Class type Ext_util_Filter.configs

class type configs = object .. end
method anyMatch : bool Js.t Js.prop

True to allow any match - no regex start/end line anchors will be added.

Defaults to: false

method caseSensitive : bool Js.t Js.prop

True to make the regex case sensitive (adds 'i' switch to regex).

Defaults to: false

method exactMatch : bool Js.t Js.prop

True to force exact match (^ and $ characters added to the regex). Ignored if anyMatch is true.

Defaults to: false

method filterFn : 'a. 'a Js.callback Js.prop

A custom filter function which is passed each item in the Ext.util.MixedCollection in turn. Should return true to accept each item or false to reject it.

method id : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

An identifier by which this Filter is indexed in a Store's filters collection

Identified Filters may be individually removed from a Store's filter set by using

Anonymous Filters may be removed en masse by passing null to

method operator : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The operator to use to compare the property to this Filter's value

Possible values are: * < * <= * = * >= * > * !=

method property : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The property to filter on. Required unless a filterFn is passed

method root : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

Optional root property. This is mostly useful when filtering a Store, in which case we set the root to 'data' to make the filter pull the property out of the data object of each item

method value : 'b. 'b Js.t Js.prop

The value to filter on. Required unless a filterFn is passed.