert(Ext.Loader.getPath('My.awesome.Class')); // alerts '/other/path/for/awesome/stuff/Class.js'

alert(Ext.Loader.getPath('My.awesome.more.Class')); // alerts '/more/awesome/path/Class.js'

alert(Ext.Loader.getPath('')); // alerts '/path/to/lib/cool/Class.js'

alert(Ext.Loader.getPath('Unknown.strange.Stuff')); // alerts 'Unknown/strange/Stuff.js'
getPlugin [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Retrieves a plugin from this component's collection by its pluginId.

getPoint [Ext_EventObject.t]

Returns a point object that consists of the object coordinates.

getPosition [Ext_view_Table.t]

Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.

getPosition [Ext_Component.t]

Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.

getProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Gets a property of this object. Also tracks the current layout as dependent on this property so that changes to it will trigger the layout to be recalculated.

getProvider [Ext_state_Manager.t]

Gets the currently configured state provider

getProxy [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

Returns the drag source's underlying Ext.dd.StatusProxy

getProxy [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Returns the configured Proxy for this Model

getProxy [Ext_data_Model.t]

Returns the configured Proxy for this Model.

getProxy [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Returns the proxy currently attached to this proxy instance

getQuickTip [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Gets the single QuickTip instance used to show tips from all registered elements.

getRange [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns a range of items in this collection

getRange [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gathers a range of Records between specified indices.

If this store is buffered, the indices are relative to the entire dataset, not the local record cache.

If this store is buffered, then the requested data range may not be immediately available, and will be returned through a passed callback function.

This method is affected by filtering.

getRawValue [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Returns the raw String value of the field, without performing any normalization, conversion, or validation. Gets the current value of the input element if the field has been rendered, ignoring the value if it is the emptyText. To get a normalized and converted value see getValue.

getRawValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Returns the raw value of the field, without performing any normalization, conversion, or validation. To get a normalized and converted value see getValue.

getReader [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Returns the reader currently attached to this proxy instance

getRecord [Ext_view_Table.t]

Gets a record from a node

getRecord [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets a record from a node

getRecord [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Returns the currently loaded instance if one was loaded via loadRecord.

getRecord [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Returns the last instance that was loaded via loadRecord

getRecordCount [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Return the number of records being displayed in this series. Defaults to the number of records in the store; individual series implementations can override to provide custom handling.

getRecordData [Ext_data_writer_Writer.t]

Formats the data for each record before sending it to the server. This method should be overridden to format the data in a way that differs from the default.

getRecords [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets an array of the records from an array of nodes

getRecords [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns the records associated with this operation. For read operations the records as set by the Proxy will be returned (returns null if the proxy has not yet set the records). For create, update, and destroy operations the operation's initially configured records will be returned, although the proxy may modify these records' data at some point after the operation is initialized.

getRefItems [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Used by ComponentQuery, child and down to retrieve all of the items which can potentially be considered a child of this Container.

This may be overriden by Components which have ownership of Components that are not contained in the items collection.

NOTE: IMPORTANT note for maintainers: Items are returned in tree traversal order. Each item is appended to the result array followed by the results of that child's getRefItems call. Floating child items are appended after internal child items.

getRefItems [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Used by ComponentQuery, child and down to retrieve all of the items which can potentially be considered a child of this Container.

This may be overriden by Components which have ownership of Components that are not contained in the items collection.

NOTE: IMPORTANT note for maintainers: Items are returned in tree traversal order. Each item is appended to the result array followed by the results of that child's getRefItems call. Floating child items are appended after internal child items.

getRegion [Ext_util_Region.statics]

Retrieves an Ext.util.Region for a particular element.

getRegion [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns a region object that defines the area of this element.

getRelatedTarget [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the related target.

getRelease [Ext_Version.t]

Returns the release component value

getRemovedRecords [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Returns any records that have been removed from the store but not yet destroyed on the proxy.

getRenderTarget [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns the element into which rendering must take place. Defaults to the owner Container's target element.

May be overridden in layout managers which implement an inner element.

getRenderedItems [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns all items that are rendered

getResponseData [Ext_data_reader_Reader.t]

Takes a raw response object (as passed to the read method) and returns the useful data segment from it. This must be implemented by each subclass.

getResultSet [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns the ResultSet object (if set by the Proxy). This object will contain the model instances as well as meta data such as number of instances fetched, number available etc

getRowClass [Ext_view_Table.t]

Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. This function should return the CSS class name (or empty string '' for none) that will be added to the row's wrapping div. To apply multiple class names, simply return them space-delimited within the string (e.g. 'my-class another-class'). Example usage:

viewConfig: {
    getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, rowParams, store){
        return record.get("valid") ? "row-valid" : "row-error";
getScroll [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns the current scroll position of the element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

getScrollLeft [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets the left scroll position

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

getScrollTop [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets the top scroll position

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

getScrollbarSize [Ext.t]

Returns the size of the browser scrollbars. This can differ depending on operating system settings, such as the theme or font size.

getSelectedNodes [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets the currently selected nodes.

getSelection [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns an array of the currently selected records.

getSelectionMode [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns the current selectionMode.

getSelectionModel [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets the selection model for this view.

getSelectionModel [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Returns the selection model being used and creates it via the configuration if it has not been created already.

getShortDayName [Ext_Date.t]

Get the short day name for the given day number. Override this function for international dates.

getShortMonthName [Ext_Date.t]

Get the short month name for the given month number. Override this function for international dates.

getShortVersion [Ext_Version.t]

Returns shortVersion version without dots and release

getSize [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the size of the element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getSize [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.

getSizeModel [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns an object that describes how this component's width and height are managed. All of these objects are shared and should not be modified.

getSortParam [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Returns the parameter to sort upon when sorting this header. By default this returns the dataIndex and will not need to be overriden in most cases.

getState [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Gets the current state of the object. By default this function returns null, it should be overridden in subclasses to implement methods for getting the state.

getState [Ext_panel_Table.t]

The supplied default state gathering method for the AbstractComponent class.

This method returns dimension settings such as flex, anchor, width and height along with collapsed state.

Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state to the result if this basic state is to be saved.

Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a stateId and there as a StateProvider configured for the document.

getState [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

The supplied default state gathering method for the AbstractComponent class.

This method returns dimension settings such as flex, anchor, width and height along with collapsed state.

Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state to the result if this basic state is to be saved.

Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a stateId and there as a StateProvider configured for the document.

getState [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

The supplied default state gathering method for the AbstractComponent class.

This method returns dimension settings such as flex, anchor, width and height along with collapsed state.

Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state to the result if this basic state is to be saved.

Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a stateId and there as a StateProvider configured for the document.

getState [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

The supplied default state gathering method for the AbstractComponent class.

This method returns dimension settings such as flex, anchor, width and height along with collapsed state.

Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state to the result if this basic state is to be saved.

Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a stateId and there as a StateProvider configured for the document.

getStore [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Gets the current store instance.

getStore [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Returns the store associated with this Panel.

getStore [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns instance of a Store with the given name. When store doesn't exist yet, it's created.

getStore [Ext.t]

Shortcut to

Gets a registered Store by id

getStoreListeners [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.

getStoreListeners [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.

getStoreListeners [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.

getStoreListeners [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.

getStoreListeners [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.

getStore_view [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Returns the store associated with this DataView.

getStyle [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns a style for this item. Each style is read from the DOM only once on first request and is then cached. If the value is an integer, it is parsed automatically (so '5px' is not returned, but rather 5).

getStyle [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns a named style property based on computed/currentStyle (primary) and inline-style if primary is not available.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getStyleSize [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns the dimensions of the element available to lay content out in.

getStyleSize utilizes prefers style sizing if present, otherwise it chooses the larger of offsetHeight/clientHeight and offsetWidth/clientWidth. To obtain the size excluding scrollbars, use getViewSize.

Sizing of the document body is handled at the adapter level which handles special cases for IE and strict modes, etc.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

getStyles [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns styles for this item. Each style is read from the DOM only once on first request and is then cached. If the value is an integer, it is parsed automatically (so '5px' is not returned, but rather 5).

getSubTplData [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.getSubTplData
getSubTplData [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Creates and returns the data object to be used when rendering the fieldSubTpl.

getSubTplData [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]
See method t.getSubTplData
getSubTplData [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Creates and returns the data object to be used when rendering the fieldSubTpl.

getSubTplMarkup [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Gets the markup to be inserted into the outer template's bodyEl. Defaults to empty string, should be implemented by classes including this mixin as needed.

getSubmitData [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns the parameter(s) that would be included in a standard form submit for this field. Typically this will be an object with a single name-value pair, the name being this field's name and the value being its current stringified value. More advanced field implementations may return more than one name-value pair.

Note that the values returned from this method are not guaranteed to have been successfully validated.

getSubmitData [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

private override to use getSubmitValue() as a convenience

Returns the parameter(s) that would be included in a standard form submit for this field. Typically this will be an object with a single name-value pair, the name being this field's name and the value being its current stringified value. More advanced field implementations may return more than one name-value pair.

Note that the values returned from this method are not guaranteed to have been successfully validated.

getSubmitValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Returns the value that would be included in a standard form submit for this field. This will be combined with the field's name to form a name=value pair in the submitted parameters. If an empty string is returned then just the name= will be submitted; if null is returned then nothing will be submitted.

Note that the value returned will have been processed but may or may not have been successfully validated.

getSuffix [Ext_Date.t]

Get the English ordinal suffix of the current day (equivalent to the format specifier 'S').

getTarget [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns the owner component's resize element.

getTarget [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the target for the event.

getTarget [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Returns the target of this loader.

getTemplateArgs [Ext_button_Button.t]

This method returns an object which provides substitution parameters for the XTemplate used to create this Button's DOM structure.

Instances or subclasses which use a different Template to create a different DOM structure may need to provide their own implementation of this method.

getText [Ext_button_Button.t]

Gets the text for this Button

getTextWidth [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns the width in pixels of the passed text, or the width of the text in this Element.

getTimezone [Ext_Date.t]

Get the timezone abbreviation of the current date (equivalent to the format specifier 'T').

Note: The date string returned by the JavaScript Date object's toString() method varies between browsers (e.g. FF vs IE) and system region settings (e.g. IE in Asia vs IE in America). For a given date string e.g. "Thu Oct 25 2007 22:55:35 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)", getTimezone() first tries to get the timezone abbreviation from between a pair of parentheses (which may or may not be present), failing which it proceeds to get the timezone abbreviation from the GMT offset portion of the date string.

getTotalCount [Ext_data_Store.t]

Returns the total number of Model instances that the Proxy indicates exist. This will usually differ from getCount when using paging - getCount returns the number of records loaded into the Store at the moment, getTotalCount returns the number of records that could be loaded into the Store if the Store contained all data

getUpdatedRecords [Ext_data_Store.t]

inherit docs

Returns all Model instances that have been updated in the Store but not yet synchronized with the Proxy

getUpdatedRecords [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Returns all Model instances that have been updated in the Store but not yet synchronized with the Proxy

getValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns the current data value of the field. The type of value returned is particular to the type of the particular field (e.g. a Date object for Ext.form.field.Date).

getValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Returns the current data value of the field. The type of value returned is particular to the type of the particular field (e.g. a Date object for Ext.form.field.Date), as the result of calling rawToValue on the field's processed String value. To return the raw String value, see getRawValue.

getValue [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the value of the "value" attribute

getValues [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Convenience function for fetching the current value of each field in the form. This is the same as calling this.getForm().getValues().

Retrieves the fields in the form as a set of key/value pairs, using their getSubmitData() method to collect the values. If multiple fields return values under the same name those values will be combined into an Array. This is similar to getFieldValues except that this method collects only String values for submission, while getFieldValues collects type-specific data values (e.g. Date objects for date fields.)

getValues [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Retrieves the fields in the form as a set of key/value pairs, using their getSubmitData() method to collect the values. If multiple fields return values under the same name those values will be combined into an Array. This is similar to getFieldValues except that this method collects only String values for submission, while getFieldValues collects type-specific data values (e.g. Date objects for date fields.)

getVersion [Ext.t]

Get the version number of the supplied package name; will return the last registered version (last Ext.setVersion call) if there's no package name given.

getView [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Gets the view for this panel.

getView [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns a View class with the given name. To create an instance of the view, you can use it like it's used by Application to create the Viewport:

getViewRegion [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Returns the content region of this element. That is the region within the borders and padding.

getViewSize [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the viewport size of the window.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getViewSize [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the dimensions of the element available to lay content out in.

If the element (or any ancestor element) has CSS style display: none, the dimensions will be zero.


var vpSize = Ext.getBody().getViewSize();

// all Windows created afterwards will have a default value of 90% height and 95% width
    width: vpSize.width * 0.9,
    height: vpSize.height * 0.95
// To handle window resizing you would have to hook onto onWindowResize.

getViewSize utilizes clientHeight/clientWidth which excludes sizing of scrollbars. To obtain the size including scrollbars, use getStyleSize

Sizing of the document body is handled at the adapter level which handles special cases for IE and strict modes, etc.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getViewportHeight [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the viewport height of the window.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getViewportWidth [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Retrieves the viewport width of the window.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

getVisibleGridColumns [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Returns an array of the visible columns in the grid. This goes down to the lowest column header level, and does not return grouped headers which contain sub headers.

getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

When passed a column index, returns the closet visible column to that. If the column at the passed index is visible, that is returned. If it is hidden, either the next visible, or the previous visible column is returned.

getVisibleIndex [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Returns the index of this column in the list of visible columns only if this column is a base level Column. If it is a group column, it returns false.

getVisibleItems [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

Returns all items that are both rendered and visible

getWeekOfYear [Ext_Date.t]

Get the numeric ISO-8601 week number of the year. (equivalent to the format specifier 'W', but without a leading zero).

getWheelDelta [Ext_EventObject.t]

Normalizes mouse wheel y-delta across browsers. To get x-delta information, use getWheelDeltas instead.

getWheelDeltas [Ext_EventObject.t]

Returns the mouse wheel deltas for this event.

getWidth [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns the offset width of the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

getWidth [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current width of the component's underlying element.

getWriter [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Returns the writer currently attached to this proxy instance

getX [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Gets the current X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

getX [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the x coordinate of the event.

getX [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets element X position in page coordinates

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

getX [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

getXType [Ext_Component.t]

Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentManager. For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header. Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
alert(t.getXType());  // alerts 'textfield'
getXTypes [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.

If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.

Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
alert(t.getXTypes());  // alerts 'component/field/textfield'
getXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Gets the current position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

getXY [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the page coordinates of the event.

getXY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

getY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Gets the current Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

getY [Ext_EventObject.t]

Gets the y coordinate of the event.

getY [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Gets element Y position in page coordinates

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

getY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Gets the current Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

ghost [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Set to false to disable the ghost panel during dragging the window. Do note that you should not set this to true, by default it is a function.

ghost [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Slides the element while fading it out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the ending point of the effect. Usage:

// default: slide the element downward while fading out

// custom: slide the element out to the right with a 2-second duration
el.ghost('r', { duration: 2000 });

// common config options shown with default values
el.ghost('b', {
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

globalEvents [Ext.t]

An instance of Ext.util.Observable through which Ext fires global events.

This Observable instance fires the following events:

  • idle

    Fires when an event handler finishes its run, just before returning to browser control.

    This includes DOM event handlers, Ajax (including JSONP) event handlers, and TaskRunners

    This can be useful for performing cleanup, or update tasks which need to happen only after all code in an event handler has been run, but which should not be executed in a timer due to the intervening browser reflow/repaint which would take place.

  • ready

    Fires when the DOM is ready, and all required classes have been loaded. Functionally the same as onReady, but must be called with the single option:

          ready: function() {
              console.log('document is ready!');
          single: true
  • resumelayouts

    Fires after global layout processing has been resumed in Ext.AbstractComponent.resumeLayouts.

glyph [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

A numeric unicode character code to use as the icon for the panel header. The default font-family for glyphs can be set globally using Ext.setGlyphFontFamily(). Alternatively, this config option accepts a string with the charCode and font-family separated by the @ symbol. For example '65@My Font Family'.

glyph [Ext_button_Button.configs]

A numeric unicode character code to use as the icon for this button. The default font-family for glyphs can be set globally using Ext.setGlyphFontFamily(). Alternatively, this config option accepts a string with the charCode and font-family separated by the @ symbol. For example '65@My Font Family'.

glyphchange []

Fired when the Panel glyph has been changed by the setGlyph method.

glyphchange []

Fired when the button's glyph is changed by the setGlyph method.

gradients [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

(optional) Define a set of gradients that can be used as fill property in sprites. The gradients array is an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id - string - The unique name of the gradient.
  • angle - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.
  • stops - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects as values


gradients: [{
    id: 'gradientId',
    angle: 45,
    stops: {
        0: {
            color: '#555'
        100: {
            color: '#ddd'
}, {
    id: 'gradientId2',
    angle: 0,
    stops: {
        0: {
            color: '#590'
        20: {
            color: '#599'
        100: {
            color: '#ddd'

Then the sprites can use gradientId and gradientId2 by setting the fill attributes to those ids, for example:

    fill: 'url(#gradientId)'
}, true);
gradients [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

Define a set of gradients that can be used as fill property in sprites. The gradients array is an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id - string - The unique name of the gradient.
  • angle - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.
  • stops - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects as values

For example:

gradients: [{
    id: 'gradientId',
    angle: 45,
    stops: {
        0: {
            color: '#555'
        100: {
            color: '#ddd'
}, {
    id: 'gradientId2',
    angle: 0,
    stops: {
        0: {
            color: '#590'
        20: {
            color: '#599'
        100: {
            color: '#ddd'

Then the sprites can use gradientId and gradientId2 by setting the fill attributes to those ids, for example:

    fill: 'url(#gradientId)'
}, true);
grid [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Reference to the grid panel

grid [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.grid.Panel.

grid [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

The grid configuration enables you to set a background grid for an axis. If set to true on a vertical axis, vertical lines will be drawn. If set to true on a horizontal axis, horizontal lines will be drawn. If both are set, a proper grid with horizontal and vertical lines will be drawn.

You can set specific options for the grid configuration for odd and/or even lines/rows. Since the rows being drawn are rectangle sprites, you can set to an odd or even property all styles that apply to Ext.draw.Sprite. For more information on all the style properties you can set please take a look at Ext.draw.Sprite. Some useful style properties are opacity, fill, stroke, stroke-width, etc.

The possible values for a grid option are then true, false, or an object with { odd, even } properties where each property contains a sprite style descriptor object that is defined in Ext.draw.Sprite.

For example:

axes: [{
    type: 'Numeric',
    position: 'left',
    fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
    title: 'Number of Hits',
    grid: {
        odd: {
            opacity: 1,
            fill: '#ddd',
            stroke: '#bbb',
            'stroke-width': 1
}, {
    type: 'Category',
    position: 'bottom',
    fields: ['name'],
    title: 'Month of the Year',
    grid: true
gridcolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
gridpanel [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.grid.Panel.

gridview [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.grid.View.

group [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The group that this sprite belongs to, or an array of groups. Only relevant when added to a Surface.

group [Ext_data_Store.t]

Groups data inside the store.

groupDir [Ext_data_Store.configs]

The direction in which sorting should be applied when grouping. Supported values are "ASC" and "DESC".

groupDirectionParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the direction parameter to send in a request. This is only used when simpleGroupMode is set to true.

groupField [Ext_data_Store.configs]

The field by which to group data in the store. Internally, grouping is very similar to sorting - the groupField and groupDir are injected as the first sorter (see sort). Stores support a single level of grouping, and groups can be fetched via the getGroups method.

groupParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'group' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'group'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a group parameter.

groupable [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

If the grid uses a Ext.grid.feature.Grouping, this option may be used to disable the header menu item to group by the column selected. By default, the header menu group option is enabled. Set to false to disable (but still show) the group option in the header menu for the column.

groupchange []

Fired whenever the grouping in the grid changes.

groupers [Ext_data_Store.configs]

The collection of Groupers currently applied to this Store.

groupers [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Optional grouping configuration. Only applies to 'read' actions where grouping is desired.

groups [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are related. Instances only get events when interacting with other DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want.

An object in the format {'group1':true, 'group2':true}

grow [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

true if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content

growAppend [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A string that will be appended to the field's current value for the purposes of calculating the target field size. Only used when the grow config is true. Defaults to a single capital "W" (the widest character in common fonts) to leave enough space for the next typed character and avoid the field value shifting before the width is adjusted.

growMax [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The maximum width to allow when grow = true

growMin [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The minimum width to allow when grow = true

gt [Ext_Version.t]

Convenient alias to isGreaterThan

gtEq [Ext_Version.t]

Convenient alias to isGreaterThanOrEqual

handle [Ext_Error.statics]

Globally handle any Ext errors that may be raised, optionally providing custom logic to handle different errors individually. Return true from the function to bypass throwing the error to the browser, otherwise the error will be thrown and execution will halt.

Example usage:

Ext.Error.handle = function(err) {
    if (err.someProperty == 'NotReallyAnError') {
        // maybe log something to the application here if applicable
        return true;
    // any non-true return value (including none) will cause the error to be thrown
handleMouseEvents [Ext_button_Button.configs]

False to disable visual cues on mouseover, mouseout and mousedown.

handler [Ext_button_Button.configs]

A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event).

hasActiveError [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Tells whether the field currently has an active error message. This does not trigger validation on its own, it merely looks for any message that the component may already hold.

hasCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

hasCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.

hasDomProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns true if the given property is correct in the DOM. This is equivalent to calling getDomProp and not getting an undefined result. In particular, this call registers the current layout to be triggered by flushes of this property.

hasException [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns true if this Operation encountered an exception (see also getError)

hasException [Ext_data_Batch.t]

True if this batch has encountered an exception. This is cleared at the start of each operation. Read only

hasFeatureEvent [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Most features will expose additional events, some may not and will need to change this to false.

hasInvalidField [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Convenience function to check if the form has any invalid fields. This is the same as calling this.getForm().hasInvalidField().

Returns true if the form contains any invalid fields. No fields will be marked as invalid as a result of calling this; to trigger marking of fields use isValid instead.

hasInvalidField [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Returns true if the form contains any invalid fields. No fields will be marked as invalid as a result of calling this; to trigger marking of fields use isValid instead.

hasListener [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event, or whether the event bubbles. The answer indicates whether the event needs firing or not.

hasListeners [Ext_util_Observable.t]

This object holds a key for any event that has a listener. The listener may be set directly on the instance, or on its class or a super class (via observe) or on the MVC EventBus. The values of this object are truthy (a non-zero number) and falsy (0 or undefined). They do not represent an exact count of listeners. The value for an event is truthy if the event must be fired and is falsy if there is no need to fire the event.

The intended use of this property is to avoid the expense of fireEvent calls when there are no listeners. This can be particularly helpful when one would otherwise have to call fireEvent hundreds or thousands of times. It is used like this:

 if ( {
     this.fireEvent('foo', this, arg1);
hasMany [Ext_data_Model.configs]

One or more HasMany associations for this model.

hasModifier [Ext_EventObject.t]

Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event.

hasOuterHandles [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true if outer handles are defined. Defaults to false.

hasProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Returns true if the given property has been set. This is equivalent to calling getProp and not getting an undefined result. In particular, this call registers the current layout to be triggered by changes to this property.

hasRef [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Returns true if a reference is registered.

hasSelection [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns true if there are any a selected records.

hasUICls [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Checks if there is currently a specified uiCls.

hasUpload [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Returns true if the form contains a file upload field. This is used to determine the method for submitting the form: File uploads are not performed using normal 'Ajax' techniques, that is they are not performed using XMLHttpRequests. Instead a hidden <form> element containing all the fields is created temporarily and submitted with its target set to refer to a dynamically generated, hidden <iframe> which is inserted into the document but removed after the return data has been gathered.

The server response is parsed by the browser to create the document for the IFRAME. If the server is using JSON to send the return object, then the Content-Type header must be set to "text/html" in order to tell the browser to insert the text unchanged into the document body.

Characters which are significant to an HTML parser must be sent as HTML entities, so encode "<" as "&lt;", "&" as "&amp;" etc.

The response text is retrieved from the document, and a fake XMLHttpRequest object is created containing a responseText property in order to conform to the requirements of event handlers and callbacks.

Be aware that file upload packets are sent with the content type multipart/form and some server technologies (notably JEE) may require some custom processing in order to retrieve parameter names and parameter values from the packet content.

hasView [Ext_panel_Table.t]

True to indicate that a view has been injected into the panel.

hasVisibleLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Checks if the field has a visible label

hasVisibleMenu [Ext_button_Button.t]

Returns true if the button has a menu and it is visible

header [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Pass as false to prevent a Header from being created and shown.

Pass as a config object (optionally containing an xtype) to custom-configure this Panel's header.

See Ext.panel.Header for all the options that may be specified here.

A panel header is a Ext.container.Container which contains the Panel's title and tools. You may also configure the Panel's header option with its own child items which go before the tools

By default the panel title is inserted after items configured in this config, but before any tools. To insert the title at any point in the full array, specify the #titlePosition config:

new Ext.panel.Panel({ title: 'Test', tools: [{ type: 'refresh }, { type: 'help' }], titlePosition: 2 // Title will come AFTER the two tools ... });

header [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.panel.Header.

headerOverCls [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Optional CSS class to apply to the header element on mouseover

headerPosition [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Specify as 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'.

headerclick []
headerclick []
headercontainer [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
headercontextmenu []
headercontextmenu []
headers [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

Extra headers to be sent in the AJAX request for submit and load actions. See

Note: Headers are not sent during file upload.

headers [Ext_data_proxy_Ajax.configs]

Any headers to add to the Ajax request. Defaults to undefined.

headertriggerclick []
headertriggerclick []
height [Ext_draw_Surface.configs]

The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).

height [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The height of the rect or image sprite.

height [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The height of this component in pixels.

hidden [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Render this Window hidden. If true, the hide method will be called internally.

hidden [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

true to hide the component.

hidden [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to initially render the Menu as hidden, requiring to be shown manually.

Defaults to true when floating: true, and defaults to false when floating: false.

hidden [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
hidden [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

true to hide the axis.

hidden [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to start hidden.

hidden [Ext_button_Button.t]

True if this button is hidden.

hidden [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

true to hide the component.

hiddenfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
hide [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Hides the sprite.

hide [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See setVisible.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

hide [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Hide this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See setVisible.

hide [Ext_Component.t]

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.

hide []

Fires after the component is hidden. Fires after the component is hidden when calling the hide method.

hideAll [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Hides all Components managed by this ZIndexManager.

hideAll [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Hides all the elements in the series.

hideCollapseTool [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

true to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when collapsible == true, false to display it.

hideDelay [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

Delay in milliseconds after the mouse exits the target element but before the tooltip actually hides. Set to 0 for the tooltip to hide immediately.

hideEmptyLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

When set to true, the label element (fieldLabel and labelSeparator) will be automatically hidden if the fieldLabel is empty. Setting this to false will cause the empty label element to be rendered and space to be reserved for it; this is useful if you want a field without a label to line up with other labeled fields in the same form.

If you wish to unconditionall hide the label even if a non-empty fieldLabel is configured, then set the hideLabel config to true.

hideHeaders [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

True to hide column headers.

hideLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

Set to true to completely hide the label element (fieldLabel and labelSeparator). Also see hideEmptyLabel, which controls whether space will be reserved for an empty fieldLabel.

hideMenu [Ext_button_Button.t]

Hides this button's menu (if it has one)

hideMode [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Windows hide using offsets in order to preserve the scroll positions of their descendants.

