Class type Ext_form_Basic.configs

class type configs = object .. end
method api : 'a. 'a Js.t Js.prop

If specified, load and submit actions will be handled with DirectLoad and DirectSubmit. Methods which have been imported by can be specified here to load and submit forms. API methods may also be specified as strings. See Such as the following:

api: {

Load actions can use paramOrder or paramsAsHash to customize how the load method is invoked. Submit actions will always use a standard form submit. The formHandler configuration (see must be set on the associated server-side method which has been imported by

method baseParams : 'b. 'b Js.t Js.prop

Parameters to pass with all requests. e.g. baseParams: {id: '123', foo: 'bar'}.

Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using Ext.Object.toQueryString.

method errorReader : 'c. 'c Js.t Js.prop

An (e.g. instance or configuration to be used to read field error messages returned from 'submit' actions. This is optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON responses.

The Records which provide messages for the invalid Fields must use the Field name (or id) as the Record ID, and must contain a field called 'msg' which contains the error message.

The errorReader does not have to be a full-blown implementation of a Reader. It simply needs to implement a read(xhr) function which returns an Array of Records in an object with the following structure:

    records: recordArray

method jsonSubmit : bool Js.t Js.prop

If set to true, the field values are sent as JSON in the request body. All of the field values, plus any additional params configured via baseParams and/or the options to submit, will be included in the values POSTed in the body of the request.

method _method : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The request method to use (GET or POST) for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options.

method paramOrder : 'd. 'd Js.t Js.prop

A list of params to be executed server side. Only used for the api load configuration.

Specify the params in the order in which they must be executed on the server-side as either (1) an Array of String values, or (2) a String of params delimited by either whitespace, comma, or pipe. For example, any of the following would be acceptable:

paramOrder: ['param1','param2','param3']
paramOrder: 'param1 param2 param3'
paramOrder: 'param1,param2,param3'
paramOrder: 'param1|param2|param'

method paramsAsHash : bool Js.t Js.prop

Only used for the api load configuration. If true, parameters will be sent as a single hash collection of named arguments. Providing a paramOrder nullifies this configuration.

Defaults to: false

method reader : 'e. 'e Js.t Js.prop

An (e.g. instance or configuration to be used to read data when executing 'load' actions. This is optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON responses.

method standardSubmit : bool Js.t Js.prop

If set to true, a standard HTML form submit is used instead of a XHR (Ajax) style form submission. All of the field values, plus any additional params configured via baseParams and/or the options to submit, will be included in the values submitted in the form.

method timeout : Js.number Js.t Js.prop

Timeout for form actions in seconds.

Defaults to: 30

method trackResetOnLoad : bool Js.t Js.prop

If set to true, reset() resets to the last loaded or setValues() data instead of when the form was first created.

Defaults to: false

method url : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The URL to use for form actions if one isn't supplied in the doAction options.

method waitMsgTarget : 'f. 'f Js.t Js.prop

By default wait messages are displayed with Ext.MessageBox.wait. You can target a specific element by passing it or its id or mask the form itself by passing in true.

method waitTitle : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The default title to show for the waiting message box

Defaults to: 'Please Wait...'