Module GapiConversation.Session

Defines the session that stores the current state of a conversation.

type oauth1_context = {
token : string;

OAuth1 authorized token.

secret : string;

OAuth1 secret associated with the authorized token.


Current OAuth1 context.

val token : (oauth1_context, string) GapiLens.t

OAuth1 token lens.

val secret : (oauth1_context, string) GapiLens.t

OAuth1 secret lens.

type oauth2_context = {
oauth2_token : string;

OAuth2 authorized token.

refresh_token : string;

OAuth2 refresh token.


Current OAuth2 context.

val oauth2_token : (oauth2_context, string) GapiLens.t

OAuth2 token lens.

val refresh_token : (oauth2_context, string) GapiLens.t

OAuth2 refresh token lens.

type auth_context =
| NoAuth

No authorization.

| ClientLogin of string

Client Login authorized token.

| OAuth1 of oauth1_context

OAuth1 context.

| OAuth2 of oauth2_context

OAuth2 context.

Current authorization context.

val no_auth : (auth_contextunit option) GapiLens.t

No authorization lens.

val client_login : (auth_contextstring option) GapiLens.t

Client Login token lens.

val oauth1 : (auth_contextoauth1_context option) GapiLens.t

OAuth1 context lens.

val oauth2 : (auth_contextoauth2_context option) GapiLens.t

OAuth2 context lens.

type t = {
curl : [ `Created ] GapiCurl.t;

Curl state.

config : GapiConfig.t;

Library configuration.

auth : auth_context;

Current authorization context.

cookies : string list;

Cookies received from the server.

etag : string;

Current resource ETag (received from the server).


Session type.

val curl : (t[ `Created ] GapiCurl.t) GapiLens.t

Curl state lens.

val config : (tGapiConfig.t) GapiLens.t

Configuration lens.

val auth : (tauth_context) GapiLens.t

Authorization lens.

val cookies : (tstring list) GapiLens.t

Cookies lens.

val etag : (t, string) GapiLens.t

ETag lens.