Module GapiDriveV2Service.ChildrenResource

val delete : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> folderId:string -> childId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> unit * GapiConversation.Session.t

Removes a child from a folder.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter folderId

The ID of the folder.

parameter childId

The ID of the child.

val get : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠etag:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> folderId:string -> childId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiDriveV2Model.ChildReference.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Gets a specific child reference.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter etag

Optional ETag.

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter folderId

The ID of the folder.

parameter childId

The ID of the child.

val insert : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> folderId:string -> GapiDriveV2Model.ChildReference.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiDriveV2Model.ChildReference.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Inserts a file into a folder.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter folderId

The ID of the folder.

val list : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠maxResults:int -> ?⁠orderBy:string -> ?⁠pageToken:string -> ?⁠q:string -> folderId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiDriveV2Model.ChildList.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Lists a folder's children.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter maxResults

Maximum number of children to return.

parameter orderBy

A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are 'createdDate', 'folder', 'lastViewedByMeDate', 'modifiedByMeDate', 'modifiedDate', 'quotaBytesUsed', 'recency', 'sharedWithMeDate', 'starred', and 'title'. Each key sorts ascending by default, but may be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedDate desc,title. Please note that there is a current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which the requested sort order is ignored.

parameter pageToken

Page token for children.

parameter q

Query string for searching children.

parameter folderId

The ID of the folder.