Module GapiCalendarV3Service.CalendarListResource

module MinAccessRole : sig ... end
val delete : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> calendarId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> unit * GapiConversation.Session.t

Removes a calendar from the user's calendar list.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter calendarId

Calendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.

val get : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠etag:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> calendarId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Returns a calendar from the user's calendar list.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter etag

Optional ETag.

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter calendarId

Calendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.

val insert : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠colorRgbFormat:bool -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Inserts an existing calendar into the user's calendar list.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter colorRgbFormat

Whether to use the foregroundColor and backgroundColor fields to write the calendar colors (RGB). If this feature is used, the index-based colorId field will be set to the best matching option automatically. Optional. The default is False.

val list : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠maxResults:int -> ?⁠minAccessRole:MinAccessRole.t -> ?⁠pageToken:string -> ?⁠showDeleted:bool -> ?⁠showHidden:bool -> ?⁠syncToken:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarList.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Returns the calendars on the user's calendar list.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter maxResults

Maximum number of entries returned on one result page. By default the value is 100 entries. The page size can never be larger than 250 entries. Optional.

parameter minAccessRole

The minimum access role for the user in the returned entries. Optional. The default is no restriction.

parameter pageToken

Token specifying which result page to return. Optional.

parameter showDeleted

Whether to include deleted calendar list entries in the result. Optional. The default is False.

parameter showHidden

Whether to show hidden entries. Optional. The default is False.

parameter syncToken

Token obtained from the nextSyncToken field returned on the last page of results from the previous list request. It makes the result of this list request contain only entries that have changed since then. If only read-only fields such as calendar properties or ACLs have changed, the entry won't be returned. All entries deleted and hidden since the previous list request will always be in the result set and it is not allowed to set showDeleted neither showHidden to False. To ensure client state consistency minAccessRole query parameter cannot be specified together with nextSyncToken. If the syncToken expires, the server will respond with a 410 GONE response code and the client should clear its storage and perform a full synchronization without any syncToken. Learn more about incremental synchronization. Optional. The default is to return all entries.

val patch : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠colorRgbFormat:bool -> calendarId:string -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Updates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list. This method supports patch semantics.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter colorRgbFormat

Whether to use the foregroundColor and backgroundColor fields to write the calendar colors (RGB). If this feature is used, the index-based colorId field will be set to the best matching option automatically. Optional. The default is False.

parameter calendarId

Calendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.

val update : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠colorRgbFormat:bool -> calendarId:string -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.CalendarListEntry.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Updates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter colorRgbFormat

Whether to use the foregroundColor and backgroundColor fields to write the calendar colors (RGB). If this feature is used, the index-based colorId field will be set to the best matching option automatically. Optional. The default is False.

parameter calendarId

Calendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.

val watch : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠maxResults:int -> ?⁠minAccessRole:MinAccessRole.t -> ?⁠pageToken:string -> ?⁠showDeleted:bool -> ?⁠showHidden:bool -> ?⁠syncToken:string -> GapiCalendarV3Model.Channel.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiCalendarV3Model.Channel.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Watch for changes to CalendarList resources.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter maxResults

Maximum number of entries returned on one result page. By default the value is 100 entries. The page size can never be larger than 250 entries. Optional.

parameter minAccessRole

The minimum access role for the user in the returned entries. Optional. The default is no restriction.

parameter pageToken

Token specifying which result page to return. Optional.

parameter showDeleted

Whether to include deleted calendar list entries in the result. Optional. The default is False.

parameter showHidden

Whether to show hidden entries. Optional. The default is False.

parameter syncToken

Token obtained from the nextSyncToken field returned on the last page of results from the previous list request. It makes the result of this list request contain only entries that have changed since then. If only read-only fields such as calendar properties or ACLs have changed, the entry won't be returned. All entries deleted and hidden since the previous list request will always be in the result set and it is not allowed to set showDeleted neither showHidden to False. To ensure client state consistency minAccessRole query parameter cannot be specified together with nextSyncToken. If the syncToken expires, the server will respond with a 410 GONE response code and the client should clear its storage and perform a full synchronization without any syncToken. Learn more about incremental synchronization. Optional. The default is to return all entries.