Module GapiBloggerV2Service.PostsResource

val get : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠etag:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> blogId:string -> postId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiBloggerV2Model.Post.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Get a post by id.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter etag

Optional ETag.

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter blogId

ID of the blog to fetch the post from.

parameter postId

The ID of the post

val list : ?⁠base_url:string -> ?⁠std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?⁠fetchBodies:bool -> ?⁠maxResults:int -> ?⁠pageToken:string -> ?⁠startDate:GapiDate.t -> blogId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiBloggerV2Model.PostList.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Retrieves a list of posts, possibly filtered.

parameter base_url

Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

parameter std_params

Optional standard parameters.

parameter fetchBodies

Whether the body content of posts is included.

parameter maxResults

Maximum number of posts to fetch.

parameter pageToken

Continuation token if the request is paged.

parameter startDate

Earliest post date to fetch, a date-time with RFC 3339 formatting.

parameter blogId

ID of the blog to fetch posts from.