A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:

  • 'display' : The Component will be hidden using the display: none style.
  • 'visibility' : The Component will be hidden using the visibility: hidden style.
  • 'offsets' : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using display results in a Component having zero dimensions.
hideMode [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

hide it by offsets. Windows are hidden on render by default.

A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:

  • 'display' : The Component will be hidden using the display: none style.
  • 'visibility' : The Component will be hidden using the visibility: hidden style.
  • 'offsets' : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using display results in a Component having zero dimensions.
hideMode [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:

  • 'display' : The Component will be hidden using the display: none style.
  • 'visibility' : The Component will be hidden using the visibility: hidden style.
  • 'offsets' : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using display results in a Component having zero dimensions.
hideMode [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:

  • 'display' : The Component will be hidden using the display: none style.
  • 'visibility' : The Component will be hidden using the visibility: hidden style.
  • 'offsets' : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using display results in a Component having zero dimensions.
hideProxy [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

Hides the drag source's Ext.dd.StatusProxy

hideShadowOnDeactivate [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to hide this Window's shadow when another floating item in the same z-index stack is activated.

hide_column [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.

hide_component [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.

hide_mask [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.

hide_menu [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.

hide_proxy [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Hides the proxy

hide_tooltip [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

Hides this tooltip if visible.

hideable [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

False to prevent the user from hiding this column.

highlight [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Highlights the Element by setting a color (applies to the background-color by default, but can be changed using the "attr" config option) and then fading back to the original color. If no original color is available, you should provide the "endColor" config option which will be cleared after the animation. Usage:

// default: highlight background to yellow

// custom: highlight foreground text to blue for 2 seconds
el.highlight("0000ff", { attr: 'color', duration: 2000 });

// common config options shown with default values
el.highlight("ffff9c", {
    attr: "backgroundColor", //can be any valid CSS property (attribute) that supports a color value
    endColor: (current color) or "ffffff",
    easing: 'easeIn',
    duration: 1000

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

highlight [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

If set to true it will highlight the markers or the series when hovering with the mouse. This parameter can also be an object with the same style properties you would apply to a Ext.draw.Sprite to apply custom styles to markers and series.

highlight [Ext_chart_Highlight.configs]

Set to true to enable highlighting using the default highlight attributes.

Can also be an object with style properties (i.e fill, stroke, stroke-width, radius) which are may override the default highlight attributes.

highlightCfg [Ext_chart_Highlight.t]

The default properties to apply as a highight. Value is

{ fill: '#fdd', "stroke-width": 5, stroke: "#f55" }

highlightItem [Ext_view_View.t]

Highlights a given item in the View. This is called by the mouseover handler if overItemCls and trackOver are configured, but can also be called manually by other code, for instance to handle stepping through the list via keyboard navigation.

highlightItem [Ext_chart_Highlight.t]

Highlight the given series item.

highlightitem []

Fires when a node is highlighted using keyboard navigation, or mouseover.

history [Ext_Loader.t]

An array of class names to keep track of the dependency loading order. This is not guaranteed to be the same everytime due to the asynchronous nature of the Loader.

hover [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets up event handlers to call the passed functions when the mouse is moved into and out of the Element.

href [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The URL to open when the button is clicked. Specifying this config causes the Button to be rendered with the specified URL as the href attribute of its <a> Element.

This is better than specifying a click handler of

function() { window.location = "" }

because the UI will provide meaningful hints to the user as to what to expect upon clicking the button, and will also allow the user to open in a new tab or window, bookmark or drag the URL, or directly save the URL stream to disk.

See also the hrefTarget config.

hrefTarget [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The target attribute to use for the underlying anchor. Only used if the href property is specified.

html [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An HTML fragment, or a DomHelper specification to use as the layout element content. The HTML content is added after the component is rendered, so the document will not contain this HTML at the time the render event is fired. This content is inserted into the body before any configured contentEl is appended.

htmlDecode [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.htmlDecode.

Convert certain characters (&, <, >, ', and ") from their HTML character equivalents.

htmlEncode [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.htmlEncode.

Convert certain characters (&, <, >, ', and ") to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pages.

htmleditor [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

icon [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Path to image for an icon in the header. Used for displaying an icon to the left of a title.

icon [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The path to an image to display in the button.

iconAlign [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The side of the Button box to render the icon. Four values are allowed:

  • 'top'
  • 'right'
  • 'bottom'
  • 'left'
iconCls [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

CSS class for an icon in the header. Used for displaying an icon to the left of a title.

iconCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

A css class which sets a background image to be used as the icon for this button.

iconchange []

Fires after the Panel icon has been set or changed.

iconchange []

Fired when the button's icon is changed by the setIcon or setIconCls methods.

iconclschange []

Fires after the Panel iconCls has been set or changed.

id [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

An identifier by which this Filter is indexed in a Store's filters collection

Identified Filters may be individually removed from a Store's filter set by using

Anonymous Filters may be removed en masse by passing null to

id [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

The DOM element ID

id [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have interacted.

id [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Generates a sequential id. This method is typically called when a record is created and no id has been specified either as a parameter, or through the idProperty in the passed data. The generated id will automatically be assigned to the record. The returned id takes the form: {PREFIX}-{AUTO_ID}.

id [Ext_app_Controller.configs]

The id of this controller. You can use this id when dispatching.

id [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The unique id of this component instance.

It should not be necessary to use this configuration except for singleton objects in your application. Components created with an id may be accessed globally using Ext.getCmp.

Instead of using assigned ids, use the itemId config, and ComponentQuery which provides selector-based searching for Sencha Components analogous to DOM querying. The Container class contains shortcut methods to query its descendant Components by selector.

Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements using this component's id as the parent.

Note: To avoid complications imposed by a unique id also see itemId.

Note: To access the container of a Component see ownerCt.

Defaults to an auto-assigned id.

id [Ext.t]

Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is unchanged

idParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the parameter which carries the id of the entity being operated upon.

idProperty [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

Name of the property within a row object that contains a record identifier value. Defaults to the id of the model. If an idProperty is explicitly specified it will take precedence over idProperty defined on the model.

idProperty [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The name of the field treated as this Model's unique id. Defaults to 'id'.

This may also be specified as a Field config object. This means that the identifying field can be calculated using a convert function which might aggregate several values from the raw data object to use as an identifier.

The resulting Field is added to the Model's field collection unless there is already a configured field with a mapping that reads the same property.

If defining an abstract base Model class, the idProperty may be configured as null which will mean that no identifying field will be generated.

idchanged []

Fired when this model's id changes

identityFn [Ext.t]

A reusable identity function. The function will always return the first argument, unchanged.

idgen [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The id generator to use for this model. The default id generator does not generate values for the idProperty.

This can be overridden at the model level to provide a custom generator for a model. The simplest form of this would be:

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: '',
     requires: [''],
     idgen: 'sequential',

The above would generate sequential id's such as 1, 2, 3 etc..

Another useful id generator is

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: '',
     requires: [''],
     idgen: 'uuid',

An id generation can also be further configured:

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: '',
     idgen: {
         type: 'sequential',
         seed: 1000,
         prefix: 'ID_'

The above would generate id's such as ID_1000, ID_1001, ID_1002 etc..

If multiple models share an id space, a single generator can be shared:

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: '',
     idgen: {
         type: 'sequential',
         id: 'xy'

 Ext.define('', {
     extend: '',
     idgen: {
         type: 'sequential',
         id: 'xy'

For more complex, shared id generators, a custom generator is the best approach. See for details on creating custom id generators.

ieVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of IE (0 if the browser is not IE). This does not account for the documentMode of the current page, which is factored into isIE7, isIE8 and isIE9. Thus this is not always true:

Ext.isIE8 == (Ext.ieVersion == 8)
ignore [Ext_Error.statics]

Static flag that can be used to globally disable error reporting to the browser if set to true (defaults to false). Note that if you ignore Ext errors it's likely that some other code may fail and throw a native JavaScript error thereafter, so use with caution. In most cases it will probably be preferable to supply a custom error handling function instead.

Example usage:

Ext.Error.ignore = true;
ignoreInputFields [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

Configure this as true if there are any input fields within the target, and this KeyNav should not process events from input fields, (&lt;input>, &lt;textarea> and elements withcontentEditable="true"`)

ignoreParentClicks [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to ignore clicks on any item in this menu that is a parent item (displays a submenu) so that the submenu is not dismissed when clicking the parent item.

ignoreRightMouseSelection [Ext_selection_RowModel.configs]

True to ignore selections that are made when using the right mouse button if there are records that are already selected. If no records are selected, selection will continue as normal

ignoreSelf [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Set to false to enable a DragDrop object to fire drag events while dragging over its own Element. Defaults to true - DragDrop objects do not by default fire drag events to themselves.

image [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.Img.

imagecomponent [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.Img.

implicitIncludes [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

True to automatically parse models nested within other models in a response object. See the intro docs for full explanation.

indexOf [Ext_view_Table.t]

Finds the index of the passed node.

indexOf [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Finds the index of the passed node.

indexOf [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns index within the collection of the passed Object.

indexOf [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Find the index of the passed element within the composite collection.

indexOf [Ext_data_Store.t]

Get the index of the record within the store.

When store is filtered, records outside of filter will not be found.

indexOfId [Ext_data_Store.t]

Get the index within the store of the Record with the passed id.

Like indexOf, this method is effected by filtering.

indexOfKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns index within the collection of the passed key.

indexOfTotal [Ext_data_Store.t]

Get the index within the entire dataset. From 0 to the totalCount.

Like indexOf, this method is effected by filtering.

inheritableStatics [Ext_Class.configs]

List of inheritable static methods for this class. Otherwise just like statics but subclasses inherit these methods.

init [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Initializes the global QuickTips instance and prepare any quick tips.

init [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Sets up the DragDrop object. Must be called in the constructor of any Ext.dd.DragDrop subclass

init [Ext_app_Controller.configs]
See method t.init
init [Ext_app_Controller.t]

A template method that is called when your application boots. It is called before the Application's launch function is executed so gives a hook point to run any code before your Viewport is created.

init [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

The init method is invoked after initComponent method has been run for the client Component.

The supplied implementation is empty. Subclasses should perform plugin initialization, and set up bidirectional links between the plugin and its client Component in their own implementation of this method.

initComponent [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_view_View.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_view_View.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_view_Table.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_view_Table.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]


The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_tip_Tip.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_panel_Table.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_panel_Table.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_form_Panel.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_form_Panel.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_form_field_Base.t]


The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_container_Viewport.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_container_Viewport.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_Component.t]

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initComponent [Ext_button_Button.configs]
See method t.initComponent
initComponent [Ext_button_Button.t]

inherit docs

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {
initConfig [Ext_Base.t]

Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:

Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
    // The default config
    config: {
        name: 'Awesome',
        isAwesome: true

    constructor: function(config) {

var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
    name: 'Super Awesome'

alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'
initDD [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Initializes a Ext.dd.DD drag drop object for this element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_dd.

initDDProxy [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Initializes a Ext.dd.DDProxy object for this element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_dd.

initDDTarget [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Initializes a Ext.dd.DDTarget object for this element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_dd.

initEl [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Initializes the DragTracker on a given element.

initEvents [Ext_form_field_Text.t]


Initialize any events on this component

initEvents [Ext_form_field_Base.t]


Initialize any events on this component

initEvents [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Initialize any events on this component

initField [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Initializes this Field mixin on the current instance. Components using this mixin should call this method during their own initialization process.

initFieldAncestor [Ext_form_FieldAncestor.t]

Initializes the FieldAncestor's state; this must be called from the initComponent method of any components importing this mixin.

initFrame [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

Initialization for the drag frame element. Must be called in the constructor of all subclasses

initLabelable [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Performs initialization of this mixin. Component classes using this mixin should call this method during their own initialization.

initLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

A one-time initialization method called just before rendering.

initRenderData [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.

initRenderData [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.

initRenderData [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.

initSortable [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

Performs initialization of this mixin. Component classes using this mixin should call this method during their own initialization.

initTarget [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Initializes Targeting functionality only... the object does not get a mousedown handler.

initValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Initializes the field's value based on the initial config.

injectEvent [Ext_EventObject.t]

Injects a DOM event using the data in this object and (optionally) a new target. This is a low-level technique and not likely to be used by application code. The currently supported event types are:


  • load
  • unload
  • select
  • change
  • submit
  • reset
  • resize
  • scroll


  • click
  • dblclick
  • mousedown
  • mouseup
  • mouseover
  • mousemove
  • mouseout


  • focusin
  • focusout
  • activate
  • focus
  • blur
inputAttrTpl [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup inside the input element (as attributes). If an XTemplate is used, the component's subTpl data serves as the context.

inputEl [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

The input Element for this Field. Only available after the field has been rendered.

inputId [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The id that will be given to the generated input DOM element. Defaults to an automatically generated id. If you configure this manually, you must make sure it is unique in the document.

inputType [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password, file. The extended types supported by HTML5 inputs (url, email, etc.) may also be used, though using them will cause older browsers to fall back to 'text'.

The type 'password' must be used to render that field type currently -- there is no separate Ext component for that. You can use Ext.form.field.File which creates a custom-rendered file upload field, but if you want a plain unstyled file input you can use a Base with inputType:'file'.

insert [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Inserts an item at the specified index in the collection. Fires the add event when complete.

insert [Ext_data_Store.t]

Inserts Model instances into the Store at the given index and fires the add event. See also add.

insert [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the Component has been inserted.

insertAfter [Ext_Template.t]

Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el.

insertAfter [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

insertBefore [Ext_Template.t]

Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el.

insertBefore [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

insertDocked [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Inserts docked item(s) to the panel at the indicated position.

insertFirst [Ext_Template.t]

Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el.

insertFirst [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

insertHtml [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Inserts an html fragment into this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

insertSibling [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Inserts (or creates) the passed element (or DomHelper config) as a sibling of this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

insetPadding [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

The amount of inset padding in pixels for the chart. Defaults to 10.

interceptTitles [Ext_tip_QuickTip.configs]

true to automatically use the element's DOM title value if available.

intersect [Ext_util_Region.t]

Checks if this region intersects the region passed in.

invalidCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The CSS class to use when marking the component invalid.

invalidHandleClasses [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

An Array of CSS class names for elements to be considered in valid as drag handles.

invalidHandleIds [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

An object who's property names identify the IDs of elements to be considered invalid as drag handles. A non-null property value identifies the ID as invalid. For example, to prevent dragging from being initiated on element ID "foo", use:

    foo: true
invalidHandleTypes [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

An object who's property names identify HTML tags to be considered invalid as drag handles. A non-null property value identifies the tag as invalid. Defaults to the following value which prevents drag operations from being initiated by <a> elements:

    A: "A"
invalidText [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided

invalidate [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Invalidates the component associated with this item. The layouts for this component and all of its contained items will be re-run after first clearing any computed values.

If state needs to be carried forward beyond the invalidation, the options parameter can be used.

Overridden in Ext.diag.layout.ContextItem.

is [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)

is [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Tests whether this Component matches the selector string.

isAncestor [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Determines whether this Container is an ancestor of the passed Component. This will return true if the passed Component is anywhere within the subtree beneath this Container.

isArray [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Array, false otherwise.

isAutoRefreshing [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Checks whether the loader is automatically refreshing. See startAutoRefresh.

isBoolean [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a boolean.

isBorderBox [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Tests various css rules/browsers to determine if this element uses a border box

isChrome [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Chrome.

isColumn [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Set in this class to identify, at runtime, instances which are not instances of the HeaderContainer base class, but are in fact simple column headers.

isComplete [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns true if the Operation has been completed

isComplete [Ext_data_Batch.t]

True if this batch has been executed completely. Read only

isComponent [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Component, or subclass thereof.

isComposite [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated CompositeElement, or subclass thereof.

isContainedBy [Ext_util_Point.t]

Determins whether this Point contained by the passed Region, Component or element.

isDST [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if the current date is affected by Daylight Saving Time (DST).

isDate [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Date object, false otherwise.

isDefined [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is defined.

isDescendantOf [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Determines whether this component is the descendant of a particular container.

isDestroyed [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

True if the Store has already been destroyed. If this is true, the reference to Store should be deleted as it will not function correctly any more.

isDirty [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Convenience function to check if the form has any dirty fields. This is the same as calling this.getForm().isDirty().

Returns true if any fields in this form have changed from their original values.

Note that if this BasicForm was configured with trackResetOnLoad then the Fields' original values are updated when the values are loaded by setValues or loadRecord.

isDirty [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns true if the value of this Field has been changed from its originalValue. Will always return false if the field is disabled.

Note that if the owning form was configured with trackResetOnLoad then the originalValue is updated when the values are loaded by Ext.form.Basic.setValues.

isDirty [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Returns true if any fields in this form have changed from their original values.

Note that if this BasicForm was configured with trackResetOnLoad then the Fields' original values are updated when the values are loaded by setValues or loadRecord.

isDisabled [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to determine whether this Component is currently disabled.

isDisplayed [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns true if display is not "none"

isDraggable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to determine whether this Component is draggable.

isDroppable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to determine whether this Component is droppable.

isElement [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is an HTMLElement

isEmpty [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is empty, false otherwise. The value is deemed to be empty if it is either:

  • null
  • undefined
  • a zero-length array
  • a zero-length string (Unless the allowEmptyString parameter is set to true)
isEnabled [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Returns true if this KeyMap is enabled

isEnabled [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Returns true if quick tips are enabled, else false.

isEqual [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns whether two field values are logically equal. Field implementations may override this to provide custom comparison logic appropriate for the particular field's data type.

isEqual [Ext_Date.t]

Compares if two dates are equal by comparing their values.

isExcluded [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Determines whether the series item at the given index has been excluded, i.e. toggled off in the legend.

isFF10 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 10

isFF3_0 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.0

isFF3_5 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.5

isFF3_6 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 3.6

isFF4 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 4

isFF5 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses FireFox 5

isFieldLabelable [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Flag denoting that this object is labelable as a field. Always true.

isFileUpload [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns whether this Field is a file upload field; if it returns true, forms will use special techniques for submitting the form via AJAX. See Ext.form.Basic.hasUpload for details. If this returns true, the extractFileInput method must also be implemented to return the corresponding file input element.

isFileUpload [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Returns whether this Field is a file upload field; if it returns true, forms will use special techniques for submitting the form via AJAX. See Ext.form.Basic.hasUpload for details. If this returns true, the extractFileInput method must also be implemented to return the corresponding file input element.

isFiltered [Ext_data_Store.t]

Returns true if this store is currently filtered

isFloating [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to determine whether this Component is floating.

isFly [Ext_dom_Element_Fly.t]

This is true to identify Element flyweights

isFocusable [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Checks whether this element can be focused.

isFocused [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Determines if this record is currently focused.

isFormField [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Flag denoting that this component is a Field. Always true.

isFunction [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Function, false otherwise.

isGecko [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses the Gecko layout engine (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox).

isGecko10 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 5.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 5.x).

isGecko3 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 1.9+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 3.x).

isGecko4 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 2.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 4.x).

isGecko5 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses a Gecko 5.0+ layout engine (e.g. Firefox 5.x).

isGreaterThan [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version if greater than the supplied argument

isGreaterThanOrEqual [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version if greater than or equal to the supplied argument

isGroupHeader [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

True if this HeaderContainer is in fact a group header which contains sub headers.

isGrouped [Ext_data_Store.t]

Checks if the store is currently grouped

isHidden [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to determine whether this Component is currently set to hidden.

isHideable [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Determines whether the UI should be allowed to offer an option to hide this column.

A column may not be hidden if to do so would leave the grid with no visible columns.

This is used to determine the enabled/disabled state of header hide menu items.

isIE [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer.

isIE10 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x.

isIE10m [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or lower.

isIE10p [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 10.x or higher.

isIE6 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 6.x.

isIE7 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x.

isIE7m [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x or lower.

isIE7p [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 7.x or higher.

isIE8 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x.

isIE8m [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or lower.

isIE8p [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 8.x or higher.

isIE9 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x.

isIE9m [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or lower.

isIE9p [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Internet Explorer 9.x or higher.

isIterable [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is iterable, that is, if elements of it are addressable using array notation with numeric indices, false otherwise.

Arrays and function arguments objects are iterable. Also HTML collections such as NodeList and `HTMLCollection' are iterable.

isLayout [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Layout, or subclass thereof.

isLayoutRoot [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Determines whether this Component is the root of a layout. This returns true if this component can run its layout without assistance from or impact on its owner. If this component cannot run its layout given these restrictions, false is returned and its owner will be considered as the next candidate for the layout root.

Setting the _isLayoutRoot property to true causes this method to always return true. This may be useful when updating a layout of a Container which shrink wraps content, and you know that it will not change size, and so can safely be the topmost participant in the layout run.

isLayoutRoot [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Determines whether this Component is the root of a layout. This returns true if this component can run its layout without assistance from or impact on its owner. If this component cannot run its layout given these restrictions, false is returned and its owner will be considered as the next candidate for the layout root.

Setting the _isLayoutRoot property to true causes this method to always return true. This may be useful when updating a layout of a Container which shrink wraps content, and you know that it will not change size, and so can safely be the topmost participant in the layout run.

isLayoutRoot [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Determines whether this Component is the root of a layout. This returns true if this component can run its layout without assistance from or impact on its owner. If this component cannot run its layout given these restrictions, false is returned and its owner will be considered as the next candidate for the layout root.

Setting the _isLayoutRoot property to true causes this method to always return true. This may be useful when updating a layout of a Container which shrink wraps content, and you know that it will not change size, and so can safely be the topmost participant in the layout run.

isLayoutSuspended [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns true if layout is suspended for this component. This can come from direct suspension of this component's layout activity (Ext.Container.suspendLayout) or if one of this component's containers is suspended.

isLeapYear [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if the current date falls within a leap year.

isLessThan [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version if smaller than the supplied argument

isLessThanOrEqual [Ext_Version.t]

Returns whether this version if less than or equal to the supplied argument

isLinux [Ext.t]

True if the detected platform is Linux.

isLoader [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated ElementLoader, or subclass thereof.

isLoading [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Returns true if the Store is currently performing a load operation

isLockable [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Determines whether the UI should be allowed to offer an option to lock or unlock this column. Note that this includes dragging a column into the opposite side of a lockable grid.

A column may not be moved from one side to the other of a lockable grid if to do so would leave one side with no visible columns.

This is used to determine the enabled/disabled state of the lock/unlock menu item used in lockable grids, and to determine dropppabilty when dragging a header.

isLocked [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns true if the selections are locked.

isLocked [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Returns true if this instance is locked, or the drag drop mgr is locked (meaning that all drag/drop is disabled on the page.)

isMac [Ext.t]

True if the detected platform is Mac OS.

isMasked [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns true if this element is masked. Also re-centers any displayed message within the mask.

isMenu [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Menu, or subclass thereof.

isMixedCollection [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated MixedCollection, or subclass thereof.

isModel [Ext_data_Model.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Model, or subclass thereof.

isModified [Ext_data_Model.t]

Returns true if the passed field name has been modified since the load or last commit.

isNavKeyPress [Ext_EventObject.t]

Checks if the key pressed was a "navigation" key

isNumber [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a number. Returns false for non-finite numbers.

isNumeric [Ext.t]

Validates that a value is numeric.

isObject [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Object, false otherwise.

isObservable [Ext_util_Observable.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Observable, or subclass thereof.

isOpera [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Opera.

isOpera10_5 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Opera 10.5x.

isOutOfBound [Ext_util_Region.t]

Check whether the point / offset is out of bound

isOutOfBoundX [Ext_util_Region.t]

Check whether the offset is out of bound in the x-axis

isOutOfBoundY [Ext_util_Region.t]

Check whether the offset is out of bound in the y-axis

isPanel [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Panel, or subclass thereof.

isPlugin [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Plugin, or subclass thereof.

isPrimitive [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript 'primitive', a string, number or boolean.

isProxy [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Proxy, or subclass thereof.

isRangeSelected [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns true if the specified row is selected.

isReady [Ext.t]

True when the document is fully initialized and ready for action

isRunning [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns true if the Operation has been started but has not yet completed.

isRunning [Ext_data_Batch.t]

True if the batch is currently running. Read only

isSafari [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari.

isSafari2 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari 2.x.

isSafari3 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari 3.x.

isSafari4 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari 4.x.

isSafari5 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari 5.x.

isSafari5_0 [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser is Safari 5.0.x.

isScrollable [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns true if this element is scrollable.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

isSecure [Ext.t]

True if the page is running over SSL

isSelected [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Returns true if the passed node is selected, else false.

isSelected [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Returns true if the specified row is selected.

isSortable [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Sortable, or subclass thereof.

isSpecialKey [Ext_EventObject.t]

Checks if the key pressed was a "special" key

isSprite [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Sprite, or subclass thereof.

isStarted [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns true if the Operation has been started. Note that the Operation may have started AND completed, see isRunning to test if the Operation is currently running.

isStore [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Store, or subclass thereof.

isString [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a string.

isStyle [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Checks if the current value of a style is equal to a given value.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

isSynchronous [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Identifies the proxy as (a)synchronous.

isTarget [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

By default, all instances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by setting isTarget to false.

isTemplate [Ext_Template.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Template, or subclass thereof.

isTextNode [Ext.t]

Returns true if the passed value is a TextNode

isTransparent [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Returns true if the value of the given property is visually transparent. This may be due to a 'transparent' style value or an rgba value with 0 in the alpha component.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

isValid [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Convenience function to check if the form has all valid fields. This is the same as calling this.getForm().isValid().

Returns true if client-side validation on the form is successful. Any invalid fields will be marked as invalid. If you only want to determine overall form validity without marking anything, use hasInvalidField instead.

isValid [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by validating the field's current value. The validitychange event will not be fired; use validate instead if you want the event to fire. Note: disabled fields are always treated as valid.

Implementations are encouraged to ensure that this method does not have side-effects such as triggering error message display.

isValid [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by validating the processed raw value of the field. Note: disabled fields are always treated as valid.

isValid [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Returns true if client-side validation on the form is successful. Any invalid fields will be marked as invalid. If you only want to determine overall form validity without marking anything, use hasInvalidField instead.

isValid [Ext_data_Model.t]

Checks if the model is valid. See validate.

isValid [Ext_data_Errors.t]

Returns true if there are no errors in the collection

isValid [Ext_Date.t]

Checks if the passed Date parameters will cause a JavaScript Date "rollover".

isValidHandleChild [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Checks the tag exclusion list to see if this click should be ignored

isValidParent [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Validates item is in the proper place in the dom.

isViewport [Ext_container_Viewport.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Viewport, or subclass thereof.

isVisible [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Returns true if this component is visible.

isVisible [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Menus are never contained, and must not ascertain their visibility from the ancestor hierarchy

Returns true if this component is visible.

isVisible [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Checks whether the element is currently visible using both visibility and display properties.

isVisible [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns true if this component is visible.

isWebKit [Ext.t]

True if the detected browser uses WebKit.

isWindow [Ext_window_Window.t]

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Window, or subclass thereof.

isWindows [Ext.t]

True if the detected platform is Windows.

isWithin [Ext_util_Point.t]

Whether the given point is not away from this point within the given threshold amount.

isXType [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true).

If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.

For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.

Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
var isText = t.isXType('textfield');        // true
var isBoxSubclass = t.isXType('field');       // true, descended from Ext.form.field.Base
var isBoxInstance = t.isXType('field', true); // false, not a direct Ext.form.field.Base instance
item [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Returns a flyweight Element of the dom element object at the specified index

itemCls [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

Specifies the class to be assigned to each element in the view when used in conjunction with the itemTpl configuration.

itemCls [Ext_layout_container_Container.configs]

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. See Ext.Component.componentCls also.

itemId [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. Instead of using an id with Ext.getCmp, use itemId with Ext.container.Container.getComponent which will retrieve itemId's or id's. Since itemId's are an index to the container's internal MixedCollection, the itemId is scoped locally to the container -- avoiding potential conflicts with Ext.ComponentManager which requires a unique id.

var c = new Ext.panel.Panel({ //
    height: 300,
    renderTo: document.body,
    layout: 'auto',
    items: [
            itemId: 'p1',
            title: 'Panel 1',
            height: 150
            itemId: 'p2',
            title: 'Panel 2',
            height: 150
p1 = c.getComponent('p1'); // not the same as Ext.getCmp()
p2 = p1.ownerCt.getComponent('p2'); // reference via a sibling

Also see id, Ext.container.Container.query, Ext.container.Container.down and Ext.container.Container.child.

Note: to access the container of an item see ownerCt.

itemSelector [Ext_view_Table.configs]

view item (may be a wrapper)

This is a required setting. A simple CSS selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) that will be used to determine what nodes this DataView will be working with. The itemSelector is used to map DOM nodes to records. As such, there should only be one root level element that matches the selector for each record.

itemSelector [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

This is a required setting. A simple CSS selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) that will be used to determine what nodes this DataView will be working with. The itemSelector is used to map DOM nodes to records. As such, there should only be one root level element that matches the selector for each record.

itemTpl [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

The inner portion of the item template to be rendered. Follows an XTemplate structure and will be placed inside of a tpl.

itemadd []

Fires when the nodes associated with an recordset have been added to the underlying store

itemclick []

Fires when an item is clicked.

itemclick []

Fires when an item is clicked.

itemcontextmenu []

Fires when an item is right clicked.

itemcontextmenu []

Fires when an item is right clicked.

itemdblclick []

Fires when an item is double clicked.

itemdblclick []

Fires when an item is double clicked.

itemkeydown []

Fires when a key is pressed while an item is currently selected.

itemmousedown []

Fires when there is a mouse down on an item

itemmousedown []

Fires when there is a mouse down on an item

itemmouseenter []

Fires when the mouse enters an item.

itemmouseenter []

Fires when the mouse enters an item.

itemmouseleave []

Fires when the mouse leaves an item.

itemmouseleave []

Fires when the mouse leaves an item.

itemmouseup []

Fires when there is a mouse up on an item

itemmouseup []

Fires when there is a mouse up on an item

itemremove []

Fires when the node associated with an individual record is removed

items [Ext_draw_Surface.configs]

Array of sprites or sprite config objects to add initially to the surface.

items [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

Array of sprites or sprite config objects to add initially to the surface.

items [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container

Unless configured with a layout, a Container simply renders child Components serially into its encapsulating element and performs no sizing or positioning upon them.


// specifying a single item
items: {...},
layout: 'fit',    // The single items is sized to fit

// specifying multiple items
items: [{...}, {...}],
layout: 'hbox', // The items are arranged horizontally

Each item may be:

  • A Component
  • A Component configuration object

If a configuration object is specified, the actual type of Component to be instantiated my be indicated by using the xtype option.

Every Component class has its own xtype.

If an xtype is not explicitly specified, the defaultType for the Container is used, which by default is usually panel.


Ext uses lazy rendering. Child Components will only be rendered should it become necessary. Items are automatically laid out when they are first shown (no sizing is done while hidden), or in response to a doLayout call.

Do not specify contentEl or html with items.

items [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

The MixedCollection containing all the child items of this container.

itemupdate []

Fires when the node associated with an individual record is updated

iterate [Ext.t]

Iterates either an array or an object. This method delegates to Ext.Array.each if the given value is iterable, and Ext.Object.each otherwise.

join [Ext_data_Model.t]

Tells this model instance that it has been added to a store.

jsonSubmit [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

If set to true, the field values are sent as JSON in the request body. All of the field values, plus any additional params configured via baseParams and/or the options to submit, will be included in the values POSTed in the body of the request.

jsonpstore [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

keydown []

Keydown input field event. This event only fires if enableKeyEvents is set to true.

keydown []

Fires when a keydown is detected within the element.

keypress []

Keypress input field event. This event only fires if enableKeyEvents is set to true.

keypress []

Fires when a keypress is detected within the element.

keyup []

Keyup input field event. This event only fires if enableKeyEvents is set to true.

keyup []

Fires when a keyup is detected within the element.

label [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.Label.

label [Ext_chart_axis_Abstract.configs]

The config for chart label.

label [Ext_chart_Label.configs]

Object with the following properties:

labelAlign [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

Controls the position and alignment of the fieldLabel. Valid values are:

  • "left" (the default) - The label is positioned to the left of the field, with its text aligned to the left. Its width is determined by the labelWidth config.
  • "top" - The label is positioned above the field.
  • "right" - The label is positioned to the left of the field, with its text aligned to the right. Its width is determined by the labelWidth config.
labelAttrTpl [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup inside the label element (as attributes). If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context.

labelCell [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

The <TD> Element which contains the label Element for this component. Only available after the component has been rendered.

labelCls [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The CSS class to be applied to the label element. This (single) CSS class is used to formulate the renderSelector and drives the field layout where it is concatenated with a hyphen ('-') and labelAlign. To add additional classes, use labelClsExtra.

labelClsExtra [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

An optional string of one or more additional CSS classes to add to the label element. Defaults to empty.

labelEl [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

The label Element for this component. Only available after the component has been rendered.

labelPad [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The amount of space in pixels between the fieldLabel and the input field.

labelSeparator [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

Character(s) to be inserted at the end of the label text.

Set to empty string to hide the separator completely.

labelStyle [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

A CSS style specification string to apply directly to this field's label.

labelWidth [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The width of the fieldLabel in pixels. Only applicable if the labelAlign is set to "left" or "right".

last [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Returns the last item in the collection.

last [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Returns the last Element

last [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the last child, skipping text nodes

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

last [Ext_data_Store.t]

Convenience function for getting the last model instance in the store.

When store is filtered, will return last item within the filter.

lastCls [Ext_view_Table.configs]

A CSS class to add to the last cell in every row to enable special styling for the last column. If no styling is needed on the last column, this may be configured as null.

launch [Ext_app_Application.configs]
See method t.launch
launch [Ext_app_Application.t]

Called automatically when the page has completely loaded. This is an empty function that should be overridden by each application that needs to take action on page load.

layout [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.

The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind. For example:

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the default layout manager will be used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).

layout may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:

Specify as an Object

Example usage:

layout: {
    type: 'vbox',
    align: 'left'
  • type

    The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.container.Auto will be created and used.

    Valid layout type values are listed in Ext.enums.Layout.

  • Layout specific configuration properties

    Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified.

Specify as a String

Example usage:

layout: 'vbox'
  • layout

    The layout type to be used for this container (see Ext.enums.Layout for list of valid values).

    Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the layout specified.

Configuring the default layout type

If a certain Container class has a default layout (For example a Toolbar with a default Box layout), then to simply configure the default layout, use an object, but without the type property:

xtype: 'toolbar',
layout: {
    pack: 'center'
layout [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.

The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind. For example:

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the default layout manager will be used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).

layout may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:

Specify as an Object

Example usage:

layout: {
    type: 'vbox',
    align: 'left'
  • type

    The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.container.Auto will be created and used.

    Valid layout type values are listed in Ext.enums.Layout.

  • Layout specific configuration properties

    Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified.

Specify as a String

Example usage:

layout: 'vbox'
  • layout

    The layout type to be used for this container (see Ext.enums.Layout for list of valid values).

    Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the layout specified.

Configuring the default layout type

If a certain Container class has a default layout (For example a Toolbar with a default Box layout), then to simply configure the default layout, use an object, but without the type property:

xtype: 'toolbar',
layout: {
    pack: 'center'
layout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.

The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind. For example:

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the default layout manager will be used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).

layout may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:

Specify as an Object

Example usage:

layout: {
    type: 'vbox',
    align: 'left'
  • type

    The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.container.Auto will be created and used.

    Valid layout type values are listed in Ext.enums.Layout.

  • Layout specific configuration properties

    Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified.

Specify as a String

Example usage:

layout: 'vbox'
  • layout

    The layout type to be used for this container (see Ext.enums.Layout for list of valid values).

    Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the layout specified.

Configuring the default layout type

If a certain Container class has a default layout (For example a Toolbar with a default Box layout), then to simply configure the default layout, use an object, but without the type property:

xtype: 'toolbar',
layout: {
    pack: 'center'
layout_str [Ext_form_Panel.configs]

The Ext.container.Container.layout for the form panel's immediate child items.

lbar [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config. Short for 'Left Bar' (left-docked, vertical toolbar).

lbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'left',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }
leadingBufferZone [Ext_data_Store.configs]

When buffered, the number of extra rows to keep cached on the leading side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server.

leftPad [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.leftPad.

Pads the left side of a string with a specified character. This is especially useful for normalizing number and date strings. Example usage:

var s = Ext.String.leftPad('123', 5, '0');
// s now contains the string: '00123'
legend [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

True for the default legend display or a legend config object. Defaults to false.

length [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

Offset axis position. Default's 0.

limit [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

The number of records to load. Used on 'read' actions when paging is being used.

limitParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'limit' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'limit'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a limit parameter.

listen [Ext_app_Controller.t]

Adds listeners to different event sources (also called "event domains"). The primary event domain is that of components, but there are also other event domains: Global domain that intercepts events fired from Ext.globalEvents Observable instance, Controller domain can be used to listen to events fired by other Controllers, Store domain gives access to Store events, and Direct domain can be used with Ext.Direct Providers to listen to their events.

To listen to "bar" events fired by a controller with id="foo":

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             controller: {
                 '#foo': {
                    bar: this.onFooBar

To listen to "bar" events fired by any controller, and "baz" events fired by Store with storeId="baz":

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             controller: {
                 '*': {
                    bar: this.onAnyControllerBar
             store: {
                 '#baz': {
                     baz: this.onStoreBaz

To listen to "idle" events fired by Ext.globalEvents when other event processing is complete and Ext JS is about to return control to the browser:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             global: {               // Global events are always fired
                 idle: this.onIdle   // from the same object, so there
             }                       // are no selectors

As this relates to components, the following example:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             component: {
                 'useredit button[action=save]': {
                    click: this.updateUser

Is equivalent to:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             'useredit button[action=save]': {
                click: this.updateUser

Of course, these can all be combined in a single call and used instead of control, like so:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             global: {
                 idle: this.onIdle
             controller: {
                 '*': {
                    foobar: this.onAnyFooBar
                 '#foo': {
                    bar: this.onFooBar
             component: {
                 'useredit button[action=save]': {
                    click: this.updateUser
             store: {
                 '#qux': {
                     load: this.onQuxLoad
listeners [Ext_util_Observable.configs]

A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the addListener example for attaching multiple handlers at once.

DOM events from Ext JS Components

While some Ext JS Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. "click", "mouseover" etc), this is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the DataView's itemclick event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM events directly from a child element of a Component, we need to specify the element option to identify the Component property to add a DOM listener to:

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    width: 400,
    height: 200,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar'
    listeners: {
        click: {
            element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); }
        dblclick: {
            element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); }
listeners [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

An (optional) object with event callbacks. All event callbacks get the target item as first parameter. The callback functions are:

  • itemclick
  • itemmouseover
  • itemmouseout
  • itemmousedown
  • itemmouseup
load [Ext_form_Panel.t]

This is a proxy for the underlying BasicForm's Ext.form.Basic.load call.

load [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Shortcut to do a load action.

load []

Fires after a successful load.

load [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Loads new data from the server.

load []

Fires when the user agent finishes loading all content within the element. Only supported by window, frames, objects and images.

load [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Direct access to the Ext.ElementLoader Ext.ElementLoader.load method. The method takes the same object parameter as Ext.ElementLoader.load

load [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Asynchronously loads a model instance by id. Sample usage:

Ext.define('MyApp.User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: [
        {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
        {name: 'name', type: 'string'}

MyApp.User.load(10, {
    scope: this,
    failure: function(record, operation) {
        //do something if the load failed
        //record is null
    success: function(record, operation) {
        //do something if the load succeeded
    callback: function(record, operation, success) {
        //do something whether the load succeeded or failed
        //if operation is unsuccessful, record is null
load []

Fires whenever the store reads data from a remote data source.

load [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Loads the Store using its configured proxy.

loadData [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads an array of data straight into the Store.

Using this method is great if the data is in the correct format already (e.g. it doesn't need to be processed by a reader). If your data requires processing to decode the data structure, use a MemoryProxy or loadRawData.

loadMask [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

False to disable a load mask from displaying while the view is loading. This can also be a Ext.LoadMask configuration object.

loadMask [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

True or a string to show when the element is loading.

loadMask [Ext_ComponentLoader.configs]

True or a Ext.LoadMask configuration to enable masking during loading.

loadPage [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads a given 'page' of data by setting the start and limit values appropriately. Internally this just causes a normal load operation, passing in calculated 'start' and 'limit' params.

loadRawData [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads data via the bound Proxy's reader

Use this method if you are attempting to load data and want to utilize the configured data reader.

loadRecord [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Loads an into this form (internally just calls Ext.form.Basic.loadRecord) See also trackResetOnLoad.

loadRecord [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Loads an into this form by calling setValues with the record data. See also trackResetOnLoad.

loadRecords [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads an array of model instances into the store, fires the datachanged event. This should only usually be called internally when loading from the Proxy, when adding records manually use add instead

loadScript [Ext_Loader.t]

Loads the specified script URL and calls the supplied callbacks. If this method is called before Ext.isReady, the script's load will delay the transition to ready. This can be used to load arbitrary scripts that may contain further Ext.require calls.

load_store [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads data into the Store via the configured proxy. This uses the Proxy to make an asynchronous call to whatever storage backend the Proxy uses, automatically adding the retrieved instances into the Store and calling an optional callback if required. Example usage:

    scope: this,
    callback: function(records, operation, success) {
        // the operation object
        // contains all of the details of the load operation

If the callback scope does not need to be set, a function can simply be passed:

store.load(function(records, operation, success) {
    console.log('loaded records');
loaded [Ext_data_ResultSet.configs]

True if the records have already been loaded. This is only meaningful when dealing with SQL-backed proxies.

loader [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

A configuration object or an instance of a Ext.ComponentLoader to load remote content for this Component.

Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
    loader: {
        url: 'content.html',
        autoLoad: true
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()
loadingCls [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

The CSS class to apply to the loading message element. Defaults to Ext.LoadMask.prototype.msgCls "x-mask-loading".

loadingHeight [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

If specified, gives an explicit height for the data view when it is showing the loadingText, if that is specified. This is useful to prevent the view's height from collapsing to zero when the loading mask is applied and there are no other contents in the data view.

loadingText [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

A string to display during data load operations. If specified, this text will be displayed in a loading div and the view's contents will be cleared while loading, otherwise the view's contents will continue to display normally until the new data is loaded and the contents are replaced.

loadmask [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.LoadMask.

lock [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Locks this instance

lockable [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

If the grid is configured with enableLocking, or has columns which are configured with a locked value, this option may be used to disable user-driven locking or unlocking of this column. This column will remain in the side into which its own locked configuration placed it.

lockcolumn []

Fires when a column is locked.

locked [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

True to lock this column in place. Implicitly enables locking on the grid. See also Ext.grid.Panel.enableLocking.

lockedGridConfig [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

Any special configuration options for the locked part of the grid

lockedViewConfig [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

A view configuration to be applied to the locked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between lockedViewConfig and viewConfig will be overwritten by the lockedViewConfig.

log [Ext.t]

Logs a message. If a console is present it will be used. On Opera, the method "opera.postError" is called. In other cases, the message is logged to an array "Ext.log.out". An attached debugger can watch this array and view the log. The log buffer is limited to a maximum of "Ext.log.max" entries (defaults to 250). The Ext.log.out array can also be written to a popup window by entering the following in the URL bar (a "bookmarklet"):


If additional parameters are passed, they are joined and appended to the message. A technique for tracing entry and exit of a function is this:

function foo () {
    Ext.log({ indent: 1 }, '>> foo');

    // log statements in here or methods called from here will be indented
    // by one step

    Ext.log({ outdent: 1 }, '<< foo');

This method does nothing in a release build.

lowercase [Ext_util_Format.t]

Converts a string to all lower case letters.

lt [Ext_Version.t]

Convenient alias to isLessThan

ltEq [Ext_Version.t]

Convenient alias to isLessThanOrEqual

maintainOffset [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same when the page changes

majorTickSteps [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

If minimum and maximum are specified it forces the number of major ticks to the specified value. If a number of major ticks is forced, it wont search for pretty numbers at the ticks.

manageHeight [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

When true, the dock component layout writes height information to the panel's DOM elements based on its shrink wrap height calculation. This ensures that the browser respects the calculated height. When false, the dock component layout will not write heights on the panel or its body element. In some simple layout cases, not writing the heights to the DOM may be desired because this allows the browser to respond to direct DOM manipulations (like animations).

mapping [Ext_data_Field.configs]

(Optional) A path expression for use by the implementation that is creating the Model to extract the Field value from the data object. If the path expression is the same as the field name, the mapping may be omitted.

The form of the mapping expression depends on the Reader being used.


    The mapping is a string containing the javascript expression to reference the data from an element of the data item's root Array. Defaults to the field name.


    The mapping is an Ext.DomQuery path to the data item relative to the DOM element that represents the record. Defaults to the field name.


    The mapping is a number indicating the Array index of the field's value. Defaults to the field specification's Array position.

If a more complex value extraction strategy is required, then configure the Field with a convert function. This is passed the whole row object, and may interrogate it in whatever way is necessary in order to return the desired data.

margin [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

markDirty [Ext_view_Table.configs]

True to show the dirty cell indicator when a cell has been modified.

markInvalid [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Associate one or more error messages with this field. Components using this mixin should implement this method to update the component's rendering to display the messages.

Note: this method does not cause the Field's validate or isValid methods to return false if the value does pass validation. So simply marking a Field as invalid will not prevent submission of forms submitted with the Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation option set.

markInvalid [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Display one or more error messages associated with this field, using msgTarget to determine how to display the messages and applying invalidCls to the field's UI element.

Note: this method does not cause the Field's validate or isValid methods to return false if the value does pass validation. So simply marking a Field as invalid will not prevent submission of forms submitted with the Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation option set.

markInvalid [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Mark fields in this form invalid in bulk.

mask [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css. This method can only be applied to elements which accept child nodes.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

mask [Ext_chart_Mask.configs]

Enables selecting a region on chart. True to enable any selection, 'horizontal' or 'vertical' to restrict the selection to X or Y axis.

The mask in itself will do nothing but fire 'select' event. See Ext.chart.Mask for example.

maskCls [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

The CSS class to apply to the mask element

maskOnDisable [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

This is an internal flag that you use when creating custom components. By default this is set to true which means that every component gets a mask when it's disabled. Components like FieldContainer, FieldSet, Field, Button, Tab override this property to false since they want to implement custom disable logic.

maskOnDisable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

This is an internal flag that you use when creating custom components. By default this is set to true which means that every component gets a mask when it's disabled. Components like FieldContainer, FieldSet, Field, Button, Tab override this property to false since they want to implement custom disable logic.

maskRe [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes (character being typed) that do not match. Note: It does not filter characters already in the input.

mask_element [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. Requires core.css. This method can only be applied to elements which accept child nodes.

math [Ext_util_Format.t]

It does simple math for use in a template, for example:

var tpl = new Ext.Template('{value} * 10 = {value:math("* 10")}');
max [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gets the maximum value in the store.

When store is filtered, only items within the filter are aggregated.

maxHeight [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

maxHeight [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

maxLength [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Maximum input field length allowed by validation. This behavior is intended to provide instant feedback to the user by improving usability to allow pasting and editing or overtyping and back tracking. To restrict the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the field use the enforceMaxLength option.

Defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE.

maxLengthText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails

maxWidth [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

maxWidth [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

The maximum width of the tip in pixels. The maximum supported value is 500.

maxWidth [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

maximizable [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to display the 'maximize' tool button and allow the user to maximize the window, false to hide the button and disallow maximizing the window. Note that when a window is maximized, the tool button will automatically change to a 'restore' button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the window to its previous size.

maximize []

Fires after the window has been maximized.

maximize [Ext_window_Window.t]

Fits the window within its current container and automatically replaces the 'maximize' tool button with the 'restore' tool button. Also see toggleMaximize.

maximized [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to initially display the window in a maximized state.

menu [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

menu [Ext_button_Button.configs]

Standard menu attribute consisting of a reference to a menu object, a menu id or a menu config blob.

menu [Ext_button_Button.t]

The Menu object associated with this Button when configured with the menu config option.

menuActiveCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The CSS class to add to a button when it's menu is active.

menuAlign [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The position to align the menu to (see Ext.util.Positionable.alignTo for more details).

menuDisabled [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

True to disable the column header menu containing sort/hide options.

menuText [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The text to render in the column visibility selection menu for this column. If not specified, will default to the text value.

menucheckitem [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

menucreate []

Fired immediately after the column header menu is created.

menuhide []

If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is hidden

menuitem [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

menuseparator [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

menushow []

If this button has a menu, this event fires when it is shown

menutriggerout []

If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse leaves the menu triggering element

menutriggerover []

If this button has a menu, this event fires when the mouse enters the menu triggering element

merge [Ext.t]

A convenient alias method for Ext.Object.merge.

Merges any number of objects recursively without referencing them or their children.

var extjs = {
    companyName: 'Ext JS',
    products: ['Ext JS', 'Ext GWT', 'Ext Designer'],
    isSuperCool: true,
    office: {
        size: 2000,
        location: 'Palo Alto',
        isFun: true

var newStuff = {
    companyName: 'Sencha Inc.',
    products: ['Ext JS', 'Ext GWT', 'Ext Designer', 'Sencha Touch', 'Sencha Animator'],
    office: {
        size: 40000,
        location: 'Redwood City'

var sencha = Ext.Object.merge(extjs, newStuff);

// extjs and sencha then equals to
    companyName: 'Sencha Inc.',
    products: ['Ext JS', 'Ext GWT', 'Ext Designer', 'Sencha Touch', 'Sencha Animator'],
    isSuperCool: true,
    office: {
        size: 40000,
        location: 'Redwood City',
        isFun: true
mergeClsList [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Returns an array of unique class names based upon the input strings, or string arrays.

The number of parameters is unlimited.


// Add x-invalid and x-mandatory classes, do not duplicate
myElement.dom.className = Ext.core.Element.mergeClsList(this.initialClasses, 'x-invalid x-mandatory');
messageProperty [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

The name of the property which contains a response message. This property is optional.

messagebox [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
metaData [Ext_data_reader_Reader.t]

The raw meta data that was most recently read, if any. Meta data can include existing Reader config options like idProperty, totalProperty, etc. that get automatically applied to the Reader, and those can still be accessed directly from the Reader if needed. However, meta data is also often used to pass other custom data to be processed by application code. For example, it is common when reconfiguring the data model of a grid to also pass a corresponding column model config to be applied to the grid. Any such data will not get applied to the Reader directly (it just gets passed through and is ignored by Ext). This metaData property gives you access to all meta data that was passed, including any such custom data ignored by the reader.

This is a read-only property, and it will get replaced each time a new meta data object is passed to the reader. Note that typically you would handle proxy's metachange event which passes this exact same meta object to listeners. However this property is available if it's more convenient to access it via the reader directly in certain cases.

metachange []

Fires when this proxy's reader provides new metadata. Metadata usually consists of new field definitions, but can include any configuration data required by an application, and can be processed as needed in the event handler. This event is currently only fired for JsonReaders. Note that this event is also propagated by, which is typically where it would be handled.

metachange []

Fires when this store's underlying reader (available via the proxy) provides new metadata. Metadata usually consists of new field definitions, but can include any configuration data required by an application, and can be processed as needed in the event handler. This event is currently only fired for JsonReaders.

min [Ext_data_Store.t]

Gets the minimum value in the store.

When store is filtered, only items within the filter are aggregated.

minButtonWidth [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Minimum width of all footer toolbar buttons in pixels. If set, this will be used as the default value for the Ext.button.Button.minWidth config of each Button added to the footer toolbar via the fbar or buttons configurations. It will be ignored for buttons that have a minWidth configured some other way, e.g. in their own config object or via the defaults of their parent container.

minHeight [Ext_window_Window.configs]

inherit docs

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minHeight [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minHeight [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minLength [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Minimum input field length required

minLengthText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails.

minProgressWidth [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The minimum width in pixels of the message box if it is a progress-style dialog. This is useful for setting a different minimum width than text-only dialogs may need.

minPromptWidth [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

The minimum width in pixels of the message box if it is a prompt dialog. This is useful for setting a different minimum width than text-only dialogs may need.

minWidth [Ext_window_Window.configs]

inherit docs

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minWidth [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

Forcibly set these to null on the prototype to override anything set higher in the hierarchy

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minWidth [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

The minimum width of the tip in pixels.

minWidth [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

The minimum width of the Menu. The default minWidth only applies when the floating config is true.

minWidth [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width). See also Ext.panel.Panel.minButtonWidth.

minWidth [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

minimizable [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to display the 'minimize' tool button and allow the user to minimize the window, false to hide the button and disallow minimizing the window. Note that this button provides no implementation -- the behavior of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the minimize event must be handled and a custom minimize behavior implemented for this option to be useful.

minimize []

Fires after the window has been minimized.

minimize [Ext_window_Window.t]

Placeholder method for minimizing the window. By default, this method simply fires the minimize event since the behavior of minimizing a window is application-specific. To implement custom minimize behavior, either the minimize event can be handled or this method can be overridden.

minorTickSteps [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

The number of small ticks between two major ticks. Default is zero.

mixins [Ext_Class.configs]

List of classes to mix into this class. For example:

Ext.define('CanSing', {
     sing: function() {
         alert("I'm on the highway to hell...")

Ext.define('Musician', {
     mixins: ['CanSing']

In this case the Musician class will get a sing method from CanSing mixin.

But what if the Musician already has a sing method? Or you want to mix in two classes, both of which define sing? In such a cases it's good to define mixins as an object, where you assign a name to each mixin:

Ext.define('Musician', {
     mixins: {
         canSing: 'CanSing'

     sing: function() {
         // delegate singing operation to mixin;

In this case the sing method of Musician will overwrite the mixed in sing method. But you can access the original mixed in method through special mixins property.

modal [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to make the window modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without restricting access to other UI elements.

mode [Ext_selection_Model.configs]

Mode of selection. Valid values are:

  • "SINGLE" - Only allows selecting one item at a time. Use allowDeselect to allow deselecting that item. Also see toggleOnClick. This is the default.
  • "SIMPLE" - Allows simple selection of multiple items one-by-one. Each click in grid will either select or deselect an item.
  • "MULTI" - Allows complex selection of multiple items using Ctrl and Shift keys.
model [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.configs]

The name of the Model to tie to this Proxy. Can be either the string name of the Model, or a reference to the Model constructor. Required.

model [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

Name of the Model associated with this store. The string is used as an argument for Ext.ModelManager.getModel.

models [Ext_app_Controller.configs]

Array of models to require from AppName.model namespace. For example:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",
     models: ['User', 'Vehicle']

This is equivalent of:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",
     requires: ['MyApp.model.User', 'MyApp.model.Vehicle'],

     getUserModel: function() {
         return this.getModel("User");

     getVehicleModel: function() {
         return this.getModel("Vehicle");
modified [Ext_data_Model.t]

Key: value pairs of all fields whose values have changed

mon [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Shorthand for addManagedListener.

Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Ext.Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.

monitorMouseLeave [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Monitors this Element for the mouse leaving. Calls the function after the specified delay only if the mouse was not moved back into the Element within the delay. If the mouse was moved back in, the function is not called.

monthNames [Ext_Date.t]

An array of textual month names. Override these values for international dates.


