Class type Ext_LoadMask.t

class type t = object .. end
method afterRender : unit Js.meth

Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.

method afterShow : 'a 'b 'c.
'a Js.t Js.optdef ->
'b Js.callback Js.optdef -> 'c Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Invoked after the Component is shown (after onShow is called).

Gets passed the same parameters as show.


method bindStore_store : Ext_data_Store.t Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Changes the data store bound to this LoadMask.


method getStoreListeners : 'd. Ext_data_Store.t Js.t -> 'd Js.t Js.meth

Gets the listeners to bind to a new store.



method hide_mask : 'e 'f 'g 'h.
'e Js.t Js.optdef ->
'f Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'g Js.t Js.optdef -> (#Ext_Component.t as 'h) Js.t Js.meth

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured hideMode.



method onDestroy : unit Js.meth

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation. After calling the superclass's onDestroy, the Component will be destroyed.

method onDisable : unit Js.meth

Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

method onHide : 'i 'j 'k.
'i Js.t Js.optdef ->
'j Js.callback Js.optdef -> 'k Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Possibly animates down to a target element.

Allows addition of behavior to the hide operation. After calling the superclass’s onHide, the Component will be hidden.

Gets passed the same parameters as hide.


method onShow : 'l 'm 'n.
'l Js.t Js.optdef ->
'm Js.callback Js.optdef -> 'n Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as show.


method show_mask : 'o 'p 'q 'r.
'o Js.t Js.optdef ->
'p Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'q Js.t Js.optdef -> (#Ext_Component.t as 'r) Js.t Js.meth

Shows this Component, rendering it first if autoRender or floating are true.

After being shown, a floating Component (such as a Ext.window.Window), is activated it and brought to the front of its z-index stack.

