Module GapiGmailV1Model.Profile

type t = {
emailAddress : string;

The user's email address.

historyId : string;

The ID of the mailbox's current history record.

messagesTotal : int;

The total number of messages in the mailbox.

threadsTotal : int;

The total number of threads in the mailbox.

val emailAddress : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val historyId : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val messagesTotal : (t, int) GapiLens.t
val threadsTotal : (t, int) GapiLens.t
val empty : t
val render : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model list
val parse : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model -> t
val to_data_model : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model
val of_data_model : GapiJson.json_data_model -> t