Module Ext_data_proxy_Ajax

module Ext_data_proxy_Ajax: sig .. end
AjaxProxy is one of the most widely-used ways of g ...

AjaxProxy is one of the most widely-used ways of getting data into your application. It uses AJAX requests to load data from the server, usually to be placed into a Store. Let's take a look at a typical setup. Here we're going to set up a Store that has an AjaxProxy. To prepare, we'll also set up a Model:

Ext.define('User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['id', 'name', 'email']

//The Store contains the AjaxProxy as an inline configuration
var store = Ext.create('', {
    model: 'User',
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url : 'users.json'


Our example is going to load user data into a Store, so we start off by defining a Model with the fields that we expect the server to return. Next we set up the Store itself, along with a proxy configuration. This configuration was automatically turned into an instance, with the url we specified being passed into AjaxProxy's constructor. It's as if we'd done this:

    url: 'users.json',
    model: 'User',
    reader: 'json'

A couple of extra configurations appeared here - model and reader. These are set by default when we create the proxy via the Store - the Store already knows about the Model, and Proxy's default Reader is JsonReader.

Now when we call store.load(), the AjaxProxy springs into action, making a request to the url we configured ('users.json' in this case). As we're performing a read, it sends a GET request to that url (see actionMethods to customize this - by default any kind of read will be sent as a GET request and any kind of write will be sent as a POST request).


AjaxProxy cannot be used to retrieve data from other domains. If your application is running on it cannot load data from because browsers have a built-in security policy that prohibits domains talking to each other via AJAX.

If you need to read data from another domain and can't set up a proxy server (some software that runs on your own domain's web server and transparently forwards requests to, making it look like they actually came from, you can use and a technique known as JSON-P (JSON with Padding), which can help you get around the problem so long as the server on is set up to support JSON-P responses. See JsonPProxy's introduction docs for more details.

Readers and Writers

AjaxProxy can be configured to use any type of Reader to decode the server's response. If no Reader is supplied, AjaxProxy will default to using a JsonReader. Reader configuration can be passed in as a simple object, which the Proxy automatically turns into a Reader instance:

var proxy = new{
    model: 'User',
    reader: {
        type: 'xml',
        root: 'users'

proxy.getReader(); //returns an XmlReader instance based on the config we supplied

Url generation

AjaxProxy automatically inserts any sorting, filtering, paging and grouping options into the url it generates for each request. These are controlled with the following configuration options:

Each request sent by AjaxProxy is described by an Operation. To see how we can customize the generated urls, let's say we're loading the Proxy with the following Operation:

var operation = new{
    action: 'read',
    page  : 2

Now we'll issue the request for this Operation by calling read:

var proxy = new{
    url: '/users'
});; //GET /users?page=2

Easy enough - the Proxy just copied the page property from the Operation. We can customize how this page data is sent to the server:

var proxy = new{
    url: '/users',
    pageParam: 'pageNumber'
});; //GET /users?pageNumber=2

Alternatively, our Operation could have been configured to send start and limit parameters instead of page:

var operation = new{
    action: 'read',
    start : 50,
    limit : 25

var proxy = new{
    url: '/users'
});; //GET /users?start=50&limit;=25

Again we can customize this url:

var proxy = new{
    url: '/users',
    startParam: 'startIndex',
    limitParam: 'limitIndex'
});; //GET /users?startIndex=50&limitIndex;=25

AjaxProxy will also send sort and filter information to the server. Let's take a look at how this looks with a more expressive Operation object:

var operation = new{
    action: 'read',
    sorters: [
        new Ext.util.Sorter({
            property : 'name',
            direction: 'ASC'
        new Ext.util.Sorter({
            property : 'age',
            direction: 'DESC'
    filters: [
        new Ext.util.Filter({
            property: 'eyeColor',
            value   : 'brown'

This is the type of object that is generated internally when loading a Store with sorters and filters defined. By default the AjaxProxy will JSON encode the sorters and filters, resulting in something like this (note that the url is escaped before sending the request, but is left unescaped here for clarity):

var proxy = new{
    url: '/users'
});; //GET /users?sort=[{"property":"name","direction":"ASC"},{"property":"age","direction":"DESC"}]&filter;=[{"property":"eyeColor","value":"brown"}]

We can again customize how this is created by supplying a few configuration options. Let's say our server is set up to receive sorting information is a format like "sortBy=name#ASC,age#DESC". We can configure AjaxProxy to provide that format like this:

 var proxy = new{
     url: '/users',
     sortParam: 'sortBy',
     filterParam: 'filterBy',

     //our custom implementation of sorter encoding - turns our sorters into "name#ASC,age#DESC"
     encodeSorters: function(sorters) {
         var length   = sorters.length,
             sortStrs = [],
             sorter, i;

         for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
             sorter = sorters[i];

             sortStrs[i] = + '#' + sorter.direction

         return sortStrs.join(",");
 });; //GET /users?sortBy=name#ASC,age#DESC&filterBy;=[{"property":"eyeColor","value":"brown"}]

We can also provide a custom encodeFilters function to encode our filters.

class type t = object .. end
class type configs = object .. end
class type events = object .. end
class type statics = object .. end
val of_configs : configs Js.t -> t Js.t
of_configs c casts a config object c to an instance of class t
val to_configs : t Js.t -> configs Js.t
to_configs o casts instance o of class t to a config object