Class type Ext_app_Controller.t

class type t = object .. end
method application : 'a. 'a Js.t Js.readonly_prop

The for this controller.

method addRef : 'b. 'b Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Registers one or more references.


method control : 'c 'd. 'c Js.t -> 'd Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Adds listeners to components selected via Ext.ComponentQuery. Accepts an object containing component paths mapped to a hash of listener functions.

In the following example the updateUser function is mapped to to the click event on a button component, which is a child of the useredit component.

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             'useredit button[action=save]': {
                 click: this.updateUser

     updateUser: function(button) {
         console.log('clicked the Save button');

Or alternatively one call control with two arguments:

 this.control('useredit button[action=save]', {
     click: this.updateUser

See Ext.ComponentQuery for more information on component selectors.


method getApplication : 'e. 'e Js.t Js.meth

Returns the base for this controller.


method getController : Js.js_string Js.t ->
(< addEvents : 'h. 'h Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
addListener : 'i 'j 'k 'l 'm.
'i Js.t ->
'j Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'k Js.t Js.optdef -> 'l Js.t Js.optdef -> 'm Js.t Js.meth;
addManagedListener : 'n 'o 'p 'q 'r 's.
'n Js.t ->
'o Js.t ->
'p Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'q Js.t Js.optdef ->
'r Js.t Js.optdef -> 's Js.t Js.meth;
addRef : 'b. 'b Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
application : 'a. 'a Js.t Js.readonly_prop;
callParent : 't 'u. 't Js.t -> 'u Js.t Js.meth;
callSuper : 'v 'w. 'v Js.t -> 'w Js.t Js.meth;
clearListeners : unit Js.meth; clearManagedListeners : unit Js.meth;
control : 'c 'd. 'c Js.t -> 'd Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
enableBubble : 'x. 'x Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
fireEvent : 'y. Js.js_string Js.t -> 'y Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
fireEventArgs : 'z.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
'z Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
getApplication : 'e. 'e Js.t Js.meth; getController : 'f;
getInitialConfig : 'a1. Js.js_string Js.t Js.optdef -> 'a1 Js.t Js.meth;
getModel : Js.js_string Js.t -> Ext_data_Model.t Js.t Js.meth;
getStore : Js.js_string Js.t -> Ext_data_Store.t Js.t Js.meth;
getView : 'b1. Js.js_string Js.t -> (#Ext_Base.t as 'b1) Js.t Js.meth;
hasListener : Js.js_string Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
hasListeners : 'c1. 'c1 Js.t Js.readonly_prop;
hasRef : 'd1. 'd1 Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
init : 'e1. 'e1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
initConfig : 'f1. 'f1 Js.t -> 'g Js.t Js.meth;
isObservable : bool Js.t Js.prop; listen : 'g1. 'g1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
mon : 'h1 'i1 'j1 'k1 'l1 'm1.
'h1 Js.t ->
'i1 Js.t ->
'j1 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'k1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'l1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'm1 Js.t Js.meth;
mun : 'n1 'o1 'p1 'q1.
'n1 Js.t ->
'o1 Js.t ->
'p1 Js.callback Js.optdef -> 'q1 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
on : 'r1 's1 't1 'u1 'v1.
'r1 Js.t ->
's1 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
't1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'u1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'v1 Js.t Js.meth;
onLaunch : 'w1. 'w1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
relayEvents : 'x1 'y1.
'x1 Js.t ->
Js.js_string Js.t Js.js_array Js.t ->
Js.js_string Js.t Js.optdef -> 'y1 Js.t Js.meth;
removeListener : 'z1 'a2.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
'z1 Js.callback -> 'a2 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
removeManagedListener : 'b2 'c2 'd2 'e2.
'b2 Js.t ->
'c2 Js.t ->
'd2 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'e2 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
resumeEvent : Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
resumeEvents : unit Js.meth; self : Ext_Class.t Js.t Js.prop;
statics : Ext_Class.t Js.t Js.meth;
suspendEvent : Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
suspendEvents : bool Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
un : 'f2 'g2.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
'f2 Js.callback -> 'g2 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
.. >
as 'g)
Js.t Js.meth as 'f

Returns instance of a Controller with the given id. When controller doesn't exist yet, it's created. Note that this method depends on Application instance and will return undefined when Application is not accessible. The only exception is when this Controller instance's id is requested; in that case we always return the instance even if Application is no available.



method getModel : Js.js_string Js.t -> Ext_data_Model.t Js.t Js.meth

Returns a Model class with the given name. A shorthand for using Ext.ModelManager.getModel.



method getStore : Js.js_string Js.t -> Ext_data_Store.t Js.t Js.meth

Returns instance of a Store with the given name. When store doesn't exist yet, it's created.



method getView : 'b1. Js.js_string Js.t -> (#Ext_Base.t as 'b1) Js.t Js.meth

Returns a View class with the given name. To create an instance of the view, you can use it like it's used by Application to create the Viewport:




method hasRef : 'd1. 'd1 Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth

Returns true if a reference is registered.


method init : 'e1. 'e1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth

A template method that is called when your application boots. It is called before the Application's launch function is executed so gives a hook point to run any code before your Viewport is created.


method listen : 'g1. 'g1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Adds listeners to different event sources (also called "event domains"). The primary event domain is that of components, but there are also other event domains: Global domain that intercepts events fired from Ext.globalEvents Observable instance, Controller domain can be used to listen to events fired by other Controllers, Store domain gives access to Store events, and Direct domain can be used with Ext.Direct Providers to listen to their events.

To listen to "bar" events fired by a controller with id="foo":

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             controller: {
                 '#foo': {
                    bar: this.onFooBar

To listen to "bar" events fired by any controller, and "baz" events fired by Store with storeId="baz":

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             controller: {
                 '*': {
                    bar: this.onAnyControllerBar
             store: {
                 '#baz': {
                     baz: this.onStoreBaz

To listen to "idle" events fired by Ext.globalEvents when other event processing is complete and Ext JS is about to return control to the browser:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             global: {               // Global events are always fired
                 idle: this.onIdle   // from the same object, so there
             }                       // are no selectors

As this relates to components, the following example:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             component: {
                 'useredit button[action=save]': {
                    click: this.updateUser

Is equivalent to:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             'useredit button[action=save]': {
                click: this.updateUser

Of course, these can all be combined in a single call and used instead of control, like so:

 Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     init: function() {
             global: {
                 idle: this.onIdle
             controller: {
                 '*': {
                    foobar: this.onAnyFooBar
                 '#foo': {
                    bar: this.onFooBar
             component: {
                 'useredit button[action=save]': {
                    click: this.updateUser
             store: {
                 '#qux': {
                     load: this.onQuxLoad


method onLaunch : 'w1. 'w1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth

A template method like init, but called after the viewport is created. This is called after the launch method of Application is executed.