Ext.Date.monthNames = [
    // ...
monthNumbers [Ext_Date.t]

An object hash of zero-based JavaScript month numbers (with short month names as keys. Note: keys are case-sensitive). Override these values for international dates.


Ext.Date.monthNumbers = {
    'LongJanNameInYourLang': 0,
    // ...
mouseOffset [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

An XY offset from the mouse position where the tooltip should be shown.

mouseOverOutBuffer [Ext_view_View.configs]

The number of milliseconds to buffer mouseover and mouseout event handling on view items.

Configure this as false to process mouseover and mouseout events immediately.

mousedown []

Fires when a mousedown is detected within the surface.

mousedown []

Fires when a mousedown is detected within the element.

mousedown []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a mousedown is detected within the surface.

mousedown []

Fires when a mousedown is detected within the element.

mousedown []

Fires when the mouse button is pressed down, but before a drag operation begins. The drag operation begins after either the mouse has been moved by tolerance pixels, or after the autoStart timer fires.

Return false to veto the drag operation.

mouseenter []

Fires when the mouse enters this menu

mouseenter []

Fires when a mouseenter is detected within the surface.

mouseenter []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a mouseenter is detected within the surface.

mouseenter []

Fires when the mouse enters the element.

mouseleave []

Fires when the mouse leaves this menu

mouseleave []

Fires when a mouseleave is detected within the surface.

mouseleave []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a mouseleave is detected within the surface.

mouseleave []

Fires when the mouse leaves the element.

mousemove []

Fires when a mousemove is detected within the surface.

mousemove []

Fires when a mousemove is detected with the element.

mousemove []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a mousemove is detected within the surface.

mousemove []

Fires when a mousemove is detected with the element.

mousemove []

Fired when the mouse is moved. Returning false cancels the drag operation.

mouseout []

Fires when a mouseout is detected within the surface.

mouseout []

Fires when a mouseout is detected with the element.

mouseout []

Fires when a mouseout is detected with the element.

mouseout []

Fires when the mouse exits the DragTracker's target element (or if delegate is used, when the mouse exits a delegate element).

Only available when trackOver is true

mouseout []

Fires when the mouse exits the button

mouseover []

Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu

mouseover []

Fires when a mouseover is detected within the surface.

mouseover []

Fires when a mouseover is detected within the element.

mouseover []

Fires when a mouseover is detected within the element.

mouseover []

Fires when the mouse enters the DragTracker's target element (or if delegate is used, when the mouse enters a delegate element).

Only available when trackOver is true

mouseover []

Fires when the mouse hovers over the button

mouseup []

Fires when a mouseup is detected within the surface.

mouseup []

Fires when a mouseup is detected within the element.

mouseup []

Event forwarded from surface.

Fires when a mouseup is detected within the surface.

mouseup []

Fires when a mouseup is detected within the element.

mouseup []
move [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Move the element relative to its current position.

move []

Fires after the component is moved.

moveOnly [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

When set to true, other DD objects in cooperating DDGroups do not receive notification events when this DD object is dragged over them.

move_container [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Moves a Component within the Container

msg [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

The text to display in a centered loading message box.

msgCls [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

The CSS class to apply to the loading message element.

msgTarget [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

The location where the error message text should display. Must be one of the following values:

  • qtip Display a quick tip containing the message when the user hovers over the field. This is the default.

    Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init must have been called for this setting to work.

  • title Display the message in a default browser title attribute popup.

  • under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error message.
  • side Add an error icon to the right of the field, displaying the message in a popup on hover.
  • none Don't display any error message. This might be useful if you are implementing custom error display.
  • [element id] Add the error message directly to the innerHTML of the specified element.
multislider [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.slider.Multi.

mun [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Shorthand for removeManagedListener.

Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.

name [Ext_form_field_Field.configs]

The name of the field. By default this is used as the parameter name when including the field value in a form submit(). To prevent the field from being included in the form submit, set submitValue to false.

name [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The name of the field. This is used as the parameter name when including the field value in a form submit(). If no name is configured, it falls back to the inputId. To prevent the field from being included in the form submit, set submitValue to false.

name [Ext_data_Field.configs]

The name by which the field is referenced within the Model. This is referenced by, for example, the dataIndex property in column definition objects passed to

Note: In the simplest case, if no properties other than name are required, a field definition may consist of just a String for the field name.

name [Ext_app_Application.configs]

The name of your application. This will also be the namespace for your views, controllers models and stores. Don't use spaces or special characters in the name. Application name is mandatory.

name [Ext.t]

The name of the property in the global namespace (The window in browser environments) which refers to the current instance of Ext.

This is usually "Ext", but if a sandboxed build of ExtJS is being used, this will be an alternative name.

If code is being generated for use by eval or to create a new Function, and the global instance of Ext must be referenced, this is the name that should be built into the code.

nameProperty [Ext_data_writer_Writer.configs]

This property is used to read the key for each value that will be sent to the server. For example:

Ext.define('Person', {
    extend: '',
    fields: [{
        name: 'first',
        mapping: 'firstName'
    }, {
        name: 'last',
        mapping: 'lastName'
    }, {
        name: 'age'
    writeAllFields: true,
    nameProperty: 'mapping'

// This will be sent to the server
    firstName: 'first name value',
    lastName: 'last name value',
    age: 1

If the value is not present, the field name will always be used.

namespace [Ext.t]

Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes so that they are not global. Specifying the last node of a namespace implicitly creates all other nodes. Usage:

Ext.namespace('Company', '');

// equivalent and preferable to the above syntax

Company.Widget = function() { ... }; = function(config) { ... };
namespaces [Ext_app_Application.configs]

The list of namespace prefixes used in the application to resolve dependencies like Views and Stores:

     name: 'MyApp',

     namespaces: ['Common.code'],

     controllers: [ 'Common.code.controller.Foo', 'Bar' ]

 Ext.define('Common.code.controller.Foo', {
     extend: '',

     models: ['Foo'],    // Loads Common.code.model.Foo
     views:  ['Bar']     // Loads Common.code.view.Bar

 Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Bar', {
     extend: '',

     models: ['Foo'],    // Loads MyApp.model.Foo
     views:  ['Bar']     // Loads MyApp.view.Bar

You don't need to include main namespace (MyApp), it will be added to the list automatically.

needsTabIndex [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Returns true if this element needs an explicit tabIndex to make it focusable. Input fields, text areas, buttons anchors elements with an href etc do not need a tabIndex, but structural elements do.

next [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the next sibling, skipping text nodes

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

nextNode [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the next node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.

Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the tree to attempt to find a match. Contrast with nextSibling.

nextPage [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads the next 'page' in the current data set

nextSibling [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the next sibling of this Component.

Optionally selects the next sibling which matches the passed ComponentQuery selector.

May also be referred to as next()

Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, null is returned. Contrast with nextNode

nl2br [Ext_util_Format.t]

Converts newline characters to the HTML tag <br/>

noCache [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

Disable caching by adding a unique parameter name to the request. Set to false to allow caching. Defaults to true.

normalGridConfig [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

Any special configuration options for the normal part of the grid

normalViewConfig [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

A view configuration to be applied to the normal/unlocked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between normalViewConfig and viewConfig will be overwritten by the normalViewConfig.

normalize [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Normalizes CSS property keys from dash delimited to camel case JavaScript Syntax. For example:

  • border-width -> borderWidth
  • padding-top -> paddingTop

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

notify [Ext_Error.statics]

Static flag that can be used to globally control error notification to the user. Unlike Ex.Error.ignore, this does not effect exceptions. They are still thrown. This value can be set to false to disable the alert notification (default is true for IE6 and IE7).

Only the first error will generate an alert. Internally this flag is set to false when the first error occurs prior to displaying the alert.

This flag is not used in a release build.

Example usage:

Ext.Error.notify = false;
notifyOwner [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

This method (if implemented) is called after all layouts are finished, and all have a lastComponentSize cached. No further layouts will be run and this method is only called once per layout run. It is the bookend to beginLayout.

This is a write phase and DOM reads should be avoided if possible when overridding this method. This is the catch-all tail method to a layout and so the rules are more relaxed. Even so, for performance reasons, it is best to avoid reading the DOM. If a read is necessary, consider implementing a finalizeLayout method to do the required reads.

This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be implemented when needed.

now [Ext_Date.t]

Returns the current timestamp.

ns [Ext.t]

Convenient alias for Ext.namespace.

Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes so that they are not global. Specifying the last node of a namespace implicitly creates all other nodes. Usage:

Ext.namespace('Company', '');

// equivalent and preferable to the above syntax

Company.Widget = function() { ... }; = function(config) { ... };
number [Ext_util_Format.t]

Formats the passed number according to the passed format string.

The number of digits after the decimal separator character specifies the number of decimal places in the resulting string. The local-specific decimal character is used in the result.

The presence of a thousand separator character in the format string specifies that the locale-specific thousand separator (if any) is inserted separating thousand groups.

By default, "," is expected as the thousand separator, and "." is expected as the decimal separator.

New to Ext JS 4

Locale-specific characters are always used in the formatted output when inserting thousand and decimal separators.

The format string must specify separator characters according to US/UK conventions ("," as the thousand separator, and "." as the decimal separator)

To allow specification of format strings according to local conventions for separator characters, add the string /i to the end of the format string.

examples (123456.789):

  • 0 - (123456) show only digits, no precision
  • 0.00 - (123456.78) show only digits, 2 precision
  • 0.0000 - (123456.7890) show only digits, 4 precision
  • 0,000 - (123,456) show comma and digits, no precision
  • 0,000.00 - (123,456.78) show comma and digits, 2 precision
  • 0,0.00 - (123,456.78) shortcut method, show comma and digits, 2 precision
  • 0.#### - (123,456,789) Allow maximum 4 decimal places, but do not right pad with zeroes
numberRenderer [Ext_util_Format.t]

Returns a number rendering function that can be reused to apply a number format multiple times efficiently.

numbercolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
numberfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

observe [Ext_util_Observable.statics]

Sets observability on the passed class constructor.

This makes any event fired on any instance of the passed class also fire a single event through the class allowing for central handling of events on many instances at once.


Ext.util.Observable.observe(;'beforerequest', function(con, options) {
    console.log('Ajax request made to ' + options.url);
on [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Shorthand for addListener.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellClick: this.onCellClick,
    mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
    mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellClick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: panel.onMouseOver, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used. Note that scope MUST be specified to use this option:

    cellClick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: 'onMouseOver', scope: panel}
on [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Shorthand for adding a single key listener.

on [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Appends an event handler to this element.

on [Ext.t]

Shorthand for the Ext.util.Observable.addListener method of the globalEvents Observable instance.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellClick: this.onCellClick,
    mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
    mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellClick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: panel.onMouseOver, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used. Note that scope MUST be specified to use this option:

    cellClick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    mouseover: {fn: 'onMouseOver', scope: panel}
onAdd [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]
See method t.onAdd
onAdd [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Invalidate column cache on add We cannot refresh the View on every add because this method is called when the HeaderDropZone moves Headers around, that will also refresh the view

This method is invoked after a new Component has been added. It is passed the Component which has been added. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onAdd [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.onAdd
onAdd [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

This method is invoked after a new Component has been added. It is passed the Component which has been added. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onAdd [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.onAdd
onAdd [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

This method is invoked after a new Component has been added. It is passed the Component which has been added. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onAdded [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.onAdded
onAdded [Ext_Component.t]

Method to manage awareness of when components are added to their respective Container, firing an added event. References are established at add time rather than at render time.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is added to a Container. At this stage, the Component is in the parent Container's collection of child items. After calling the superclass's onAdded, the ownerCt reference will be present, and if configured with a ref, the refOwner will be set.

onAdded [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onAdded
onAdded [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to manage awareness of when components are added to their respective Container, firing an added event. References are established at add time rather than at render time.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is added to a Container. At this stage, the Component is in the parent Container's collection of child items. After calling the superclass's onAdded, the ownerCt reference will be present, and if configured with a ref, the refOwner will be set.

onAvailable [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial position was determined.

onBeforeAdd [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.onBeforeAdd
onBeforeAdd [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

This method is invoked before adding a new child Component. It is passed the new Component, and may be used to modify the Component, or prepare the Container in some way. Returning false aborts the add operation.

onBeforeDrag [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.onBeforeDrag
onBeforeDrag [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action before the initial drag event begins and optionally cancel it.

onBeforeStart [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]
See method t.onBeforeStart
onBeforeStart [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when the user first clicks and holds the mouse button down. Return false to disallow the drag

onBindStore [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Template method, it is called when a new store is bound to the current instance.

onBindStore [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Template method, it is called when a new store is bound to the current instance.

onContentChange [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

This method is called when a child item changes in some way. By default this calls Ext.AbstractComponent.updateLayout on this layout's owner.

onCreateLabel [Ext_chart_Label.configs]
See method t.onCreateLabel
onCreateLabel [Ext_chart_Label.t]

Called each time a new label is created.

Note: This method must be implemented in Series that mixes in this Label mixin.

onDestroy [Ext_view_Table.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_view_Table.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_panel_Table.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_panel_Table.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDestroy [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.onDestroy
onDestroy [Ext_Component.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

onDisable [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.onDisable
onDisable [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

onDisable [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.onDisable
onDisable [Ext_form_field_Text.t]


Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

onDisable [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]
See method t.onDisable
onDisable [Ext_form_field_Base.t]


Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

onDisable [Ext_button_Button.configs]
See method t.onDisable
onDisable [Ext_button_Button.t]

See comments in onFocus

Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

onDisable [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onDisable
onDisable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

onDockedAdd [Ext_container_DockingContainer.configs]
See method t.onDockedAdd
onDockedAdd [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Invoked after a docked item is added to the Panel.

onDockedRemove [Ext_container_DockingContainer.configs]
See method t.onDockedRemove
onDockedRemove [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Invoked after a docked item is removed from the Panel.

onDocumentReady [Ext.t]

Adds a listener to be notified when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded).

onDocumentReady is an alias for Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady.

onDrag [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]
See method t.onDrag
onDrag [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.t]

Move either the ghost Component or the target Component to its new position on drag

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called whenever a drag has been detected.

onDrag [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]
See method t.onDrag
onDrag [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called whenever a drag has been detected.

onDrag [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an object.

onDragDrop [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop obj

onDragEnter [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over another DragDrop obj

onDragOut [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element

onDragOver [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another DragDrop obj

onEnable [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]
See method t.onEnable
onEnable [Ext_form_field_Text.t]


Allows addition of behavior to the enable operation. After calling the superclass's onEnable, the Component will be enabled.

onEnable [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]
See method t.onEnable
onEnable [Ext_form_field_Base.t]


Allows addition of behavior to the enable operation. After calling the superclass's onEnable, the Component will be enabled.

onEnable [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onEnable
onEnable [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the enable operation. After calling the superclass's onEnable, the Component will be enabled.

onEnd [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]
See method t.onEnd
onEnd [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation has been completed (e.g. the user clicked and held the mouse down, dragged the element and then released the mouse button)

onEnd [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]
See method t.onEnd
onEnd [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation has been completed (e.g. the user clicked and held the mouse down, dragged the element and then released the mouse button)

onEsc [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Allows override of the built-in processing for the escape key. Default action is to close the Window (performing whatever action is specified in closeAction. To prevent the Window closing when the escape key is pressed, specify this as Ext.emptyFn.

onFieldErrorChange [Ext_form_FieldAncestor.t]

Fired when the error message of any field within the container changes.

onFieldValidityChange [Ext_form_FieldAncestor.t]

Fired when the validity of any field within the container changes.

onHide [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.onHide
onHide [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Possibly animates down to a target element.

Allows addition of behavior to the hide operation. After calling the superclass’s onHide, the Component will be hidden.

Gets passed the same parameters as hide.

onHide [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.onHide
onHide [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Possibly animates down to a target element.

Allows addition of behavior to the hide operation. After calling the superclass’s onHide, the Component will be hidden.

Gets passed the same parameters as hide.

onHide [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.onHide
onHide [Ext_Component.t]

Possibly animates down to a target element.

Allows addition of behavior to the hide operation. After calling the superclass’s onHide, the Component will be hidden.

Gets passed the same parameters as hide.

onInvalidDrop [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no drop target

onLaunch [Ext_app_Controller.configs]
See method t.onLaunch
onLaunch [Ext_app_Controller.t]

A template method like init, but called after the viewport is created. This is called after the launch method of Application is executed.

onMouseDown [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Called when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown

onMouseUp [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Called when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup

onPlaceLabel [Ext_chart_Label.configs]
See method t.onPlaceLabel
onPlaceLabel [Ext_chart_Label.t]

Called for updating the position of the label.

Note: This method must be implemented in Series that mixes in this Label mixin.

onPosition [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.onPosition
onPosition [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Called after the component is moved, this method is empty by default but can be implemented by any subclass that needs to perform custom logic after a move occurs.

onPosition [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onPosition
onPosition [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Called after the component is moved, this method is empty by default but can be implemented by any subclass that needs to perform custom logic after a move occurs.

onReady [Ext_Loader.t]

Add a new listener to be executed when all required scripts are fully loaded

onReady [Ext.t]

Adds a function to be called when the DOM is ready, and all required classes have been loaded.

If the DOM is ready and all classes are loaded, the passed function is executed immediately.

onRemove [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]
See method t.onRemove
onRemove [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Invalidate column cache on remove We cannot refresh the View on every remove because this method is called when the HeaderDropZone moves Headers around, that will also refresh the view

This method is invoked after a new Component has been removed. It is passed the Component which has been removed. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onRemove [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]
See method t.onRemove
onRemove [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

This method is invoked after a new Component has been removed. It is passed the Component which has been removed. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onRemove [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.onRemove
onRemove [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

This method is invoked after a new Component has been removed. It is passed the Component which has been removed. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.

onRemoved [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.onRemoved
onRemoved [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their respective Container, firing a removed event. References are properly cleaned up after removing a component from its owning container.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is removed from its parent Container. At this stage, the Component has been removed from its parent Container's collection of child items, but has not been destroyed (It will be destroyed if the parent Container's autoDestroy is true, or if the remove call was passed a truthy second parameter). After calling the superclass's onRemoved, the ownerCt and the refOwner will not be present.

onRemoved [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onRemoved
onRemoved [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their respective Container, firing a removed event. References are properly cleaned up after removing a component from its owning container.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is removed from its parent Container. At this stage, the Component has been removed from its parent Container's collection of child items, but has not been destroyed (It will be destroyed if the parent Container's autoDestroy is true, or if the remove call was passed a truthy second parameter). After calling the superclass's onRemoved, the ownerCt and the refOwner will not be present.

onRender [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]
See method t.onRender
onRender [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.

onRender [Ext_util_Renderable.configs]
See method t.onRender
onRender [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.

onRender [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]
See method t.onRender
onRender [Ext_form_field_Base.t]


Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.

onRender [Ext_container_Viewport.configs]
See method t.onRender
onRender [Ext_container_Viewport.t]

Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.

onResize [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]
See method t.onResize
onResize [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the resize operation.

Called when Ext.resizer.Resizer#drag event is fired.

onResize [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]
See method t.onResize
onResize [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the resize operation.

Called when Ext.resizer.Resizer#drag event is fired.

onShow [Ext_window_Window.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_window_Window.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_LoadMask.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_grid_header_Container.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShow [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.onShow
onShow [Ext_Component.t]

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.

onShowComplete [Ext_Component.configs]
See method t.onShowComplete
onShowComplete [Ext_Component.t]

Invoked after the afterShow method is complete.

Gets passed the same callback and scope parameters that afterShow received.

onStart [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.configs]
See method t.onStart
onStart [Ext_util_ComponentDragger.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation starts (e.g. the user has moved the tracked element beyond the specified tolerance)

onStart [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]
See method t.onStart
onStart [Ext_dd_DragTracker.t]

Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation starts (e.g. the user has moved the tracked element beyond the specified tolerance)

onStartDrag [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]
See method t.onStartDrag
onStartDrag [Ext_dd_DragSource.t]

An empty function by default, but provided so that you can perform a custom action once the initial drag event has begun. The drag cannot be canceled from this function.

onUnbindStore [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Template method, it is called when an existing store is unbound from the current instance.

onUnbindStore [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Template method, it is called when an existing store is unbound from the current instance.

opacity [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The opacity of the sprite. A number between 0 and 1.

operaVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of Opera (0 if the browser is not Opera).

operationcomplete []

Fired when each operation of the batch completes

operations [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Ordered array of operations that will be executed by this batch

operator [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

The operator to use to compare the property to this Filter's value

Possible values are: * < * <= * = * >= * > * !=

optimizedColumnMove [Ext_panel_Table.t]

If you are writing a grid plugin or a {Ext.grid.feature.Feature Feature} which creates a column-based structure which needs a view refresh when columns are moved, then set this property in the grid.

An example is the built in Summary Feature. This creates summary rows, and the summary columns must be in the same order as the data columns. This plugin sets the optimizedColumnMove to `false.

originalDisplay [Ext_dom_Element.t]

The element's default display mode.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

originalValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

The original value of the field as configured in the value configuration, or as loaded by the last form load operation if the form's trackResetOnLoad setting is true.

overCls [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

A CSS class to add to the DragTracker's target element when the element (or, if the delegate option is used, when a delegate element) is mouseovered.

If the delegate option is used, these events fire only when a delegate element is entered of left.

overCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The CSS class to add to a button when it is in the over (hovered) state.

overCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element, and removed when the mouse moves out. This can be useful for adding customized 'active' or 'hover' styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

overItemCls [Ext_view_Table.configs]

A CSS class to apply to each item in the view on mouseover. Setting this will automatically set trackOver to true.

overItemCls [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

A CSS class to apply to each item in the view on mouseover. Setting this will automatically set trackOver to true.

overflowPadderEl [Ext_layout_container_Container.t]

The element used to correct body padding during overflow.

overflowText [Ext_button_Button.configs]

If used in a Toolbar, the text to be used if this item is shown in the overflow menu. See also Ext.toolbar.Item.overflowText.

overflowX [Ext_Component.configs]

Possible values are: * 'auto' to enable automatic horizontal scrollbar (overflow-x: 'auto'). * 'scroll' to always enable horizontal scrollbar (overflow-x: 'scroll'). The default is overflow-x: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with autoScroll.

overflowY [Ext_Component.configs]

Possible values are: * 'auto' to enable automatic vertical scrollbar (overflow-y: 'auto'). * 'scroll' to always enable vertical scrollbar (overflow-y: 'scroll'). The default is overflow-y: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with autoScroll.

overlapHeader [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to overlap the header in a panel over the framing of the panel itself. This is needed when frame:true (and is done automatically for you). Otherwise it is undefined. If you manually add rounded corners to a panel header which does not have frame:true, this will need to be set to true.

overlapHeader [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

True to overlap the header in a panel over the framing of the panel itself. This is needed when frame:true (and is done automatically for you). Otherwise it is undefined. If you manually add rounded corners to a panel header which does not have frame:true, this will need to be set to true.

override [Ext.t]

Overrides members of the specified target with the given values.

If the target is a class declared using Ext.define, the override method of that class is called (see Ext.Base.override) given the overrides.

If the target is a function, it is assumed to be a constructor and the contents of overrides are applied to its prototype using Ext.apply.

If the target is an instance of a class declared using Ext.define, the overrides are applied to only that instance. In this case, methods are specially processed to allow them to use Ext.Base.callParent.

 var panel = new Ext.Panel({ ... });

 Ext.override(panel, {
     initComponent: function () {
         // extra processing...


If the target is none of these, the overrides are applied to the target using Ext.apply.

Please refer to Ext.define and Ext.Base.override for further details.

overwrite [Ext_Template.t]

Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s).

owner [Ext_form_Basic.t]

The container component to which this BasicForm is attached.

ownerCt [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

This Component's owner Container (is set automatically when this Component is added to a Container).

Important. This is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. It indicates the Container which owns and manages this Component if any. There are other similar relationships such as the button which activates a menu, or the menu item which activated a submenu, or the column header which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by the up method.

Note: to access items within the Container see itemId.

padding [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating the drop zone intersection with this object. An array containing the 4 padding values: [top, right, bottom, left]

padding [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specifies the padding for this component. The padding can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

pageParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'page' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'page'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a page parameter.

pageSize [Ext_data_Store.configs]

The number of records considered to form a 'page'. This is used to power the built-in paging using the nextPage and previousPage functions when the grid is paged using a PagingToolbar Defaults to 25.

If this Store is buffered, pages are loaded into a page cache before the Store's data is updated from the cache. The pageSize is the number of rows loaded into the cache in one request. This will not affect the rendering of a buffered grid, but a larger page size will mean fewer loads.

In a buffered grid, scrolling is monitored, and the page cache is kept primed with data ahead of the direction of scroll to provide rapid access to data when scrolling causes it to be required. Several pages in advance may be requested depending on various parameters.

It is recommended to tune the pageSize, trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone configurations based upon the conditions pertaining in your deployed application.

The provided SDK example examples/grid/infinite-scroll-grid-tuner.html can be used to experiment with different settings including simulating Ajax latency.

pagingtoolbar [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.toolbar.Paging.

panel [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.panel.Panel.

paramOrder [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

A list of params to be executed server side. Only used for the api load configuration.

Specify the params in the order in which they must be executed on the server-side as either (1) an Array of String values, or (2) a String of params delimited by either whitespace, comma, or pipe. For example, any of the following would be acceptable:

paramOrder: ['param1','param2','param3']
paramOrder: 'param1 param2 param3'
paramOrder: 'param1,param2,param3'
paramOrder: 'param1|param2|param'
params [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's Ext.form.Basic.baseParams and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's input fields.

Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using Ext.Object.toQueryString.

params [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

Any params to be attached to the Ajax request. These parameters will be overridden by any params in the load options.

params [Ext_data_Request.configs]

HTTP request params. The Proxy and its Writer have access to and can modify this object.

params [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Parameters to pass along with the request when performing the operation.

params [Ext_button_Button.configs]

An object literal of parameters to pass to the url when the href property is specified. Any params override baseParams. New params can be set using the setParams method.

paramsAsHash [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

Only used for the api load configuration. If true, parameters will be sent as a single hash collection of named arguments. Providing a paramOrder nullifies this configuration.

parent [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the parent node for this element, optionally chaining up trying to match a selector

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

parentMenu [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

The parent Menu of this Menu.

parse [Ext_Date.t]

Parses the passed string using the specified date format. Note that this function expects normal calendar dates, meaning that months are 1-based (i.e. 1 = January). The defaults hash will be used for any date value (i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, second or millisecond) which cannot be found in the passed string. If a corresponding default date value has not been specified in the defaults hash, the current date's year, month, day or DST-adjusted zero-hour time value will be used instead. Keep in mind that the input date string must precisely match the specified format string in order for the parse operation to be successful (failed parse operations return a null value).


//dt = Fri May 25 2007 (current date)
var dt = new Date();

//dt = Thu May 25 2006 (today&#39;s month/day in 2006)
dt = Ext.Date.parse("2006", "Y");

//dt = Sun Jan 15 2006 (all date parts specified)
dt = Ext.Date.parse("2006-01-15", "Y-m-d");

//dt = Sun Jan 15 2006 15:20:01
dt = Ext.Date.parse("2006-01-15 3:20:01 PM", "Y-m-d g:i:s A");

// attempt to parse Sun Feb 29 2006 03:20:01 in strict mode
dt = Ext.Date.parse("2006-02-29 03:20:01", "Y-m-d H:i:s", true); // returns null
parseBox [Ext_util_Format.t]

Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result).

parseBox [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

parseFunctions [Ext_Date.t]

An object hash in which each property is a date parsing function. The property name is the format string which that function parses.

This object is automatically populated with date parsing functions as date formats are requested for Ext standard formatting strings.

