Module GapiPlusV1Model.Activity

module Provider : sig ... end
module Object : sig ... end
module Actor : sig ... end
type t = {
access : Acl.t;

Identifies who has access to see this activity.

actor : Actor.t;

The person who performed this activity.

address : string;

Street address where this activity occurred.

annotation : string;

Additional content added by the person who shared this activity, applicable only when resharing an activity.

crosspostSource : string;

If this activity is a crosspost from another system, this property specifies the ID of the original activity.

etag : string;

ETag of this response for caching purposes.

geocode : string;

Latitude and longitude where this activity occurred. Format is latitude followed by longitude, space separated.

id : string;

The ID of this activity.

kind : string;

Identifies this resource as an activity. Value: "plus#activity".

location : Place.t;

The location where this activity occurred.

_object : Object.t;

The object of this activity.

placeId : string;

ID of the place where this activity occurred.

placeName : string;

Name of the place where this activity occurred.

provider : Provider.t;

The service provider that initially published this activity.

published : GapiDate.t;

The time at which this activity was initially published. Formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

radius : string;

Radius, in meters, of the region where this activity occurred, centered at the latitude and longitude identified in geocode.

title : string;

Title of this activity.

updated : GapiDate.t;

The time at which this activity was last updated. Formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

url : string;

The link to this activity.

verb : string;

This activity's verb, which indicates the action that was performed. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following values:

  • "post" - Publish content to the stream.
  • "share" - Reshare an activity.
val access : (tAcl.t) GapiLens.t
val actor : (tActor.t) GapiLens.t
val address : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val annotation : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val crosspostSource : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val etag : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val geocode : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val id : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val kind : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val location : (tPlace.t) GapiLens.t
val _object : (tObject.t) GapiLens.t
val placeId : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val placeName : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val provider : (tProvider.t) GapiLens.t
val published : (tGapiDate.t) GapiLens.t
val radius : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val title : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val updated : (tGapiDate.t) GapiLens.t
val url : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val verb : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val empty : t
val render : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model list
val parse : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model -> t
val to_data_model : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model
val of_data_model : GapiJson.json_data_model -> t