Class type Ext_chart_series_Series.t

class type t = object .. end
method eachRecord : 'a 'b. 'a Js.callback -> 'b Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Iterate over each of the records for this series. The default implementation simply iterates through the entire data store, but individual series implementations can override this to provide custom handling, e.g. adding/removing records.


method getItemForPoint : 'c. Js.number Js.t -> Js.number Js.t -> 'c Js.t Js.meth

For a given x/y point relative to the Surface, find a corresponding item from this series, if any.



method getLegendColor : 'd. 'd Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Returns a string with the color to be used for the series legend item.


method getRecordCount : unit Js.meth

Return the number of records being displayed in this series. Defaults to the number of records in the store; individual series implementations can override to provide custom handling.

method hideAll : unit Js.meth

Hides all the elements in the series.

method isExcluded : 'e. 'e Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Determines whether the series item at the given index has been excluded, i.e. toggled off in the legend.


method setTitle : Js.number Js.t -> Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Changes the value of the title for the series. Arguments can take two forms:


method showAll : unit Js.meth

Shows all the elements in the series.