Custom parsing functions may be inserted into this object, keyed by a name which from then on may be used as a format string to parse.


Ext.Date.parseFunctions['x-date-format'] = myDateParser;

A parsing function should return a Date object, and is passed the following parameters:

  • date : String
    The date string to parse.
  • strict : Boolean
    True to validate date strings while parsing (i.e. prevent JavaScript Date "rollover") (The default must be false). Invalid date strings should return null when parsed.

To enable Dates to also be formatted according to that format, a corresponding formatting function must be placed into the formatFunctions property.

parseStyles [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Converts a CSS string into an object with a property for each style.

The sample code below would return an object with 2 properties, one for background-color and one for color.

var css = 'background-color: red;color: blue; ';

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

pass [Ext.t]

Create a new function from the provided fn, the arguments of which are pre-set to args. New arguments passed to the newly created callback when it's invoked are appended after the pre-set ones. This is especially useful when creating callbacks.

For example:

var originalFunction = function(){
    alert(Ext.Array.from(arguments).join(' '));

var callback = Ext.Function.pass(originalFunction, ['Hello', 'World']);

callback(); // alerts 'Hello World'
callback('by Me'); // alerts 'Hello World by Me'

Ext.pass is alias for Ext.Function.pass

path [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The path of the path sprite written in SVG-like path syntax.

paths [Ext_Loader.configs]

The mapping from namespaces to file paths

    'Ext': '.', // This is set by default, Ext.layout.container.Container will be
                // loaded from ./layout/Container.js

    'My': './src/my_own_folder' // My.layout.Container will be loaded from
                                // ./src/my_own_folder/layout/Container.js

Note that all relative paths are relative to the current HTML document. If not being specified, for example, Other.awesome.Class will simply be loaded from ./Other/awesome/Class.js

paths [Ext_app_Application.configs]

Additional load paths to add to Ext.Loader. See Ext.Loader.paths config for more details.

pause [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Pauses execution of the batch, but does not cancel the current operation

pauseOnException [Ext_data_Batch.configs]

True to pause the execution of the batch if any operation encounters an exception (defaults to false). If you set this to true you are responsible for implementing the appropriate handling logic and restarting or discarding the batch as needed. There are different ways you could do this, e.g. by handling the batch's exception event directly, or perhaps by overriding onBatchException at the store level. If you do pause and attempt to handle the exception you can call retry to process the same operation again.

Note that operations are atomic, so any operations that may have succeeded prior to an exception (and up until pausing the batch) will be finalized at the server level and will not be automatically reversible. Any transactional / rollback behavior that might be desired would have to be implemented at the application level. Pausing on exception will likely be most beneficial when used in coordination with such a scheme, where an exception might actually affect subsequent operations in the same batch and so should be handled before continuing with the next operation.

If you have not implemented transactional operation handling then this option should typically be left to the default of false (e.g. process as many operations as possible, and handle any exceptions asynchronously without holding up the rest of the batch).

persist [Ext_data_Field.configs]

False to exclude this field from the fields in a model. This will also exclude the field from being written using a This option is useful when model fields are used to keep state on the client but do not need to be persisted to the server. Defaults to true.

phantom [Ext_data_Model.t]

True when the record does not yet exist in a server-side database (see setDirty). Any record which has a real database pk set as its id property is NOT a phantom -- it's real.

pickerfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
placeholder [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Important: This config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a border layout when not using the 'header' collapseMode.

Optional. A Component (or config object for a Component) to show in place of this Panel when this Panel is collapsed by a border layout. Defaults to a generated Header containing a Tool to re-expand the Panel.

placeholderCollapseHideMode [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The mode for hiding collapsed panels when using collapseMode "placeholder".

plain [Ext_window_Window.configs]

True to render the window body with a transparent background so that it will blend into the framing elements, false to add a lighter background color to visually highlight the body element and separate it more distinctly from the surrounding frame.

plain [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to remove the incised line down the left side of the menu and to not indent general Component items.

MenuItems will always have space at their start for an icon. With the plain setting, non MenuItem child components will not be indented to line up.

Basically, plain:true makes a Menu behave more like a regular HBox layout Panel which just has the same background as a Menu.

See also the showSeparator config.

pluginId [Ext_AbstractPlugin.configs]

A name for the plugin that can be set at creation time to then retrieve the plugin through getPlugin method. For example:

var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    plugins: [{
        ptype: 'cellediting',
        clicksToEdit: 2,
        pluginId: 'cellplugin'

// later on:
var plugin = grid.getPlugin('cellplugin');
plugins [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An array of plugins to be added to this component. Can also be just a single plugin instead of array.

Plugins provide custom functionality for a component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality.

Plugins can be added to component by either directly referencing the plugin instance:

plugins: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {clicksToEdit: 1})],

By using config object with ptype:

plugins: [{ptype: 'cellediting', clicksToEdit: 1}],

Or with just a ptype:

plugins: ['cellediting', 'gridviewdragdrop'],

See Ext.enums.Plugin for list of all ptypes.

plural [Ext_util_Format.t]

Selectively do a plural form of a word based on a numeric value. For example, in a template, {commentCount:plural("Comment")} would result in "1 Comment" if commentCount was 1 or would be "x Comments" if the value is 0 or greater than 1.

pollForChanges [Ext_form_Panel.configs]

If set to true, sets up an interval task (using the pollInterval) in which the panel's fields are repeatedly checked for changes in their values. This is in addition to the normal detection each field does on its own input element, and is not needed in most cases. It does, however, provide a means to absolutely guarantee detection of all changes including some edge cases in some browsers which do not fire native events. Defaults to false.

pollInterval [Ext_form_Panel.configs]

Interval in milliseconds at which the form's fields are checked for value changes. Only used if the pollForChanges option is set to true. Defaults to 500 milliseconds.

position [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Initializes positioning on this element. If a desired position is not passed, it will make the the element positioned relative IF it is not already positioned.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

position [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

Where to set the axis. Available options are left, bottom, right, top. Default's bottom.

postBlur [Ext_form_field_Text.t]


Template method to do any post-blur processing.

postBlur [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Template method to do any post-blur processing.

prefetch []

Fires whenever records have been prefetched.

prefetch [Ext_data_Store.t]

Prefetches data into the store using its configured proxy.

prefetchPage [Ext_data_Store.t]

Prefetches a page of data.

prefetchRange [Ext_data_Store.t]

Ensures that the specified range of rows is present in the cache.

Converts the row range to a page range and then only load pages which are not already present in the page cache.

prefix [Ext_state_Provider.configs]

A string to prefix to items stored in the underlying state store. Defaults to 'ext-'

preg [Ext.t]
prepareData [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Function which can be overridden to provide custom formatting for each Record that is used by this DataView's template to render each node.

preserveScripts [Ext_Loader.configs]

False to remove and optionally garbage-collect asynchronously loaded scripts, True to retain script element for browser debugger compatibility and improved load performance.

preserveScrollOnRefresh [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

True to preserve scroll position across refresh operations.

pressed [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to start pressed (only if enableToggle = true)

pressed [Ext_button_Button.t]

True if this button is pressed (only if enableToggle = true).

pressedCls [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The CSS class to add to a button when it is in the pressed state.

prev [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Gets the previous sibling, skipping text nodes

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

preventDefault [Ext_EventObject.t]

Prevents the browsers default handling of the event.

preventDefault [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

Specify false to enable default actions on onMouseDown events.

preventDefault [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to prevent the default action when the clickEvent is processed.

preventMark [Ext_form_Labelable.configs]

true to disable displaying any error message set on this object.

previousNode [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the previous node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.

Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the tree in reverse order to attempt to find a match. Contrast with previousSibling.

previousPage [Ext_data_Store.t]

Loads the previous 'page' in the current data set

previousSibling [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Returns the previous sibling of this Component.

Optionally selects the previous sibling which matches the passed ComponentQuery selector.

May also be referred to as prev()

Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, null is returned. Contrast with previousNode

primaryButtonOnly [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated by the browser

processEvent [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

An optional event processor function which accepts the argument list provided by the configured event of the target, and returns a keyEvent for processing by the KeyMap.

This may be useful when the target is a Component with s complex event signature, where the event is not the first parameter. Extra information from the event arguments may be injected into the event for use by the handler functions before returning it.

processEventScope [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

The scope (this context) in which the processEvent method is executed.

processRawValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Performs any necessary manipulation of a raw field value to prepare it for conversion and/or validation, for instance stripping out ignored characters. In the base implementation it does nothing; individual subclasses may override this as needed.

processRawValue_str [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Performs any necessary manipulation of a raw String value to prepare it for conversion and/or validation. For text fields this applies the configured stripCharsRe to the raw value.

processcolumns []

Fires when the configured (or reconfigured) column set is split into two depending on the locked flag.

progress [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a message box with a progress bar.

You are responsible for updating the progress bar as needed via updateProgress and closing the message box when the process is complete.

progressbar [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.ProgressBar.

prompt [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons prompting the user to enter some text (comparable to JavaScript's prompt). The prompt can be a single-line or multi-line textbox. If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks either button, and the id of the button that was clicked (could also be the top-right close button, which will always report as "cancel") and the text that was entered will be passed as the two parameters to the callback.

property [Ext_util_Sorter.configs]

The property to sort by. Required unless sorterFn is provided. The property is extracted from the object directly and compared for sorting using the built in comparison operators.

property [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

The property to filter on. Required unless a filterFn is passed

propertygrid [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
proxy [Ext_data_Store.configs]

The Proxy to use for this Store. This can be either a string, a config object or a Proxy instance - see setProxy for details.

proxy [Ext_data_Model.configs]

The proxy to use for this model.

proxy [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

The Proxy to use for this Store. This can be either a string, a config object or a Proxy instance - see setProxy for details.

pruneRemoved [Ext_selection_Model.configs]

Remove records from the selection when they are removed from the store.

Important: When using paging or a sparsely populated (buffered) Store, records which are cached in the Store's data collection may be removed from the Store when pages change, or when rows are scrolled out of view. For this reason pruneRemoved should be set to false when using a buffered Store.

Also, when previously pruned pages are returned to the cache, the records objects in the page will be new instances, and will not match the instances in the selection model's collection. For this reason, you MUST ensure that the Model definition's idProperty references a unique key because in this situation, records in the Store have their IDs compared to records in the SelectionModel in order to re-select a record which is scrolled back into view.

puff [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Fades the element out while slowly expanding it in all directions. When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document. Usage:

// default

// common config options shown with default values
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500,
    useDisplay: false

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

purgeAllListeners [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Recursively removes all previous added listeners from this element and its children

purgePageCount [Ext_data_Store.configs]

Valid only when used with a buffered Store.

The number of pages additional to the required buffered range to keep in the prefetch cache before purging least recently used records.

For example, if the height of the view area and the configured trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone require that there are three pages in the cache, then a purgePageCount of 5 ensures that up to 8 pages can be in the page cache any any one time.

A value of 0 indicates to never purge the prefetched data.

query [Ext_Queryable.t]

Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed selector. Executes an Ext.ComponentQuery.query using this container as its root.

query [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Selects child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

query [Ext_data_Store.t]

Query all the cached records in this Store by name/value pair. The parameters will be used to generated a filter function that is given to the queryBy method.

This method compliments queryBy by generating the query function automatically.

query [Ext.t]

Shorthand of

Selects an array of DOM nodes by CSS/XPath selector.

Uses document.querySelectorAll if browser supports that, otherwise falls back to Ext.dom.Query.jsSelect to do the work.

Aliased as query.

queryBy [Ext_Queryable.t]

Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed function. The function should return false for components that are to be excluded from the selection.

queryBy [Ext_data_Store.t]

Query all the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns true the record is included in the results.

This method is not effected by filtering, it will always look from all records inside the store no matter if filter is applied or not.

queryById [Ext_Queryable.t]

Finds a component at any level under this container matching the id/itemId. This is a shorthand for calling ct.down('#' + id);

quicktip [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.tip.QuickTip.

radio [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
radioCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

radiofield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
radiogroup [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.RadioGroup.

radius [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The radius of the circle sprite. Or in case of rect sprite, the border radius.

radiusX [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The radius of the ellipse sprite along x-axis.

radiusY [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The radius of the ellipse sprite along y-axis.

raw [Ext_data_Model.t]

The raw data used to create this model if created via a reader.

rawData [Ext_data_reader_Reader.t]

The raw data object that was last passed to readRecords. Stored for further processing if needed.

rawToValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Converts a raw input field value into a mixed-type value that is suitable for this particular field type. This allows controlling the normalization and conversion of user-entered values into field-type-appropriate values, e.g. a Date object for Ext.form.field.Date, and is invoked by getValue.

It is up to individual implementations to decide how to handle raw values that cannot be successfully converted to the desired object type.

See valueToRaw for the opposite conversion.

The base implementation does no conversion, returning the raw value untouched.

rbar [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config. Short for 'Right Bar' (right-docked, vertical toolbar).

rbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'right',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }
read [Ext_data_reader_Reader.t]

Reads the given response object. This method normalizes the different types of response object that may be passed to it. If it's an XMLHttpRequest object, hand off to the subclass' getResponseData method. Else, hand off the reading of records to the readRecords method.

read [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Performs the given read operation.

read [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Performs the given read operation.

readOnly [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

true to mark the field as readOnly in HTML.

Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. Setting readOnly=true, for example, will not disable triggering a ComboBox or Date; it gives you the option of forcing the user to choose via the trigger without typing in the text box. To hide the trigger use hideTrigger.

readOnlyCls [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The CSS class applied to the component's main element when it is readOnly.

readRecords [Ext_data_reader_Reader.t]

Abstracts common functionality used by all Reader subclasses. Each subclass is expected to call this function before running its own logic and returning the instance. For most Readers additional processing should not be needed.

readRecordsOnFailure [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

True to extract the records from a data packet even if the successProperty returns false.

reader [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

An (e.g. instance or configuration to be used to read data when executing 'load' actions. This is optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON responses.

reader [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.configs]

The to use to decode the server's response or data read from client. This can either be a Reader instance, a config object or just a valid Reader type name (e.g. 'json', 'xml').

readsHeight [Ext_layout_SizePolicy.t]

Indicates that the height of the component is consumed.

readsWidth [Ext_layout_SizePolicy.t]

Indicates that the width of the component is consumed.

reconfigure []

Fires after a reconfigure.

reconfigure [Ext_grid_Panel.t]

Reconfigures the grid with a new store/columns. Either the store or the columns can be omitted if you don't wish to change them.

records [Ext_data_ResultSet.configs]

The array of record instances.

recoverProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Recovers a property value from the last computation and restores its value and dirty state.

redraw [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Redraws the sprite.

redraw [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

Redraws the chart. If animations are set this will animate the chart too.

refresh [Ext_view_View.t]

Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template.

refresh [Ext_view_Table.t]

Refreshes the grid view. Sets the sort state and focuses the previously focused row.

refresh []

Fires when the view is refreshed

refresh [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template.

refresh []

Fires when the data cache has changed in a bulk manner (e.g., it has been sorted, filtered, etc.) and a widget that is using this Store as a Record cache should refresh its view.

refresh []

Fires after the chart data has been refreshed.

refreshNode [Ext_view_AbstractView.t]

Refreshes an individual node's data from the store.

refs [Ext_app_Controller.configs]

Array of configs to build up references to views on page. For example:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",

     refs: [{
         ref: 'list',
         selector: 'grid'

This will add method getList to the controller which will internally use Ext.ComponentQuery to reference the grid component on page.

The following fields can be used in ref definition:

  • ref - name of the reference.
  • selector - Ext.ComponentQuery selector to access the component.
  • autoCreate - True to create the component automatically if not found on page.
  • forceCreate - Forces the creation of the component every time reference is accessed (when get<REFNAME> is called).
  • xtype - Used to create component by its xtype with autoCreate or forceCreate. If you don't provide xtype, an Ext.Component instance will be created.
regStore [Ext.t]

Creates a new store for the given id and config, then registers it with the Store Manager. Sample usage:

Ext.regStore('AllUsers', {
    model: 'User'

// the store can now easily be used throughout the application
new Ext.List({
    store: 'AllUsers',
    ... other config
regex [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using either regexText or invalidText.

regexText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The error text to display if regex is used and the test fails during validation

region [Ext_Component.configs]

Defines the region inside border layout.

Possible values:

  • north - Positions component at top.
  • south - Positions component at bottom.
  • east - Positions component at right.
  • west - Positions component at left.
  • center - Positions component at the remaining space. There must be a component with region: "center" in every border layout.
register [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Registers a floating Ext.Component with this ZIndexManager. This should not need to be called under normal circumstances. Floating Components (such as Windows, BoundLists and Menus) are automatically registered with a zIndexManager at render time.

Where this may be useful is moving Windows between two ZIndexManagers. For example, to bring the Ext.MessageBox dialog under the same manager as the Desktop's ZIndexManager in the desktop sample app:

register [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. See Ext.tip.QuickTip.register for details.

register [Ext_tip_QuickTip.t]

Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element.

For example usage, see the Ext.tip.QuickTipManager class header.

registerFloatingItem [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Called by Component#doAutoRender

Register a Container configured floating: true with this Component's ZIndexManager.

Components added in this way will not participate in any layout, but will be rendered upon first show in the way that Windows are.

reject [Ext_data_Model.t]

Usually called by the to which this model instance has been joined. Rejects all changes made to the model instance since either creation, or the last commit operation. Modified fields are reverted to their original values.

Developers should subscribe to the event to have their code notified of reject operations.

rejectChanges [Ext_data_Store.t]

Rejects outstanding changes on all modified records and re-insert any records that were removed locally. Any phantom records will be removed.

relayEvent [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element, it will be relayed to another object (i.e., fired again as if it originated from that object instead).

relayEvents [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this.

For example if you are extending Grid, you might decide to forward some events from store. So you can do this inside your initComponent:

this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load']);

The grid instance will then have an observable 'load' event which will be passed the parameters of the store's load event and any function fired with the grid's load event would have access to the grid using the this keyword.

releaseCapture [Ext_util_Observable.statics]

Removes all added captures from the Observable.

reload [Ext_data_Store.t]

Reloads the store using the last options passed to the load method.

reload [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Reloads the store using the last options passed to the load method.

remoteFilter [Ext_data_Store.configs]

true if the grouping should be performed on the server side, false if it is local only.

Buffered stores automatically set this to true. Buffered stores contain an abitrary subset of the full dataset which depends upon various configurations and which pages have been requested for rendering. Such sparse datasets are ineligible for local filtering.

remoteFilter [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

True to defer any filtering operation to the server. If false, filtering is done locally on the client.

remoteGroup [Ext_data_Store.configs]

true if the grouping should apply on the server side, false if it is local only. If the grouping is local, it can be applied immediately to the data. If it is remote, then it will simply act as a helper, automatically sending the grouping information to the server.

Buffered stores automatically set this to true. Buffered stores contain an abitrary subset of the full dataset which depends upon various configurations and which pages have been requested for rendering. Such sparse datasets are ineligible for local grouping.

remoteSort [Ext_data_Store.configs]

true if the sorting should be performed on the server side, false if it is local only.

Buffered stores automatically set this to true. Buffered stores contain an abitrary subset of the full dataset which depends upon various configurations and which pages have been requested for rendering. Such sparse datasets are ineligible for local sorting.

remoteSort [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

True to defer any sorting operation to the server. If false, sorting is done locally on the client.

remove []

Fires when an item is removed from the collection.

remove [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Remove an item from the collection.

remove [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Removes a given sprite from the surface, optionally destroying the sprite in the process. You can also call the sprite own remove method.

For example:

remove [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Removes the sprite.

remove [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Removes this element's dom reference. Note that event and cache removal is handled at Ext.removeNode

remove [Ext_data_Store.t]

Removes the specified record(s) from the Store, firing the remove event for each instance that is removed.

A bulkremove event is called at the end passing all removed records and their indices. plus a single 'datachanged' event after removal.

remove []

Fired when a Model instance has been removed from this Store.

If many records may be removed in one go, then it is more efficient to listen for the bulkremove event and perform any processing for a bulk remove than to listen for this remove event.

remove []

Fires after any Ext.Component is removed from the container.

This event bubbles: 'remove' will also be fired when Component is removed from any of the child containers or their children or ...

remove [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires the remove event after the component has been removed.

removeAll [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Remove all items in the collection. Can also be used to remove only the items in the passed array.

removeAll [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Removes all sprites from the surface, optionally destroying the sprites in the process.

For example:

removeAll [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Removes all records from the store. This method does a "fast remove", individual remove events are not called. The clear event is fired upon completion.

removeAll [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.t]

Removes all components from this container.

removeAllListeners [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Removes all previous added listeners from this element

removeAll_bool [Ext_data_Store.t]

Removes all items from the store.

Individual record remove events are not fired by this method.

removeAnchor [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Remove any anchor to this element. See anchorTo.

removeAt [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Remove an item from a specified index in the collection. Fires the remove event when complete.

removeAt [Ext_data_Store.t]

Removes the model instance(s) at the given index

removeAtKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Removes an item associated with the passed key fom the collection.

removeBinding [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Remove a binding from this KeyMap.

removeBodyCls [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Removes a CSS class from the body element.

removeChildEls [Ext_util_ElementContainer.t]

Removes items in the childEls array based on the return value of a supplied test function. The function is called with a entry in childEls and if the test function return true, that entry is removed. If false, that entry is kept.

removeCls [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Queue the removal of a class name (or array of class names) from this ContextItem's target when next flushed.

removeCls [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.

For example:

drawComponent.surface.removeCls(sprite, 'x-visible');
removeCls [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.

removeCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Returns an array of unique class names deom the first parameter with all class names from the second parameter removed.


// Remove x-invalid and x-mandatory classes if present.
myElement.dom.className = Ext.core.Element.removeCls(this.initialClasses, 'x-invalid x-mandatory');
removeCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

removeCls [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Removes a CSS class from the top level element representing this component.

removeClsWithUI [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Removes a cls to the uiCls array, which will also call removeUIClsFromElement and removes it from all elements of this component.

removeDocked [Ext_container_DockingContainer.t]

Removes the docked item from the panel.

removeEl [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Removes a cached ContextItem that was created using getEl. It may be necessary to call this method if the dom reference for owned element changes so that getEl can be called again to reinitialize the ContextItem with the new element.

removeElement [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Removes the specified element(s).

removeFilter [Ext_data_Store.t]

Removes an individual Filter from the current filter set using the passed Filter/Filter id and by default, applys the updated filter set to the Store's unfiltered dataset.

removeFromGroup [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Removes this instance from the supplied interaction group

removeInvalidHandleClass [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Unsets an invalid css class

removeInvalidHandleId [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Unsets an invalid handle id

removeInvalidHandleType [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Unsets an excluded tag name set by addInvalidHandleType

removeListener [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Removes an event handler.

removeListener [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Shorthand for un.

Removes an event handler from this element.

Note: if a scope was explicitly specified when adding the listener, the same scope must be specified here.


el.un('click', this.handlerFn);
// or
el.removeListener('click', this.handlerFn);
removeManagedListener [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.

removeNode [Ext.t]

Removes a DOM node from the document.

Removes this element from the document, removes all DOM event listeners, and deletes the cache reference. All DOM event listeners are removed from this element. If Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval is true, then DOM event listeners are also removed from all child nodes. The body node will be ignored if passed in.

removeRange [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Remove a range of items starting at a specified index in the collection. Does not fire the remove event.

removeRowCls [Ext_view_Table.t]

Removes a CSS Class from a specific row.

removeUIClsFromElement [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

inherit docs

Method which removes a specified UI + uiCls from the components element. The cls which is added to the element will be: this.baseCls + '-' + ui.

removeUIClsFromElement [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Method which removes a specified UI + uiCls from the components element. The cls which is added to the element will be: this.baseCls + '-' + ui.

removed [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Temporary cache in which removed model instances are kept until successfully synchronised with a Proxy, at which point this is cleared.

removed []

Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.container.Container

render [Ext_util_Renderable.t]

Renders the Component into the passed HTML element.

If you are using a Container object to house this Component, then do not use the render method.

A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's layout manager when the Container is first rendered.

If the Container is already rendered when a new child Component is added, you may need to call the Container's doLayout to refresh the view which causes any unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.

When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager. If you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must configure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind.

Omitting the Container's layout config means that a basic layout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.

render []

Fires after the sprite markup is rendered.

render []

Fires after the component markup is rendered.

renderData [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The data used by renderTpl in addition to the following property values of the component:

  • id
  • ui
  • uiCls
  • baseCls
  • componentCls
  • frame

See renderSelectors and childEls for usage examples.

renderItems [Ext_layout_Layout.t]

Iterates over all passed items, ensuring they are rendered. If the items are already rendered, also determines if the items are in the proper place in the dom.

renderSelectors [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An object containing properties specifying DomQuery selectors which identify child elements created by the render process.

After the Component's internal structure is rendered according to the renderTpl, this object is iterated through, and the found Elements are added as properties to the Component using the renderSelector property name.

For example, a Component which renders a title and description into its element:

Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    renderTpl: [
        '<h1 class="title">{title}</h1>',
    renderData: {
        title: "Error",
        desc: "Something went wrong"
    renderSelectors: {
        titleEl: 'h1.title',
        descEl: 'p'
    listeners: {
        afterrender: function(cmp){
            // After rendering the component will have a titleEl and descEl properties
            cmp.titleEl.setStyle({color: "red"});

For a faster, but less flexible, alternative that achieves the same end result (properties for child elements on the Component after render), see childEls and addChildEls.

renderTo [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component will be rendered into.


Do not use this option if the Component is to be a child item of a Container. It is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager to render and manage its child items.

When using this config, a call to render() is not required.

See also: render.

renderTpl [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.configs]

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

End Definitions

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_button_Button.configs]

We have to keep "unselectable" attribute on all elements because it's not inheritable. Without it, clicking anywhere on a button disrupts current selection and cursor position in HtmlEditor.

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

renderTpl [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized Ext JS and Sencha Touch classes which use a more complex DOM structure, provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and childEls options.

rendered [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Indicates whether or not the component has been rendered.

renderer [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

A renderer is an 'interceptor' method which can be used to transform data (value, appearance, etc.) before it is rendered. Example:

    renderer: function(value){
        if (value === 1) {
            return '1 person';
        return value + ' people';

Additionally a string naming an Ext.util.Format method can be passed:

    renderer: 'uppercase'
renderer [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

A custom function to render the content to the element. The function should return false if the renderer could not be applied. The passed parameters are:

  • The loader
  • The response
  • The active request
renderer [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

A function that can be overridden to set custom styling properties to each rendered element. Passes in (sprite, record, attributes, index, store) to the function.

renderer_2 [Ext_ComponentLoader.configs]

The type of content that is to be loaded into, which can be one of 3 types:

Alternatively, you can pass a function which is called with the following parameters.

  • loader - Loader instance
  • response - The server response
  • active - The active request

The function must return false is loading is not successful. Below is a sample of using a custom renderer:

new Ext.Component({
    loader: {
        url: 'myPage.php',
        renderer: function(loader, response, active) {
            var text = response.responseText;
            loader.getTarget().update('The response is ' + text);
            return true;
reorder [Ext_util_MixedCollection.t]

Reorders each of the items based on a mapping from old index to new index. Internally this just translates into a sort. The 'sort' event is fired whenever reordering has occured.

repaint [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Forces the browser to repaint this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

repair [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Causes the proxy to return to its position of origin via an animation. Should be called after an invalid drop operation by the item being dragged.

repairHighlightColor [Ext_dd_DragSource.configs]

The color to use when visually highlighting the drag source in the afterRepair method after a failed drop (defaults to light blue). The color must be a 6 digit hex value, without a preceding '#'.

repeat [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to repeat fire the click event while the mouse is down. This can also be a ClickRepeater config object.

replace []

Fires when an item is replaced in the collection.

replace [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Replaces an item in the collection. Fires the replace event when complete.

replace [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Replaces the passed element with this element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

replaceCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

replaceElement [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Replaces the specified element with the passed element.

replaceWith [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Replaces this element with the passed element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

require [Ext_Loader.t]

Loads all classes by the given names and all their direct dependencies; optionally executes the given callback function when finishes, within the optional scope.

