Module GapiGmailV1Model.LabelColor

type t = {
backgroundColor : string;

The background color represented as hex string #RRGGBB (ex #000000). This field is required in order to set the color of a label. Only the following predefined set of color values are allowed: #000000, #434343, #666666, #999999, #cccccc, #efefef, #f3f3f3, #ffffff, #fb4c2f, #ffad47, #fad165, #16a766, #43d692, #4a86e8, #a479e2, #f691b3, #f6c5be, #ffe6c7, #fef1d1, #b9e4d0, #c6f3de, #c9daf8, #e4d7f5, #fcdee8, #efa093, #ffd6a2, #fce8b3, #89d3b2, #a0eac9, #a4c2f4, #d0bcf1, #fbc8d9, #e66550, #ffbc6b, #fcda83, #44b984, #68dfa9, #6d9eeb, #b694e8, #f7a7c0, #cc3a21, #eaa041, #f2c960, #149e60, #3dc789, #3c78d8, #8e63ce, #e07798, #ac2b16, #cf8933, #d5ae49, #0b804b, #2a9c68, #285bac, #653e9b, #b65775, #822111, #a46a21, #aa8831, #076239, #1a764d, #1c4587, #41236d, #83334c

textColor : string;

The text color of the label, represented as hex string. This field is required in order to set the color of a label. Only the following predefined set of color values are allowed: #000000, #434343, #666666, #999999, #cccccc, #efefef, #f3f3f3, #ffffff, #fb4c2f, #ffad47, #fad165, #16a766, #43d692, #4a86e8, #a479e2, #f691b3, #f6c5be, #ffe6c7, #fef1d1, #b9e4d0, #c6f3de, #c9daf8, #e4d7f5, #fcdee8, #efa093, #ffd6a2, #fce8b3, #89d3b2, #a0eac9, #a4c2f4, #d0bcf1, #fbc8d9, #e66550, #ffbc6b, #fcda83, #44b984, #68dfa9, #6d9eeb, #b694e8, #f7a7c0, #cc3a21, #eaa041, #f2c960, #149e60, #3dc789, #3c78d8, #8e63ce, #e07798, #ac2b16, #cf8933, #d5ae49, #0b804b, #2a9c68, #285bac, #653e9b, #b65775, #822111, #a46a21, #aa8831, #076239, #1a764d, #1c4587, #41236d, #83334c

val backgroundColor : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val textColor : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val empty : t
val render : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model list
val parse : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model -> t
val to_data_model : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model
val of_data_model : GapiJson.json_data_model -> t