Class type Ext_data_AbstractStore.t

class type t = object .. end
method defaultProxyType : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop

The string type of the Proxy to create if none is specified. This defaults to creating a memory proxy.

Defaults to: 'memory'

method filters : Ext_util_MixedCollection.t Js.t Js.prop

The collection of Filters currently applied to this Store

method isDestroyed : bool Js.t Js.prop

True if the Store has already been destroyed. If this is true, the reference to Store should be deleted as it will not function correctly any more.

Defaults to: false

method isStore : bool Js.t Js.prop

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Store, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to: true

method removed : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.prop

Temporary cache in which removed model instances are kept until successfully synchronised with a Proxy, at which point this is cleared.

method getModifiedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth

Gets all records added or updated since the last commit. Note that the order of records returned is not deterministic and does not indicate the order in which records were modified. Note also that removed records are not included (use getRemovedRecords for that).


method getNewRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth

Returns all Model instances that are either currently a phantom (e.g. have no id), or have an ID but have not yet been saved on this Store (this happens when adding a non-phantom record from another Store into this one)


method getProxy : 'a. (#Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t as 'a) Js.t Js.meth

Returns the proxy currently attached to this proxy instance


method getRemovedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth

Returns any records that have been removed from the store but not yet destroyed on the proxy.


method getUpdatedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth

Returns all Model instances that have been updated in the Store but not yet synchronized with the Proxy


method isLoading : bool Js.t Js.meth

Returns true if the Store is currently performing a load operation


method load : 'b.
'b Js.t Js.optdef ->
(< addEvents : 'e. 'e Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
addListener : 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j.
'f Js.t ->
'g Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'h Js.t Js.optdef ->
'i Js.t Js.optdef -> 'j Js.t Js.meth;
addManagedListener : 'k 'l 'm 'n 'o 'p.
'k Js.t ->
'l Js.t ->
'm Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'n Js.t Js.optdef ->
'o Js.t Js.optdef -> 'p Js.t Js.meth;
callParent : 'q 'r. 'q Js.t -> 'r Js.t Js.meth;
callSuper : 's 't. 's Js.t -> 't Js.t Js.meth;
clearListeners : unit Js.meth; clearManagedListeners : unit Js.meth;
defaultProxyType : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop;
enableBubble : 'u. 'u Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
filters : Ext_util_MixedCollection.t Js.t Js.prop;
fireEvent : 'v. Js.js_string Js.t -> 'v Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
fireEventArgs : 'w.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
'w Js.t Js.js_array Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
generateComparator : unit Js.meth;
getFirstSorter : Ext_util_Sorter.t Js.t Js.meth;
getInitialConfig : 'x. Js.js_string Js.t Js.optdef -> 'x Js.t Js.meth;
getModifiedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth;
getNewRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth;
getProxy : 'a. (#Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t as 'a) Js.t Js.meth;
getRemovedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth;
getUpdatedRecords : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth;
hasListener : Js.js_string Js.t -> bool Js.t Js.meth;
hasListeners : 'y. 'y Js.t Js.readonly_prop;
initConfig : 'z. 'z Js.t -> 'd Js.t Js.meth;
initSortable : unit Js.meth; isDestroyed : bool Js.t Js.prop;
isLoading : bool Js.t Js.meth; isObservable : bool Js.t Js.prop;
isSortable : bool Js.t Js.prop; isStore : bool Js.t Js.prop;
load : 'b. 'c;
mon : 'a1 'b1 'c1 'd1 'e1 'f1.
'a1 Js.t ->
'b1 Js.t ->
'c1 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'd1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'e1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'f1 Js.t Js.meth;
mun : 'g1 'h1 'i1 'j1.
'g1 Js.t ->
'h1 Js.t ->
'i1 Js.callback Js.optdef -> 'j1 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
on : 'k1 'l1 'm1 'n1 'o1.
'k1 Js.t ->
'l1 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'm1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'n1 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'o1 Js.t Js.meth;
relayEvents : 'p1 'q1.
'p1 Js.t ->
Js.js_string Js.t Js.js_array Js.t ->
Js.js_string Js.t Js.optdef -> 'q1 Js.t Js.meth;
reload : 'r1. 'r1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth; removeAll : unit Js.meth;
removeListener : 's1 't1.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
's1 Js.callback -> 't1 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
removeManagedListener : 'u1 'v1 'w1 'x1.
'u1 Js.t ->
'v1 Js.t ->
'w1 Js.callback Js.optdef ->
'x1 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
removed : Ext_data_Model.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.prop;
resumeAutoSync : unit Js.meth;
resumeEvent : Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
resumeEvents : unit Js.meth; self : Ext_Class.t Js.t Js.prop;
setProxy : 'y1 'z1.
'y1 Js.t -> (#Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t as 'z1) Js.t Js.meth;
sort : 'a2.
'a2 Js.t Js.optdef ->
Js.js_string Js.t Js.optdef ->
Ext_util_Sorter.t Js.js_array Js.t Js.meth;
sorters : 'b2. 'b2 Js.t Js.prop; statics : Ext_Class.t Js.t Js.meth;
suspendAutoSync : unit Js.meth;
suspendEvent : Js.js_string Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
suspendEvents : bool Js.t -> unit Js.meth;
sync : 'c2. 'c2 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'd Js.t Js.meth;
un : 'd2 'e2.
Js.js_string Js.t ->
'd2 Js.callback -> 'e2 Js.t Js.optdef -> unit Js.meth;
.. >
as 'd)
Js.t Js.meth as 'c

Loads the Store using its configured proxy.



method reload : 'r1. 'r1 Js.t -> unit Js.meth

Reloads the store using the last options passed to the load method.


method removeAll : unit Js.meth

Removes all records from the store. This method does a "fast remove", individual remove events are not called. The clear event is fired upon completion.

method resumeAutoSync : unit Js.meth

Resumes automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true

method setProxy : 'y1 'z1. 'y1 Js.t -> (#Ext_data_proxy_Proxy.t as 'z1) Js.t Js.meth

Sets the Store's Proxy by string, config object or Proxy instance



method suspendAutoSync : unit Js.meth

Suspends automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true

method sync : 'c2. 'c2 Js.t Js.optdef -> 'd Js.t Js.meth

Synchronizes the store with its proxy. This asks the proxy to batch together any new, updated and deleted records in the store, updating the store's internal representation of the records as each operation completes.