Ext.require is alias for require.

require [Ext.t]

Loads all classes by the given names and all their direct dependencies; optionally executes the given callback function when finishes, within the optional scope.

require is alias for Ext.Loader.require.

requiredCls [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

The CSS class to apply to a required field, i.e. a field where allowBlank is false.

requires [Ext_Class.configs]

List of classes that have to be loaded before instantiating this class. For example:

Ext.define('Mother', {
    requires: ['Child'],
    giveBirth: function() {
        // we can be sure that child class is available.
        return new Child();
reset [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages. Also adds emptyText and emptyCls if the original value was blank.

reset [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages. See Ext.form.Basic.trackResetOnLoad

reset [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Resets all fields in this form. By default, any record bound by loadRecord will be retained.

reset [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

When set to true, causes the Form to be reset on Action success. If specified, this happens before the success callback is called and before the Form's actioncomplete event fires.

reset []

Fires when a form is reset.

reset [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Resets the status indicator to the default dropNotAllowed value

resetConstraints [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Must be called if you manually reposition a dd element.

resetOriginalValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Resets the field's originalValue property so it matches the current value. This is called by Ext.form.Basic.setValues if the form's trackResetOnLoad property is set to true.

resizable [Ext_window_Window.configs]

Specify as true to allow user resizing at each edge and corner of the window, false to disable resizing.

This may also be specified as a config object to Ext.resizer.Resizer

resizable [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

Specify as true to allow user resizing at each edge and corner of the window, false to disable resizing.

This may also be specified as a config object to Ext.resizer.Resizer

resizable [Ext_Component.configs]

Specify as true to apply a Resizer to this Component after rendering.

May also be specified as a config object to be passed to the constructor of Resizer to override any defaults. By default the Component passes its minimum and maximum size, and uses Ext.resizer.Resizer.dynamic: false

resizable_bool [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

False to prevent the column from being resizable.

resize []

Fires when a document view is resized.

resize []

Fires after the component is resized. Note that this does not fire when the component is first laid out at its initial size. To hook that point in the life cycle, use the boxready event.

resizeFrame [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

By default we resize the drag frame to be the same size as the element we want to drag (this is to get the frame effect). We can turn it off if we want a different behavior.

resizeHandles [Ext_Component.configs]

A valid Ext.resizer.Resizer handles config string. Only applies when resizable = true.

resize_window []

Fires after the window has been resized.

response [Ext_form_action_Action.t]

The raw XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action.

restore []

Fires after the window has been restored to its original size after being maximized.

restore [Ext_window_Window.t]

Restores a maximized window back to its original size and position prior to being maximized and also replaces the 'restore' tool button with the 'maximize' tool button. Also see toggleMaximize.

restoreZoom [Ext_chart_Navigation.t]

Restores the zoom to the original value. This can be used to reset the previous zoom state set by setZoom. For example:

result [Ext_form_action_Action.t]

The decoded response object containing a boolean success property and other, action-specific properties.

resumeAutoSync [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Resumes automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true

resumeEvent [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Resumes firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to resume events, the events will fire when requested to fire.

Note that if the suspendEvent method is called multiple times for a certain event, this converse method will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.

resumeEvents [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Resumes firing events (see suspendEvents).

If events were suspended using the queueSuspended parameter, then all events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now.

resumeLayouts [Ext_AbstractComponent.statics]

Resumes layout activity in the whole framework.

Ext.suspendLayouts is alias of suspendLayouts.

resumeLayouts [Ext.t]
retry [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Kicks off execution of the batch, continuing from the current operation. This is intended for restarting a paused batch after an exception, and the operation that raised the exception will now be retried. The batch will then continue with its normal processing until all operations are complete or another exception is encountered.

Note that if the batch is already running any call to retry will be ignored.

root [Ext_util_Sorter.configs]

Optional root property. This is mostly useful when sorting a Store, in which case we set the root to 'data' to make the filter pull the property out of the data object of each item

root [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

Optional root property. This is mostly useful when filtering a Store, in which case we set the root to 'data' to make the filter pull the property out of the data object of each item

root [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

The name of the property which contains the data items corresponding to the Model(s) for which this Reader is configured. For JSON reader it's a property name (or a dot-separated list of property names if the root is nested). For XML reader it's a CSS selector. For Array reader the root is not applicable since the data is assumed to be a single-level array of arrays.

By default the natural root of the data will be used: the root JSON array, the root XML element, or the array.

The data packet value for this property should be an empty array to clear the data or show no data.

round [Ext_util_Region.t]

Round all the properties of this region

round [Ext_util_Format.t]

Rounds the passed number to the required decimal precision.

roundedEquals [Ext_util_Point.t]

Compare this point with another point when the x and y values of both points are rounded. E.g: [100.3,199.8] will equals to [100, 200]

rowLines [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Adds row line styling

rowLines [Ext_grid_Panel.configs]

False to remove row line styling

rownumberer [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
rtl [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

True to layout this component and its descendants in "rtl" (right-to-left) mode. Can be explicitly set to false to override a true value inherited from an ancestor.

Defined in override Ext.rtl.AbstractComponent.

run [Ext_form_action_Action.t]

Invokes this action using the current configuration.

runOperation [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Executes an operation by its numeric index in the operations array

safariVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of Safari (0 if the browser is not Safari).

save [Ext_draw_Surface.statics]

Exports a surface in a different format. The surface may be exported to an SVG string, using the Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter. It may also be exported as an image using the ImageExporter. Note that this requires sending data to a remote server to process the SVG into an image, see the Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter for more details.

save [Ext_data_Model.t]

Saves the model instance using the configured proxy.

save [Ext_chart_Chart.t]

Saves the chart by either triggering a download or returning a string containing the chart data as SVG. The action depends on the export type specified in the passed configuration. The chart will be exported using either the Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter or the Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter classes.

Possible export types:

  • 'image/png'
  • 'image/jpeg',
  • 'image/svg+xml'

If 'image/svg+xml' is specified, the SvgExporter will be used. If 'image/png' or 'image/jpeg' are specified, the ImageExporter will be used. This exporter must post the SVG data to a remote server to have the data processed, see the Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter for more details.

Example usage:{
     type: 'image/png'

Important: By default, chart data is sent to a server operated by Sencha to do data processing. You may change this default by setting the defaultUrl of the Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter class. In addition, please note that this service only creates PNG images.

saveDelay [Ext_state_Stateful.configs]

A buffer to be applied if many state events are fired within a short period.

savePropToState [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Conditionally saves a single property from this object to the given state object. The idea is to only save state which has changed from the initial state so that current software settings do not override future software settings. Only those values that are user-changed state should be saved.

savePropsToState [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Gathers additional named properties of the instance and adds their current values to the passed state object.

saveState [Ext_state_Stateful.t]

Saves the state of the object to the persistence store.

scale [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The size of the Button. Three values are allowed:

  • 'small' - Results in the button element being 16px high.
  • 'medium' - Results in the button element being 24px high.
  • 'large' - Results in the button element being 32px high.
scope [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The scope to use when calling the renderer function.

scope [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The scope in which to call the configured success and failure callback functions (the this reference for the callback functions).

scope [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

The scope to execute the success and failure functions in.

scope [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Scope for the callback function.

scope [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The scope (this reference) in which the handler and toggleHandler is executed. Defaults to this Button.

scope [Ext_app_Application.configs]

The scope to execute the launch function in. Defaults to the Application instance.

scriptChainDelay [Ext_Loader.configs]

millisecond delay between asynchronous script injection (prevents stack overflow on some user agents) 'false' disables delay but potentially increases stack load.

scriptCharset [Ext_Loader.configs]

Optional charset to specify encoding of dynamic script content.

scripts [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

True to parse any inline script tags in the response.

scripts [Ext_ComponentLoader.configs]

True to parse any inline script tags in the response. This only used when using the html renderer.

scroll [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

Scrollers configuration. Valid values are 'both', 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. True implies 'both'. False implies 'none'.

scroll []

Fires when a document view is scrolled.

scroll [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Scrolls this element the specified direction. Does bounds checking to make sure the scroll is within this element's scrollable range.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

scroll [Ext_dd_DD.t]

When set to true, the utility automatically tries to scroll the browser window when a drag and drop element is dragged near the viewport boundary.

scrollBy [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Scrolls this element by the passed delta values, optionally animating.

All of the following are equivalent:

 el.scrollBy(10, 10, true);
 el.scrollBy([10, 10], true);
 el.scrollBy({ x: 10, y: 10 }, true);

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

scrollBy [Ext_Component.t]

Scrolls this Component's target element by the passed delta values, optionally animating.

All of the following are equivalent:

 comp.scrollBy(10, 10, true);
 comp.scrollBy([10, 10], true);
 comp.scrollBy({ x: 10, y: 10 }, true);
scrollDelta [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

Number of pixels to scroll when scrolling the locked section with mousewheel.

scrollFlags [Ext_Component.t]

An object property which provides unified information as to which dimensions are scrollable based upon the autoScroll, overflowX and overflowY settings (And for views of trees and grids, the owning panel's scroll setting).

Note that if you set overflow styles using the style config or bodyStyle config, this object does not include that information; it is best to use autoScroll, overflowX and overflowY if you need to access these flags.

This object has the following properties:

scrollIntoView [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Scrolls this element into view within the passed container.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

scrollTo [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Scrolls this element the specified scroll point. It does NOT do bounds checking so if you scroll to a weird value it will try to do it. For auto bounds checking, use scroll.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

sealed [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

Specify as true to constrain column dragging so that a column cannot be dragged into or out of this column.

Note that this config is only valid for column headers which contain child column headers, eg: { sealed: true text: 'ExtJS', columns: [{ text: '3.0.4', dataIndex: 'ext304' }, { text: '4.1.0', dataIndex: 'ext410' } }

sealedColumns [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

True to constrain column dragging so that a column cannot be dragged in or out of it's current group. Only relevant while enableColumnMove is enabled.

selModel [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

A selection model instance or config object. In latter case the selType config option determines to which type of selection model this config is applied.

selType [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

An xtype of selection model to use. Defaults to 'rowmodel'. This is used to create selection model if just a config object or nothing at all given in selModel config.

select []

Fired after a record is selected

select []

Fired after a record is selected

select [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Selects a record instance by record instance or index.

select []

Fired after a record is selected

select []

Fired after a record is selected

select [Ext_dom_Element.statics]

Selects elements based on the passed CSS selector to enable Element methods to be applied to many related elements in one statement through the returned CompositeElement or CompositeElementLite object.

select []

Fires when a user selects some text in a text field, including input and textarea.

select [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Creates a Ext.CompositeElement for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

select [Ext.t]

Shorthand of

Creates a Ext.CompositeElement for child nodes based on the passed CSS selector (the selector should not contain an id).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

selectAll [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Selects all records in the view.

selectNext [Ext_selection_RowModel.t]

Selects the record immediately following the currently selected record.

selectOnFocus [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

true to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus

selectPrevious [Ext_selection_RowModel.t]

Selects the record that precedes the currently selected record.

selectRange [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Selects a range of rows if the selection model is not locked. All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected.

selectText [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Selects text in this field

selectable [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Enable text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

selected [Ext_selection_Model.t]

A MixedCollection that maintains all of the currently selected records.

selectedItemCls [Ext_view_Table.configs]

A CSS class to apply to each selected item in the view.

selectedItemCls [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

A CSS class to apply to each selected item in the view.

selectionchange []

Fired after a selection change has occurred

selectionchange []

Fired after a selection change has occurred

selectionchange []

Fired after a selection change has occurred

self [Ext_Base.t]

Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike statics, this.self is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See statics for a detailed comparison

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'

    clone: function() {
        return new this.self();

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'         // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

var cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
sendToBack [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Sends the specified Component to the back of other active Components in this ZIndexManager.

sequenceFx [Ext_util_Animate.t]

Ensures that all effects queued after sequenceFx is called on this object are run in sequence. This is the opposite of syncFx.

serialize [Ext_data_Field.configs]

A function which converts the Model's value for this Field into a form which can be used by whatever Writer is being used to sync data with the server.

The function should return a string which represents the Field's value.

It is passed the following parameters:

  • v : Mixed

    The Field's value - the value to be serialized.

  • rec :

    The record being serialized.

serializeForm [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Serializes a DOM form into a url encoded string

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

series [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

Array of Series instances or config objects. For example:

series: [{
    type: 'column',
    axis: 'left',
    listeners: {
        'afterrender': function() {
    xField: 'category',
    yField: 'data1'
set [Ext_Template.t]

Sets the HTML used as the template and optionally compiles it.

set [Ext_state_Provider.t]

Sets the value for a key

set [Ext_state_Manager.t]

Sets the value for a key

set [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Sets the passed attributes as attributes of this element (a style attribute can be a string, object or function)

set [Ext_data_Model.t]

Sets the given field to the given value, marks the instance as dirty

setActive [Ext_util_Floating.t]

This method is called internally by Ext.ZIndexManager to signal that a floating Component has either been moved to the top of its zIndex stack, or pushed from the top of its zIndex stack.

If a Window is superceded by another Window, deactivating it hides its shadow.

This method also fires the activate or deactivate event depending on which action occurred.

setActiveError [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Sets the active error message to the given string. This replaces the entire error message contents with the given string. Also see setActiveErrors which accepts an Array of messages and formats them according to the activeErrorsTpl. Note that this only updates the error message element's text and attributes, you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends Ext.form.field.Base you should call markInvalid instead.

setActiveErrors [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Set the active error message to an Array of error messages. The messages are formatted into a single message string using the activeErrorsTpl. Also see setActiveError which allows setting the entire error contents with a single string. Note that this only updates the error message element's text and attributes, you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends Ext.form.field.Base you should call markInvalid instead.

setAttribute [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Queue the setting of a DOM attribute on this ContextItem's target when next flushed.

setAttributes [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Change the attributes of the sprite.


For translate, the configuration object contains x and y attributes that indicate where to translate the object. For example:

  translate: {
   x: 10,
   y: 10
}, true);


For rotation, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the center of the rotation (which are optional), and a degrees attribute that specifies the rotation in degrees. For example:

  rotate: {
   degrees: 90
}, true);

That example will create a 90 degrees rotation using the centroid of the Sprite as center of rotation, whereas:

  rotate: {
   x: 0,
   y: 0,
   degrees: 90
}, true);

will create a rotation around the (0, 0) axis.


For scaling, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the x-axis and y-axis scaling. For example:

  scale: {
   x: 10,
   y: 3
}, true);

You can also specify the center of scaling by adding cx and cy as properties:

  scale: {
   cx: 0,
   cy: 0,
   x: 10,
   y: 3
}, true);

That last example will scale a sprite taking as centers of scaling the (0, 0) coordinate.

setAutoScroll [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the overflow on the content element of the component.

setBodyStyle [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.t]

Sets the body style according to the passed parameters.

setBorder [Ext_panel_Panel.t]
setBorder [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]
setBorderRegion [Ext_Component.t]

This method changes the region config property for this border region. This is only valid if this component is in a border layout (Ext.layout.container.Border).

Defined in override Ext.layout.container.border.Region.

setBox [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the element's box. If animate is true then x, y, width, and height will be animated concurrently.

setCmp [Ext_AbstractPlugin.t]

Sets the component to which this plugin is attached.

setCompleted [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Marks the Operation as completed.

setConfig [Ext_Loader.t]

Set the configuration for the loader. This should be called right after ext-(debug).js is included in the page, and before Ext.onReady. i.e:

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-core-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
      enabled: true,
      paths: {
          'My': 'my_own_path'
<script type="text/javascript">

    Ext.onReady(function() {
      // application code here

Refer to config options of Ext.Loader for the list of possible properties

setContentHeight [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets the contentHeight property. If the component uses raw content, then only the measured height is acceptable.

Calculated values can sometimes be NaN or undefined, which generally mean the calculation is not done. To indicate that such as value was passed, 0 is returned. Otherwise, 1 is returned.

If the caller is not measuring (i.e., they are calculating) and the component has raw content, 1 is returned indicating that the caller is done.

setContentSize [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets the contentWidth and contentHeight properties. If the component uses raw content, then only the measured values are acceptable.

Calculated values can sometimes be NaN or undefined, which generally means that the calculation is not done. To indicate that either passed value was such a value, false returned. Otherwise, true is returned.

If the caller is not measuring (i.e., they are calculating) and the component has raw content, true is returned indicating that the caller is done.

setContentWidth [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets the contentWidth property. If the component uses raw content, then only the measured width is acceptable.

Calculated values can sometimes be NaN or undefined, which generally means that the calculation is not done. To indicate that such as value was passed, 0 is returned. Otherwise, 1 is returned.

If the caller is not measuring (i.e., they are calculating) and the component has raw content, 1 is returned indicating that the caller is done.

setDelta [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Sets the pointer offset. You can call this directly to force the offset to be in a particular location (e.g., pass in 0,0 to set it to the center of the object)

setDirection [Ext_util_Sorter.t]

Set the sorting direction for this sorter.

setDirty [Ext_data_Model.t]

Marks this Record as dirty. This method is used interally when adding phantom records to a writer enabled store.

Marking a record dirty causes the phantom to be returned by where it will have a create action composed for it during model save operations.

setDisabled [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.

setDisabled [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Enable or disable the component.

setDisplayed [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets the CSS display property. Uses originalDisplay if the specified value is a boolean true.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

setDocked [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the dock position of this component in its parent panel. Note that this only has effect if this item is part of the dockedItems collection of a parent that has a DockLayout (note that any Panel has a DockLayout by default)

setDragElId [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Allows you to specify that an element other than the linked element will be moved with the cursor during a drag

setDragElPos [Ext_dd_DD.t]

Sets the drag element to the location of the mousedown or click event, maintaining the cursor location relative to the location on the element that was clicked. Override this if you want to place the element in a location other than where the cursor is.

setEditor [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Sets the form field to be used for editing. Note: This method only has an implementation if an Editing plugin has been enabled on the grid.

setException [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Marks the Operation as having experienced an exception. Can be supplied with an option error message/object.

setExtraParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Sets a value in the underlying extraParams.

setFieldDefaults [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Applies a set of default configuration values to this Labelable instance. For each of the properties in the given object, check if this component hasOwnProperty that config; if not then it's inheriting a default value from its prototype and we should apply the default value.

setFieldLabel [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Set the label of this field.

setFieldStyle [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Set the CSS style of the field input element.

setFields [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Apply a new set of field and/or property definitions to the existing model. This will replace any existing fields, including fields inherited from superclasses. Mainly for reconfiguring the model based on changes in meta data (called from Reader's onMetaChange method).

setFilterFn [Ext_util_Filter.t]

Changes the filtering function which this Filter uses to choose items to include.

This replaces any configured filterFn and overrides any property and {@link #cfg-value) settings.

setGlyph [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Set the glyph for the panel's header. See Ext.panel.Header.glyph. It will fire the glyphchange event after completion.

setGlyph [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets this button's glyph

setGlyphFontFamily [Ext.t]

Sets the default font-family to use for components that support a glyph config.

setHTML [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Set the innerHTML of this element

setHandleElId [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Allows you to specify a child of the linked element that should be used to initiate the drag operation. An example of this would be if you have a content div with text and links. Clicking anywhere in the content area would normally start the drag operation. Use this method to specify that an element inside of the content div is the element that starts the drag operation.

setHandler [Ext_button_Button.t]

Assigns this Button's click handler

setHeight [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets the height and constrains the height to min/maxHeight range.

Overridden in Ext.diag.layout.ContextItem.

setHeight [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Set the height of this Element.

// change the height to 200px and animate with default configuration'elementId').setHeight(200, true);

// change the height to 150px and animate with a custom configuration'elId').setHeight(150, {
    duration : 500, // animation will have a duration of .5 seconds
    // will change the content to "finished"
    callback: function(){ this.update("finished"); }

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

setHeight [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.

setHref [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the href of the embedded anchor element to the passed URL.

Also appends any configured baseParams and parameters set through setParams.

setIcon [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Set the icon for the panel's header. See Ext.panel.Header.icon. It will fire the iconchange event after completion.

setIcon [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the background image (inline style) of the button. This method also changes the value of the icon config internally.

setIconCls [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Set the iconCls for the panel's header. See Ext.panel.Header.iconCls. It will fire the iconclschange event after completion.

setIconCls [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the CSS class that provides a background image to use as the button's icon. This method also changes the value of the iconCls config internally.

setIcon_chainable [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Adds the specified icon to the dialog. By default, the class 'x-messagebox-icon' is applied for default styling, and the class passed in is expected to supply the background image url. Pass in empty string ('') to clear any existing icon. This method must be called before the MessageBox is shown. The following built-in icon classes are supported, but you can also pass in a custom class name:

setId [Ext_data_Model.t]

Sets the model instance's id field to the given id.

setInitPosition [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Stores the initial placement of the linked element.

setLastFocused [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Sets a record as the last focused record. This does NOT mean that the record has been selected.

setLoading [Ext_Component.t]

This method allows you to show or hide a LoadMask on top of this component.

setLocalX [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the local x coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalX, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocalX [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Overridden in Ext.rtl.AbstractComponent.

Sets the local x coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalX, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocalXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the local x and y coordinates of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalXY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocalXY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Overridden in Ext.rtl.AbstractComponent.

Sets the local x and y coordinates of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalXY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocalY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the local y coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocalY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the local y coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.

setLocked [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Locks the current selection and disables any changes from happening to the selection.

setMargin [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the margin on the target element.

setModel [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Sets the model associated with this proxy. This will only usually be called by a Store

setOpacity [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Set the opacity of the element

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

setOuterHandleElId [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Allows you to set an element outside of the linked element as a drag handle

setOverflowXY [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the overflow x/y on the content element of the component. The x/y overflow values can be any valid CSS overflow (e.g., 'auto' or 'scroll'). By default, the value is 'hidden'. Passing null for one of the values will erase the inline style. Passing undefined will preserve the current value.

setPadding [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Configures the padding for the target zone in px. Effectively expands (or reduces) the virtual object size for targeting calculations. Supports css-style shorthand; if only one parameter is passed, all sides will have that padding, and if only two are passed, the top and bottom will have the first param, the left and right the second.

setPagePosition [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition. This method fires the move event.

setParams [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the href of the link dynamically according to the params passed, and any baseParams configured.

Only valid if the Button was originally configured with a href

setPath [Ext_Loader.t]

Sets the path of a namespace. For Example:

Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext', '.');
setPosition [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition. This method fires the move event.

setPositioning [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Set positioning with an object returned by getPositioning.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_position.

setProp [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets a property value. This will unblock and/or trigger dependent layouts if the property value is being changed. Values of NaN and undefined are not accepted by this method.

Overridden in Ext.diag.layout.ContextItem.

setProvider [Ext_state_Manager.t]

Configures the default state provider for your application

setProxy [Ext_data_Model.statics]

Sets the Proxy to use for this model. Accepts any options that can be accepted by Ext.createByAlias.

setProxy [Ext_data_Model.t]

Sets the Proxy to use for this model. Accepts any options that can be accepted by Ext.createByAlias.

setProxy [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Sets the Store's Proxy by string, config object or Proxy instance

setRawValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Sets the field's raw value directly, bypassing value conversion, change detection, and validation. To set the value with these additional inspections see setValue.

setReadOnly [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Sets the read only state of this field.

setReader [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Sets the Proxy's Reader by string, config object or Reader instance

setRegion [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the element's position and size to the specified region. If animation is true then width, height, x and y will be animated concurrently.

setRegionWeight [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the weight config property for this component. This is only valid if this component is in a border layout (Ext.layout.container.Border).

Defined in override Ext.layout.container.border.Region.

setScale [Ext_button_Button.t]

Method to change the scale of the button. See scale for allowed configurations.

setScrollLeft [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets the left scroll position

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

setScrollTop [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets the top scroll position

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_scroll.

setSelectionMode [Ext_selection_Model.t]

Sets the current selectionMode.

setSize [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Sets the size of the surface. Accomodates the background (if any) to fit the new size too.

For example:

drawComponent.surface.setSize(500, 500);

This method is generally called when also setting the size of the draw Component.

setSize [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Set the size of this Element. If animation is true, both width and height will be animated concurrently.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

setSize [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the width and height of this Component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept either width and height as separate arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}.

setStarted [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Marks the Operation as started.

setStatus [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Updates the proxy's visual element to indicate the status of whether or not drop is allowed over the current target element.

setStyle [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Sets CSS style attributes to an element.

For example:

drawComponent.surface.setStyle(sprite, {
    'cursor': 'pointer'
setStyle [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles.

setStyle [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

setSuccessful [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Marks the Operation as successful.

setTarget [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

Binds this ToolTip to the specified element. The tooltip will be displayed when the mouse moves over the element.

setTarget [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Sets an Ext.Element as the target of this loader. Note that if the target is changed, any active requests will be aborted.

setTarget [Ext_ComponentLoader.t]

Set a {Ext.Component} as the target of this loader. Note that if the target is changed, any active requests will be aborted.

setText [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Sets the header text for this Column.

setText [Ext_draw_Surface.t]

Changes the text in the sprite element. The sprite must be a text sprite. This method can also be called from Ext.draw.Sprite.

For example:

var spriteGroup = drawComponent.surface.setText(sprite, 'my new text');
setText [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets this Button's text

setTextAlign [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the text alignment for this button.

setTitle [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Set a title for the panel's header. See Ext.panel.Header.title.

setTitle [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Changes the value of the title for the series. Arguments can take two forms:

  • A single String value: this will be used as the new single title for the series (applies to series with only one yField)
  • A numeric index and a String value: this will set the title for a single indexed yField.
setTitle [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.t]

Updates the title of this axis.

setTooltip [Ext_button_Button.t]

Sets the tooltip for this Button.

setUI [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Sets the UI for the component. This will remove any existing UIs on the component. It will also loop through any uiCls set on the component and rename them so they include the new UI.

setUI [Ext_button_Button.t]

inherit docs

Sets the UI for the component. This will remove any existing UIs on the component. It will also loop through any uiCls set on the component and rename them so they include the new UI.

setUI [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the UI for the component. This will remove any existing UIs on the component. It will also loop through any uiCls set on the component and rename them so they include the new UI.

setValue [Ext_util_Filter.t]

Changes the value that this filter tests its configured (@link #cfg-property} with.

setValue [Ext_form_field_Text.t]

Sets a data value into the field and runs the change detection and validation. Also applies any configured emptyText for text fields. To set the value directly without these inspections see setRawValue.

setValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Sets a data value into the field and runs the change detection and validation.

setValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Sets a data value into the field and runs the change detection and validation. To set the value directly without these inspections see setRawValue.

setValues [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Set values for fields in this form in bulk.

setVersion [Ext.t]

Set version number for the given package name.

setVisibilityMode [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Use this to change the visibility mode between VISIBILITY, DISPLAY, OFFSETS or ASCLASS.

setVisible [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use the display property to hide the element, otherwise it uses visibility. The default is to hide and show using the visibility property.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

setVisible [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Sets the visibility of the element (see details). If the visibilityMode is set to Element.DISPLAY, it will use the display property to hide the element, otherwise it uses visibility. The default is to hide and show using the visibility property.

setVisible [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Convenience function to hide or show this component by Boolean.

setWidth [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

Sets the height and constrains the width to min/maxWidth range.

