Module GdataACL

Google Data Protocol ACLs data model.

val ns_gAcl : string
module RoleWithKey : sig ... end
module Scope : sig ... end
module Entry : sig ... end
val parse_entry : GdataCore.xml_data_model -> Entry.t
val entry_to_data_model : Entry.t -> GdataCore.xml_data_model
module Feed : GdataAtom.Feed with type entry_t = Entry.t and type link_t = GdataAtom.Link.t
val parse_feed : GdataCore.xml_data_model -> Feed.t
val feed_to_data_model : Feed.t -> GdataCore.xml_data_model
module Rel : sig ... end
val find_url : Rel.t -> GdataAtom.Link.t list -> string
val get_acl_prefix : string -> string