Class type Ext_util_Sorter.configs

class type configs = object .. end
method direction : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The direction to sort by.

Defaults to: "ASC"

method property : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The property to sort by. Required unless sorterFn is provided. The property is extracted from the object directly and compared for sorting using the built in comparison operators.

method root : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

Optional root property. This is mostly useful when sorting a Store, in which case we set the root to 'data' to make the filter pull the property out of the data object of each item

method sorterFn : 'a. 'a Js.callback Js.prop

A specific sorter function to execute. Can be passed instead of property. This sorter function allows for any kind of custom/complex comparisons. The sorterFn receives two arguments, the objects being compared. The function should return:

method transform : 'b. 'b Js.callback Js.prop

A function that will be run on each value before it is compared in the sorter. The function will receive a single argument, the value.