Module Ext_tip_QuickTipManager

module Ext_tip_QuickTipManager: sig .. end
Provides attractive and customizable tooltips for ...

Provides attractive and customizable tooltips for any element. The QuickTips singleton is used to configure and manage tooltips globally for multiple elements in a generic manner. To create individual tooltips with maximum customizability, you should consider either Ext.tip.Tip or Ext.tip.ToolTip.

Quicktips can be configured via tag attributes directly in markup, or by registering quick tips programmatically via the register method.

The singleton's instance of Ext.tip.QuickTip is available via getQuickTip, and supports all the methods, and all the all the configuration properties of Ext.tip.QuickTip. These settings will apply to all tooltips shown by the singleton.

Below is the summary of the configuration properties which can be used. For detailed descriptions see the config options for the QuickTip class

QuickTips singleton configs (all are optional)

Target element configs (optional unless otherwise noted)

Here is an example showing how some of these config options could be used:

// Init the singleton.  Any tag-based quick tips will start working.

// Apply a set of config properties to the singleton
Ext.apply(Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.getQuickTip(), {
    maxWidth: 200,
    minWidth: 100,
    showDelay: 50      // Show 50ms after entering target

// Create a small panel to add a quick tip to
Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', {
    id: 'quickTipContainer',
    width: 200,
    height: 150,
    style: {
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

// Manually register a quick tip for a specific element
    target: 'quickTipContainer',
    title: 'My Tooltip',
    text: 'This tooltip was added in code',
    width: 100,
    dismissDelay: 10000 // Hide after 10 seconds hover

To register a quick tip in markup, you simply add one or more of the valid QuickTip attributes prefixed with the data- namespace. The HTML element itself is automatically set as the quick tip target. Here is the summary of supported attributes (optional unless otherwise noted):

Here is an example of configuring an HTML element to display a tooltip from markup:

// Add a quick tip to an HTML button
<input type="button" value="OK" data-qtitle="OK Button" data-qwidth="100"
     data-qtip="This is a quick tip from markup!"></input>

class type t = object .. end
class type configs = object .. end
class type events = object .. end
class type statics = object .. end
val get_instance : unit -> t Js.t
Singleton instance for lazy-loaded modules.
val instance : t Js.t
Singleton instance.
val of_configs : configs Js.t -> t Js.t
of_configs c casts a config object c to an instance of class t
val to_configs : t Js.t -> configs Js.t
to_configs o casts instance o of class t to a config object