Overridden in Ext.diag.layout.ContextItem.

setWidth [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Set the width of this Element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

setWidth [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.

setWriter [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Sets the Proxy's Writer by string, config object or Writer instance

setX [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

setX [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

setXConstraint [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Use this method to limit the horizontal travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the y axis.

setXY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the position of the DOM element in page coordinates.

setXY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the position of the DOM element in page coordinates.

setY [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Sets the Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

setY [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Sets the Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.

setYConstraint [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

By default, the element can be dragged any place on the screen. Set this to limit the vertical travel of the element. Pass in 0,0 for the parameters if you want to lock the drag to the x axis.

setZoom [Ext_chart_Navigation.t]

Zooms the chart to the specified selection range. Can be used with a selection mask. For example:

items: {
    xtype: 'chart',
    animate: true,
    store: store1,
    mask: 'horizontal',
    listeners: {
        select: {
            fn: function(me, selection) {
setsHeight [Ext_layout_SizePolicy.t]

Indicates that the height of the component will be set (i.e., calculated).

setsWidth [Ext_layout_SizePolicy.t]

Indicates that the width of the component will be set (i.e., calculated).

shadow [Ext_util_Floating.configs]

Specifies whether the floating component should be given a shadow. Set to true to automatically create an Ext.Shadow, or a string indicating the shadow's display Ext.Shadow.mode. Set to false to disable the shadow.

shadow [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

true or "sides" for the default effect, "frame" for 4-way shadow, and "drop" for bottom-right shadow.

shadowAttributes [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

An array with shadow attributes

shadowOffset [Ext_util_Floating.configs]

Number of pixels to offset the shadow.

shiftKey [Ext_EventObject.t]

True if the shift key was down during the event.

show [Ext_draw_Sprite.t]

Shows the sprite.

show [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See setVisible.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

show [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Show this element - Uses display mode to determine whether to use "display" or "visibility". See setVisible.

show [Ext_Component.t]

Shows this Component, rendering it first if autoRender or floating are true.

After being shown, a floating Component (such as a Ext.window.Window), is activated it and brought to the front of its z-index stack.

show []

Fires after the component is shown when calling the show method.

showAll [Ext_chart_series_Series.t]

Shows all the elements in the series.

showAt [Ext_Component.t]

Displays component at specific xy position. A floating component (like a menu) is positioned relative to its ownerCt if any. Useful for popping up a context menu:

listeners: {
    itemcontextmenu: function(view, record, item, index, event, options) {
        Ext.create('', {
            width: 100,
            height: 100,
            margin: '0 0 10 0',
            items: [{
                text: 'regular item 1'
                text: 'regular item 2'
                text: 'regular item 3'
showAt_arr [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:

// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100
showAt_arr [Ext_tip_Tip.t]

Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:

// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100
showBy [Ext_Component.t]

Shows this component by the specified Component or Element. Used when this component is floating.

showBy_menu [Ext_menu_Menu.t]

Shows this component by the specified Component or Element. Used when this component is floating.

showDelay [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

Delay in milliseconds before the tooltip displays after the mouse enters the target element.

showEmptyMenu [Ext_button_Button.configs]

True to force an attached menu with no items to be shown when clicking this button. By default, the menu will not show if it is empty.

showInLegend [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

Whether to show this series in the legend.

showMenu [Ext_button_Button.t]

Shows this button's menu (if it has one)

showSeparator [Ext_menu_Menu.configs]

True to show the icon separator.

show_column [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Shows this Component, rendering it first if autoRender or floating are true.

After being shown, a floating Component (such as a Ext.window.Window), is activated it and brought to the front of its z-index stack.

show_mask [Ext_LoadMask.t]

Shows this Component, rendering it first if autoRender or floating are true.

After being shown, a floating Component (such as a Ext.window.Window), is activated it and brought to the front of its z-index stack.

show_messagebox [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a new message box, or reinitializes an existing message box, based on the config options passed in. All display functions (e.g. prompt, alert, etc.) on MessageBox call this function internally, although those calls are basic shortcuts and do not support all of the config options allowed here.

Example usage:{
    title: 'Address',
    msg: 'Please enter your address:',
    width: 300,
    buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL,
    multiline: true,
    fn: saveAddress,
    animateTarget: 'addAddressBtn',
    icon: Ext.window.MessageBox.INFO
show_tooltip [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

Shows this tooltip at the current event target XY position.

shrinkWrap [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

If this property is a number, it is interpreted as follows:

  • 0: Neither width nor height depend on content. This is equivalent to false.
  • 1: Width depends on content (shrink wraps), but height does not.
  • 2: Height depends on content (shrink wraps), but width does not. The default.
  • 3: Both width and height depend on content (shrink wrap). This is equivalent to true.

In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children, effectively ignoring this property (e.g., Ext.layout.container.HBox, Ext.layout.container.VBox, Ext.layout.component.Dock).

shrinkWrap [Ext_button_Button.configs]

If this property is a number, it is interpreted as follows:

  • 0: Neither width nor height depend on content. This is equivalent to false.
  • 1: Width depends on content (shrink wraps), but height does not.
  • 2: Height depends on content (shrink wraps), but width does not. The default.
  • 3: Both width and height depend on content (shrink wrap). This is equivalent to true.

In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children, effectively ignoring this property (e.g., Ext.layout.container.HBox, Ext.layout.container.VBox, Ext.layout.component.Dock).

shrinkWrap [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

If this property is a number, it is interpreted as follows:

  • 0: Neither width nor height depend on content. This is equivalent to false.
  • 1: Width depends on content (shrink wraps), but height does not.
  • 2: Height depends on content (shrink wraps), but width does not. The default.
  • 3: Both width and height depend on content (shrink wrap). This is equivalent to true.

In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children, effectively ignoring this property (e.g., Ext.layout.container.HBox, Ext.layout.container.VBox, Ext.layout.component.Dock).

shrinkWrapDock [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

We want to shrinkWrap around all docked items

Allows for this panel to include the dockedItems when trying to determine the overall size of the panel. This option is only applicable when this panel is also shrink wrapping in the same dimensions. See Ext.AbstractComponent.shrinkWrap for an explanation of the configuration options.

shrinkWrapDock [Ext_panel_AbstractPanel.configs]

Allows for this panel to include the dockedItems when trying to determine the overall size of the panel. This option is only applicable when this panel is also shrink wrapping in the same dimensions. See Ext.AbstractComponent.shrinkWrap for an explanation of the configuration options.

simpleDrag [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

When draggable is true, Specify this as true to cause the draggable config to work the same as it does in Window. This Panel just becomes movable. No DragDrop instances receive any notifications. For example:

var win = Ext.create('widget.window', {
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    title: 'Constraining Window',
    closable: false,
    items: {
        title: "Floating Panel",
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        floating: true,
        draggable: true,
        constrain: true,
        simpleDrag: true
// Floating components begin life hidden
win.child('[title=Floating Panel]').show();
simpleGroupMode [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

Enabling simpleGroupMode in conjunction with remoteGroup will only send one group property and a direction when a remote group is requested. The groupDirectionParam and groupParam will be sent with the property name and either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.

simpleSortMode [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

Enabling simpleSortMode in conjunction with remoteSort will only send one sort property and a direction when a remote sort is requested. The directionParam and sortParam will be sent with the property name and either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.

singleSelect [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

Allows selection of exactly one item at a time. As this is the default selection mode anyway, this config is completely ignored.

singleton [Ext_Class.configs]

When set to true, the class will be instantiated as singleton. For example:

Ext.define('Logger', {
    singleton: true,
    log: function(msg) {

size [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

An initial value for the 'size' attribute on the text input element. This is only used if the field has no configured width and is not given a width by its container's layout. Defaults to 20.

slice [Ext_dom_CompositeElementLite.t]

Gets a range nodes.

slideIn [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Slides the element into view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the point of origin for the slide effect. This function automatically handles wrapping the element with a fixed-size container if needed. See the Ext.fx.Anim class overview for valid anchor point options. Usage:

// default: slide the element in from the top

// custom: slide the element in from the right with a 2-second duration
el.slideIn('r', { duration: 2000 });

// common config options shown with default values
el.slideIn('t', {
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

slideOut [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Slides the element out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the end point for the slide effect. When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document. The element must be removed from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired. This function automatically handles wrapping the element with a fixed-size container if needed. See the Ext.fx.Anim class overview for valid anchor point options. Usage:

// default: slide the element out to the top

// custom: slide the element out to the right with a 2-second duration
el.slideOut('r', { duration: 2000 });

// common config options shown with default values
el.slideOut('t', {
    easing: 'easeOut',
    duration: 500,
    remove: false,
    useDisplay: false

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

slider [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.slider.Single.

sliderfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.slider.Single.

slidertip [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.slider.Tip.

snapshot [Ext_data_Store.t]

A pristine (unfiltered) collection of the records in this store. This is used to reinstate records when a filter is removed or changed

sort [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

Sorts the data in the Store by one or more of its properties. Example usage:

//sort by a single field
myStore.sort('myField', 'DESC');

//sorting by multiple fields
        property : 'age',
        direction: 'ASC'
        property : 'name',
        direction: 'DESC'

Internally, Store converts the passed arguments into an array of Ext.util.Sorter instances, and delegates the actual sorting to its internal Ext.util.MixedCollection.

When passing a single string argument to sort, Store maintains a ASC/DESC toggler per field, so this code:


Is equivalent to this code, because Store handles the toggling automatically:

store.sort('myField', 'ASC');
store.sort('myField', 'DESC');
sort [Ext_data_Store.t]

because prefetchData is stored by index this invalidates all of the prefetchedData

Sorts the data in the Store by one or more of its properties. Example usage:

//sort by a single field
myStore.sort('myField', 'DESC');

//sorting by multiple fields
        property : 'age',
        direction: 'ASC'
        property : 'name',
        direction: 'DESC'

Internally, Store converts the passed arguments into an array of Ext.util.Sorter instances, and delegates the actual sorting to its internal Ext.util.MixedCollection.

When passing a single string argument to sort, Store maintains a ASC/DESC toggler per field, so this code:


Is equivalent to this code, because Store handles the toggling automatically:

store.sort('myField', 'ASC');
store.sort('myField', 'DESC');
sortBy [Ext_util_MixedCollection.t]

Sorts the collection by a single sorter function

sortByKey [Ext_util_MixedCollection.t]

Sorts this collection by keys.

sortDir [Ext_data_Field.configs]

Initial direction to sort ("ASC" or "DESC"). Defaults to "ASC".

sortOnFilter [Ext_data_Store.configs]

For local filtering only, causes sort to be called whenever filter is called, causing the sorters to be reapplied after filtering.

sortOnLoad [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

If true, any sorters attached to this Store will be run after loading data, before the datachanged event is fired. Defaults to true, igored if remoteSort is true

sortParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'sort' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'sort'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a sort parameter.

sortRoot [Ext_util_Sortable.configs]

The property in each item that contains the data to sort.

sortType [Ext_data_Field.configs]

A function which converts a Field's value to a comparable value in order to ensure correct sort ordering. Predefined functions are provided in A custom sort example:

// current sort     after sort we want
// +-+------+          +-+------+
// |1|First |          |1|First |
// |2|Last  |          |3|Second|
// |3|Second|          |2|Last  |
// +-+------+          +-+------+

sortType: function(value) {
   switch (value.toLowerCase()) // native toLowerCase():
      case 'first': return 1;
      case 'second': return 2;
      default: return 3;

May also be set to a String value, corresponding to one of the named sort types in

sortable [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

Provides the default sortable state for all Headers within this HeaderContainer. Also turns on or off the menus in the HeaderContainer. Note that the menu is shared across every header and therefore turning it off will remove the menu items for every header.

sortable [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

False to disable sorting of this column. Whether local/remote sorting is used is specified in

sortableColumns [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

False to disable column sorting via clicking the header and via the Sorting menu items.

sortchange []
sortchange []
sorterFn [Ext_util_Sorter.configs]

A specific sorter function to execute. Can be passed instead of property. This sorter function allows for any kind of custom/complex comparisons. The sorterFn receives two arguments, the objects being compared. The function should return:

  • -1 if o1 is "less than" o2
  • 0 if o1 is "equal" to o2
  • 1 if o1 is "greater than" o2
sorters [Ext_util_Sortable.configs]

The initial set of Sorters

sorters [Ext_util_Sortable.t]

The collection of Sorters currently applied to this Store

sorters [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

Optional array of sorter objects. Only applies to 'read' actions.

specialkey []

Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. To handle other keys see Ext.util.KeyMap. You can check Ext.EventObject.getKey to determine which key was pressed. For example:

var form = new Ext.form.Panel({
    items: [{
            fieldLabel: 'Field 1',
            name: 'field1',
            allowBlank: false
            fieldLabel: 'Field 2',
            name: 'field2',
            listeners: {
                specialkey: function(field, e){
                    // e.HOME, e.END, e.PAGE_UP, e.PAGE_DOWN,
                    // e.TAB, e.ESC, arrow keys: e.LEFT, e.RIGHT, e.UP, e.DOWN
                    if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {
                        var form = field.up('form').getForm();
spinnerfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
splitbutton [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.button.Split.

splitter [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
src [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

Path to the image to show in image sprites.

standardSubmit [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

If set to true, a standard HTML form submit is used instead of a XHR (Ajax) style form submission. All of the field values, plus any additional params configured via baseParams and/or the options to submit, will be included in the values submitted in the form.

start [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

The start index (offset), used in paging when running a 'read' action.

start [Ext_data_Batch.t]

Kicks off execution of the batch, continuing from the next operation if the previous operation encountered an exception, or if execution was paused. Use this method to start the batch for the first time or to restart a paused batch by skipping the current unsuccessful operation.

To retry processing the current operation before continuing to the rest of the batch (e.g. because you explicitly handled the operation's exception), call retry instead.

Note that if the batch is already running any call to start will be ignored.

startAutoRefresh [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Automatically refreshes the content over a specified period.

startDrag [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Abstract method called after a drag/drop object is clicked and the drag or mousedown time thresholds have beeen met.

startEdit [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.t]

Starts editing the specified record, using the specified Column definition to define which field is being edited.

startParam [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The name of the 'start' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'start'. Set this to undefined if you don't want to send a start parameter.

startPolling [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Start an interval task to continuously poll all the fields in the form for changes in their values. This is normally started automatically by setting the pollForChanges config.

state [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

State variables that are cleared when invalidated. Only applies to component items.

stateEvents [Ext_state_Stateful.configs]

An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this object to save its state. Defaults to none. stateEvents may be any type of event supported by this object, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']).

See stateful for an explanation of saving and restoring object state.

stateId [Ext_state_Stateful.configs]

The unique id for this object to use for state management purposes.

See stateful for an explanation of saving and restoring state.

stateId [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

An identifier which identifies this column uniquely within the owning grid's state.

This does not have to be globally unique. A column's state is not saved standalone. It is encapsulated within the owning grid's state.

statechange []

Fires when a state change occurs.

stateful [Ext_state_Stateful.configs]

A flag which causes the object to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup. The object must have a stateId for state to be managed.

Auto-generated ids are not guaranteed to be stable across page loads and cannot be relied upon to save and restore the same state for a object.

For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of Ext.state.Provider which overrides the set and get methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, Ext.state.CookieProvider is available.

To set the state provider for the current page:

Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({ expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(10006060247)), //7 days from now }));

A stateful object attempts to save state when one of the events listed in the stateEvents configuration fires.

To save state, a stateful object first serializes its state by calling getState.

The Component base class implements getState to save its width and height within the state only if they were initially configured, and have changed from the configured value.

The Panel class saves its collapsed state in addition to that.

The Grid class saves its column state in addition to its superclass state.

If there is more application state to be save, the developer must provide an implementation which first calls the superclass method to inherit the above behaviour, and then injects new properties into the returned object.

The value yielded by getState is passed to Ext.state.Manager.set which uses the configured Ext.state.Provider to save the object keyed by the stateId.

During construction, a stateful object attempts to restore its state by calling Ext.state.Manager.get passing the stateId

The resulting object is passed to applyState*. The default implementation of applyState simply copies properties into the object, but a developer may override this to support restoration of more complex application state.

You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the beforestaterestore, staterestore, beforestatesave and statesave events.

statefulFilters [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

Configure as true to have the filters saved when a client grid saves its state.

staterestore []

Fires after the state of the object is restored.

statesave []

Fires after the state of the object is saved to the configured state provider.

statics [Ext_Class.configs]

List of static methods for this class. For example:

Ext.define('Computer', {
     statics: {
         factory: function(brand) {
             // 'this' in static methods refer to the class itself
             return new this(brand);

     constructor: function() { ... }

var dellComputer = Computer.factory('Dell');
statics [Ext_Base.t]

Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike self, this.statics() is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what this points to during run-time

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        totalCreated: 0,
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        var statics = this.statics();

        alert(statics.speciesName);     // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
                                        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'


    clone: function() {
        var cloned = new this.self;                      // dependent on 'this'

        cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;   // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        return cloned;

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',

    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'     // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

    constructor: function() {

var cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'

var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
alert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'

alert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3
stop [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Stops the repair animation if it's currently running

stopAnimation [Ext_util_Animate.t]

Stops any running effects and clears this object's internal effects queue if it contains any additional effects that haven't started yet.

stopAutoRefresh [Ext_ElementLoader.t]

Clears any auto refresh. See startAutoRefresh.

stopEvent [Ext_EventObject.t]

Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation)

stopEvent [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

Specify true to stop the mousedown event from bubbling to outer listeners from the target element (or its delegates).

stopPolling [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Stop a running interval task that was started by startPolling.

stopPropagation [Ext_EventObject.t]

Cancels bubbling of the event.

store [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

The to bind this DataView to.

store [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

The Store the grid should use as its data source.

store [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

Optional Store to which the mask is bound. The mask is displayed when a load request is issued, and hidden on either load success, or load fail.

store [Ext_data_Model.t]

The Store to which this instance belongs. NOTE: If this instance is bound to multiple stores, this property will reference only the first. To examine all the stores, use the stores property instead.

store [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

The store that supplies data to this chart.

storeId [Ext_data_AbstractStore.configs]

Unique identifier for this store. If present, this Store will be registered with the, making it easy to reuse elsewhere.

Note that when store is instatiated by Controller, the storeId will be overridden by the name of the store.

stores [Ext_data_Model.t]

The Stores to which this instance is bound.

stores [Ext_app_Controller.configs]

Array of stores to require from namespace and to generate getter methods for. For example:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",
     stores: ['Users', 'Vehicles']

This is equivalent to:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",

     requires: [

     getUsersStore: function() {
         return this.getStore("Users");

     getVehiclesStore: function() {
         return this.getStore("Vehicles");
stripCharsRe [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A JavaScript RegExp object used to strip unwanted content from the value during input. If stripCharsRe is specified, every character sequence matching stripCharsRe will be removed.

stripScripts [Ext_util_Format.t]

Strips all script tags.

stripTags [Ext_util_Format.t]

Strips all HTML tags.

stripeRows [Ext_view_Table.configs]

True to stripe the rows.

This causes the CSS class x-grid-row-alt to be added to alternate rows of the grid. A default CSS rule is provided which sets a background color, but you can override this with a rule which either overrides the background-color style using the !important modifier, or which uses a CSS selector of higher specificity.

stripeRows [Ext_grid_View.configs]

True to stripe the rows.

This causes the CSS class x-grid-row-alt to be added to alternate rows of the grid. A default CSS rule is provided which sets a background color, but you can override this with a rule which either overrides the background-color style using the !important modifier, or which uses a CSS selector of higher specificity.

stroke [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The stroke color.

stroke_width [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The width of the stroke.

Note that this attribute needs to be quoted when used. Like so:

"stroke-width": 12,
style [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to Ext.Element.applyStyles.

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    title: 'Some Title',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    width: 400, height: 300,
    layout: 'form',
    items: [{
        xtype: 'textarea',
        style: {
            width: '95%',
            marginBottom: '10px'
    new Ext.button.Button({
        text: 'Send',
        minWidth: '100',
        style: {
            marginBottom: '10px'
subGridXType [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

The xtype of the subgrid to specify. If this is not specified lockable will determine the subgrid xtype to create by the following rule. Use the superclasses xtype if the superclass is NOT tablepanel, otherwise use the xtype itself.

submit [Ext_form_Panel.t]

This is a proxy for the underlying BasicForm's Ext.form.Basic.submit call.

submit [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Shortcut to do a submit action. This will use the AJAX submit action by default. If the standardSubmit config is enabled it will use a standard form element to submit, or if the api config is present it will use the submit action.

The following code:

    clientValidation: true,
    url: 'updateConsignment.php',
    params: {
        newStatus: 'delivered'
    success: function(form, action) {
       Ext.Msg.alert('Success', action.result.msg);
    failure: function(form, action) {
        switch (action.failureType) {
            case Ext.form.action.Action.CLIENT_INVALID:
                Ext.Msg.alert('Failure', 'Form fields may not be submitted with invalid values');
            case Ext.form.action.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE:
                Ext.Msg.alert('Failure', 'Ajax communication failed');
            case Ext.form.action.Action.SERVER_INVALID:
               Ext.Msg.alert('Failure', action.result.msg);

would process the following server response for a successful submission:

    "success":true, // note this is Boolean, not string
    "msg":"Consignment updated"

and the following server response for a failed submission:

    "success":false, // note this is Boolean, not string
    "msg":"You do not have permission to perform this operation"
submit []

Fires when a form is submitted.

submitEmptyText [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

If set to true, the emptyText value will be sent with the form when it is submitted.

submitValue [Ext_form_field_Field.configs]

Setting this to false will prevent the field from being submitted even when it is not disabled.

substr [Ext_util_Format.t]

Returns a substring from within an original string.

subtract [Ext_Date.t]

Provides a convenient method for performing basic date arithmetic. This method does not modify the Date instance being called - it creates and returns a new Date instance containing the resulting date value.


// Basic usage:
var dt = Ext.Date.subtract(new Date('10/29/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, 5);
console.log(dt); // returns 'Tue Oct 24 2006 00:00:00'

// Negative values will be added:
var dt2 = Ext.Date.subtract(new Date('10/1/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, -5);
console.log(dt2); // returns 'Fri Oct 6 2006 00:00:00'

 // Decimal values can be used:
var dt3 = Ext.Date.subtract(new Date('10/1/2006'), Ext.Date.DAY, 1.25);
console.log(dt3); // returns 'Fri Sep 29 2006 06:00:00'
success [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The function to call when a valid success return packet is received.

success [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

A function to be called when a load request is successful. Will be called with the following config parameters:

  • this - The ElementLoader instance.
  • response - The response object.
  • options - Ajax options.
success [Ext_data_ResultSet.configs]

True if the ResultSet loaded successfully, false if any errors were encountered.

successProperty [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

Name of the property from which to retrieve the success attribute, the value of which indicates whether a given request succeeded or failed (typically a boolean or 'true'|'false'). See for additional information.

sum [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Collects all of the values of the given property and returns their sum

sum [Ext_data_Store.t]

Sums the value of field for each record in store and returns the result.

When store is filtered, only sums items within the filter.

surface [Ext_draw_Component.t]

The Surface instance managed by this component.

suspendAutoSync [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Suspends automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true

suspendEvent [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Suspends firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to suspend events, the events will no longer fire when requested to fire.

Note that if this is called multiple times for a certain event, the converse method resumeEvent will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.

suspendEvents [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Suspends the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)

suspendLayout [Ext_container_AbstractContainer.configs]

If true, suspend calls to doLayout. Useful when batching multiple adds to a container and not passing them as multiple arguments or an array.

suspendLayouts [Ext_AbstractComponent.statics]

Stops layouts from happening in the whole framework.

It's useful to suspend the layout activity while updating multiple components and containers:

// batch of updates...

Ext.suspendLayouts is alias of suspendLayouts.

See also Ext.batchLayouts for more abstract way of doing this.

suspendLayouts [Ext.t]
swallowEvent [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Stops the specified event(s) from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action

switchOff [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Blinks the element as if it was clicked and then collapses on its center (similar to switching off a television). When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document. The element must be removed from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired. Usage:

// default

// all config options shown with default values
    easing: 'easeIn',
    duration: .3,
    remove: false,
    useDisplay: false

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_anim.

sync [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Force the Layer to sync its shadow and shim positions to the element

sync [Ext_data_AbstractStore.t]

Synchronizes the store with its proxy. This asks the proxy to batch together any new, updated and deleted records in the store, updating the store's internal representation of the records as each operation completes.

syncFx [Ext_util_Animate.t]

Ensures that all effects queued after syncFx is called on this object are run concurrently. This is the opposite of sequenceFx.

syncRequire [Ext_Loader.t]

Synchronously loads all classes by the given names and all their direct dependencies; optionally executes the given callback function when finishes, within the optional scope.

Ext.syncRequire is alias for syncRequire.

syncRequire [Ext.t]

Synchronously loads all classes by the given names and all their direct dependencies; optionally executes the given callback function when finishes, within the optional scope.

syncRequire is alias for Ext.Loader.syncRequire.

syncRowHeight [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.configs]

Synchronize rowHeight between the normal and locked grid view. This is turned on by default. If your grid is guaranteed to have rows of all the same height, you should set this to false to optimize performance.

syncRowHeights [Ext_grid_locking_Lockable.t]

Synchronizes the row heights between the locked and non locked portion of the grid for each row. If one row is smaller than the other, the height will be increased to match the larger one.

synchronous [Ext_data_Operation.configs]

True if this Operation is to be executed synchronously. This property is inspected by a Batch to see if a series of Operations can be executed in parallel or not.

tab [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

tabIndex [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo

tabIndex [Ext_button_Button.configs]

Set a DOM tabIndex for this button.

tabbar [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

tablepanel [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.panel.Table.

tableview [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.view.Table.

tabpanel [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for

target [Ext_util_KeyMap.configs]

The object on which to listen for the event specified by the eventName config option.

target [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

The target element or string id to monitor for mouseover events to trigger showing this ToolTip.

target [Ext_tip_QuickTip.configs]

The target HTMLElement, Ext.Element or id to associate with this Quicktip.

Defaults to the document.

target [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

The Component you wish to mask. The the mask will be automatically sized upon Component resize, and the message box will be kept centered.

target [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

The target element for the loader. It can be the DOM element, the id or an Ext.Element.

target [Ext_ComponentLoader.configs]

The target Ext.Component for the loader. If a string is passed it will be looked up via the id.

tbar [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

Convenience config. Short for 'Top Bar'.

tbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'top',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }
tbfill [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.toolbar.Fill.

tbitem [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.toolbar.Item.

tbseparator [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
tbspacer [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.toolbar.Spacer.

tbtext [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
tdCls [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

A CSS class names to apply to the table cells for this column.

template [Ext_button_Button.t]

A Template used to create the Button's DOM structure.

Instances, or subclasses which need a different DOM structure may provide a different template layout in conjunction with an implementation of getTemplateArgs.

templatecolumn [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
text [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The header text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to display in the Grid. Note: to have a clickable header with no text displayed you can use the default of &#160; aka &nbsp;.

text [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.draw.Text.

text [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The actual text to render in text sprites.

text [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The button text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted).

textAlign [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The text alignment for this button (center, left, right).

textEl [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Element that contains the text in column header.

textarea [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
textareafield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
textchange []

Fired when the button's text is changed by the setText method.

textfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.Text.

theme [Ext_chart_Chart.configs]

The name of the theme to be used. A theme defines the colors and other visual displays of tick marks on axis, text, title text, line colors, marker colors and styles, etc. Possible theme values are 'Base', 'Green', 'Sky', 'Red', 'Purple', 'Blue', 'Yellow' and also six category themes 'Category1' to 'Category6'. Default value is 'Base'.

thousandSeparator [Ext_util_Format.t]

The character that the number function uses as a thousand separator.

