Module Ext_chart_Label

module Ext_chart_Label: sig .. end
Labels is a mixin to the Series class. Labels meth ...

Labels is a mixin to the Series class. Labels methods are implemented in each of the Series (Pie, Bar, etc) for label creation and placement.

The 2 methods that must be implemented by the Series are:

The application can override these methods to control the style and location of the labels. For instance, to display the labels in green and add a '+' symbol when the value of a Line series exceeds 50:

 Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.MyLine', {
     extend: 'Ext.chart.series.Line',
     alias: ['series.myline', 'Ext.chart.series.MyLine'],
     type: 'MYLINE',

     onPlaceLabel: function(label, storeItem, item, i, display, animate){
         if ( >= 50) {
                 fill: '#080',
                 text: "+" +
             }, true);
         return this.callParent(arguments);

Note that for simple effects, like the example above, it is simpler for the application to provide a label.renderer function in the config:

  label: {
      renderer: function(value, label, storeItem, item, i, display, animate, index) {
          if (value >= 50) {
              value = "+" + value;
          return value;

The rule of thumb is that to customize the value and modify simple visual attributes, it is simpler to use a renderer function, while overridding onCreateLabel and onPlaceLabel allows the application to take entire control over the labels.

class type t = object .. end
class type configs = object .. end
class type events = object .. end
class type statics = object .. end
val of_configs : configs Js.t -> t Js.t
of_configs c casts a config object c to an instance of class t
val to_configs : t Js.t -> configs Js.t
to_configs o casts instance o of class t to a config object