Module Ext_grid_feature_Feature

module Ext_grid_feature_Feature: sig .. end
A feature is a type of plugin that is specific to ...

A feature is a type of plugin that is specific to the Ext.grid.Panel. It provides several hooks that allows the developer to inject additional functionality at certain points throughout the grid creation cycle. This class provides the base template methods that are available to the developer, it should be extended.

There are several built in features that extend this class, for example:

Using Features

A feature is added to the grid by specifying it an array of features in the configuration:

var groupingFeature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping');
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    // other options
    features: [groupingFeature]

Writing Features

A Feature may add new DOM structure within the structure of a grid.

A grid is essentially a <table> element. A TableView instance uses three XTemplates to render the grid, tableTpl, rowTpl, cellTpl.

The tableTpl's data object Looks like this: { view: owningTableView, rows: recordsToRender, viewStartIndex: indexOfFirstRecordInStore, tableStyle: styleString }

The rowTpl's data object looks like this:

    view:        owningTableView,
    record:      recordToRender,
    recordIndex: indexOfRecordInStore,
    columns:     arrayOfColumnDefinitions,
    itemClasses: arrayOfClassNames, // For outermost row in case of wrapping
    rowClasses:  arrayOfClassNames,  // For internal data bearing row in case of wrapping
    rowStyle:    styleString

The cellTpl's data object looks like this:

    record: recordToRender
    column: columnToRender;
    recordIndex: indexOfRecordInStore,
    columnIndex: columnIndex,
    align: columnAlign,
    tdCls: classForCell

A Feature may inject its own tableTpl or rowTpl or cellTpl into the TableView's rendering by calling Ext.view.Table.addTableTpl or Ext.view.Table.addRowTpl or Ext.view.Table.addCellTpl.

The passed XTemplate is added upstream of the default template for the table element in a link list of XTemplates which contribute to the element's HTML. It may emit appropriate HTML strings into the output stream around a call to

this.nextTpl.apply(values, out, parent);

This passes the current value context, output stream and the parent value context to the next XTemplate in the list.

class type t = object .. end
class type configs = object .. end
class type events = object .. end
class type statics = object .. end
val of_configs : configs Js.t -> t Js.t
of_configs c casts a config object c to an instance of class t
val to_configs : t Js.t -> configs Js.t
to_configs o casts instance o of class t to a config object