Module GapiLens

Functional lenses.

Based on F# implementation in FSharpx (see src/FSharpx.Core/Lens.fs for the original implementation)


Lenses in F#


Stackoverflow question about Updating nested immutable data structures


Haskell libraries for structure access and mutation


Functional lenses for Scala by Edward Kmett on YouTube


Lenses are the coalgebras for the costate comonad by Jeremy Gibbons

type ('a, 'b) t = {
get : 'a -> 'b;

Functional getter

set : 'b -> 'a -> 'a;

Functional setter


Lens type definition

val modify : ('a'b) t -> ('b -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'a

Updates a value through a lens


val compose : ('a'b) t -> ('c'a) t -> ('c'b) t

Sequentially composes two lenses

val pair : ('a'b) t -> ('c'd) t -> ('a * 'c'b * 'd) t

Pairs two lenses

val cond : ('a -> bool) -> ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t

Selects a lens checking a predicate.

cond pred lensTrue lensFalse: pred is applied to source. If true, lensTrue is selected. If false, lensFalse is selected.

State monad integration

val get_state : ('a'b) t -> 'a -> 'b * 'a

Gets a value from the state monad.

val put_state : ('a'b) t -> 'b -> 'a -> unit * 'a

Puts a value in the state monad.

val modify_state : ('a'b) t -> ('b -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit * 'a

Modifies a value in the state monad.

Stock lenses

val ignore : ('a, unit) t

Trivial lens

val id : ('a'a) t

Identity lens

val first : ('a * 'b'a) t

Gets/sets the first element in a pair

val second : ('a * 'b'b) t

Gets/sets the second element in a pair

val head : ('a list'a) t

Gets/sets the first element in a list

val tail : ('a list'a list) t

Gets/sets the tail of a list

val for_hash : 'a -> (('a'b) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t'b option) t

Lens for a particular key in a hashtable

val for_assoc : 'a -> (('a * 'b) list'b option) t

Lens for a particular key in an associative list

val for_array : int -> ('a array'a) t

Lens for a particular position in an array

val for_list : int -> ('a list'a) t

Lens for a particular position in a list

val option_get : ('a option'a) t

Lens for extracting the value from an option type (same as Option.get)

List combinators

val list_map : ('a'b) t -> ('a list'b list) t

Creates a lens that maps the given lens in a list


val xmap : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('c'a) t -> ('c'b) t

Applies an isomorphism to the value viewed through a lens

module Infix : sig ... end

Infix operators

module StateInfix : sig ... end

Infix operators for the state monad