Class type Ext_util_Renderable.t

class type t = object .. end
method afterRender : unit Js.meth

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

method doAutoRender : unit Js.meth

Handles autoRender. Floating Components may have an ownerCt. If they are asking to be constrained, constrain them within that ownerCt, and have their z-index managed locally. Floating Components are always rendered to document.body

method ensureAttachedToBody : bool Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Ensures that this component is attached to document.body. If the component was rendered to Ext.getDetachedBody, then it will be appended to document.body. Any configured position is also restored.


method getInsertPosition : 'a. 'a Js.t -> Dom_html.element Js.t Js.meth

This function takes the position argument passed to onRender and returns a DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore.



method initRenderData : 'b. 'b Js.t Js.meth

Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.


method onRender : Ext_dom_Element.t Js.t -> Js.number Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.


method render : 'c 'd. 'c Js.t Js.optdef -> 'd Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Renders the Component into the passed HTML element.

If you are using a Container object to house this Component, then do not use the render method.

A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's layout manager when the Container is first rendered.

If the Container is already rendered when a new child Component is added, you may need to call the Container's doLayout to refresh the view which causes any unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.

When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager. If you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must configure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind.

Omitting the Container's layout config means that a basic layout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.