This may be overridden in a locale file.

timefield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.form.field.Time.

timeout [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

Timeout for form actions in seconds.

timeout [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The number of seconds to wait for a server response before failing with the failureType as CONNECT_FAILURE. If not specified, defaults to the configured timeout of the form.

timeout [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The number of milliseconds to wait for a response. Defaults to 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).

timepicker [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.picker.Time.

tip [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.tip.Tip.

tips [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Alias of register.

Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. See Ext.tip.QuickTip.register for details.

tips [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

Add tooltips to the visualization's markers. The options for the tips are the same configuration used with Ext.tip.ToolTip. For example:

tips: {
  trackMouse: true,
  width: 140,
  height: 28,
  renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
    this.setTitle(storeItem.get('name') + ': ' + storeItem.get('data1') + ' views');
title [Ext_window_MessageBox.configs]

The title text to be used to display in the panel header. When a title is specified the Ext.panel.Header will automatically be created and displayed unless header is set to false.

title [Ext_tip_QuickTip.configs]

Force creation of header Component

The title text to be used to display in the panel header. When a title is specified the Ext.panel.Header will automatically be created and displayed unless header is set to false.

title [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The title text to be used to display in the panel header. When a title is specified the Ext.panel.Header will automatically be created and displayed unless header is set to false.

title [Ext_chart_series_Series.configs]

The human-readable name of the series.

title [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

The title for the Axis

titleAlign [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

The alignment of the title text within the available space between the icon and the tools.

May be "left", "right" or "center". Defaults to the browser's natural behavior depending on the css direction property - "left" when direction is ltr and "right" when direction is rtl (see Ext.AbstractComponent.rtl).

titleCollapse [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

true to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false) to allow it only by clicking to tool button). When a panel is used in a border layout, the floatable option can influence the behavior of collapsing.

titlechange []

Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.

titlechange []

Fires when the series title is changed via setTitle.

toArray [Ext_Version.t]

Returns this format: [major, minor, patch, build, release]. Useful for comparison

toArray [Ext.t]

Converts any iterable (numeric indices and a length property) into a true array.

function test() {
    var args = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments),
        fromSecondToLastArgs = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments, 1);

    alert(args.join(' '));
    alert(fromSecondToLastArgs.join(' '));

test('just', 'testing', 'here'); // alerts 'just testing here';
                                 // alerts 'testing here';

Ext.Array.toArray(document.getElementsByTagName('div')); // will convert the NodeList into an array
Ext.Array.toArray('splitted'); // returns ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't', 't', 'e', 'd']
Ext.Array.toArray('splitted', 0, 3); // returns ['s', 'p', 'l']

Ext.toArray is alias for Ext.Array.toArray

toBack [Ext_util_Floating.t]

Sends this Component to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows

toFront [Ext_util_Floating.t]

Brings this floating Component to the front of any other visible, floating Components managed by the same ZIndexManager

If this Component is modal, inserts the modal mask just below this Component in the z-index stack.

toFrontOnShow [Ext_Component.configs]

True to automatically call toFront when the show method is called on an already visible, floating component.

toString [Ext_util_Point.t]

Returns a human-eye-friendly string that represents this point, useful for debugging

toString [Ext_Error.t]

Provides a custom string representation of the error object. This is an override of the base JavaScript Object.toString method, which is useful so that when logged to the browser console, an error object will be displayed with a useful message instead of [object Object], the default toString result.

The default implementation will include the error message along with the raising class and method, if available, but this can be overridden with a custom implementation either at the prototype level (for all errors) or on a particular error instance, if you want to provide a custom description that will show up in the console.

toString [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

toString method

toString [Ext_dd_DDTarget.t]

toString method

toString [Ext_dd_DDProxy.t]

toString method

toString [Ext_dd_DD.t]

toString method

toggle [Ext_util_Sorter.t]

Toggles the sorting direction for this sorter.

toggle [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Toggles the element's visibility or display, depending on visibility mode.

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_fx.

toggle []

Fires when the 'pressed' state of this button changes (only if enableToggle = true)

toggle [Ext_button_Button.t]

If a state it passed, it becomes the pressed state otherwise the current state is toggled.

toggleCls [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it).

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

toggleCollapse [Ext_panel_Panel.t]

Shortcut for performing an expand or collapse based on the current state of the panel.

toggleGroup [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The group this toggle button is a member of (only 1 per group can be pressed). If a toggleGroup is specified, the enableToggle configuration will automatically be set to true.

toggleHandler [Ext_button_Button.configs]

Function called when a Button with enableToggle set to true is clicked.

toggleMaximize [Ext_window_Window.t]

A shortcut method for toggling between maximize and restore based on the current maximized state of the window.

toggleOnClick [Ext_selection_Model.configs]

true to toggle the selection state of an item when clicked. Only applicable when the mode is 'SINGLE'. Only applicable when the allowDeselect is 'true'.

tolerance [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

Number of pixels the drag target must be moved before dragging is considered to have started.

tool [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.panel.Tool.

toolbar [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.toolbar.Toolbar.

tools [Ext_panel_Panel.configs]

An array of Ext.panel.Tool configs/instances to be added to the header tool area. The tools are stored as child components of the header container. They can be accessed using down and {query}, as well as the other component methods. The toggle tool is automatically created if collapsible is set to true.

Note that, apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior.

Example usage:

    tooltip: 'Refresh form Data',
    // hidden:true,
    handler: function(event, toolEl, panelHeader) {
        // refresh logic
    tooltip: 'Get Help',
    callback: function(panel, tool, event) {
        // show help here

The difference between handler and callback is the signature. For details on the distinction, see Ext.panel.Tool.

tooltip [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

A tooltip to display for this column header

tooltip [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.tip.ToolTip.

tooltip [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The tooltip for the button - can be a string to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) or QuickTips config object.

tooltipType [Ext_grid_column_Column.configs]

The type of tooltip to use. Either 'qtip' for QuickTips or 'title' for title attribute.

tooltipType [Ext_button_Button.configs]

The type of tooltip to use. Either 'qtip' for QuickTips or 'title' for title attribute.

total [Ext_data_ResultSet.configs]

The total number of records reported by the data source. This ResultSet may form a subset of those records (see count).

total [Ext_data_Batch.t]

The total number of operations in this batch. Read only

totalProperty [Ext_data_reader_Reader.configs]

Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole dataset is not passed in one go, but is being paged from the remote server.

tpl [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

The HTML fragment or an array of fragments that will make up the template used by this DataView. This should be specified in the same format expected by the constructor of Ext.XTemplate.

tpl [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode configurations.

tplWriteMode [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The Ext.(X)Template method to use when updating the content area of the Component. See Ext.XTemplate.overwrite for information on default mode.

trackMouse [Ext_tip_ToolTip.configs]

True to have the tooltip follow the mouse as it moves over the target element.

trackOver [Ext_view_Table.configs]

cfg docs inherited

When true the overItemCls will be applied to rows when hovered over. This in return will also cause highlightitem and unhighlightitem events to be fired.

Enabled automatically when the overItemCls config is set.

trackOver [Ext_view_AbstractView.configs]

When true the overItemCls will be applied to rows when hovered over. This in return will also cause highlightitem and unhighlightitem events to be fired.

Enabled automatically when the overItemCls config is set.

trackOver [Ext_dd_DragTracker.configs]

Set to true to fire mouseover and mouseout events when the mouse enters or leaves the target element.

This is implicitly set when an overCls is specified.

If the delegate option is used, these events fire only when a delegate element is entered of left.

trackResetOnLoad [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

If set to true, reset() resets to the last loaded or setValues() data instead of when the form was first created.

trailingBufferZone [Ext_data_Store.configs]

When buffered, the number of extra records to keep cached on the trailing side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server.

transform [Ext_util_Sorter.configs]

A function that will be run on each value before it is compared in the sorter. The function will receive a single argument, the value.

transformOriginalValue [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Allows for any necessary modifications before the original value is set

transformRawValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Transform the raw value before it is set

translate [Ext_util_Point.t]

Alias for translateBy

Translate this region by the given offset amount

translateBy [Ext_util_Region.t]

Translate this region by the given offset amount

translatePoints [Ext_util_Positionable.t]

Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for the element

treepanel [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.tree.Panel.

treeview [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.tree.View.

trigger [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
triggerEl [Ext_grid_column_Column.t]

Element that acts as button for column header dropdown menu.

triggerElement [Ext_tip_ToolTip.t]

When a ToolTip is configured with the delegate option to cause selected child elements of the target Element to each trigger a separate show event, this property is set to the DOM element which triggered the show.

triggerEvent [Ext_grid_plugin_Editing.configs]

The event which triggers editing. Supercedes the clicksToEdit configuration. Maybe one of:

  • cellclick
  • celldblclick
  • cellfocus
  • rowfocus
triggerfield [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
trim [Ext_util_Format.t]

Alias for Ext.String.trim.

Trims whitespace from either end of a string, leaving spaces within the string intact. Example:

var s = '  foo bar  ';
alert('-' + s + '-');                   //alerts "- foo bar -"
alert('-' + Ext.String.trim(s) + '-');  //alerts "-foo bar-"
trimLabelSeparator [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Returns the trimmed label by slicing off the label separator character. Can be overridden.

typeOf [Ext.t]

Returns the type of the given variable in string format. List of possible values are:

  • undefined: If the given value is undefined
  • null: If the given value is null
  • string: If the given value is a string
  • number: If the given value is a number
  • boolean: If the given value is a boolean value
  • date: If the given value is a Date object
  • function: If the given value is a function reference
  • object: If the given value is an object
  • array: If the given value is an array
  • regexp: If the given value is a regular expression
  • element: If the given value is a DOM Element
  • textnode: If the given value is a DOM text node and contains something other than whitespace
  • whitespace: If the given value is a DOM text node and contains only whitespace

ui [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

A UI style for a component.

un [Ext_util_Observable.t]

Shorthand for removeListener.

Removes an event handler.

un [Ext_util_KeyMap.t]

Shorthand for removing a single key listener.

un [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Removes an event handler from this element.

Note: if a scope was explicitly specified when adding the listener, the same scope must be specified here.


el.un('click', this.handlerFn);
// or
el.removeListener('click', this.handlerFn);
un [Ext.t]

Shorthand for the Ext.util.Observable.removeListener method of the globalEvents Observable instance.

Removes an event handler.

unHighlightItem [Ext_chart_Highlight.t]

Un-highlight any existing highlights

unbindStoreListeners [Ext_util_Bindable.t]

Unbinds listeners from this component to the store. By default it will remove anything bound by the bindStoreListeners method, however it can be overridden in a subclass to provide any more complicated handling.

unclip [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Return clipping (overflow) to original clipping before clip was called

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

undef [Ext_util_Format.t]

Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined.

unescapeFormat [Ext_Date.t]

Removes all escaping for a date format string. In date formats, using a '\' can be used to escape special characters.

unfloat []

Fires after a "floated" Panel has returned to it's collapsed state as a result of the mouse leaving the Panel. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Border Layout.

unhighlightitem []

Fires when a node is unhighlighted using keyboard navigation, or mouseout.

union [Ext_util_Region.t]

Returns the smallest region that contains the current AND targetRegion.

unitizeBox [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.statics]

Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result)

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static.

unjoin [Ext_data_Model.t]

Tells this model instance that it has been removed from the store.

unload []

Fires when the user agent removes all content from a window or frame. For elements, it fires when the target element or any of its content has been removed.

unlock [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Unlocks this instace

unlockcolumn []

Fires when a column is unlocked.

unmask [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Hides a previously applied mask.

unmask [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Removes a previously applied mask.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style.

unreg [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Removes all drag and drop hooks for this element

unregister [Ext_ZIndexManager.t]

Unregisters a Ext.Component from this ZIndexManager. This should not need to be called. Components are automatically unregistered upon destruction. See register.

unregister [Ext_tip_QuickTipManager.t]

Removes any registered quick tip from the target element and destroys it.

unregister [Ext_tip_QuickTip.t]

Removes this quick tip from its element and destroys it.

unselectable [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Disables text selection for this element (normalized across browsers)

Defined in override Ext.dom.Element_style.

unsetActiveError [Ext_form_Labelable.t]

Clears the active error message(s). Note that this only clears the error message element's text and attributes, you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends Ext.form.field.Base you should call clearInvalid instead.

up [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Walks up the DOM looking for a parent node that matches the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child). This is a shortcut for findParentNode() that always returns an Ext.dom.Element.

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal.

up [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Navigates up the ownership hierarchy searching for an ancestor Container which matches any passed simple selector or component.

Important. There is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. There are several upwards relationships such as the button which activates a menu, or the menu item which activated a submenu, or the column header which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by this method.


var owningTabPanel = grid.up('tabpanel');
update [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Update the innerHTML of this element

update [Ext_data_proxy_Server.t]

Performs the given update operation.

update [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t]

Performs the given update operation.

update []

Fires when a Model instance has been updated.

update [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Update the content area of a component.

updateBox [Ext_Component.t]

Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.

updateKey [Ext_util_AbstractMixedCollection.t]

Change the key for an existing item in the collection. If the old key does not exist this is a no-op.

updateLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.statics]

Updates layout of a component.

updateLayout [Ext_AbstractComponent.t]

Updates this component's layout. If this update affects this components ownerCt, that component's updateLayout method will be called to perform the layout instead. Otherwise, just this component (and its child items) will layout.

updateProgress [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Updates a progress-style message box's text and progress bar. Only relevant on message boxes initiated via progress or wait, or by calling show with progress: true.

updateRecord [Ext_form_Panel.t]

Persists the values in this form into the passed object in a beginEdit/endEdit block. If the record is not specified, it will attempt to update (if it exists) the record provided to loadRecord.

updateRecord [Ext_form_Basic.t]

Persists the values in this form into the passed object in a beginEdit/endEdit block. If the record is not specified, it will attempt to update (if it exists) the record provided to loadRecord.

updateSortFunction [Ext_util_Sorter.t]

Update the sort function for this sorter.

update_html [Ext_dom_Element.t]

Updates the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts.

update_html [Ext_dd_StatusProxy.t]

Updates the contents of the ghost element

uppercase [Ext_util_Format.t]

Converts a string to all upper case letters.

url [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

The URL to use for form actions if one isn't supplied in the doAction options.

url [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The URL that the Action is to invoke. Will default to the url configured on the form.

url [Ext_ElementLoader.configs]

The url to retrieve the content from.

url [Ext_data_Request.configs]

The url to access on this Request

url [Ext_data_proxy_Server.configs]

The URL from which to request the data object.

usMoney [Ext_util_Format.t]

Format a number as US currency.

useMsg [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

Whether or not to use a loading message class or simply mask the bound element.

useNull [Ext_data_Field.configs]

Use when converting received data into a INT, FLOAT, BOOL or STRING type. If the value cannot be parsed, null will be used if useNull is true, otherwise a default value for that type will be used:

  • for INT and FLOAT - 0.
  • for STRING - "".
  • for BOOL - false.

Note that when parsing of DATE type fails, the value will be null regardless of this setting.

useShims [Ext.t]

By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed. If you are using flash, you may want to set this to true.

useStrict [Ext_Date.t]

Global flag which determines if strict date parsing should be used. Strict date parsing will not roll-over invalid dates, which is the default behavior of JavaScript Date objects. (see parse for more information)

useTargetEl [Ext_LoadMask.configs]

True to mask the targetEl of the bound Component. By default, the el will be masked.

uses [Ext_Class.configs]

List of optional classes to load together with this class. These aren't neccessarily loaded before this class is created, but are guaranteed to be available before Ext.onReady listeners are invoked. For example:

Ext.define('Mother', {
    uses: ['Child'],
    giveBirth: function() {
        // This code might, or might not work:
        // return new Child();

        // Instead use Ext.create() to load the class at the spot if not loaded already:
        return Ext.create('Child');

validate [Ext_form_field_Field.t]

Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by validating the field's current value, and fires the validitychange event if the field's validity has changed since the last validation. Note: disabled fields are always treated as valid.

Custom implementations of this method are allowed to have side-effects such as triggering error message display. To validate without side-effects, use isValid.

validate [Ext_data_Model.t]

Validates the current data against all of its configured validations.

validateBlank [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

Specify as true to modify the behaviour of allowBlank so that blank values are not passed as valid, but are subject to any configure vtype validation.

validateOnBlur [Ext_form_field_Base.configs]

Whether the field should validate when it loses focus. This will cause fields to be validated as the user steps through the fields in the form regardless of whether they are making changes to those fields along the way. See also validateOnChange.

validateOnChange [Ext_form_field_Field.configs]

Specifies whether this field should be validated immediately whenever a change in its value is detected. If the validation results in a change in the field's validity, a validitychange event will be fired. This allows the field to show feedback about the validity of its contents immediately as the user is typing.

When set to false, feedback will not be immediate. However the form will still be validated before submitting if the clientValidation option to Ext.form.Basic.doAction is enabled, or if the field or form are validated manually.

See also Ext.form.field.Base.checkChangeEvents for controlling how changes to the field's value are detected.

validateValue [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Uses getErrors to build an array of validation errors. If any errors are found, they are passed to markInvalid and false is returned, otherwise true is returned.

Previously, subclasses were invited to provide an implementation of this to process validations - from 3.2 onwards getErrors should be overridden instead.

validateedit []

Fires after editing, but before the value is set in the record. Return false from event handler to cancel the change.

Usage example showing how to remove the red triangle (dirty record indicator) from some records (not all). By observing the grid's validateedit event, it can be cancelled if the edit occurs on a targeted row (for example) and then setting the field's new value in the Record directly:

grid.on('validateedit', function(editor, e) {
  var myTargetRow = 6;

  if (e.rowIdx == myTargetRow) {
    e.cancel = true;[e.field] = e.value;
validations [Ext_data_Model.configs]

An array of validations for this model.

validator [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A custom validation function to be called during field validation (getErrors). If specified, this function will be called first, allowing the developer to override the default validation process.

This function will be passed the following parameters:

validitychange []

Fires when the validity of the entire form changes.

validitychange []

Fires when a change in the field's validity is detected.

validitychange []

Fires when the validity of the entire form changes.

value [Ext_util_Filter.configs]

The value to filter on. Required unless a filterFn is passed.

value [Ext_form_field_Field.configs]

A value to initialize this field with.

valueFrom [Ext.t]

Returns the given value itself if it's not empty, as described in isEmpty; returns the default value (second argument) otherwise.

valueToRaw [Ext_form_field_Base.t]

Converts a mixed-type value to a raw representation suitable for displaying in the field. This allows controlling how value objects passed to setValue are shown to the user, including localization. For instance, for a Ext.form.field.Date, this would control how a Date object passed to setValue would be converted to a String for display in the field.

See rawToValue for the opposite conversion.

The base implementation simply does a standard toString conversion, and converts empty values to an empty string.

verticalScroller [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

A config object to be used when configuring the scroll monitor to control refreshing of data in an "infinite grid".

Configurations of this object allow fine tuning of data caching which can improve performance and usability of the infinite grid.

view [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

The Ext.view.Table used by the grid. Use viewConfig to just supply some config options to view (instead of creating an entire View instance).

view [Ext_grid_feature_Feature.t]

Reference to the TableView.

viewBox [Ext_draw_Component.configs]

Turn on view box support which will scale and position items in the draw component to fit to the component while maintaining aspect ratio. Note that this scaling can override other sizing settings on your items.

viewConfig [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for Ext.view.Table can be specified here. This option is ignored if view is specified.

viewType [Ext_panel_Table.configs]

An xtype of view to use. This is automatically set to 'gridview' by Grid and to 'treeview' by Tree.

viewType [Ext_grid_Panel.configs]

An xtype of view to use. This is automatically set to 'gridview' by Grid and to 'treeview' by Tree.

viewport [Ext_enums_Widget.t]
viewready []

Fires when the View's item elements representing Store items has been rendered. If the deferInitialRefresh flag was set (and it is true by default), this will be after initial render, and no items will be available for selection until this event fires.

viewready []

Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row).

views [Ext_app_Controller.configs]

Array of views to require from AppName.view namespace and to generate getter methods for. For example:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",
     views: ['List', 'Detail']

This is equivalent of:

 Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     extend: "",
     requires: ['MyApp.view.List', 'MyApp.view.Detail'],

     getListView: function() {
         return this.getView("List");

     getDetailView: function() {
         return this.getView("Detail");
vtype [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A validation type name as defined in Ext.form.field.VTypes

vtypeText [Ext_form_field_Text.configs]

A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field. Note: only applies if vtype is set, else ignored.

wait [Ext_window_MessageBox.t]

Displays a message box with an infinitely auto-updating progress bar. This can be used to block user interaction while waiting for a long-running process to complete that does not have defined intervals. You are responsible for closing the message box when the process is complete.

waitMsg [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The message to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait during the time the action is being processed.

waitMsgTarget [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

By default wait messages are displayed with Ext.MessageBox.wait. You can target a specific element by passing it or its id or mask the form itself by passing in true.

waitTitle [Ext_form_Basic.configs]

The default title to show for the waiting message box

waitTitle [Ext_form_action_Action.configs]

The title to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait during the time the action is being processed.

walkRecs [Ext_view_Table.t]

Navigates from the passed record by the passed increment which may be +ve or -ve

Skips hidden records.

If no record is visible in the specified direction, returns the starting record index unchanged.

walkRows [Ext_view_Table.t]

Increments the passed row index by the passed increment which may be +ve or -ve

Skips hidden rows.

If no row is visible in the specified direction, returns the input row index unchanged.

wasSuccessful [Ext_data_Operation.t]

Returns true if the Operation has completed and was successful

webKitVersion [Ext.t]

The current version of WebKit (0 if the browser does not use WebKit).

weight [Ext_grid_header_Container.configs]

HeaderContainer overrides the default weight of 0 for all docked items to 100. This is so that it has more priority over things like toolbars.

widget [Ext.t]

Convenient shorthand to create a widget by its xtype or a config object. See also Ext.ClassManager.instantiateByAlias.

 var button = Ext.widget('button'); // Equivalent to Ext.create('widget.button');

 var panel = Ext.widget('panel', { // Equivalent to Ext.create('widget.panel')
     title: 'Panel'

 var grid = Ext.widget({
     xtype: 'grid',

If a component instance is passed, it is simply returned.

width [Ext_tip_Tip.configs]

Width in pixels of the tip. Width will be ignored if it exceeds the bounds of minWidth or maxWidth.

width [Ext_draw_Surface.configs]

The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).

width [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

The width of the rect or image sprite.

width [Ext_chart_axis_Axis.configs]

Offset axis width. Default's 0.

width [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

The width of this component in pixels.

window [Ext_enums_Widget.t]

Alias for Ext.window.Window.

within [Ext_EventObject.t]

Returns true if the target of this event is a child of el. Unless the allowEl parameter is set, it will return false if if the target is el. Example usage:

// Handle click on any child of an element
Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e){
        alert('Clicked on a child of some-el!');

// Handle click directly on an element, ignoring clicks on child nodes
Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e,t){
    if(( == 'some-el') && !e.within(t, true)){
        alert('Clicked directly on some-el!');
wrap [Ext_dom_AbstractElement.t]

Creates and wraps this element with another element

Defined in override Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion.

wrapsComponent [Ext_layout_ContextItem.t]

True if this item wraps a Component (rather than an Element).

write [Ext_data_writer_Writer.t]

Prepares a Proxy's object

write []

Fires whenever a successful write has been made via the configured Proxy

writeAllFields [Ext_data_writer_Writer.configs]

True to write all fields from the record to the server. If set to false it will only send the fields that were modified. Note that any fields that have set to false will still be ignored.

writeRecordId [Ext_data_writer_Writer.configs]

By default, each record's id is always included in the output for non-phantom records since in most cases the id will be required on the server to process the record action. This is helpful since the id will normally not be modified, and so would not be sent to the server unless writeAllFields was explicitly enabled.

However, there are cases where it is not desirable for the record id to be passed in the data directly. For example, when using a RESTful API the record id would typically be appended to the url instead.

writeablechange []

Fires when this field changes its read-only status.

writer [Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.configs]

The to use to encode any request sent to the server or saved to client. This can either be a Writer instance, a config object or just a valid Writer type name (e.g. 'json', 'xml').

x [Ext_window_Window.configs]

The X position of the left edge of the window on initial showing. Defaults to centering the Window within the width of the Window's container Element (The Element that the Window is rendered to).

x [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

Sprite position along the x-axis.

xTicks [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically when you define a tick interval.

xtype [Ext_AbstractComponent.configs]

This property provides a shorter alternative to creating objects than using a full class name. Using xtype is the most common way to define component instances, especially in a container. For example, the items in a form containing text fields could be created explicitly like so:

 items: [
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
         fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
         fieldLabel: 'Bar'
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', {
         fieldLabel: 'Num'

But by using xtype, the above becomes:

 items: [
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Foo'
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Bar'
         xtype: 'numberfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Num'

When the xtype is common to many items, Ext.container.AbstractContainer.defaultType is another way to specify the xtype for all items that don't have an explicit xtype:

 defaultType: 'textfield',
 items: [
     { fieldLabel: 'Foo' },
     { fieldLabel: 'Bar' },
     { fieldLabel: 'Num', xtype: 'numberfield' }

Each member of the items array is now just a "configuration object". These objects are used to create and configure component instances. A configuration object can be manually used to instantiate a component using Ext.widget:

 var text1 = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'

 // or alternatively:

 var text1 = Ext.widget({
     xtype: 'textfield',
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'

This conversion of configuration objects into instantiated components is done when a container is created as part of its {Ext.container.AbstractContainer.initComponent} process. As part of the same process, the items array is converted from its raw array form into a Ext.util.MixedCollection instance.

You can define your own xtype on a custom component by specifying the xtype property in Ext.define. For example:

Ext.define('MyApp.PressMeButton', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'pressmebutton',
    text: 'Press Me'

Care should be taken when naming an xtype in a custom component because there is a single, shared scope for all xtypes. Third part components should consider using a prefix to avoid collisions.

Ext.define('Foo.form.CoolButton', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'ux-coolbutton',
    text: 'Cool!'

See Ext.enums.Widget for list of all available xtypes.

y [Ext_window_Window.configs]

The Y position of the top edge of the window on initial showing. Defaults to centering the Window within the height of the Window's container Element (The Element that the Window is rendered to).

y [Ext_draw_Sprite.configs]

Sprite position along the y-axis.

yTicks [Ext_dd_DragDrop.t]

Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically when you define a tick interval.

zIndexManager [Ext_Component.t]

Only present for floating Components after they have been rendered.

A reference to the ZIndexManager which is managing this Component's z-index.

The ZIndexManager maintains a stack of floating Component z-indices, and also provides a single modal mask which is insert just beneath the topmost visible modal floating Component.

Floating Components may be brought to the front or sent to the back of the z-index stack.

This defaults to the global ZIndexManager for floating Components that are programatically rendered.

For floating Components which are added to a Container, the ZIndexManager is acquired from the first ancestor Container found which is floating. If no floating ancestor is found, the global ZIndexManager is used.

See floating and zIndexParent

zIndexParent [Ext_Component.t]

Only present for floating Components which were inserted as child items of Containers, and which have a floating Container in their containment ancestry.

For floating Components which are child items of a Container, the zIndexParent will be a floating ancestor Container which is responsible for the base z-index value of all its floating descendants. It provides a ZIndexManager which provides z-indexing services for all its descendant floating Components.

Floating Components that are programatically rendered will not have a zIndexParent property.

For example, the dropdown BoundList of a ComboBox which is in a Window will have the Window as its zIndexParent, and will always show above that Window, wherever the Window is placed in the z-index stack.

See floating and zIndexManager